PC World 1997 November
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# Copyright (c) 1992-1995 by Cadre Technologies Inc.
# This software is furnished under a license and may be used only in
# accordance with the terms of such license and with the inclusion of
# the above copyright notice. This software or any other copies thereof
# may not be provided or otherwise made available to any other person.
# No title to and ownership of the software is hereby transferred.
# The information in this software is subject to change without notice
# and should not be construed as a commitment by Cadre Technologies Inc.
# File : @(#)libmss.tcl /main/hindenburg/1
# Original date : November 1994
# Description : Special procedures for the SQLServer target
# @(#)libmss.tcl /main/hindenburg/1 13 Mar 1997 Copyright 1992-1995 Cadre Technologies Inc.
require {mssql_msg.tcl}
# Add extra column_selectors for target mss
global column_selector
set column_selector(SERIAL) {([$col getTypeStd] == "serial" &&
[$col get_obj_type] != "imp_column")}
set column_selector(ALL_NONSERIAL) {[$col getTypeStd] != "serial" ||
[$col get_obj_type] == "imp_column"}
set column_selector(NONKEYS_NONSERIAL) {[$col getColumnType] != "key" &&
([$col getTypeStd] != "serial" ||
[$col get_obj_type] == "imp_column")}
set column_selector(NONKEYFIELDS_NONSERIAL) {[$col get_obj_type] == "column" &&
[$col getColumnType] != "key" &&
[$col getTypeStd] != "serial"}
# Global extra binding table
global bindingTable
set bindingTable [DbBindTab::createTable]
proc get_bind_typestd { typeStd } {
set handle [$bindingTable getBinding $typeStd]
if { $handle == "" } {
m4_error $E_NOBINDENT $typeStd
set handle [$bindingTable getBinding "integer"]
if { $handle == "" } {
set handle [$bindingTable getBinding "int"]
if { $handle == "" } {
m4_fatal $F_NODEFBIND
return $handle
proc get_bind_entry { column } {
set type [$column getTypeStd]
if { [regsub {([^[]+)\[[0-9]*\]} $type {\1} typeStd] } {
set typeStd "${typeStd}\[\]"
return [get_bind_typestd $typeStd]
proc get_format_char { column } {
return [[get_bind_entry $column] format]
proc get_bind_type { column } {
return [[get_bind_entry $column] binding]
proc mss_gen_compare {sect table { selector "" } \
{pre1 ""} {post1 ""} {pre2 ""} {post2 ""} {seperator ", "} \
{newline ""} { master_table "" } { dbproc "dbproc"} } {
set columns [ get_col_list $table $selector $master_table]
while {! [lempty $columns] } {
set col [lvarpop columns]
set col_nm [$col getUniqueName]
$sect append "dbfcmd($dbproc,\"$pre1$col_nm$post1="
$sect append "[get_format_char $col]"
if {! [lempty $columns] } {
$sect append $seperator
$sect append "$newline\",$pre2$col_nm$post2);\n"
proc mss_gen_compare_cl {sect link {pre1 ""} {post1 ""} \
{pre2 ""} {post2 ""} {seperator ", "}
{newline ""} { dbproc "dbproc" }} {
if { [ $link getLinkType] == "export" } {
set link [ $link friendLink]
set columns [ $link columnSet ]
while {! [lempty $columns] } {
set col [lvarpop columns]
set tcol_nm [$col getUniqueName]
set mcol_nm [$col getForeignName]
$sect append "dbfcmd($dbproc,\"$pre1$tcol_nm$post1="
$sect append "[get_format_char $col]"
if {! [lempty $columns] } {
$sect append $seperator
$sect append "$newline\",$pre2$mcol_nm$post2);\n"
proc mss_gen_binding { sect link { pre ""} { post "" } { selector "ALL" } \
{ master_table "" } { dbproc "dbproc"}} {
set columns [ get_col_list $link $selector $master_table]
set colnum 0
while {! [lempty $columns] } {
set col [lvarpop columns]
set colnum [expr $colnum + 1]
set tcol_nm [$col getUniqueName]
set type [$col getType3GL]
$sect append "dbbind($dbproc, $colnum, "
$sect append "[get_bind_type $col], (DBINT) 0, "
$sect append "(BYTE *) "
# Check if this is a pointer type
if { ! [regexp {^.+(\[[0-9]+\])|(\*)$} $type] } {
$sect append "&"
$sect append "${pre}${tcol_nm}${post});\n"
proc mss_gen_nbinding { sect link { pre ""} { post "" } { selector "ALL" } \
{ master_table "" } { dbproc "dbproc"} } {
set columns [ get_col_list $link $selector $master_table]
set colnum 0
while {! [lempty $columns] } {
set col [lvarpop columns]
set colnum [expr $colnum + 1]
set tcol_nm [$col getUniqueName]
$sect append "dbnullbind($dbproc, $colnum, "
$sect append "(LPCDBINT) &${pre}${tcol_nm}${post});\n"
proc mss_gen_var_ind_list { sect table { selector "ALL" } \
{ pre1 "" } { pre2 "" } { pre3 "" } { sep ", " } \
{ master_table "" } { dbproc "dbproc" } } {
set columns [ get_col_list $table $selector $master_table]
while {! [lempty $columns] } {
set col [lvarpop columns]
set col_nm [$col getUniqueName]
set type [$col getType3GL]
if {! [lempty $columns] } {
set csep $sep
} else {
set csep ""
$sect append "if (${pre2}$col_nm == -1) \{\n"
$sect indent +
$sect append "dbcmd($dbproc,\"${pre3}${col_nm}=NULL${csep}\");\n"
$sect indent -
$sect append "\} else \{\n"
$sect indent +
$sect append "dbfcmd($dbproc,\"${pre3}${col_nm}="
$sect append "[get_format_char $col]$csep"
$sect append "\",${pre1}$col_nm);\n"
$sect indent -
$sect append "\}\n"
# Work around for problem with cardinality in the SQL model
proc mss_sqlpostfix_needed { col } {
if {[$col getTypeStd] == "serial"} {
if {[$col get_obj_type] != "imp_column"} {
return "IDENTITY"
if {[$col getColumnType] == "key"} {
return "NOT NULL"
if [$col isNullable] {
return "NULL"
return "NOT NULL"