PC World 1997 November
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# (c) Westmount Technology 1994
# File: @(#)m4vardescr.tcl /main/hindenburg/5
# Author: <generated>
# Description:
# SccsId = @(#)m4vardescr.tcl /main/hindenburg/5 20 Sep 1996 Copyright 1994 Westmount Technology
# Start user added include file section
# End user added include file section
Class M4VarDescription : {Object} {
method destructor
method getUiName
method removeUiName
method setUiName
method get_UiName
method set_UiName
method remove_UiName
attribute _UiName
constructor M4VarDescription {class this name} {
set this [Object::constructor $class $this $name]
$this _UiName [Dictionary new]
# Start constructor user section
[$this _UiName] contents {
M4_action_syntax "Action Syntax"
M4_attribute_filter "Attribute Filter"
M4_a_printer "Text Printer Command"
M4_a_printer_llen "Text Printer Line Length"
M4_a_printer_plen "Text Printer Page Length"
M4_bg "Background"
M4_brokerport "Broker Port Number"
M4_class_scope "Default Class Scope"
M4_class_syntax "Class Syntax"
M4_clear_screen "Clear Screen"
M4_condition_syntax "Condition Syntax"
M4_contextarea "Context Area Present"
M4_contextarea_labelfont "Label Font of Context Area"
M4_contextarea_valuefont "Value Font of Context Area"
M4_control_syntax "Control Syntax"
M4_corporate "Corporate Name"
M4_corproles "Corporate Roles"
M4_csconfig_parammode "Csconfig Parameter Display Mode"
M4_curr_rep "Current Report"
M4_data_syntax "Data Syntax"
M4_dblockmode "Read Lock Strategy"
M4_dbms "Project DBMS"
M4_dbtracesql "Debug Flag For RDBMS"
M4_diff "Compare Command"
M4_editor "Text Editor"
M4_fg "Foreground"
M4_file_history "History"
M4_filter_case_sensitive "Filter Case Sensitive"
M4_find_case_sensitive "Find Case Sensitive"
M4_find_using_filters "Use Filters For Find"
M4_flat_view "Display Flat View"
M4_fm_international "Use International FrameMaker"
M4_font "Normal Font"
M4_font_bold "Bold Font"
M4_fullnr "Full Process Index"
M4_geometry "Geometry"
M4_grid_delta "Grid Size"
M4_grid_visible "Grid Visible"
M4_hidden_flows "Hidden Flows"
M4_home "Path To Installation Root"
M4_imphost "Implementation Host"
M4_infoview_mode "View Mode"
M4_initial_fold "Initial Fold"
M4_keyboardfocuspolicy "Keyboard Focus Policy"
M4_lc_collate "Locale For String Collation"
M4_lc_ctype "Locale For Char Classification"
M4_levelpath "Client Context"
M4_levelpath_ids "Client Context Ids"
M4_license_host "License Server Host"
M4_license_filter "License Filter"
M4_messagearea "Message Area Present"
M4_module_syntax "Module Syntax"
M4_nameserverhost "Nameserver Host"
M4_nameserverport "Nameserver Port Number"
M4_operation_filter "Operation Filter"
M4_orb_timeout "Broker Timeout"
M4_package "Package"
M4_password "Password"
M4_previewer "Previewer"
M4_print_box "Print Box"
M4_process_syntax "Process Syntax"
M4_projroles "Project Roles"
M4_protocol "Implementation Protocol"
M4_ps_auto_scale "Automatic Scaling"
M4_ps_columns "Number Of Horizontal Pages"
M4_ps_mode "Graphical Printer Mode"
M4_ps_page_h "Graphical Printer Page Height"
M4_ps_page_w "Graphical Printer Page Width"
M4_ps_printer "Graphical Printer Command"
M4_ps_rows "Number Of Vertical Pages"
M4_ps_scale "Scale Factor"
M4_ps_title "Diagram Title"
M4_ref_view "References"
M4_repdir "Log Directory"
M4_reuse_tool "Reuse Exetool"
M4_section_syntax "Section Syntax"
M4_sel_color "Selection Color"
M4_services "Object Services File"
M4_sort_case_sensitive "Sort Case Sensitive"
M4_state_syntax "State Syntax"
M4_target_lang "Target Language"
M4_tdb_host "Target Data Base Host"
M4_tdb_name "Target Data Base Name"
M4_toolbar "Toolbar Present"
M4_viewer "Viewer"
M4_win_editor "Text Window Editor"
M4_win_previewer "Window Previewer"
M4_win_viewer "Window Viewer"
M4_zoom "Zoom Factor"
# End constructor user section
return $this
method M4VarDescription::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
method M4VarDescription::getUiName {this m4var} {
set context [context $m4var]
if {"$context" == ""} {
return [$this get_UiName $m4var]
regsub "__$context" "$m4var" "" _m4var
return "[$this get_UiName $_m4var] ($context)"
method M4VarDescription::removeUiName {this m4var} {
$this remove_uiName $m4var
method M4VarDescription::setUiName {this m4var newUiName} {
$this set_UiName $m4var $newUiName
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
method M4VarDescription::get_UiName {this m4var} {
return [[$this _UiName] set $m4var]
method M4VarDescription::set_UiName {this m4var new_UiName} {
[$this _UiName] set $m4var $new_UiName
method M4VarDescription::remove_UiName {this m4var} {
[$this _UiName] unset $m4var