PC World 1997 November
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# (c) Cayenne Software Inc. 1996
# File: @(#)lockfiltdi.tcl /main/hindenburg/6
# Author: <generated>
# Description:
# SccsId = @(#)lockfiltdi.tcl /main/hindenburg/6 13 May 1997 Copyright 1996 Cayenne Software Inc.
# Start user added include file section
# End user added include file section
require "reptooldia.tcl"
Class LockFiltDialog : {RepToolDialog} {
method destructor
method setObject
method setClient
method setFields
method getFields
method ok
method cancel
method apply
attribute cacheLocksEnabled
constructor LockFiltDialog {class this name view} {
set this [RepToolDialog::constructor $class $this $name $view]
# Start constructor user section
$this cacheLocksEnabled 0
if {[m4_var get M4_reptool_cachelocks] == "1"} {
$this cacheLocksEnabled 1
interface DlgColumn $this.gui {
verStretchFactor 0
DlgRow t {
NamedGroup t {
label "Lock Types"
DlgColumn t {
CheckButton read {
label "Read Locks"
CheckButton write {
label "Write Locks"
NamedGroup h {
label "Hanging Locks"
CheckButton hanging {
label "Select Only Hanging Locks"
NamedGroup a {
label "Lock Attributes"
DlgRow a {
DlgColumn a {
DlgRow object {
Label l { text "Object Id" }
SingleLineText object { columnCount 35 }
DlgRow host {
Label l { text "Host" }
SingleLineText host { columnCount 35 }
DlgRow user {
Label l { text "User" }
SingleLineText user { columnCount 35 }
DlgRow pid {
Label l { text "Process Id" }
IntField pid { columnCount 35 }
DlgRow reason {
Label l { text "Reason" }
SingleLineText reason { columnCount 35 }
LockBrTable dropZone {
mode ICON
selectionPolicy BROWSE
selectionChanged { %this selectedSet {} }
BrowsObject o {
largeIcon rep_lock_32
label "Drop\nbrowser\nor client\nobjects\nhere."
# Don't allow both buttons to be deselected.
# (Easiest fix for bug 111587)
$this.gui.t.t.t.read stateChanged "
set readState \[$this.gui.t.t.t.read state]
set writeState \[$this.gui.t.t.t.write state]
if {\$readState == \"0\" && \$writeState == \"0\"} {
$this.gui.t.t.t.read state 1
$this.gui.t.t.t.write stateChanged "
set readState \[$this.gui.t.t.t.read state]
set writeState \[$this.gui.t.t.t.write state]
if {\$readState == \"0\" && \$writeState == \"0\"} {
$this.gui.t.t.t.write state 1
$this.gui.a.a.dropZone view [$this view]
$this.gui.a.a.dropZone droppedObject "$this setObject"
$this.gui.a.a.dropZone droppedClient "$this setClient"
if $win95 {
$this.gui.a.a.dropZone columnCount 15
if [$this cacheLocksEnabled] {
interface CheckButton $this.gui.t.t.t.cache_n {
label "Normal Cache Locks"
interface CheckButton $this.gui.t.t.t.cache_r {
label "MustRefresh Cache Locks"
interface CheckButton $this.gui.t.t.t.cache_s {
label "Save Cache Locks"
$this config \
-title "Change Lock Filter" \
-modal 0 \
-okPressed { %this ok } \
-helpPressed "[$this view] helpOnName changeLockFilter"
PushButton new $this.apply \
-label "Apply" \
-activated "$this apply"
$this setFields
# End constructor user section
return $this
method LockFiltDialog::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
$this RepToolDialog::destructor
method LockFiltDialog::setObject {this objId} {
$this.gui.a.a.a.object.object text $objId
method LockFiltDialog::setClient {this context} {
$this.gui.a.a.a.host.host text [lindex $context 0]
$this.gui.a.a.a.pid.pid intValue [lindex $context 1]
$this.gui.a.a.a.user.user text [lindex $context 2]
method LockFiltDialog::setFields {this} {
set f [[$this view] filter]
set lockType [$f lockType]
if {[string first a $lockType] != -1} {
set readState 1
set writeState 1
set cacheNState 1
set cacheRState 1
set cacheSState 1
} else {
set readState 0
set writeState 0
set cacheNState 0
set cacheRState 0
set cacheSState 0
if {[string first r $lockType] != -1} {
set readState 1
if {[string first w $lockType] != -1} {
set writeState 1
if {[string first c $lockType] != -1} {
set cacheNState 1
if {[string first f $lockType] != -1} {
set cacheRState 1
if {[string first s $lockType] != -1} {
set cacheSState 1
$this.gui.t.h.hanging state [$f lockHanging]
$this.gui.t.t.t.read state $readState
$this.gui.t.t.t.write state $writeState
if [$this cacheLocksEnabled] {
$this.gui.t.t.t.cache_n state $cacheNState
$this.gui.t.t.t.cache_r state $cacheRState
$this.gui.t.t.t.cache_s state $cacheSState
$this.gui.a.a.a.object.object text [$f lockObject]
$this.gui.a.a.a.host.host text [$f lockHost]
$this.gui.a.a.a.user.user text [$f lockUser]
if {[$f lockPid] != ""} {
$this.gui.a.a.a.pid.pid intValue [$f lockPid]
} else {
$this.gui.a.a.a.pid.pid intValue -1
$this.gui.a.a.a.reason.reason text [$f lockReason]
method LockFiltDialog::getFields {this} {
set f [[$this view] filter]
set lockType ""
if [$this.gui.t.t.t.read state] {
append lockType r
if [$this.gui.t.t.t.write state] {
append lockType w
if [$this cacheLocksEnabled] {
if [$this.gui.t.t.t.cache_n state] {
append lockType c
if [$this.gui.t.t.t.cache_r state] {
append lockType f
if [$this.gui.t.t.t.cache_s state] {
append lockType s
if {$lockType == "rwcfs"} {
set lockType a
$f lockType $lockType
$f lockHanging [$this.gui.t.h.hanging state]
$f lockObject [$this.gui.a.a.a.object.object text]
$f lockHost [$this.gui.a.a.a.host.host text]
$f lockUser [$this.gui.a.a.a.user.user text]
if {[$this.gui.a.a.a.pid.pid text] == ""} {
$f lockPid -1
} else {
$f lockPid [$this.gui.a.a.a.pid.pid intValue]
$f lockReason [$this.gui.a.a.a.reason.reason text]
$f changed
method LockFiltDialog::ok {this} {
$this apply
[[$this view] filter] save
method LockFiltDialog::cancel {this} {
[[$this view] filter] load
$this setFields
[$this view] update
method LockFiltDialog::apply {this} {
$this getFields
[$this view] update
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker