PC World 1997 November
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# Copyright (c) 1995 by Cadre Technologies Inc.
# This software is furnished under a license and may be used only in
# accordance with the terms of such license and with the inclusion of
# the above copyright notice. This software or any other copies thereof
# may not be provided or otherwise made available to any other person.
# No title to and ownership of the software is hereby transferred.
# The information in this software is subject to change without notice
# and should not be construed as a commitment by Cadre Technologies Inc.
# File : @(#)libsybsql.tcl 2.1
# Original date : Tue Dec 5 10:39:19 MET 1995
# Description : Sybase specific procedures for gensql
# FROM tcl/l_cpp/cpp_disp.tcl
# FROM tcl/l_cpp/cpp_funcs.tcl
proc attrib_init::generate {init init_sect body_sect} {
### hack !?
set data_struct 0
set attrib [$init attrib]
if {[$attrib get_obj_type] == "db_data_attrib"} {
set tgt "data.[[$attrib column] getUniqueName]"
set data_struct 1
} else {
set tgt [$attrib getName]
if {[type_is_char_scalar [$attrib ooplType]]} {
$body_sect append \
"$tgt\[0\] = [$init getName]; $tgt\[1\] = '\\0';\n"
} else { if [type_is_char_array [$attrib ooplType]] {
add_[determine_sect_type $body_sect]_inc_name "string" "h"
$body_sect append "strcpy($tgt, [$init getName]);\n"
} else {
if $data_struct {
$body_sect append "$tgt = [$init getName];\n"
append_ctor_init $tgt [$init getName]
} }
proc inher_key_init::generate {init init_sect body_sect} {
set col [$init key]
set name [$col getUniqueName]
if {$name == $TYPE_ID_NM} {
set class_nm [[$init ooplClass] getName]
if {[type_is_char_scalar $col]} {
set base_name "[$col getForeignName]\[0\]"
} else {
set base_name [$col getForeignName]
$body_sect append \
"[assign_var data.$name $class_nm::data.$base_name $col $body_sect]\n"
proc assign_var {to from type_obj {sect "src"}} {
if {[type_is_char_scalar $type_obj]} {
return "$to\[0\] = $from; $to\[1\] = '\\0';"
if {[type_is_char_array $type_obj]} {
add_[determine_sect_type $sect]_inc_name "string" "h"
return "strcpy($to, $from);"
return "$to = $from;"
proc base_type::gen_var_decl {type name {col ""}} {
set type [$type getType3GL]
if {$type == "char"} {
return "$type $name\[2\]"
#return "CS_BINARY $name\[2\]"
if [regsub {(var)?char\[} $type "char $name\[" type] {
regexp {\[(.*)\]$} $type dummy index
set index [expr {$index + 1}]
regsub {\[(.*)\]$} $type "\[$index]" type
return $type
#set _type {} ; regsub {^char } $type {CS_BINARY } _type ; return $_type
return "$type $name"
# FROM tcl/libsql.tcl
# Extra column_selectors
global column_selector
set column_selector(ALL_NONSERIAL) {!([$col getTypeStd] == "identity" && [$col get_obj_type] == "column")}
set column_selector(NONKEYS_NONSERIAL) {[$col getColumnType] != "key" && !([$col getTypeStd] == "identity" && [$col get_obj_type] == "column")}
if 1 {
proc sqlpostfix_needed { col } {
if {[$col getColumnType] == "key"} {
return "NOT NULL"
if { [$col get_obj_type] == "column" } {
if {[$col getColumnType] == "key"} {
return "NOT NULL"
if {[$col getTypeStd] == "identity"} {
return "IDENTITY"
if {[$col isNullable]} {
return "NULL"
return "NOT NULL"
# it's an imported column
set link [$col getImport]
if {[$link getDelType] == "optional" && [$col getColumnType] == "field"} {
return "NULL"
#if {[$col getPropertyValue "nullable"] == 1} { return "NULL" }
return "NULL"
} else { # 0
proc sqlpostfix_needed {col} {
if {[$col get_obj_type] == "column"} {
if {[$col getTypeStd] == "identity"} {
return "IDENTITY"
return [$col getSqlPostfix]
set link [$col getImport]
if {[$link getDetailType] == "optional" &&
[$col getColumnType] == "field"} {
return "";
return [$col getSqlPostfix]
} # 0
# Return the Sybase dependent string for one assignment
proc assign_elem {col {prefix1 ""} {postfix1 ""} {prefix2 ""} \
{postfix2 ""} {sect "src"}} {
set name [$col getUniqueName]
if [type_is_char_scalar $col] {
return "$prefix1$name$postfix1\[0\] = $prefix2$name$postfix2; $prefix1$name$postfix1\[1\] = '\\0';\n"
if [type_is_char_array $col] {
add_[determine_sect_type $sect]_inc_name "string" "h"
return "strcpy($prefix1$name$postfix1, $prefix2$name$postfix2);\n"
return "$prefix1$name$postfix1 = $prefix2$name$postfix2;\n"
proc get_type_3gl {object} {
set type [$object getType3GL]
if {$type == "char"} {
set type "char\[1\]"
return $type
# Generate a 3gl data declaration
proc gen_data_decl_3gl {section table selector {prefix ""} \
{newline ""} {postfix ""}} {
set columns [get_col_list $table $selector]
if { [lempty $columns] } {
$section pushIndent
set col [lvarpop columns]
# first col
build_type_3gl [get_type_3gl $col] result_type result_range
set result_type $prefix$result_type
set result_range $result_range$postfix
expand_text $section {\~[create_3gl_var {~$name} {~$type} {~$range}
]} \
name [$col getUniqueName] type $result_type range $result_range
set newprefix $newline$prefix
foreach col $columns {
# next cols
build_type_3gl [get_type_3gl $col] result_type result_range
set result_type $newprefix$result_type
set result_range $result_range$postfix
expand_text $section {\~[create_3gl_var {~$name} {~$type} {~$range}
]} \
name [$col getUniqueName] type $result_type range $result_range
$section append $newline
$section popIndent
# Generate a 3gl data declaration directly (without calling create_3gl_var)
proc gen_dir_data_decl_3gl {section object selector {separator ", "} \
{newline ""} {prefix ""} {postfix ""} \
{prefix2 ""} {flag ""}} {
gen_dir_data_decl_3glc $section [get_col_list $object $selector] \
$separator $newline $prefix $postfix $prefix2 $flag
# Generate a 3gl data declaration for a link directly (without calling
# create_3gl_var)
proc gen_dir_data_decl_3gl_link {section link {separator ", "} \
{newline ""} {prefix ""} {postfix ""} \
{prefix2 ""} {flag ""}} {
gen_dir_data_decl_3glc $section [$link columnSet] \
$separator $newline $prefix $postfix $prefix2 $flag
proc gen_dir_data_decl_3glc {section columns {separator ", "} \
{newline ""} {prefix ""} {postfix ""} \
{prefix2 ""} {flag ""}} {
if { [lempty $columns] } {
set col [lvarpop columns]
$section pushIndent
$section append $prefix[mk_3gl_decl $col $postfix $prefix2 $flag]
set newpf $separator$newline$prefix
foreach col $columns {
$section append $newpf[mk_3gl_decl $col $postfix $prefix2 $flag]
$section popIndent
$section append $newline
# Make a 3gl variable declaration for Sybase
# {name, simpel_type} becomes "simpel_type name"
# {name, char } becomes "char name[2]"
# {name, char[index]} becomes "char name[index + 1]"
proc mk_3gl_decl {col {postfix ""} {prefix ""} {flag ""}} {
set name [$col getUniqueName]
set type [$col getType3GL]
# if {$flag == "syb"}
if {$type == "char"} {
return "$type $prefix$name$postfix\[2\]"
#return "CS_BINARY $prefix$name$postfix\[2\]"
if [regsub {(var)?char\[} $type "char $prefix$name\[" type] {
regexp {\[(.*)\]$} $type dummy index
set index [expr {$index + 1}]
regsub {\[(.*)\]$} $type "$postfix\[$index]" type
return $type
#set _type {} ; regsub {^char } $type {CS_BINARY } _type ; return $_type
return "$type $prefix$name$postfix"
# Determine if the 3gl type is a character array
proc type_is_char_array {obj} {
return [string match {*char\[*} [get_type_3gl $obj]]
# Determine if the 3gl type is a character scalar
proc type_is_char_scalar {obj} {
#return [regexp {^[ ]*char[ ]*$} [$obj getType3GL]]
return [expr {([$obj getType3GL] == "char") ? 1 : 0}]
# NEWly added
if 0 {
proc getTypeInfo {obj} {
set type [get_table_type $obj]
set match {}
set dbtype {}
set arg1 {}
set arg2 {}
regexp -- {^([^(]*)\(*([^,)]*),*([^)]*).*$} $type match dbtype arg1 arg2
switch -- "$dbtype" {
"VARCHAR" {set dbtype CHAR}
"INTEGER" {set dbtype SMALLINT}
"DEC" {set dbtype NUMERIC}
return [list $dbtype $arg1 $arg2 ""]
} # 0
proc getTypeInfo {obj} {
set cpp_type [get_type_3gl $obj]
set dummy {}
set index {}
regexp -- {\[(.*)\]$} $cpp_type dummy index
switch -glob -- "$cpp_type" {
"*unsigned*char*" {set dbtype CHAR} # TINYINT?
"*signed*char*" -
"*char*" {set dbtype CHAR}
"*short*" {set dbtype SMALLINT}
"*long*" -
"*int*" {set dbtype INT}
"*float*" {set dbtype REAL}
"*double*" {set dbtype FLOAT}
default {set dbtype ILLEGAL}
set type [get_table_type $obj]
set match {}
set arg1 {}
set arg2 {}
regexp -- {^([^(]*)\(*([^,)]*),*([^)]*).*$} $type match syb_type arg1 arg2
switch -glob -- "$syb_type" {
"*CHAR" {set is_str_type 1}
default {set is_str_type 0}
return [list $dbtype $index "" $is_str_type]
proc gen_syb_arg_listc {section columns {prefix ""} {postfix ""} \
{separator ", "} {newline ""}} {
if { [lempty $columns] } {
set newpf $separator$newline$prefix
set col [lvarpop columns]
set arg "${prefix}[$col getUniqueName]"
set i_arg "${postfix}[$col getUniqueName]"
set typeInfo [getTypeInfo $col]
set dbtype [lindex $typeInfo 0]
if {$dbtype == "CHAR"} {
set len "strlen($arg)"
} else {
set len 1
set type CS_${dbtype}_TYPE
set isStrType [lindex $typeInfo 3]
expand_text $section {__str += sybConvert(&~$arg, ~$type, ~$isStrType,
~$len, ~$i_arg);
foreach col $columns {
set arg "${prefix}[$col getUniqueName]"
set i_arg "${postfix}[$col getUniqueName]"
set typeInfo [getTypeInfo $col]
set dbtype [lindex $typeInfo 0]
if {$dbtype == "CHAR"} {
set len "strlen($arg)"
} else {
set len 1
set type CS_${dbtype}_TYPE
set isStrType [lindex $typeInfo 3]
expand_text $section {__str += " , ";
expand_text $section {__str += sybConvert(&~$arg, ~$type, ~$isStrType,
~$len, ~$i_arg);
proc gen_syb_arg_list {section table selector {prefix ""} {postfix ""} \
{separator ", "} {newline ""} {master_table ""}} {
gen_syb_arg_listc $section [get_col_list $table $selector $master_table] \
$prefix $postfix $separator $newline
# Generate a Sybase local assignment for the given list of columns
proc gen_syb_lcl_assignc {section columns {prefix ""} {postfix ""} \
{separator ","} {newline ""}} {
if { [lempty $columns] } {
$section pushIndent
set newpf $separator$newline$prefix
set col [lvarpop columns]
expand_text $section {~$prefix~[$col getUniqueName] = ~[$col getUniqueName]~$postfix}
foreach col $columns {
expand_text $section {~$newpf~[$col getUniqueName] = ~[$col getUniqueName]~$postfix}
$section append $newline
$section popIndent
# Generate a Sybase local assignment
# The list of columns is determined by the value of the selector
proc gen_syb_lcl_assign {section table selector {prefix ""} {postfix ""} \
{separator ","} {newline ""} {master_table ""}} {
gen_syb_lcl_assignc $section [get_col_list $table $selector $master_table] $prefix $postfix $separator $newline
# Generate a list of column names for the given link
# If type is "char" then "...[0]" is created
proc gen_char_col_listl {section link {prefix ""} {postfix ""} \
{separator ", "} {newline ""}} {
gen_char_col_listc $section [$link columnSet] $prefix $postfix \
$separator $newline
# Generate a list of column names for the given list of columns
# If type is "char" then "...[0]" is created
proc gen_char_col_listc {section columns {prefix ""} {postfix ""} \
{separator ", "} {newline ""}} {
if { [lempty $columns] } {
$section pushIndent
set newpf $separator$newline$prefix
set col [lvarpop columns]
if [type_is_char_scalar $col] {
expand_text $section {~$prefix~[$col getUniqueName][0]~$postfix}
} else {
expand_text $section {~$prefix~[$col getUniqueName]~$postfix}
foreach col $columns {
if [type_is_char_scalar $col] {
expand_text $section {~$newpf~[$col getUniqueName][0]~$postfix}
} else {
expand_text $section {~$newpf~[$col getUniqueName]~$postfix}
$section append $newline
$section popIndent
# Generate a list of column names for the given table
# The list of columns is determined by the value of the selector
# If type is "char" then "...[0]" is created
proc gen_char_col_list {section table selector {prefix ""} {postfix ""} \
{separator ", "} {newline ""} {master_table ""}} {
gen_char_col_listc $section [get_col_list $table $selector $master_table] \
$prefix $postfix $separator $newline
proc gen_trunc_calls {section table selector {prefix ""}} {
set columns [get_col_list $table $selector]
if {[lempty $columns]} {
$section pushIndent
set newline "\n"
set newpf $newline
set col [lvarpop columns]
set name [$col getUniqueName]
if {[regexp {char} [$col getType3GL]]} {
expand_text $section {sybTruncate(~$prefix~$name);}
while {![lempty $columns]} {
set col [lvarpop columns]
set name [$col getUniqueName]
if {[regexp {char} [$col getType3GL]]} {
expand_text $section {
#$section append $newline
$section popIndent
proc strToCharPtr {name} {
if {$name == "String"} {
return "as_ptr()"
return "data()"