PC World 1997 November
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# Copyright (c) 1995 by Cadre Technologies Inc.
# This software is furnished under a license and may be used only in
# accordance with the terms of such license and with the inclusion of
# the above copyright notice. This software or any other copies thereof
# may not be provided or otherwise made available to any other person.
# No title to and ownership of the software is hereby transferred.
# The information in this software is subject to change without notice
# and should not be construed as a commitment by Cadre Technologies Inc.
# File : @(#)libora.tcl /main/hindenburg/1
# Original date : November 1995
# Description : Oracle specific routines
# @(#)libora.tcl /main/hindenburg/1 9 Dec 1996 Copyright 1995 Cadre Technologies Inc.
# Procedures to support mapping of standard type "sequence"
proc is_sequence {type} {
return [regexp {sequence*} $type]
# The "normal" way to get the 4gl type. Always does the mapping
proc get_ora_type_4gl {column} {
if [is_sequence [$column getTypeStd]] {
return NUMBER
return [$column getType4GL]
# Generate declaration of variables for selected columns in table
# For character arrays the hosttype VARCHAR is used.
proc gen_ora_decl {section table selector {prefix ""} {postfix ""} \
{separator ";\n"}} {
gen_ora_decl_columns $section [get_col_list $table $selector] \
$prefix $postfix $separator
# Generate declaration of variables for columns in link
# For character arrays the hosttype VARCHAR is used.
proc gen_ora_decl_link {section link {prefix ""} {postfix ""}
{separator ";\n"}} {
gen_ora_decl_columns $section [$link columnSet] $prefix $postfix $separator
# Generate declaration of variables for each column in column list
# For character arrays the hosttype VARCHAR is used.
proc gen_ora_decl_columns {section columns {prefix ""} {postfix ""}
{separator ";\n"}} {
$section pushIndent
foreach col $columns {
$section append [mk_ora_decl $col $prefix $postfix]$separator
$section popIndent
# Generate declaration of variable: use VARCHAR type for character arrays
proc mk_ora_decl {col {prefix ""} {postfix ""}} {
set name [$col getUniqueName]
set type [$col getType3GL]
if [regsub {(var)?char\[} $type "VARCHAR $prefix$name\[" type] {
regexp {\[(.*)\]$} $type dummy index
set index [expr {$index + 1}]
regsub {\[(.*)\]$} $type "$postfix\[$index]" type
return $type
return "$type $prefix$name$postfix"
# Generate pointers to struct
proc gen_ptr_decl_assign {section table selector {pref1 ""} {post1 ""} \
{pref2 ""} {post2 ""} {separator ";\n"}} {
$section pushIndent
foreach col [get_col_list $table $selector] {
set colName [$col getUniqueName]
set lside $pref1$colName$post1
set type3GL [$col getType3GL]
if {[string first "\[" $type3GL] == -1} {
set rside &($pref2$colName$post2)
} else {
set rside $pref2$colName$post2
set typeName [lindex [split [$col getType3GL] "\["] 0]
$section append "const $typeName *$lside = $rside$separator"
$section popIndent
# Generate pointers to indicator struct
proc gen_ind_decl_assign {section table selector {pref1 ""} {post1 ""} \
{pref2 ""} {post2 ""} {separator ";\n"}} {
$section pushIndent
foreach col [get_col_list $table $selector] {
set colName [$col getUniqueName]
set lside $pref1$colName$post1
set rside &($pref2$colName$post2)
$section append "short *$lside = $rside$separator"
$section popIndent
# Generate assignment statement for Oracle columns (may need VARCHAR type)
proc gen_ora_assign {section table selector {pref1 ""} {post1 ""}
{pref2 ""} {post2 ""} {flag1 ""} {flag2 ""}} {
$section pushIndent
foreach col [get_col_list $table $selector] {
$section append [assign_ora_elem $section $col $pref1 $post1 \
$pref2 $post2 $flag1 $flag2]
$section popIndent
# Generate assignment statement for Oracle columns (may need VARCHAR type)
proc gen_ora_assign_cl {section link {pref1 ""} {post1 ""}
{pref2 ""} {post2 ""} {flag1 ""} {flag2 ""}} {
$section pushIndent
foreach col [$link columnSet] {
$section append [assign_ora_elem_md $section $col \
$pref1 $post1 $pref2 $post2 $flag1 $flag2]
$section popIndent
# Generate assignment statement for Oracle columns (may need VARCHAR type)
proc gen_ora_assign_link {section link {pref1 ""} {post1 ""}
{pref2 ""} {post2 ""} {flag1 ""} {flag2 ""}} {
$section pushIndent
foreach col [$link columnSet] {
$section append [assign_ora_elem $section $col \
$pref1 $post1 $pref2 $post2 $flag1 $flag2]
$section popIndent
# Generate assignment for Oracle columns (may need VARCHAR type)
proc assign_ora_elem {section column {pref1 ""} {post1 ""}
{pref2 ""} {post2 ""} {flag1 ""} {flag2 ""}} {
set name [$column getUniqueName]
set part1 $pref1$name$post1
set part2 $pref2$name$post2
if [type_is_char_array $column] {
add_[determine_sect_type $section]_inc_name "string" "h"
if {($flag1 == "") && ($flag2 == "")} {
return "strcpy($part1, $part2);\n"
return [assign_ora_char_type $part1 $part2 $flag1 $flag2]
return "$part1 = $part2;\n"
# Generate assignment for Oracle columns (may need VARCHAR type)
proc assign_ora_elem_md {sect col {pref1 ""} {post1 ""} {pref2 ""} {post2 ""}
{flag1 ""} {flag2 ""}} {
set name [$col getUniqueName]
set fname [$col getForeignName]
set part1 $pref1$name$post1
set part2 $pref2$fname$post2
if [type_is_char_array $col] {
add_[determine_sect_type $sect]_inc_name "string" "h"
if {($flag1 == "") && ($flag2 == "")} {
return "strcpy($part1, $part2);\n"
return [assign_ora_char_type $part1 $part2 $flag1 $flag2]
return "$part1 = $part2;\n"
# Generate assignment for Oracle VARCHAR type
proc assign_ora_char_type {part1 part2 {flag1 ""} {flag2 ""}} {
if {($flag1 == "ora") && ($flag2 == "ora")} {
set line1 "strncpy((char *)${part1}.arr, (char *)${part2}.arr, ${part2}.len);\n"
set line2 "${part1}.len = ${part2}.len;\n"
return $line1$line2
if {$flag1 == "ora"} {
set line1 "strcpy((char *)${part1}.arr, $part2);\n"
set line2 "${part1}.len = strlen($part2);\n"
return $line1$line2
if {$flag2 == "ora"} {
set line1 "strncpy(${part1}, (char *)${part2}.arr, ${part2}.len);\n"
set line2 "${part1}\[${part2}.len\] = '\\0';\n"
return $line1$line2
return "strcpy($part1, $part2);\n"
proc init_base_sequences {section class} {
$section pushIndent
foreach col [get_col_list [$class table] IMPKEYS] {
if [is_sequence [$col getTypeStd]] {
set colName [$col getUniqueName]
set baseCol [$col column]
set baseColName [$baseCol getUniqueName]
foreach inhGroup [$class genNodeSet] {
set baseClass [$inhGroup superClass]
if {![$baseClass isPersistent]} {
set baseTable [$baseClass table]
if {[$baseCol table] == $baseTable} {
set baseClassName [$baseClass getName]
expand_text $section {
data.~$colName = ~$baseClassName::data.~$baseColName;
$section popIndent