PC World 1997 November
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# (c) Cadre Technologies Inc. 1996
# File: @(#)menupartno.tcl 1.12
# Author: <generated>
# Description:
# SccsId = @(#)menupartno.tcl 1.12 04 Apr 1996 Copyright 1996 Cadre Technologies Inc.
# Start user added include file section
# End user added include file section
require "custbrowso.tcl"
Class MenuPartNode : {CustBrowsObject BrowsNode} {
method destructor
method displayName
method infoList
method updateView
method open
method check
method changeDotName
attribute parentType
attribute id
attribute redefined
method MenuPartNode::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
if [isCommand .main] {
set area [.main editorArea]
if [isCommand $area] {
set names [$area getMenuPartNode [$this name]]
set newNames ""
foreach j $names {
if {$j != $this} {
set newNames "$newNames $j"
if {![lempty $newNames]} {
$area setMenuPartNode [$this name] $newNames
} else {
$area removeMenuPartNode [$this name]
# End destructor user section
$this CustBrowsObject::destructor
constructor MenuPartNode {class this name specification} {
set this [BrowsNode::constructor $class $this $name]
set this [CustBrowsObject::constructor $class $this $name]
$this config -activated {%this open} -id $this \
-conversionSet "WMT_MENUNODE id"
while {![lempty $specification]} {
set key [lvarpop specification]
$this $key [lvarpop specification]
set specification [$this objSpec]
set index [lsearch -exact $specification "label"]
if {$index != -1} {
incr index
$this displayName [lindex $specification $index]
return $this
method MenuPartNode::displayName {this args} {
if {$args == ""} {
return [$this _displayName]
} else {
$this _displayName [join $args]
if { [$this type] != "CustMenuBarButton"} {
if { [$this parent] != "" } {
$this changeDotName [[$this parent] name].menu
} else {
$this changeDotName ""
method MenuPartNode::infoList {this} {
set list [$this CustBrowsObject::infoList]
set list [concat $list Visible]
if [$this alwaysVisible] {
set list [concat $list always]
} else {
set visible ""
if [lindex [$this visible] 0] {
lappend visible corporate
if [lindex [$this visible] 1] {
lappend visible project
if [lindex [$this visible] 2] {
lappend visible config.
if [lindex [$this visible] 3] {
lappend visible phase
if [lindex [$this visible] 4] {
lappend visible system
set list [concat $list \{$visible\}]
set list [concat $list "MenuPath"]
set list [concat $list [$this name]]
set list [concat $list "index"]
set list [concat $list [$this index]]
return $list
method MenuPartNode::updateView {this} {
set editStatus ""
if [$this editable] {
set editStatus "*"
$this label "[$this _displayName] $editStatus"
method MenuPartNode::open {this} {
method MenuPartNode::check {this newScope newVisible newSpecLevel newParent} {
#check if parent is always available for this object
set parent $newParent
if {[$parent specLevel] == "user" && $newSpecLevel != "user"} {
return "An user-defined parent, can not have not-user-defined \
set parentVisible [$parent visible]
set objectVisible $newVisible
set index 0
foreach i $objectVisible {
if {$i == 1} {
if {[lindex $parentVisible $index] == 0} {
return "Parent not always available"
incr index
set parentScope [$parent scope]
set objectScope $newScope
if {[llength $objectScope] < [llength $parentScope]} {
return "Parent is not available when child should be present"
# check from current scope not from begin because begin
# is (should be) *
set area [.main editorArea]
set curScope [$area _scope]
set index [llength $curScope]
foreach i [lrange $objectScope $index end] {
set x [lindex $parentScope $index]
if {$x == ""} {
if {$x != "*" } {
# if not always on this level, check if parent
# is on this level when child is.
if {$i == "*"} {
return "Parent not always available"
foreach y $i {
if {[lsearch $x $y] == -1 } {
return "Parent not always available"
incr index
return ""
method MenuPartNode::changeDotName {this newDotName} {
set tclName [MenuEdArea::makeTclName [$this displayName]]
set newObjs ""
foreach i [[$this tree] getMenuPartNode [$this name]] {
if {$i != $this} {
set newObjs "$newObjs $i"
if {![lempty $newObjs]} {
[$this tree] setMenuPartNode [$this name] $newObjs
} else {
[$this tree] removeMenuPartNode [$this name]
$this name $newDotName.$tclName
set objs [[$this tree] getMenuPartNode [$this name]]
set objs "$objs $this"
[$this tree] setMenuPartNode [$this name] $objs
foreach i [$this childSet] {
$i changeDotName [$this name].menu
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker