home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # (c) Cadre Technologies Inc. 1996
- #
- # File: @(#)oper_missing.tcl /main/hindenburg/8
- # Author: Harm Leijendeckers
- # Description: Report on missing operations
- # Usage in: SystemVersion and CAD editor
- # Options: -o <className1> [<className2> ...]
- #
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # SccsId = @(#)oper_missing.tcl /main/hindenburg/8 3 Jun 1997 Copyright 1996 Cadre Technologies Inc.
- eval [$cc getCustomFileContents semanticbase tcl reports]
- Class ReportOperMissing : {SemanticBase} {
- constructor
- method systemReport
- method fileReport
- method doReport
- method doClass
- method getAllOperations
- method getAllConnectors
- method getConnectors
- attribute QOAllCdms
- }
- constructor ReportOperMissing {class this} {
- set this [SemanticBase::constructor $class $this]
- $this reportName "Missing Operations"
- return $this
- }
- method ReportOperMissing::fileReport {this} {
- return [$this phaseReport]
- }
- method ReportOperMissing::systemReport {this} {
- return [$this phaseReport]
- }
- method ReportOperMissing::doReport {this model} {
- set report [$this report]
- if [lempty $Options] {
- $report print "Error: This report needs argument '-o <className1>\
- \[<className2> ...\]'" line
- return -1
- }
- if ![[$this systemV] isNil] {
- set allCdms [query "file.type == cdm" $this.systemV.localFileVersions]
- } else {
- set allCdms [query "file.type == cdm" \
- $this.phaseV.systemVersions.localFileVersions]
- }
- $this QOAllCdms [QueryObject new allCdms file.name]
- set Options [lsort [flatten $Options]]
- while { ![lempty $Options] } {
- set className [lvarpop Options]
- $this doClass $model $className
- if [$report lineno] {
- $report line
- $report line
- $report line
- }
- }
- $report page
- $report remove header
- return 0
- }
- method ReportOperMissing::doClass {this model className} {
- set report [$this report]
- $report space 2
- $report print "* Class: $className" line
- set connDictBag [$this getAllConnectors $model $className]
- if ![$connDictBag size] {
- $report space 8
- $report print "** no events to this class found **" line
- return
- }
- $report line
- $report space 4
- $report print Event 28
- $report print "Req. Args" 11
- $report print Type 18
- $report print Diagram line
- $report space 4
- $report print - 114 fill line
- # retrieve operations in a UniqueBag
- set operBag [$this getAllOperations $className]
- $connDictBag foreach connName argBag {
- $argBag foreach argcount connectorList {
- # in a ccd there are no args at connectors
- if { $argcount == "?" } {
- if [$operBag exists $connName] {
- continue
- }
- } elseif [$operBag exists $connName $argcount] {
- continue
- }
- $connectorList foreach connector {
- $report space 4
- $report print $connName 27
- $report space 4
- $report print $argcount 8
- $report print [$connector type] 17
- $report space
- $report print [[$connector diagram] text]
- $report line
- }
- }
- }
- }
- method ReportOperMissing::getAllOperations {this className} {
- set result [UniqueBag new]
- set cdm [query "file.name == \"$className\"" [$this QOAllCdms]]
- if [lempty $cdm] {
- return $result
- }
- $cdm loadRowData {{name_type}} rowDataList
- foreach rowData $rowDataList {
- set row [lvarpop rowData]
- if { [$row type] != "method" } {
- continue
- }
- set rowItems [lvarpop rowData]
- set rowProps [lvarpop rowData]
- set cellDataList [lvarpop rowData]
- set classItem [query "type == pe" $rowItems]
- if [lempty $classItem] {
- continue
- }
- $result set [$classItem name] [llength $cellDataList]
- }
- return $result
- }
- method ReportOperMissing::getAllConnectors {this model className} {
- set result [Dictionary new]
- set ccdConns [$this getConnectors $model $className $OMT_CCD_Message \
- $OMT_CCD_Class $OMT_CCD_Container $OMT_CCD_ClassRef]
- set etdConns [$this getConnectors $model $className $OMT_ETD_Event \
- $OMT_ETD_Initiator $OMT_ETD_Object]
- # all event messages in all std's to the class
- set stdConns [$this getConnectors $model $className $OMT_STD_EventMessage \
- $OMT_STD_Class]
- # all messages in std of the class
- set classItem [[$this project] findItem $className cl]
- if ![$classItem isNil] {
- set stdItem [[$this project] findItem top pe $classItem]
- if ![$stdItem isNil] {
- [$this phaseV] getDecompositions $stdItem [$this configV] \
- decompFiles std dummy std
- if ![lempty $std] {
- set filemodel [SMFileModel new [$this configV] $std]
- set stdConns [concat [$filemodel getSMObjects $OMT_STD_Event] \
- [$filemodel getSMObjects $OMT_STD_StateEvent] \
- $stdConns]
- }
- }
- }
- foreach smconn [concat $ccdConns $etdConns $stdConns] {
- set connLabel [$smconn getLabel]
- if [$connLabel isNil] {
- continue
- }
- set itemRefs [$connLabel itemRefs]
- set msgtxt [query -s item.name "item.type == pe" $itemRefs]
- # use lempty iso == ""
- if [lempty $msgtxt] {
- continue
- }
- set nrargs [llength [query "item.type != pe" $itemRefs]]
- # in a ccd there are no args at connectors
- if [$smconn isA SMConnector] {
- set conn [$smconn getConnector]
- if { [$conn type] == "com_message" } {
- set nrargs ?
- }
- }
- set slotBag [$result set $msgtxt]
- if [lempty $slotBag] {
- set slotBag [UniqueBag new]
- $result set $msgtxt $slotBag
- }
- $slotBag set $nrargs $conn
- }
- return $result
- }
- method ReportOperMissing::getConnectors {this model className connType args} {
- set result {}
- foreach toType $args {
- foreach conn [$model getSMObjects $connType] {
- # skip conns with no name
- if [[$conn getItem] isNil] {
- continue
- }
- # skip conns where getTo != className
- set toNode [$conn getTo $toType]
- if [lempty $toNode] {
- continue
- }
- set item [$toNode getItem]
- if [$item isNil] {
- # exception for etd nodes
- set item [$toNode getItem 0 name_type cl]
- }
- if ![$item isNil] {
- if { [$item name] == "$className" } {
- lappend result $conn
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return $result
- }
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # Class Bag
- #
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Class Bag : {Dictionary} {
- constructor
- method destructor
- # overloaded:
- method set
- method contents
- method exists
- }
- constructor Bag {class this} {
- set this [Dictionary::constructor $class $this]
- return $this
- }
- method Bag::destructor {this} {
- return [Dictionary::destructor $this]
- }
- # Overloaded from Dictionary.
- #
- method Bag::set {this key {value ""}} {
- # retrieval
- if { $value == "" } {
- if ![$this Dictionary::exists $key] {
- return
- }
- return [[$this Dictionary::set $key] contents]
- }
- # append
- if ![$this Dictionary::exists $key] {
- $this Dictionary::set $key [List new]
- }
- [$this Dictionary::set $key] append $value
- }
- # Overloaded from Dictionary.
- #
- method Bag::contents {this} {
- $this foreach key valueList {
- lappend result "$key [list [$valueList contents]]"
- }
- return [join $result]
- }
- # Overloaded from Dictionary.
- #
- method Bag::exists {this key {value ""}} {
- if { $value == "" } {
- return [$this Dictionary::exists $key]
- }
- if ![$this Dictionary::exists $key] {
- return 0
- }
- if { [[$this Dictionary::set $key] search $value] != -1 } {
- return 1
- }
- return 0
- }
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # Class UniqueBag
- #
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Class UniqueBag : {Bag} {
- constructor
- # overloaded:
- method set
- }
- constructor UniqueBag {class this} {
- set this [Bag::constructor $class $this]
- return $this
- }
- # Overloaded from Bag. Don't insert duplicates for one key.
- #
- method UniqueBag::set {this key {value ""}} {
- if { $value != "" } {
- if { [lsearch [$this set $key] $value] != -1 } {
- return ""
- }
- }
- return [$this Bag::set $key $value]
- }
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- set executeMe [ReportOperMissing new]