home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
Text File | 1997-05-30 | 42.8 KB | 1,469 lines |
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # Copyright (c) 1997 by Cayenne Software, Inc.
- #
- # This software is furnished under a license and may be used only in
- # accordance with the terms of such license and with the inclusion of
- # the above copyright notice. This software or any other copies thereof
- # may not be provided or otherwise made available to any other person.
- # No title to and ownership of the software is hereby transferred.
- #
- # The information in this software is subject to change without notice
- # and should not be construed as a commitment by Cayenne Software, Inc.
- #
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # File : pbgentor.tcl
- # Author :
- # Original date : May 1997
- # Description : Classes for code generation
- #
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # File: @(#)pbfilehand.tcl /main/hindenburg/1
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Start user added include file section
- # End user added include file section
- require "filehandle.tcl"
- Class PBFileHandler : {FileHandler} {
- constructor
- method destructor
- method getFileTypes
- method getSpecialFiles
- method setImpFrom
- attribute srwType
- attribute srmType
- attribute srsType
- attribute sruType
- }
- constructor PBFileHandler {class this} {
- set this [FileHandler::constructor $class $this]
- $this srwType "window"
- $this srmType "menu"
- $this srsType "structure"
- $this sruType "userobject"
- # Start constructor user section
- # End constructor user section
- return $this
- }
- method PBFileHandler::destructor {this} {
- # Start destructor user section
- # End destructor user section
- $this FileHandler::destructor
- }
- method PBFileHandler::getFileTypes {this} {
- set list [List new]
- $list append [$this srwType]
- $list append [$this srmType]
- $list append [$this srsType]
- $list append [$this sruType]
- return $list
- }
- method PBFileHandler::getSpecialFiles {this} {
- return [List new]
- }
- method PBFileHandler::setImpFrom {this fileName class} {
- $this FileHandler::setImpFrom $fileName $class
- }
- # Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # File: @(#)pbgenerato.tcl /main/hindenburg/2
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Start user added include file section
- # End user added include file section
- require "generator.tcl"
- Class PBGenerator : {Generator} {
- constructor
- method destructor
- method generate
- }
- constructor PBGenerator {class this} {
- set this [Generator::constructor $class $this]
- # Start constructor user section
- # End constructor user section
- return $this
- }
- method PBGenerator::destructor {this} {
- # Start destructor user section
- # End destructor user section
- $this Generator::destructor
- }
- method PBGenerator::generate {this classList} {
- set typeToClassDictionary [Dictionary new]
- set pbModel [PBModel new]
- set regenerator [PBRegenerator new]
- set fileHandler [PBFileHandler new]
- $classList foreach class {
- if ![$class isGlobalType] {
- continue
- }
- set pbdefinition [$class generate $pbModel]
- if {$pbdefinition == ""} {
- continue
- }
- set entry [$pbdefinition libraryEntry]
- if {$entry == ""} {
- continue
- }
- set fileType [$entry getFileType]
- set fileDesc [$fileHandler openFile $class $fileType]
- if {$fileDesc != ""} {
- $regenerator regenerate $entry $fileDesc
- $fileHandler closeFile $fileDesc
- }
- }
- $pbModel generate $typeToClassDictionary
- return $typeToClassDictionary
- }
- # Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # File: @(#)pbregenera.tcl /main/hindenburg/31
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Start user added include file section
- # End user added include file section
- require "regenerato.tcl"
- Class PBRegenerator : {Regenerator} {
- constructor
- method destructor
- method regenerate
- method checkEntryFiles
- method processFile
- method processForward
- method processType
- method skipType
- method processVariables
- method skipVariables
- method processPrototypes
- method processStructure
- method processEntryStructure
- method processEvent
- method skipEvent
- method processFunction
- method skipFunction
- method processSubroutine
- method skipSubroutine
- method processBinaryData
- method skipBinaryData
- method processOn
- method skipOn
- method processOnCreate
- method processOnDestroy
- method processParameter
- attribute currentClass
- attribute currentEntry
- attribute obsolete
- attribute pbdebug
- }
- constructor PBRegenerator {class this} {
- set this [Regenerator::constructor $class $this]
- # Start constructor user section
- $this pbdebug 0
- # End constructor user section
- return $this
- }
- method PBRegenerator::destructor {this} {
- # Start destructor user section
- # End destructor user section
- $this Regenerator::destructor
- }
- method PBRegenerator::regenerate {this entry fileDesc} {
- $this currentEntry $entry
- $this obsolete 0
- set oldFileDesc $fileDesc
- $this currentClass [[$this currentEntry] globalDefinition]
- # All functions return True (!= 0) if syntax is correctly ended.
- # This allows checking of an not correctly terminated file.
- # if obsolete code is present then stop
- if { ![$this checkEntryFiles $entry $fileDesc]} {
- return 0
- }
- # process file:
- set line [gets $fileDesc]
- if { [regexp {^(| *)\$PBExportHeader\$(.*)} $line total dummy entryFileName] } {
- set line [gets $fileDesc]
- }
- if { [regexp {^(| *)\$PBExportComments\$(.*)} $line total dummy entryComment] } {
- [$this currentEntry] exportComments $entryComment
- set line [gets $fileDesc]
- }
- if { [regexp {^(| *)forward(.*|)} $line total] } {
- $this processForward [$this currentEntry] $fileDesc
- }
- while { ![eof $fileDesc] } {
- set line [gets $fileDesc]
- if { [regexp {^(| *)global type ([^ ]*) from ([^ ]*) *}\
- $line total dummy type from] } {
- # when called correctly the type corresponds with currentEntry!
- # if unsure a name comparison CAN be done
- $this currentClass [[$this currentEntry] globalDefinition]
- [$this currentClass] isRegenerated 1
- if {[string tolower $from] == "structure"} {
- # process type body and add variables to body of entry
- set ret [$this processStructure [$this currentClass] $fileDesc]
- } else {
- # process type body and add variables to body of entry
- set ret [$this processType [$this currentClass] $fileDesc]
- }
- } elseif { [regexp {^(| *)global ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) *}\
- $line total dummy type name] } {
- # just to be on the save side
- $this currentClass [[$this currentEntry] globalDefinition]
- [$this currentClass] isRegenerated 1
- } elseif { [regexp {^(| *)type variables[ ]*} $line total] } {
- # first get vars TextSection
- if { [[$this currentClass] isA "PBClass"] } {
- if { [[$this currentClass] nonModeledInstanceVars] != "" } {
- set vars [[$this currentClass] nonModeledInstanceVars]
- } else {
- set vars [TextSection new]
- [$this currentClass] nonModeledInstanceVars $vars
- }
- if { [[$this currentClass] nonModeledInstanceVars] == "" } {
- }
- set ret [$this processVariables $vars $fileDesc]
- } else {
- # currentClass cannot contain instance vars though it is present
- m4_warning $W_OBSOLVARS [[$this currentClass] name]
- $this obsolete 1
- set ret [$this skipVariables $fileDesc]
- if { ! $ret } {
- m4_error $E_ENDEXPECT "instance variables" [[$this currentClass] name]
- }
- }
- } elseif { [regexp {^(| *)shared variables.*} $line total] } {
- # shared variables are part of entry, so set currentClass to given entry:
- $this currentClass [[$this currentEntry] globalDefinition]
- # first get vars TextSection
- if { [[$this currentClass] isA "PBClass"] } {
- if { [[$this currentClass] nonModeledSharedVars] != "" } {
- set vars [[$this currentClass] nonModeledSharedVars]
- } else {
- set vars [TextSection new]
- [$this currentClass] nonModeledSharedVars $vars
- }
- if { [[$this currentClass] nonModeledSharedVars] == "" } {
- }
- set ret [$this processVariables $vars $fileDesc]
- } else {
- # currentClass cannot contain instance vars though it is present
- m4_warning $W_OBSOLVARS [[$this currentClass] name]
- $this obsolete 1
- set ret [$this skipVariables $fileDesc]
- if { ! $ret } {
- m4_error $E_ENDEXPECT "variables" [[$this currentClass] name]
- }
- }
- } elseif { [regexp {^(| *)forward prototypes.*} $line total] } {
- set ret [$this processPrototypes [$this currentClass] $fileDesc]
- } elseif { [regexp {^(| *)type ([^ ]*) from ([^ ]*) within ([^ ]*)(| | .*)}\
- $line total dummy name from within] } {
- # first find corresponding class (recursively)
- if { [[[$this currentEntry] globalDefinition] isA "PBVisualContainer"] } {
- $this currentClass [[[$this currentEntry] globalDefinition] \
- findContainedClass $name 1]
- if {[$this currentClass] != ""} {
- [$this currentClass] isRegenerated 1
- set ret [$this processType [$this currentClass] $fileDesc]
- } else {
- # object is gone
- m4_warning $W_OBSOLPROPS $name
- $this obsolete 1
- set ret [$this skipType $fileDesc]
- }
- } else {
- # a contained class is found but cannot be inserted
- m4_warning $W_OBSOLCLASSENTRY $name [[$this currentEntry] getName]
- $this obsolete 1
- set ret [$this skipType $fileDesc]
- }
- } elseif { [regexp {^ *type ([^ ]*) *from *([^ ]*)(| | .*)}\
- $line total name from] } {
- if { [string tolower $from] == "structure" } {
- # if a structure then do nothing, inserted by generator
- set ret [$this skipType $fileDesc]
- } elseif { [[[$this currentEntry] globalDefinition] isA "PBVisualContainer"] } {
- # first find corresponding class (recursively)
- $this currentClass [[[$this currentEntry] globalDefinition] \
- findContainedClass $name 1]
- if {[$this currentClass] != ""} {
- [$this currentClass] isRegenerated 1
- set ret [$this processType [$this currentClass] $fileDesc]
- } else {
- # object is gone
- m4_warning $W_OBSOLPROPS $name
- $this obsolete 1
- set ret [$this skipType $fileDesc]
- if { ! $ret } {
- m4_error $E_ENDEXPECT "type" $name
- }
- }
- } else {
- # a contained class is found but cannot be inserted
- m4_warning $W_OBSOLCLASSENTRY $name [[$this currentEntry] getName]
- $this obsolete 1
- set ret [$this skipType $fileDesc]
- if { ! $ret } {
- m4_error $E_ENDEXPECT "type" [[$this currentClass] name]
- }
- }
- } elseif { [regexp {^ *event *([^ ]*) *; *(call[^;]*;|)(.*)$}\
- $line total name callSuper methLine e1 e2] } {
- # first check for association method
- if { [regexp "^ *${PBCookie::associationAccessorMethod}" $methLine] } {
- # association
- set ret [$this skipEvent $fileDesc]
- } elseif { [$this currentClass] == "" } {
- $this obsolete 1
- set ret [$this skipEvent $fileDesc]
- } else {
- set body ""
- # first find corresponding function
- # so check whether it can have functions:
- if { ![[$this currentClass] isA "PBClass"] } {
- # currentClass cannot contain events though it is present
- m4_warning $W_OBSOLEVENTCLASS $name [[$this currentClass] name]
- $this obsolete 1
- set ret [$this skipEvent $fileDesc]
- } else {
- set event [[$this currentClass] findEvent $name]
- if { $event != "" } {
- # perfect matching method, if it has a body then move this body to
- # another method (check function, not the events (no event overloading))
- if { [$event body] != ""} {
- # body is already filled, although this was perfect match, so find
- # other and move body to other matching function (by name only)
- set body [$event body]
- set func [[$this currentClass] matchObjectFunction $name]
- if {$func != ""} {
- # matchOF already checks for empty bodies
- m4_warning $W_OLDMETHOD $name [[$this currentClass] name]
- $func body $body
- } else {
- # nothing suitable found: all already filled, or no
- # matching names
- m4_warning $W_OBSOLEVENT $name [[$this currentClass] name]
- $this obsolete 1
- }
- }
- set body [TextSection new]
- $event body $body
- if { $callSuper != "" } {
- $event extendAncestorScript 1
- }
- } else {
- # find a matching function and store code in this body preceding a comment line
- # not find a event (no overloading)
- set func [[$this currentClass] matchObjectFunction $name]
- if {$func != ""} {
- # matchOF already checks for empty bodies
- set body [TextSection new]
- m4_warning $W_OLDMETHOD $name [[$this currentClass] name]
- $func body $body
- $body append {// Old code section}
- $body append "\n"
- } else {
- # nothing suitable found: all already filled, or no
- # matching names
- m4_warning $W_OBSOLEVENT $name [[$this currentClass] name]
- $this obsolete 1
- }
- }
- # if a body set then there was some match, and now fill body.
- if { $body != "" } {
- # processEvent checks association methods (and skip those)
- set ret [$this processEvent $body $fileDesc $methLine]
- } else {
- # obsolete code user defined
- m4_warning $W_OBSOLEVENT $name [[$this currentClass] name]
- $this obsolete 1
- set ret [$this skipEvent $fileDesc]
- }
- }
- }
- # generate syntax error if ret is false
- if { ! $ret } {
- m4_error $E_ENDEXPECTMETHOD "event" $name [[$this currentClass] name]
- }
- } elseif { [regexp {^ *(|[^ ]* )function ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) (\([^);]*\)) *; *(.*)$}\
- $line total access type name args methLine] } {
- # obsolete code when not a association
- if { [regexp "^ *${PBCookie::associationAccessorMethod}" $methLine] } {
- # association
- set ret [$this skipFunction $fileDesc]
- } elseif { [$this currentClass] == "" } {
- $this obsolete 1
- set ret [$this skipFunction $fileDesc]
- } else {
- set body ""
- # first find corresponding function
- # so check whether it can have functions:
- if { ![[$this currentClass] isA "PBClass"] } {
- # currentEntry cannot contain functions though it is present
- m4_warning $W_OBSOLFUNCTCLASS $name [[$this currentClass] name]
- $this obsolete 1
- set ret [$this skipFunction $fileDesc]
- } else {
- # generate parameter list for finding correct function (overloading)
- set paramList [$this processParameter $args]
- set function [[$this currentClass] findObjectFunction $name $paramList]
- if { $function != "" } {
- # perfect matching method, if it has a body then move this body to
- # another method (first check function then events
- if { [$function body] != ""} {
- # body is already filled, although this was perfect match, so find
- # other and move body to other matching function (by name only)
- set body [$function body]
- set func [[$this currentClass] matchObjectFunction $name]
- if {$func != ""} {
- # matchOF already checks for empty bodies
- $func body $body
- } else {
- set event [[$this currentClass] matchEvent $name]
- if {$event != ""} {
- # matchE already checks for empty bodies
- $event body $body
- } else {
- # nothing suitable found: all already filled, or no
- # matching names
- m4_warning $W_OBSOLMETHOD $name [[$this currentClass] name]
- $this obsolete 1
- }
- }
- }
- set body [TextSection new]
- $function body $body
- } else {
- # find a matching and store code in this body preceding a comment line
- set func [[$this currentClass] matchObjectFunction $name]
- if {$func != ""} {
- # matchOF already checks for empty bodies
- set body [TextSection new]
- m4_warning $W_OLDMETHOD $name [[$this currentClass] name]
- $func body $body
- $body append {// Old code section}
- $body append "\n"
- } else {
- set event [[$this currentClass] matchEvent $name]
- if {$event != ""} {
- # matchE already checks for empty bodies
- m4_warning $W_OLDMETHOD $name [[$this currentClass] name]
- set body [TextSection new]
- $event body $body
- $body append {// Old code section}
- $body append "\n"
- } else {
- # nothing suitable found: all already filled, or no
- # matching names
- m4_warning $W_OBSOLFUNCT $name [[$this currentClass] name]
- $this obsolete 1
- }
- }
- }
- # if a body set then there was some match, and now fill body.
- if { $body != "" } {
- # processFunction checks association methods (and skip those)
- set ret [$this processFunction $body $fileDesc $methLine]
- } else {
- # obsolete code, user defined
- $this obsolete 1
- set ret [$this skipFunction $fileDesc]
- }
- }
- }
- # generate syntax error if ret is false
- if { ! $ret } {
- m4_error $E_ENDEXPECTMETHOD "function" $name [[$this currentClass] name]
- }
- } elseif { [regexp {^ *(|[^ ]* )subroutine ([^ ]*) (\([^);]*\)) *; *(.*)$}\
- $line total access name args methLine] } {
- # first check for association method
- if { [regexp "^ *${PBCookie::associationAccessorMethod}" $methLine] } {
- # association
- set ret [$this skipSubroutine $fileDesc]
- } elseif { [$this currentClass] == "" } {
- $this obsolete 1
- set ret [$this skipSubroutine $fileDesc]
- } else {
- set body ""
- # first find corresponding function
- # so check whether it can have functions:
- if { ![[$this currentClass] isA "PBClass"] } {
- # currentEntry cannot contain functions though it is present
- m4_warning $W_OBSOLSUBRTCLASS $name [[$this currentClass] name]
- $this obsolete 1
- set ret [$this skipSubroutine $fileDesc]
- } else {
- # generate parameter list for finding correct function (overloading)
- set paramList [$this processParameter $args]
- set function [[$this currentClass] findObjectFunction $name $paramList]
- if { $function != "" } {
- # perfect matching method, if it has a body then move this body to
- # another method (first check function then events
- if { [$function body] != ""} {
- # body is already filled, although this was perfect match, so find
- # other and move body to other matching function (by name only)
- set body [$function body]
- set func [[$this currentClass] matchObjectFunction $name]
- if {$func != ""} {
- # matchOF already checks for empty bodies
- $func body $body
- } else {
- set event [[$this currentClass] matchEvent $name]
- if {$event != ""} {
- # matchE already checks for empty bodies
- $event body $body
- } else {
- # nothing suitable found: all already filled, or no
- # matching names
- m4_warning $W_OBSOLMETHOD $name [[$this currentClass] name]
- $this obsolete 1
- }
- }
- }
- set body [TextSection new]
- $function body $body
- } else {
- # find a matching and store code in this body preceding a comment line
- set func [[$this currentClass] matchObjectFunction $name]
- if {$func != ""} {
- # matchOF already checks for empty bodies
- set body [TextSection new]
- m4_warning $W_OLDMETHOD $name [[$this currentClass] name]
- $func body $body
- $body append {// Old code section}
- $body append "\n"
- } else {
- set event [[$this currentClass] matchEvent $name]
- if {$event != ""} {
- # matchE already checks for empty bodies
- m4_warning $W_OLDMETHOD $name [[$this currentClass] name]
- set body [TextSection new]
- $event body $body
- $body append {// Old code section}
- $body append "\n"
- } else {
- # nothing suitable found: all already filled, or no
- # matching names
- m4_warning $W_OBSOLSUBRT $name [[$this currentClass] name]
- $this obsolete 1
- }
- }
- }
- # if a body set then there was some match, and now fill body.
- if { $body != "" } {
- # processSubroutine checks association methods (and skip those)
- set ret [$this processSubroutine $body $fileDesc $methLine]
- } else {
- # obsolete code user defined
- $this obsolete 1
- set ret [$this skipSubroutine $fileDesc]
- }
- }
- }
- # generate syntax error if ret is false
- if { ! $ret } {
- m4_error $E_ENDEXPECTMETHOD "subroutine" $name [[$this currentClass] name]
- }
- } elseif { [regexp {^(| *)on ([^ .]*)\.([^ ]*) *$} $line total dummy class name ] } {
- # first find corresponding class as defined by class in on
- if { [$this currentClass] != "" } {
- if { [[$this currentClass] name] == $class } {
- set onClass [$this currentClass]
- } else {
- set onClass [[[$this currentEntry] globalDefinition] findContainedClass $name 1]
- }
- } else {
- set onClass [[[$this currentEntry] globalDefinition] findContainedClass $name 1]
- }
- if { $onClass == "" } {
- # onClass not present
- m4_warning $W_OBSOLMETHCONTR $name $class
- $this obsolete 1
- set ret [$this skipOn $fileDesc]
- if { ! $ret } {
- m4_error $E_ENDEXPECTMETHOD "on" $name $class
- }
- } else {
- # first find corresponding function
- # so check whether it can have functions:
- if { [$onClass isA "PBClass"] } {
- if { [string tolower $name] == "destroy" } {
- set methLine ""
- if { [$onClass isA "PBVisual"] } {
- # only Visual class has an extensive destroy section
- set ret [$this processOnDestroy $onClass $fileDesc $methLine]
- } else {
- set ret [$this skipOn $fileDesc]
- }
- if { ! $ret } {
- m4_error $E_ENDEXPECTMETHOD "on" $name [$onClass name]
- }
- } elseif { [string tolower $name] == "create" } {
- set methLine ""
- if { [$onClass isA "PBVisual"] } {
- # only Visual class has an extensive create section
- set ret [$this processOnCreate $onClass $fileDesc $methLine]
- } else {
- set ret [$this skipOn $fileDesc]
- }
- if { ! $ret } {
- m4_error $E_ENDEXPECTMETHOD "on" $name [$onClass name]
- }
- } else {
- # this is a on event (hopefully)
- set event [onClass findEvent $name]
- if { $event != "" } {
- if { [$event body] } {
- set body [$event body]
- } else {
- set body [TextSection new]
- $event body $body
- }
- set ret [$this processOn $body $fileDesc $methLine ]
- if { ! $ret } {
- m4_error $E_ENDEXPECTMETHOD "on" $name [$onClass name]
- }
- } else {
- # obsolete code
- m4_warning $W_OBSOLON $name [$onClass name]
- $this obsolete 1
- set ret [$this skipOn $fileDesc]
- # generate syntax error if ret is false
- if { ! $ret } {
- m4_error $E_ENDEXPECTMETHOD "on" $name [$onClass name]
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- # currentClass cannot contain events though it is present
- m4_warning $W_OBSOLONCLASS $name [$onClass name]
- $this obsolete 1
- set ret [$this skipOn $fileDesc]
- if { ! $ret } {
- m4_error $E_ENDEXPECTMETHOD "on" $name [$onClass name]
- }
- }
- }
- } elseif { [regexp {^ *on ([^ ;]*) *;(.*)$} $line total name methLine] } {
- # first find corresponding event
- # so check whether it can have functions:
- if { [$this currentClass] == "" } {
- $this obsolete 1
- set ret [$this skipOn $fileDesc]
- } elseif { [[$this currentClass] isA "PBClass"] } {
- set event [[$this currentClass] findEvent $name]
- if { $event != "" } {
- if { [$event body] != ""} {
- set body [$event body]
- } else {
- set body [TextSection new]
- $event body $body
- }
- set ret [$this processOn $body $fileDesc $methLine]
- # generate syntax error if ret is false
- if { ! $ret } {
- m4_error $E_ENDEXPECTMETHOD "on" $name [[$this currentClass] name]
- }
- } else {
- # obsolete code
- m4_warning $W_OBSOLON $name [[$this currentClass] name]
- $this obsolete 1
- set ret [$this skipOn $fileDesc]
- # generate syntax error if ret is false
- if { ! $ret } {
- m4_error $E_ENDEXPECTMETHOD "on" $name [[$this currentClass] name]
- }
- }
- } else {
- # currentClass cannot contain events though it is present
- m4_warning $W_OBSOLONCLASS $name [[$this currentClass] name]
- $this obsolete 1
- set ret [$this skipOn $fileDesc]
- }
- # generate syntax error if ret is false
- if { [$this currentClass] == "" } {
- set $tmp ""
- } else {
- set $tmp [[$this currentClass] name]
- }
- if { ! $ret } {
- m4_error $E_ENDEXPECTMETHOD "on" $name $tmp
- }
- } elseif { [regexp "^ *${PBCookie::startBinaryDataSection}.*"\
- $line total name methLine] } {
- # first find corresponding event
- # so check whether it can have functions:
- $this currentClass [[$this currentEntry] globalDefinition]
- if { [[$this currentClass] isA "PBVisualContainer"] } {
- if { [$this currentClass] binaryData != "" } {
- set binaryData [[$this currentClass] binaryData]
- } else {
- set binaryData [TextSection new]
- [$this currentClass] binaryData $body
- }
- set ret [$this processBinaryData $binaryData $fileDesc]
- # generate syntax error if ret is false
- if { ! $ret } {
- m4_error $E_ENDEXPECTBINARY [[$this currentClass] name]
- }
- } else {
- # currentClass cannot contain events though it is present
- m4_warning $W_OBSOLBINARY [[$this currentClass] name]
- $this obsolete 1
- set ret [$this skipBinaryData $fileDesc]
- if { ! $ret } {
- m4_error $E_ENDEXPECTBINARY [[$this currentClass] name]
- }
- }
- } elseif { [regexp {^ *$} $line] } {
- set ret 1
- } else {
- puts "Unexpected syntax: $line"
- puts " Must be a begin-line of a section (eg. method, type declaration)"
- puts " Possibly a wrong end-line (eg. end-line inside comment)"
- set ret 0
- }
- # end parser
- if { ! $ret } {
- # something went wrong
- m4_error $E_STOP [[$this currentEntry] getName]
- return
- # return 0
- }
- }
- if { [$this obsolete] == 1 } {
- # read file pointed by setting pointer back and reread it
- seek $fileDesc 0
- set cont [TextSection new]
- while { ![eof $fileDesc] } {
- $cont append "[gets $fileDesc]\n"
- }
- # write old file
- set oldFileHandler [PBFileHandler new]
- $oldFileHandler writeSectionToFile $cont [[[$this currentEntry] globalDefinition] ooplClass]\
- "old.[[$this currentEntry] getFileType]"
- }
- # everthing went succesfully (maybe some obsolete code)
- return
- # return 1
- }
- method PBRegenerator::checkEntryFiles {this entry fileDesc} {
- # if any .old file is present stop regenerating!
- set files [fstorage::dir]
- if {[regexp {\.old} $files]} {
- m4_error $E_HASOLD
- return 0
- } else {
- return 1
- }
- }
- method PBRegenerator::processFile {this entry fileDesc} {
- # !! Implement this function !!
- }
- method PBRegenerator::processForward {this entry fileDesc} {
- # read and skip all lines until a "end forward"
- # return false if eof
- set done 0
- while { ![eof $fileDesc] && !$done } {
- set line [gets $fileDesc]
- if { [regexp {^end forward[ \t]*$} $line ] } {
- set done 1
- break
- }
- }
- set ret $done
- return $ret
- }
- method PBRegenerator::processType {this class fileDesc} {
- # read and parse all lines until a "end type"
- set done 0
- while { ![eof $fileDesc] && !$done } {
- set line [gets $fileDesc]
- set type ""
- set typename ""
- set eventname ""
- set value ""
- if { [regexp {^end type[ \t]*$} $line ] } {
- set done 1
- break
- }
- if { [regexp {^ *([^ ]*) ([^ =]*) *=[ ]*([^\{ ].*)$}\
- $line total type typename value] } {
- } elseif { [regexp {^ *([^ ]*) ([^ =]*) *=[ ]*(\{[^\{\}]*\})}\
- $line total type typename value] } {
- } elseif { [regexp {^ *([^ ]*) ([^ =]*) *=[ ]*(\{[^\}]*)$}\
- $line total type typename value] } {
- # append value until closing brace is read
- set end 0
- while {![eof $fileDesc] && !$end } {
- set line [gets $fileDesc]
- if { [regexp {[^\}]*\}} $line] } {
- set end 1
- set value "$value\n$line"
- } else {
- set value "$value\n$line"
- }
- }
- } elseif { [regexp {^ *event ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*)}\
- $line total eventname eventid] } {
- } elseif { [regexp {^ *event type ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) \( \)} \
- $line total type eventname] } {
- } elseif { [regexp {^ *event ([^ ]*) (\([^\)]*\))} \
- $line total eventname] } {
- } elseif { [regexp {([^ ]*) ([^ ]*)} $line total type name] } {
- if { $type == $name } {
- # equals so probable a contained element
- } else {
- # a declared something
- set typename $name
- }
- } else {
- }
- # if there is a typename add a builtin property to the class
- if { [$class isA "PBVisual"] } {
- if { $typename != "" && \
- [string tolower $typename] != "menuname" && \
- [string tolower $typename] != "windowtype"} {
- $class setBuiltinProperty $typename \
- [PBBuiltinProperty new $typename $type $value \
- -where ${PBBuiltinProperty::InTypeDef} ]
- }
- }
- }
- # generate syntax error because done not set
- if { !$done } {
- m4_error $E_ENDEXPECT "type" [$class name]
- }
- set ret $done
- return $ret
- }
- method PBRegenerator::skipType {this fileDesc} {
- # read and skip all lines until a "end type"
- # return false if eof
- set done 0
- while { ![eof $fileDesc] && !$done } {
- set line [gets $fileDesc]
- if { [regexp {^end type[ \t]*} $line ] } {
- set done 1
- break
- }
- }
- set ret $done
- return $ret
- }
- method PBRegenerator::processVariables {this vars fileDesc} {
- # read and skip all lines (= variables) except those after
- # the non-modelled user defined attributes (and Declare ... ;) )
- set done 0
- # process variable section
- # return false if eof
- while { ![eof $fileDesc] && !$done } {
- set line [gets $fileDesc]
- if { [regexp {^end variables[ \t]*$} $line ] } {
- # exit all
- set done 1
- } elseif { [regexp {^ *DECLARE.*} [string toupper $line] ] } {
- # declared SQL query/function, non-object-team support so user defined:
- $vars append $line
- $vars append "\n"
- # read all lines until a line ends with ";"
- set declare 0
- while { ![eof $fileDesc] && !$declare } {
- set line [gets $fileDesc]
- if { [regexp {[^;]*;.*} $line ] } {
- $vars append $line
- $vars append "\n"
- set declare 1
- } elseif { [regexp {^end variables[ \t]*} $line ] } {
- # exit all
- set done 1
- set declare 1
- m4_error $E_DECLARESYNTAX [[$this currentClass] name]
- } else {
- $vars append $line
- $vars append "\n"
- }
- }
- } elseif { [regexp "${PBCookie::nonModeledAttributeSection}" $line ] } {
- # read all lines until next section (or "end variables" or EOF)
- set next 0
- set emptyLine 0
- set emptyLineStr ""
- while { ![eof $fileDesc] && !$next } {
- set line [gets $fileDesc]
- if { [regexp {^end variables[ \t]*$} $line ] } {
- # exit all
- set done 1
- set next 1
- } elseif { [regexp {^[ \t]*$} $line] } {
- # some special empty line handling
- # when empty line remember this and
- # only store this line when NOT end of section
- if { $emptyLine == 1 } {
- # when already an empty line in buffer store this one
- $vars append $emptyLineStr
- $vars append "\n"
- } else {
- set emptyLine 1
- set emptyLineStr $line
- }
- } elseif { ![regexp "${PBCookie::dataAttributeSection}" $line] && \
- ![regexp "${PBCookie::associationAttributeSection}" $line] && \
- ![regexp "${PBCookie::controlClassMapSection}" $line] } {
- if { $emptyLine == 1 } {
- # there is an empty line waiting to be stored first
- $vars append $emptyLineStr
- $vars append "\n"
- set emptyLine 0
- set emptyLineStr ""
- }
- $vars append $line
- $vars append "\n"
- } else {
- # exit this section
- set next 1
- }
- }
- } else {
- }
- #end while
- }
- set ret $done
- return $ret
- }
- method PBRegenerator::skipVariables {this fileDesc} {
- # read and skip all lines until a "end type"
- # return false if eof
- set done 0
- while { ![eof $fileDesc] && !$done } {
- set line [gets $fileDesc]
- if { [regexp {^end variables[ \t]*$} $line ] } {
- set done 1
- break
- }
- }
- set ret $done
- return $ret
- }
- method PBRegenerator::processPrototypes {this class fileDesc} {
- # read and skip all lines until a "end prototypes"
- # return false if eof
- set done 0
- while { ![eof $fileDesc] && !$done } {
- set line [gets $fileDesc]
- if { [regexp {^end prototypes[ \t]*$} $line ] } {
- set done 1
- break
- }
- }
- # generate syntax error because done not set
- if { !$done } {
- m4_error $E_ENDEXPECT "prototypes" [$class name]
- }
- set ret $done
- return $ret
- }
- method PBRegenerator::processStructure {this class fileDesc} {
- # read and skip all lines until a "end type"
- # return false if eof
- set done 0
- while { ![eof $fileDesc] && !$done } {
- set line [gets $fileDesc]
- if { [regexp {^end type[ \t]*$} $line ] } {
- set done 1
- break
- }
- }
- # generate syntax error because done not set
- if { !$done } {
- m4_error $E_ENDEXPECTMETHOD "type" "(structure)" [$class name]
- }
- set ret $done
- return $ret
- }
- method PBRegenerator::processEntryStructure {this class fileDesc} {
- # read and skip all lines until a "end type"
- # return false if eof
- set done 0
- while { ![eof $fileDesc] && !$done } {
- set line [gets $fileDesc]
- if { [regexp {^end type[ \t]*$} $line ] } {
- set done 1
- break
- }
- }
- # generate syntax error because done not set
- if { !$done } {
- m4_error $E_ENDEXPECTMETHOD "type" "(structure)" [$class name]
- }
- set ret $done
- return $ret
- }
- method PBRegenerator::processEvent {this body fileDesc line} {
- # read and add all lines until a "end type"
- # return false if eof
- # if there is a start and end marker only get code between those
- # eg constructor and destructor events
- # deletes added code before any startmarker!
- # stops adding after end marker!
- set done 0
- set skip 0
- set bodyTmp [TextSection new]
- while { ![eof $fileDesc] && !$done } {
- if { [regexp {^end event[ \t]*$} $line ] } {
- set done 1
- break
- } elseif { [regexp "^ *${PBCookie::endUserSection}" $line ] } {
- set skip 1
- # nothing
- } elseif { [regexp "^ *${PBCookie::startUserSection}" $line ] } {
- set skip 0
- set bodyTmp [TextSection new]
- # nothing
- } else {
- # add line to body
- if {$skip == 0} {
- $bodyTmp append $line
- $bodyTmp append "\n"
- }
- }
- # read next line
- set line [gets $fileDesc]
- }
- $body appendSect $bodyTmp
- set ret $done
- return $ret
- }
- method PBRegenerator::skipEvent {this fileDesc} {
- # read and skip all lines until a "end event"
- # return false if eof
- set done 0
- while { ![eof $fileDesc] && !$done } {
- set line [gets $fileDesc]
- if { [regexp {^end event[ \t]*$} $line ] } {
- set done 1
- break
- }
- }
- set ret $done
- return $ret
- }
- method PBRegenerator::processFunction {this body fileDesc line} {
- # read and add all lines until a "end type"
- # return false if eof
- set done 0
- # set to false:
- set skip 0
- set bodyTmp [TextSection new]
- while { ![eof $fileDesc] && !$done } {
- if { [regexp {^end function[ \t]*$} $line ] } {
- set done 1
- break
- } elseif { [regexp "^ *${PBCookie::associationAccessorMethod}" $line] } {
- set skip 1
- # nothing
- } elseif { [regexp {^ *// User defined method.*} $line] } {
- set skip 0
- # nothing
- } else {
- # add line to body
- $bodyTmp append $line
- $bodyTmp append "\n"
- }
- # read next line
- set line [gets $fileDesc]
- }
- if { $skip == 0} {
- $body appendSect $bodyTmp
- }
- set ret $done
- return $ret
- }
- method PBRegenerator::skipFunction {this fileDesc} {
- # read and skip all lines until a "end function"
- # return false if eof
- set done 0
- while { ![eof $fileDesc] && !$done } {
- set line [gets $fileDesc]
- if { [regexp {^end function[ \t]*$} $line ] } {
- set done 1
- break
- }
- }
- set ret $done
- return $ret
- }
- method PBRegenerator::processSubroutine {this body fileDesc line} {
- # read and add all lines until a "end type"
- # return false if eof
- set done 0
- # set to false:
- set skip 0
- set bodyTmp [TextSection new]
- while { ![eof $fileDesc] && !$done } {
- if { [regexp {^end subroutine[ \t]*$} $line ] } {
- set done 1
- break
- } elseif { [regexp "^ *${PBCookie::associationAccessorMethod}" $line ] } {
- set skip 1
- # nothing
- } elseif { [regexp {^ *// User defined method.*} $line ] } {
- set skip 0
- # nothing
- } else {
- # add line to body
- $bodyTmp append $line
- $bodyTmp append "\n"
- }
- # read next line
- set line [gets $fileDesc]
- }
- if { $skip == 0} {
- $body appendSect $bodyTmp
- }
- set ret $done
- return $ret
- }
- method PBRegenerator::skipSubroutine {this fileDesc} {
- # read and skip all lines until a "end function"
- # return false if eof
- set done 0
- while { ![eof $fileDesc] && !$done } {
- set line [gets $fileDesc]
- if { [regexp {^end subroutine[ \t]*} $line ] } {
- set done 1
- break
- }
- }
- set ret $done
- return $ret
- }
- method PBRegenerator::processBinaryData {this body fileDesc} {
- # read and add all lines until a "End of PowerBuilder Binary Data Section : No Source Expected After This Point"
- # return false if eof
- set done 0
- while { ![eof $fileDesc] && !$done } {
- if { [regexp {^ *End of PowerBuilder Binary Data Section : No Source Expected After This Point.*} $line ] } {
- set done 1
- break
- } else {
- # add line to body
- $body append $line
- $body append "\n"
- }
- # read next line
- set line [gets $fileDesc]
- }
- set ret $done
- return $ret
- }
- method PBRegenerator::skipBinaryData {this fileDesc} {
- # read and skip all lines until a "End of PowerBuilder Binary Data Section : No Source Expected After This Point"
- # return false if eof
- set done 0
- while { ![eof $fileDesc] && !$done } {
- set line [gets $fileDesc]
- if { [regexp "^ *${PBCookie::endBinaryDataSection}.*" $line ] } {
- set done 1
- break
- }
- }
- set ret $done
- return $ret
- }
- method PBRegenerator::processOn {this body fileDesc line} {
- # read and add all lines until a "end type"
- # return false if eof
- set done 0
- while { ![eof $fileDesc] && !$done } {
- if { [regexp {^end on[ \t]*$} $line ] } {
- set done 1
- break
- } elseif { [regexp "^ *${PBCookie::associationAccessorMethod}.*" $line ] } {
- # nothing
- } elseif { [regexp {// User defined method.*} $line ] } {
- # nothing
- } else {
- # add line to body
- $body append $line
- $body append "\n"
- }
- # read next line
- set line [gets $fileDesc]
- }
- set ret $done
- return $ret
- }
- method PBRegenerator::skipOn {this fileDesc} {
- # read and skip all lines until a "end on"
- # return false if eof
- set done 0
- while { ![eof $fileDesc] && !$done } {
- set line [gets $fileDesc]
- if { [regexp {^end on[ \t]*$} $line ] } {
- set done 1
- break
- }
- }
- set ret $done
- return $ret
- }
- method PBRegenerator::processOnCreate {this class fileDesc line} {
- # scan on-body for property initializations
- set done 0
- if { [$class onCreateResidue] != "" } {
- set body [$class onCreateResidue]
- } else {
- set body [TextSection new]
- $class onCreateResidue $body
- }
- while { ![eof $fileDesc] && !$done } {
- set line [gets $fileDesc]
- set type ""
- set name ""
- set value ""
- if { [regexp {^end on[ \t]*$} $line ] } {
- set done 1
- break
- }
- if { [regexp {^ *this\.([^ =]*) *= *create .*} $line total ] } {
- } elseif { [regexp {^ *this\.([^ =]*) *= *([^\{ ].*)$} $line total name value] } {
- } elseif { [regexp {^ *this\.([^ =]*) *= *(\{[^\}]*\})} $line total name value] } {
- } elseif { [regexp {^ *if.*} $line] } {
- } elseif { [regexp {^ *this\.([^ =]*) *= *(\{[^\}]*\})$} $line total name value] } {
- } elseif { [regexp {^ *this\.([^ =]*) *= *(\{[^\}]*)$} $line total name value] } {
- # append value until closing brace is read
- set end 0
- while {![eof $fileDesc] && !$end } {
- set line [gets $fileDesc]
- if { [regexp {[^\}]*\}.*} $line] } {
- set end 1
- set value "$value\n$line"
- } else {
- set value "$value\n$line"
- }
- }
- } elseif { [regexp {^ *call ([^:]*)::create *} $line total callname] } {
- if { $callname != [$class superClassName] } {
- # add unknown line to crappy section.
- $body append $line
- $body append "\n"
- }
- } else {
- # add unknown lines to crappy section.
- $body append $line
- $body append "\n"
- }
- # these exceptions may not be added:
- set tmpname [string tolower $name]
- if {($tmpname == "item\[\]") || \
- ($tmpname == "control\[\]") } {
- set name ""
- }
- # if there is a name add a builtin property to the class
- if { $name != "" } {
- $class setBuiltinProperty $name \
- [PBBuiltinProperty new $name $type $value \
- -where ${PBBuiltinProperty::InOnCreate} ]
- }
- }
- set ret $done
- return $ret
- }
- method PBRegenerator::processOnDestroy {this class fileDesc line} {
- # skip on body and return false when eof
- set done 0
- if { [$class onDestroyResidue] != "" } {
- set body [$class onDestroyResidue]
- } else {
- set body [TextSection new]
- $class onDestroyResidue $body
- }
- while { ![eof $fileDesc] && !$done } {
- set line [gets $fileDesc]
- if { [regexp {^end on[ \t]*$} $line ] } {
- set done 1
- break
- } else {
- # add unknown lines to crappy section.
- $body append $line
- $body append "\n"
- }
- }
- set ret $done
- return $ret
- }
- method PBRegenerator::processParameter {this line} {
- # create list of argument/parameter types from string given by line
- set lst [List new]
- # strip parentheses
- if { [regexp {^ *\(([^)]*)\) *$} $line total params] } {
- set params [string tolower $params]
- } else {
- set params [string tolower $line]
- }
- while { [regexp {^ *(reference |ref |readonly |value |)([^ ]*) ([^ ,]*) *,(.*)} $params total passBy type name params_] } {
- set params $params_
- $lst append $type
- }
- if { [regexp {^ *(reference |ref |readonly |value |)([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) *} $params total passBy type name] } {
- $lst append $type
- }
- set i 0
- $lst foreach arg {
- incr i 1
- }
- return $lst
- }
- # Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker