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- # Copyright (c) 1997 by Cayenne Software Inc.
- #
- # This software is furnished under a license and may be used only in
- # accordance with the terms of such license and with the inclusion of
- # the above copyright notice. This software or any other copies thereof
- # may not be provided or otherwise made available to any other person.
- # No title to and ownership of the software is hereby transferred.
- #
- # The information in this software is subject to change without notice
- # and should not be construed as a commitment by Cayenne Software Inc
- #
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # File : @(#)msumlinsta.tcl /main/hindenburg/2
- # Author : H. Broeze
- # Original date : 12 Febuary 1997
- # Description : MS Repository project configuration
- #
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- source [m4_path_name tcl libocl.tcl]
- set requiredEtcFiles "msumldesk.mnu"
- #check arguments
- if { [llength $argv] != 1} {
- puts "ERROR: invalid number of arguments"
- puts "USAGE: otsh -f <M4_home>/contrib/ObjectTeamMsRepUml/tcl/msumlinsta.tcl -- <OT project name>"
- exit
- }
- # check the existance of the required custom files
- #
- set M4home [m4_var get M4_home]
- set fullFileName [path_name concat $M4home contrib]
- set fullFileName [path_name concat $fullFileName ObjectTeamMsRepUml]
- set fullFileName [path_name concat $fullFileName etc]
- set fullFileName [path_name concat $fullFileName msumldesk.mnu]
- if ![file isfile $fullFileName] {
- puts "Required etc-file $fullFileName does not exist"
- exit
- }
- # Just some help features
- #
- proc CustomName {name} {
- set entries [split $name '.']
- return [lindex $entries 0]
- }
- proc CustomType {name} {
- set entries [split $name '.']
- return [lindex $entries 1]
- }
- # Append a file
- #
- proc append_text_file {from to } {
- set max 8092
- set in [open $from r]
- set out [open $to a]
- while {[set result [read $in $max]] != ""} {
- puts $out $result nonewline
- }
- close $in
- close $out
- }
- set cont [ClientContext::global]
- set corp [$cont currentCorporate]
- if [$corp isNil] {
- puts "LevelPath [$cont currentLevelString] has no corporate"
- exit
- }
- set projName [lindex $argv 0]
- set project [$corp findProject $projName]
- if [$project isNil] {
- puts "Project $projName does not exist"
- exit
- }
- set etcFile $requiredEtcFiles
- #for
- set installEtcFileName [CustomName $etcFile]
- set etcFileName "desk"
- set customFileV [$project findCustomFileVersion \
- $etcFileName [CustomType $etcFile]]
- if ![$customFileV isNil] {
- $customFileV edit
- $customFileV quit
- }
- set etcFile $requiredEtcFiles
- # for loop
- set concatTmpFile [args_file {}]
- set installEtcFileName [CustomName $etcFile]
- set etcFileName "desk"
- set customFileV [$project findCustomFileVersion \
- $etcFileName [CustomType $etcFile]]
- if [$customFileV isNil] {
- set customFileV [$project createCustomFileVersion \
- $etcFileName [CustomType $etcFile] ]
- } else {
- $customFileV downLoad $concatTmpFile
- }
- append_text_file $fullFileName $concatTmpFile
- $customFileV edit
- $customFileV upLoad $concatTmpFile
- $customFileV quit
- puts "Installation of MSRepository integration menu extension finished."
- puts "After reentering your project in ObjectTeam the Utilities menu will be extended when you are at config or phase level"