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Text File | 1997-05-16 | 46.7 KB | 1,981 lines |
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # (c) Cayenne Software Inc. 1997
- #
- # File: %W%
- # Author: <generated>
- #
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # File: @(#)jvgclass.tcl /main/hindenburg/14
- Class JVGClass : {Object} {
- constructor
- method destructor
- method generate
- method generateClass
- method generateInterface
- method generateAccess
- method generateComment
- method generateContainer
- method generateModifier
- method generatePackages
- method getModifier
- method isExternal
- method isInterface
- attribute isMaster
- attribute unit
- attribute container
- }
- constructor JVGClass {class this name} {
- set this [Object::constructor $class $this $name]
- # Start constructor user section
- # End constructor user section
- return $this
- }
- method JVGClass::destructor {this} {
- # Start destructor user section
- # End destructor user section
- }
- method JVGClass::generate {this model} {
- if {[$this isExternal] || [$this container] != ""} {
- return
- }
- set unitName [$this getPropertyValue "source_file"]
- if {$unitName == ""} {
- set unitName [$this getName]
- }
- $this unit [$model getCompilationUnit $unitName]
- if [$this isInterface] {
- $this generateInterface
- } else {
- $this generateClass
- }
- }
- method JVGClass::generateClass {this} {
- $this container [JavaClass new $this]
- $this generateContainer
- $this generatePackages
- $this generateComment
- $this generateAccess
- $this generateModifier
- set javaContainer [$this container]
- foreach genNode [$this genNodeSet] {
- set super [$genNode superClass]
- set superName [$super getName]
- if [$super isInterface] {
- $javaContainer addInterface $superName
- } elseif {[$javaContainer superClass] != ""} {
- m4_error $E_NOMULTINH [$this getName] $superName [$javaContainer superClass]
- } else {
- $javaContainer superClass $superName
- }
- }
- if {[$this constructor] != ""} {
- [$this constructor] generate
- }
- foreach dataAttr [$this dataAttrSet] {
- $dataAttr generate
- }
- foreach method [$this operationSet] {
- $method generate
- }
- foreach assocAttr [$this genAssocAttrSet] {
- $assocAttr generate
- }
- }
- method JVGClass::generateInterface {this} {
- $this container [JavaInterface new $this]
- $this generateContainer
- $this generatePackages
- $this generateComment
- $this generateAccess
- $this generateModifier
- foreach genNode [$this genNodeSet] {
- set super [$genNode superClass]
- set superName [$super getName]
- if [$super isInterface] {
- [$this container] addInterface $superName
- } else {
- m4_error $E_INTFROMCLASS [$this getName] $superName
- }
- }
- foreach dataAttr [$this dataAttrSet] {
- $dataAttr generate
- }
- foreach method [$this operationSet] {
- if {[$method isClassFeature] && [$method getName] == "create"} {
- m4_warning $W_INTNOCONSTR [$this getName]
- } else {
- $method generate
- }
- }
- foreach assocAttr [$this genAssocAttrSet] {
- set item [[$assocAttr smConnector] getItem]
- if [$item isNil] {
- set itemName ""
- } else {
- set itemName [$item name]
- }
- m4_warning $W_INTASSOCATTR [$assocAttr getName] $itemName [$this getName]
- }
- }
- method JVGClass::generateAccess {this} {
- set access [string tolower [$this getPropertyValue class_access]]
- if {$access != "none"} {
- if [$this isMaster] {
- if {$access == ""} {
- set access "public"
- }
- } else {
- if {$access == "public"} {
- m4_warning $W_NOTPUBLIC [$this getName] [[$this unit] name]
- set access ""
- }
- }
- if {$access != ""} {
- [$this container] access [JavaAccess new $access]
- }
- }
- }
- method JVGClass::generateComment {this} {
- set text [$this getPropertyValue freeText]
- if {$text == ""} {
- return
- }
- set type [$this getPropertyValue comment_type]
- switch $type {
- Block {[$this container] comment [JavaBlockComment new $text]}
- Document {[$this container] comment [JavaDocComment new $text]}
- default {[$this container] comment [JavaLineComment new $text]}
- }
- }
- method JVGClass::generateContainer {this} {
- set unit [$this unit]
- $unit addContainer [$this container]
- if {[$this getName] == [$unit name]} {
- $this isMaster 1
- $unit masterContainer [$this container]
- set packageStatement [$this getPropertyValue package_stmnt]
- if {$packageStatement != ""} {
- $unit packageStatement [JavaPackageName new "$packageStatement"]
- }
- } else {
- $this isMaster 0
- }
- }
- method JVGClass::generateModifier {this} {
- set modifier [$this getModifier]
- if {$modifier != ""} {
- if {[$this isInterface] && $modifier == "final"} {
- m4_warning $W_INTNOTFINAL [$this getName]
- } else {
- [$this container] modifier [JavaModifier new $modifier]
- }
- }
- }
- method JVGClass::generatePackages {this} {
- set unit [$this unit]
- foreach importPackage [$this getPropertyValue import_package] {
- $unit addImportPackage [JavaPackageName new $importPackage]
- }
- foreach importType [$this getPropertyValue import_type] {
- $unit addImportType [JavaPackageName new $importType]
- }
- foreach importOnDemand [$this getPropertyValue import_ondemand] {
- $unit addImportOnDemand [JavaPackageName new $importOnDemand]
- }
- }
- method JVGClass::getModifier {this} {
- return [string tolower [$this getPropertyValue class_modifier]]
- }
- method JVGClass::isExternal {this} {
- if {[$this OPClass::isExternal] ||
- [$this getPropertyValue interface_type] == "External"} {
- return 1
- }
- return 0
- }
- method JVGClass::isInterface {this} {
- if {[$this getPropertyValue class_interface] == "Interface"} {
- return 1
- }
- return 0
- }
- # Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
- Class JVGClassD : {JVGClass OPClass} {
- }
- selfPromoter OPClass {this} {
- JVGClassD promote $this
- }
- # File: @(#)jvgfeature.tcl /main/hindenburg/3
- Class JVGFeature : {Object} {
- constructor
- method destructor
- method generate
- method getComment
- method getMethodAccess
- method getTypeName
- method isFinal
- method isNative
- method isSynchronized
- method isThreadsafe
- method isTransient
- method isVolatile
- }
- constructor JVGFeature {class this name} {
- set this [Object::constructor $class $this $name]
- # Start constructor user section
- # End constructor user section
- return $this
- }
- method JVGFeature::destructor {this} {
- # Start destructor user section
- # End destructor user section
- }
- method JVGFeature::generate {this} {
- # !! Implement this function !!
- }
- method JVGFeature::getComment {this} {
- set text [$this getPropertyValue freeText]
- if {$text == ""} {
- return ""
- }
- set type [$this getPropertyValue comment_type]
- switch $type {
- Block {return [JavaBlockComment new $text]}
- Document {return [JavaDocComment new $text]}
- default {return [JavaLineComment new $text]}
- }
- }
- method JVGFeature::getMethodAccess {this} {
- return [string tolower [$this getPropertyValue method_access]]
- }
- method JVGFeature::getTypeName {this} {
- if {[$this ooplType] == ""} {
- return ""
- }
- return [[$this ooplType] getName]
- }
- method JVGFeature::isFinal {this} {
- if {[$this getPropertyValue is_final] == "1"} {
- return "1"
- }
- return "0"
- }
- method JVGFeature::isNative {this} {
- if {[$this getPropertyValue is_native] == "1"} {
- return "1"
- }
- return "0"
- }
- method JVGFeature::isSynchronized {this} {
- if {[$this getPropertyValue is_synchronized] == "1"} {
- return "1"
- }
- return "0"
- }
- method JVGFeature::isThreadsafe {this} {
- if {[$this getPropertyValue is_threadsafe] == "1"} {
- return "1"
- }
- return "0"
- }
- method JVGFeature::isTransient {this} {
- if {[$this getPropertyValue is_transient] == "1"} {
- return "1"
- }
- return "0"
- }
- method JVGFeature::isVolatile {this} {
- if {[$this getPropertyValue is_volatile] == "1"} {
- return "1"
- }
- return "0"
- }
- # Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
- Class JVGFeatureD : {JVGFeature OPFeature} {
- }
- selfPromoter OPFeature {this} {
- JVGFeatureD promote $this
- }
- # File: @(#)jvgtype.tcl /main/hindenburg/1
- Class JVGType : {Object} {
- constructor
- method destructor
- }
- constructor JVGType {class this name} {
- set this [Object::constructor $class $this $name]
- # Start constructor user section
- # End constructor user section
- return $this
- }
- method JVGType::destructor {this} {
- # Start destructor user section
- # End destructor user section
- }
- # Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
- Class JVGTypeD : {JVGType OPType} {
- }
- selfPromoter OPType {this} {
- JVGTypeD promote $this
- }
- # File: @(#)jvgclassen.tcl /main/hindenburg/1
- Class JVGClassEnum : {JVGClass} {
- constructor
- method destructor
- method generate
- }
- constructor JVGClassEnum {class this name} {
- set this [JVGClass::constructor $class $this $name]
- # Start constructor user section
- # End constructor user section
- return $this
- }
- method JVGClassEnum::destructor {this} {
- # Start destructor user section
- # End destructor user section
- }
- method JVGClassEnum::generate {this model} {
- $this JVGClass::generate $model
- }
- # Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
- Class JVGClassEnumD : {JVGClassEnum OPClassEnum} {
- }
- selfPromoter OPClassEnum {this} {
- JVGClassEnumD promote $this
- }
- # File: @(#)jvgclassge.tcl /main/hindenburg/1
- Class JVGClassGenericTypeDef : {JVGClass} {
- constructor
- method destructor
- method generate
- }
- constructor JVGClassGenericTypeDef {class this name} {
- set this [JVGClass::constructor $class $this $name]
- # Start constructor user section
- # End constructor user section
- return $this
- }
- method JVGClassGenericTypeDef::destructor {this} {
- # Start destructor user section
- # End destructor user section
- }
- method JVGClassGenericTypeDef::generate {this model} {
- $this JVGClass::generate $model
- }
- # Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
- Class JVGClassGenericTypeDefD : {JVGClassGenericTypeDef OPClassGenericTypeDef} {
- }
- selfPromoter OPClassGenericTypeDef {this} {
- JVGClassGenericTypeDefD promote $this
- }
- # File: @(#)jvgclasstd.tcl /main/hindenburg/1
- Class JVGClassTDef : {JVGClass} {
- constructor
- method destructor
- method generate
- }
- constructor JVGClassTDef {class this name} {
- set this [JVGClass::constructor $class $this $name]
- # Start constructor user section
- # End constructor user section
- return $this
- }
- method JVGClassTDef::destructor {this} {
- # Start destructor user section
- # End destructor user section
- }
- method JVGClassTDef::generate {this model} {
- $this JVGClass::generate $model
- }
- # Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
- Class JVGClassTDefD : {JVGClassTDef OPClassTDef} {
- }
- selfPromoter OPClassTDef {this} {
- JVGClassTDefD promote $this
- }
- # File: @(#)jvglinkcla.tcl /main/hindenburg/1
- Class JVGLinkClass : {JVGClass} {
- constructor
- method destructor
- method generate
- }
- constructor JVGLinkClass {class this name} {
- set this [JVGClass::constructor $class $this $name]
- # Start constructor user section
- # End constructor user section
- return $this
- }
- method JVGLinkClass::destructor {this} {
- # Start destructor user section
- # End destructor user section
- }
- method JVGLinkClass::generate {this model} {
- $this JVGClass::generate $model
- }
- # Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
- Class JVGLinkClassD : {JVGLinkClass OPLinkClass} {
- }
- selfPromoter OPLinkClass {this} {
- JVGLinkClassD promote $this
- }
- # File: @(#)jvgattribu.tcl /main/hindenburg/3
- Class JVGAttribute : {JVGFeature} {
- constructor
- method destructor
- method generate
- method getAccessorAccess
- method getAttributeAccess
- }
- constructor JVGAttribute {class this name} {
- set this [JVGFeature::constructor $class $this $name]
- # Start constructor user section
- # End constructor user section
- return $this
- }
- method JVGAttribute::destructor {this} {
- # Start destructor user section
- # End destructor user section
- }
- method JVGAttribute::generate {this} {
- # !! Implement this function !!
- }
- method JVGAttribute::getAccessorAccess {this mode} {
- set manip [string tolower [$this getPropertyValue attrib_manipulator]]
- if {$manip == ""} {
- return "public"
- }
- set rwAccessList [split $manip -]
- if {[llength $rwAccessList] == 2} {
- if {$mode == "r"} {
- return [lindex $rwAccessList 0]
- }
- return [lindex $rwAccessList 1]
- }
- return $manip
- }
- method JVGAttribute::getAttributeAccess {this} {
- return [string tolower [$this getPropertyValue attrib_access]]
- }
- # Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
- Class JVGAttributeD : {JVGAttribute OPAttribute} {
- }
- selfPromoter OPAttribute {this} {
- JVGAttributeD promote $this
- }
- # File: @(#)jvgconstru.tcl /main/hindenburg/3
- Class JVGConstructor : {JVGFeature} {
- constructor
- method destructor
- method generate
- }
- constructor JVGConstructor {class this name} {
- set this [JVGFeature::constructor $class $this $name]
- # Start constructor user section
- # End constructor user section
- return $this
- }
- method JVGConstructor::destructor {this} {
- # Start destructor user section
- # End destructor user section
- }
- method JVGConstructor::generate {this} {
- set class [$this ooplClass]
- if [$class isInterface] {
- return
- }
- set container [$class container]
- set constructor [JavaConstructor new [$class getName]]
- $container defaultConstructor $constructor
- $container addConstructor $constructor
- foreach param [$class creationParamSet] {
- set paramType [JavaType new [[$param ooplType] getName]]
- set javaParam [JavaParameter new [$param getName]_ $paramType]
- $constructor addParameter $javaParam
- }
- set genBody [TextSection new]
- $constructor generatorBody $genBody
- set superInitList ""
- foreach scInitializer [$this superClassInitializerSet] {
- foreach param [$scInitializer parameterSet] {
- lappend superInitList "[$param getName]_"
- }
- }
- if {$superInitList != ""} {
- $genBody append "super([join $superInitList ", "]);\n"
- }
- foreach initializer [$this initializerSet] {
- set initType [$initializer get_obj_type]
- if {$initType != "sc_init" && $initType != "qual_init"} {
- set ident [$initializer getName]
- $genBody append "$ident = ${ident}_;\n"
- }
- }
- foreach assoc [$class genAssocAttrSet] {
- set var [$assoc getAssocVariable]
- if [$assoc isQualified] {
- $genBody append "$var = new Hashtable();\n"
- } elseif {[$assoc getMultiplicity] == "many"} {
- if {[$assoc isOrdered]} {
- $genBody append "$var = new Queue();\n"
- } else {
- $genBody append "$var = new Vector();\n"
- }
- }
- if [$assoc isReverseLinkAttr] {
- set opposite [$assoc opposite]
- if {$opposite != ""} {
- $genBody append [$opposite extendAssociation $var]
- }
- }
- }
- set access [$this getMethodAccess]
- if {$access == ""} {
- set access "public"
- }
- $constructor access [JavaAccess new $access]
- }
- # Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
- Class JVGConstructorD : {JVGConstructor OPConstructor} {
- }
- selfPromoter OPConstructor {this} {
- JVGConstructorD promote $this
- }
- # File: @(#)jvgoperati.tcl /main/hindenburg/5
- Class JVGOperation : {JVGFeature} {
- constructor
- method destructor
- method generate
- method generateClassMethod
- method generateExceptions
- method generateInterfaceMethod
- method generateParameters
- method generateStaticInitializer
- method generateUserConstructor
- }
- constructor JVGOperation {class this name} {
- set this [JVGFeature::constructor $class $this $name]
- # Start constructor user section
- # End constructor user section
- return $this
- }
- method JVGOperation::destructor {this} {
- # Start destructor user section
- # End destructor user section
- }
- method JVGOperation::generate {this} {
- if {[$this getPropertyValue is_static] != ""} {
- m4_warning $W_OLDPROPERTY is_static
- }
- set name [$this getName]
- if {[$this isClassFeature] && $name == "create"} {
- $this generateUserConstructor
- } elseif {$name == "static"} {
- $this generateStaticInitializer
- } else {
- if [[$this ooplClass] isInterface] {
- $this generateInterfaceMethod
- } else {
- $this generateClassMethod
- }
- }
- }
- method JVGOperation::generateClassMethod {this} {
- set class [$this ooplClass]
- set container [$class container]
- set method [JavaUserMethod new [$this getName]]
- $container addMethod $method
- $method comment [$this getComment]
- if {[$this getTypeName] == ""} {
- $method type [JavaType new "void"]
- } else {
- $method type [JavaType new [$this getTypeName]]
- }
- set access [$this getMethodAccess]
- if {[$this isAbstract] &&
- ($access == "private" || $access == "private protected")} {
- m4_warning $W_ABSPRIVMETH $access [$this getName] [$class getName]
- set access "none"
- }
- if {$access != "none"} {
- if {$access == ""} {
- set access "public"
- }
- $method access [JavaAccess new $access]
- }
- if [$this isAbstract] {
- if {[$class getModifier] != "abstract"} {
- m4_warning $W_ABSTRACTMETH [$class getName] [$this getName]
- m4_warning $W_NOTCOMPILE
- }
- $method addModifier [JavaModifier new "abstract"]
- $method hasBody 0
- } else {
- if [$this isClassFeature] {
- $method addModifier [JavaModifier new "static"]
- }
- if [$this isFinal] {
- $method addModifier [JavaModifier new "final"]
- }
- }
- if [$this isNative] {
- $method addModifier [JavaModifier new "native"]
- $method hasBody 0
- }
- if [$this isSynchronized] {
- $method addModifier [JavaModifier new "synchronized"]
- }
- $this generateParameters $method
- $this generateExceptions $method
- }
- method JVGOperation::generateExceptions {this method} {
- foreach throwException [$this getPropertyValue method_exceptions] {
- $method addThrow [JavaException new $throwException]
- }
- }
- method JVGOperation::generateInterfaceMethod {this} {
- set class [$this ooplClass]
- set container [$class container]
- set method [JavaUserMethod new [$this getName]]
- $container addMethod $method
- $method hasBody 0
- $method comment [$this getComment]
- if {[$this getTypeName] == ""} {
- $method type [JavaType new "void"]
- } else {
- $method type [JavaType new [$this getTypeName]]
- }
- set access [$this getMethodAccess]
- if {$access == "private" || $access == "protected" ||
- $access == "private protected"} {
- m4_warning $W_INVINTDECL $access [$this getName] [$class getName]
- }
- if {$access != "none"} {
- set access "public"
- $method access [JavaAccess new $access]
- }
- if [$this isNative] {
- m4_warning $W_INVINTDECL native [$this getName] [$class getName]
- }
- if [$this isClassFeature] {
- m4_warning $W_INVINTDECL static [$this getName] [$class getName]
- }
- if [$this isSynchronized] {
- m4_warning $W_INVINTDECL synchronized [$this getName] [$class getName]
- }
- if [$this isFinal] {
- m4_warning $W_INVINTDECL final [$this getName] [$class getName]
- }
- if [$this isAbstract] {
- $method addModifier [JavaModifier new "abstract"]
- $method hasBody 0
- }
- $this generateParameters $method
- $this generateExceptions $method
- }
- method JVGOperation::generateParameters {this method} {
- foreach param [$this parameterSet] {
- set paramType [JavaType new [[$param ooplType] getName]]
- set javaParam [JavaParameter new [$param getName] $paramType]
- $method addParameter $javaParam
- }
- }
- method JVGOperation::generateStaticInitializer {this} {
- set container [[$this ooplClass] container]
- set initializer [JavaStaticInitializer new "static"]
- $container addMethod $initializer
- $initializer comment [$this getComment]
- }
- method JVGOperation::generateUserConstructor {this} {
- set class [$this ooplClass]
- set container [$class container]
- set constructor [JavaUserConstructor new [$class getName]]
- $container addUserConstructor $constructor
- $container addConstructor $constructor
- $constructor comment [$this getComment]
- foreach param [$this parameterSet] {
- set paramType [JavaType new [[$param ooplType] getName]]
- set javaParam [JavaParameter new [$param getName] $paramType]
- $constructor addParameter $javaParam
- }
- foreach throwException [$this getPropertyValue method_exceptions] {
- $constructor addThrow [JavaException new $throwException]
- }
- set access [$this getMethodAccess]
- if {$access == "" || $access == "none"} {
- set access "public"
- }
- $constructor access [JavaAccess new $access]
- }
- # Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
- Class JVGOperationD : {JVGOperation OPOperation} {
- }
- selfPromoter OPOperation {this} {
- JVGOperationD promote $this
- }
- # File: @(#)jvgbasetyp.tcl /main/hindenburg/1
- Class JVGBaseType : {JVGType} {
- constructor
- method destructor
- method getName
- }
- constructor JVGBaseType {class this name} {
- set this [JVGType::constructor $class $this $name]
- # Start constructor user section
- # End constructor user section
- return $this
- }
- method JVGBaseType::destructor {this} {
- # Start destructor user section
- # End destructor user section
- }
- method JVGBaseType::getName {this} {
- set name [$this getType3GL]
- if {$name != ""} {
- return $name
- }
- return [$this OPType::getName]
- }
- # Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
- Class JVGBaseTypeD : {JVGBaseType OPBaseType} {
- }
- selfPromoter OPBaseType {this} {
- JVGBaseTypeD promote $this
- }
- # File: @(#)jvgdataatt.tcl /main/hindenburg/4
- Class JVGDataAttr : {JVGAttribute} {
- constructor
- method destructor
- method generate
- method generateClassVariable
- method generateInterfaceVariable
- method getVariableInitializer
- }
- constructor JVGDataAttr {class this name} {
- set this [JVGAttribute::constructor $class $this $name]
- # Start constructor user section
- # End constructor user section
- return $this
- }
- method JVGDataAttr::destructor {this} {
- # Start destructor user section
- # End destructor user section
- }
- method JVGDataAttr::generate {this} {
- if {[$this getPropertyValue is_static] != ""} {
- m4_warning $W_OLDPROPERTY is_static
- }
- set class [$this ooplClass]
- if [$class isInterface] {
- $this generateInterfaceVariable
- } else {
- $this generateClassVariable
- }
- }
- method JVGDataAttr::generateClassVariable {this} {
- set class [$this ooplClass]
- set container [$class container]
- set variable [JavaVariable new [$this getName]]
- $container addVariable $variable
- $variable type [JavaType new [$this getTypeName]]
- $variable comment [$this getComment]
- $variable initializer [$this getVariableInitializer]
- if {[$this isFinal] && [$variable initializer] == ""} {
- m4_warning $W_FINALVAR [$this getName] [$class getName]
- m4_warning $W_NOTCOMPILE
- }
- set access [$this getAttributeAccess]
- if {$access != "none"} {
- if {$access == ""} {
- set access "private"
- }
- $variable access [JavaAccess new $access]
- }
- if [$this isClassFeature] {
- $variable addModifier [JavaModifier new "static"]
- }
- if [$this isFinal] {
- $variable addModifier [JavaModifier new "final"]
- }
- if [$this isThreadsafe] {
- $variable addModifier [JavaModifier new "threadsafe"]
- }
- if [$this isTransient] {
- if {[$this isClassFeature] || [$this isFinal]} {
- m4_warning $W_TRANSIENTVAR [$this getName] [$class getName]
- m4_warning $W_NOTCOMPILE
- }
- $variable addModifier [JavaModifier new "transient"]
- }
- if [$this isVolatile] {
- $variable addModifier [JavaModifier new "volatile"]
- }
- #
- # Generate accessor methods
- #
- set access [$this getAccessorAccess "r"]
- if {$access != "none"} {
- set ident [$this getName]
- set genBody [TextSection new]
- set accessor [JavaAccMethod new "get[cap $ident]"]
- if [$this isClassFeature] {
- $accessor addModifier [JavaModifier new "static"]
- }
- $accessor type [JavaType new [$this getTypeName]]
- $container addAttributeAccessor $accessor
- $accessor access [JavaAccess new $access]
- $accessor generatorBody $genBody
- $genBody append "return $ident;\n"
- }
- set access [$this getAccessorAccess "w"]
- if {![$this isFinal] && $access != "none"} {
- set ident [$this getName]
- set paramId "${ident}_"
- set genBody [TextSection new]
- set accessor [JavaAccMethod new "set[cap $ident]"]
- set type [JavaType new [$this getTypeName]]
- set parameter [JavaParameter new $paramId $type]
- if [$this isClassFeature] {
- $accessor addModifier [JavaModifier new "static"]
- }
- $container addAttributeAccessor $accessor
- $accessor type [JavaType new "void"]
- $accessor addParameter $parameter
- $accessor access [JavaAccess new $access]
- $accessor generatorBody $genBody
- $genBody append "$ident = $paramId;\n"
- }
- }
- method JVGDataAttr::generateInterfaceVariable {this} {
- set class [$this ooplClass]
- set container [$class container]
- set variable [JavaVariable new [$this getName]]
- $container addVariable $variable
- $variable type [JavaType new [$this getTypeName]]
- $variable comment [$this getComment]
- $variable access [JavaAccess new "public"]
- $variable initializer [$this getVariableInitializer]
- if {[$variable initializer] == ""} {
- m4_warning $W_INTVARNOASSGN [$this getName]
- m4_warning $W_NOTCOMPILE
- }
- if [$this isClassFeature] {
- $variable addModifier [JavaModifier new "static"]
- }
- if [$this isFinal] {
- $variable addModifier [JavaModifier new "final"]
- }
- }
- method JVGDataAttr::getVariableInitializer {this} {
- if {[$this getPropertyValue default_value] != ""} {
- m4_warning $W_OLDPROPERTY default_value
- }
- if {[set initVal [$this getPropertyValue initial_value]] != ""} {
- return [JavaInitializer new $initVal]
- }
- if {[set initVal [$this getPropertyValue array_initialization]] != ""} {
- return [JavaInitializer new $initVal]
- }
- return ""
- }
- # Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
- Class JVGDataAttrD : {JVGDataAttr OPDataAttr} {
- }
- selfPromoter OPDataAttr {this} {
- JVGDataAttrD promote $this
- }
- # File: @(#)jvggenasso.tcl /main/hindenburg/7
- Class JVGGenAssocAttr : {JVGAttribute} {
- constructor
- method destructor
- method generate
- method generateAddAccessor
- method generateGetAccessor
- method generateGetManyAccessor
- method generateRemoveAccessor
- method generateSetAccessor
- method generateAssociationVariable
- method getAssocIdentifier
- method getAssocVariable
- method isClassFeature
- method extendAssociation
- method reduceAssociation
- method setAssociation
- }
- constructor JVGGenAssocAttr {class this name} {
- set this [JVGAttribute::constructor $class $this $name]
- # Start constructor user section
- # End constructor user section
- return $this
- }
- method JVGGenAssocAttr::destructor {this} {
- # Start destructor user section
- # End destructor user section
- }
- method JVGGenAssocAttr::generate {this} {
- # !! Implement this function !!
- }
- method JVGGenAssocAttr::generateAddAccessor {this} {
- set ident [$this getAssocIdentifier]
- if [$this isOrdered] {
- set accessor [JavaAccMethod new "append[cap $ident]"]
- } else {
- set accessor [JavaAccMethod new "add[cap $ident]"]
- }
- [[$this ooplClass] container] addAssociationAccessor $accessor
- $accessor type [JavaType new "void"]
- if [$this isQualified] {
- set qualifier [$this qualifier]
- set qualTypeName [[$qualifier ooplType] getName]
- set qualId "[$qualifier getName]_"
- set type [JavaType new $qualTypeName]
- $accessor addParameter [JavaParameter new $qualId $type]
- }
- set opposite [$this opposite]
- if {$opposite != "" && [$opposite isQualified]} {
- set qualTypeName [[[$opposite qualifier] ooplType] getName]
- set qualId "[[$opposite qualifier] getName]_"
- set type [JavaType new $qualTypeName]
- $accessor addParameter [JavaParameter new $qualId $type]
- }
- set paramId "${ident}_"
- set type [JavaType new [[$this ooplType] getName]]
- $accessor addParameter [JavaParameter new $paramId $type]
- set body [TextSection new]
- $accessor generatorBody $body
- $body append "if ($paramId == null)\n"
- $body append " return;\n";
- if {$opposite != ""} {
- if {[$opposite getMultiplicity] == "one" &&
- ![$opposite isQualified] && ![$this isQualified]} {
- $body append [$opposite setAssociation $paramId]
- }
- $body append [$opposite extendAssociation $paramId]
- }
- if [$this isQualified] {
- [[$this ooplClass] container] needsVector 1
- set varName [$this getAssocVariable]
- $body append "// You must supply a hashCode and equals method for Object\n"
- $body append "// [[$this qualifier] getName] for java.util.Hashtable usage.\n"
- $body append "Vector vector = (Vector) $varName.get($qualId);\n"
- $body append "if (vector == null) {\n"
- $body append " vector = new Vector();\n"
- $body append " $varName.put($qualId, vector);\n"
- $body append "}\n"
- $body append "vector.addElement($paramId);\n"
- } else {
- $body append [$this extendAssociation "" $paramId]
- }
- set access [$this getAccessorAccess w]
- if {$access != "none"} {
- $accessor access [JavaAccess new $access]
- }
- }
- method JVGGenAssocAttr::generateGetAccessor {this} {
- set varName [$this getAssocVariable]
- set accessor [JavaAccMethod new "get[cap $varName]"]
- [[$this ooplClass] container] addAssociationAccessor $accessor
- $accessor type [JavaType new [[$this ooplType] getName]]
- set access [$this getAccessorAccess r]
- if {$access != "none"} {
- $accessor access [JavaAccess new $access]
- }
- set body [TextSection new]
- $body append "return $varName;\n"
- $accessor generatorBody $body
- }
- method JVGGenAssocAttr::generateGetManyAccessor {this} {
- set varName [$this getAssocVariable]
- set accessor [JavaAccMethod new "get[cap $varName]"]
- [[$this ooplClass] container] addAssociationAccessor $accessor
- if [$this isOrdered] {
- $accessor type [JavaType new "Queue"]
- } else {
- [[$this ooplClass] container] needsVector 1
- $accessor type [JavaType new "Vector"]
- }
- set access [$this getAccessorAccess r]
- if {$access != "none"} {
- $accessor access [JavaAccess new $access]
- }
- set body [TextSection new]
- $body append "return $varName;\n"
- $accessor generatorBody $body
- }
- method JVGGenAssocAttr::generateRemoveAccessor {this} {
- set ident [$this getAssocIdentifier]
- set opposite [$this opposite]
- set accessor [JavaAccMethod new "remove[cap $ident]"]
- [[$this ooplClass] container] addAssociationAccessor $accessor
- $accessor type [JavaType new "void"]
- if {$opposite != "" && [$opposite isQualified]} {
- set qualifier [$opposite qualifier]
- set type [JavaType new [[$qualifier ooplType] getName]]
- set qualId "[$qualifier getName]_"
- $accessor addParameter [JavaParameter new $qualId $type]
- }
- set paramId "${ident}_"
- set type [JavaType new [[$this ooplType] getName]]
- $accessor addParameter [JavaParameter new $paramId $type]
- set body [TextSection new]
- $accessor generatorBody $body
- $body append "if ($paramId == null)\n"
- $body append " return;\n"
- if {$opposite != ""} {
- $body append [$opposite reduceAssociation $paramId]
- }
- $body append [$this reduceAssociation "" $paramId]
- set access [$this getAccessorAccess w]
- if {$access != "none"} {
- $accessor access [JavaAccess new $access]
- }
- }
- method JVGGenAssocAttr::generateSetAccessor {this} {
- set opposite [$this opposite]
- set ident [$this getAssocIdentifier]
- set paramId "${ident}_"
- set accessor [JavaAccMethod new "set[cap $ident]"]
- [[$this ooplClass] container] addAssociationAccessor $accessor
- $accessor type [JavaType new "void"]
- set access [$this getAccessorAccess w]
- if {$access != "none"} {
- $accessor access [JavaAccess new $access]
- }
- if {$opposite != "" && [$opposite isQualified]} {
- set qualifier [$opposite qualifier]
- set type [JavaType new [[$qualifier ooplType] getName]]
- set parameter [JavaParameter new "[$qualifier getName]_" $type]
- $accessor addParameter $parameter
- }
- set type [JavaType new [[$this ooplType] getName]]
- $accessor addParameter [JavaParameter new $paramId $type]
- set body [TextSection new]
- $accessor generatorBody $body
- if {$opposite != ""} {
- if [$opposite isQualified] {
- $body append "if ($paramId != null)\n"
- $body append " [$opposite extendAssociation $paramId]"
- } else {
- $body append "if ($ident != null)\n"
- $body append " [$opposite reduceAssociation $ident]"
- if {[$opposite getMultiplicity] == "one"} {
- $body append "if ($paramId != null) {\n"
- $body append " [$opposite setAssociation $paramId]"
- $body append " [$opposite extendAssociation $paramId]"
- $body append "}\n"
- }
- if {[$opposite getMultiplicity] == "many"} {
- $body append "if ($paramId != null)\n"
- $body append " [$opposite extendAssociation $paramId]"
- }
- }
- }
- $body append "$ident = $paramId;\n"
- }
- method JVGGenAssocAttr::generateAssociationVariable {this} {
- set assocVar [JavaVariable new [$this getAssocVariable]]
- if [$this isQualified] {
- [[$this ooplClass] container] needsHashtable 1
- $assocVar type [JavaType new "Hashtable"]
- } elseif {[$this getMultiplicity] == "many"} {
- if [$this isOrdered] {
- $assocVar type [JavaType new "Queue"]
- } else {
- [[$this ooplClass] container] needsVector 1
- $assocVar type [JavaType new "Vector"]
- }
- } else {
- $assocVar type [JavaType new [[$this ooplType] getName]]
- }
- [[$this ooplClass] container] addAssocVariable $assocVar
- if {[$this opposite] != ""} {
- set access "public"
- } else {
- set access [$this getAttributeAccess]
- }
- if {$access != "none"} {
- if {$access == ""} {
- set access "private"
- }
- $assocVar access [JavaAccess new $access]
- }
- if [$this isClassFeature] {
- $assocVar addModifier [JavaModifier new "static"]
- }
- if [$this isThreadsafe] {
- $assocVar addModifier [JavaModifier new "threadsafe"]
- }
- if [$this isTransient] {
- $assocVar addModifier [JavaModifier new "transient"]
- }
- if [$this isVolatile] {
- $assocVar addModifier [JavaModifier new "volatile"]
- }
- }
- method JVGGenAssocAttr::getAssocIdentifier {this} {
- if [$this isLinkAttr] {
- return [uncap [[$this ooplType] getName]Of[cap [$this getName]]]
- }
- return [$this getName]
- }
- method JVGGenAssocAttr::getAssocVariable {this} {
- if {[$this getMultiplicity] == "many"} {
- return [$this getAssocIdentifier]Set
- }
- return [$this getAssocIdentifier]
- }
- method JVGGenAssocAttr::isClassFeature {this} {
- if {[$this getPropertyValue "is_static"] == "1"} {
- return "1"
- }
- return "0"
- }
- method JVGGenAssocAttr::extendAssociation {this {prefix ""} {element "this"}} {
- set sect [TextSection new]
- if {$prefix != ""} {
- set prefix ${prefix}.
- }
- set varName [$this getAssocVariable]
- if [$this isQualified] {
- set qualId "[[$this qualifier] getName]_"
- if {[$this getMultiplicity] == "one"} {
- return "$prefix$varName.put($qualId, $element);\n"
- }
- set ident [$this getAssocIdentifier]
- return "${prefix}add[cap $ident]($qualId, $element);\n"
- }
- if {[$this getMultiplicity] == "one"} {
- return "$prefix$varName = $element;\n"
- }
- if [$this isOrdered] {
- return "$prefix$varName.append($element);\n"
- }
- return "$prefix$varName.addElement($element);\n"
- }
- method JVGGenAssocAttr::reduceAssociation {this {prefix ""} {element "this"}} {
- if {$prefix != ""} {
- set prefix "${prefix}."
- }
- set varName [$this getAssocVariable]
- if [$this isQualified] {
- set qualId "[[$this qualifier] getName]_"
- if {[$this getMultiplicity] == "one"} {
- return "$prefix$varName.remove($qualId);\n"
- }
- set ident [$this getAssocIdentifier]
- return "${prefix}remove[cap $ident]($qualId, $element);\n"
- }
- if {[$this getMultiplicity] == "one"} {
- return "$prefix$varName = null;\n"
- }
- return "$prefix$varName.removeElement($element);\n"
- }
- method JVGGenAssocAttr::setAssociation {this {prefix ""} {element "null"}} {
- if {$prefix != ""} {
- set prefix "${prefix}."
- }
- return "${prefix}set[cap [$this getAssocIdentifier]]($element);\n"
- }
- # Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
- Class JVGGenAssocAttrD : {JVGGenAssocAttr OPGenAssocAttr} {
- }
- selfPromoter OPGenAssocAttr {this} {
- JVGGenAssocAttrD promote $this
- }
- # File: @(#)jvgassocat.tcl /main/hindenburg/3
- Class JVGAssocAttr : {JVGGenAssocAttr} {
- constructor
- method destructor
- method generate
- }
- constructor JVGAssocAttr {class this name} {
- set this [JVGGenAssocAttr::constructor $class $this $name]
- # Start constructor user section
- # End constructor user section
- return $this
- }
- method JVGAssocAttr::destructor {this} {
- # Start destructor user section
- # End destructor user section
- }
- method JVGAssocAttr::generate {this} {
- if [[$this ooplClass] isInterface] {
- return
- }
- $this generateAssociationVariable
- if {[$this getMultiplicity] == "one"} {
- if {[$this getAccessorAccess r] != "none"} {
- $this generateGetAccessor
- }
- if {[$this getAccessorAccess w] != "none"} {
- $this generateSetAccessor
- }
- } else {
- if {[$this getAccessorAccess w] != "none"} {
- $this generateAddAccessor
- $this generateRemoveAccessor
- }
- if {[$this getAccessorAccess r] != "none"} {
- $this generateGetManyAccessor
- }
- }
- }
- # Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
- Class JVGAssocAttrD : {JVGAssocAttr OPAssocAttr} {
- }
- selfPromoter OPAssocAttr {this} {
- JVGAssocAttrD promote $this
- }
- # File: @(#)jvglinkatt.tcl /main/hindenburg/1
- Class JVGLinkAttr : {JVGGenAssocAttr} {
- constructor
- method destructor
- method generate
- }
- constructor JVGLinkAttr {class this name} {
- set this [JVGGenAssocAttr::constructor $class $this $name]
- # Start constructor user section
- # End constructor user section
- return $this
- }
- method JVGLinkAttr::destructor {this} {
- # Start destructor user section
- # End destructor user section
- }
- method JVGLinkAttr::generate {this} {
- if [[$this ooplClass] isInterface] {
- return
- }
- $this generateAssociationVariable
- if {[$this getMultiplicity] == "one"} {
- $this generateGetAccessor
- } else {
- $this generateGetManyAccessor
- }
- }
- # Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
- Class JVGLinkAttrD : {JVGLinkAttr OPLinkAttr} {
- }
- selfPromoter OPLinkAttr {this} {
- JVGLinkAttrD promote $this
- }
- # File: @(#)jvgqualatt.tcl /main/hindenburg/4
- Class JVGQualAttr : {JVGGenAssocAttr} {
- constructor
- method destructor
- method generate
- method generateGetQualifiedAccessor
- method generateRemoveQualifiedAccessor
- method generateSetQualifiedAccessor
- }
- constructor JVGQualAttr {class this name} {
- set this [JVGGenAssocAttr::constructor $class $this $name]
- # Start constructor user section
- # End constructor user section
- return $this
- }
- method JVGQualAttr::destructor {this} {
- # Start destructor user section
- # End destructor user section
- }
- method JVGQualAttr::generate {this} {
- if [[$this ooplClass] isInterface] {
- return
- }
- $this generateAssociationVariable
- if {[$this getAccessorAccess r] != "none"} {
- $this generateGetQualifiedAccessor
- }
- if {[$this getAccessorAccess w] != "none"} {
- if {[$this getMultiplicity] == "one"} {
- $this generateSetQualifiedAccessor
- } else {
- $this generateAddAccessor
- }
- $this generateRemoveQualifiedAccessor
- }
- }
- method JVGQualAttr::generateGetQualifiedAccessor {this} {
- set varName [$this getAssocVariable]
- set assocType [$this ooplType]
- set accessor [JavaAccMethod new "get[cap $varName]"]
- [[$this ooplClass] container] addAssociationAccessor $accessor
- if {[$this getMultiplicity] == "many"} {
- [[$this ooplClass] container] needsVector 1
- set assocTypeName "Vector"
- } else {
- set assocTypeName [$assocType getName]
- }
- set access [$this getAccessorAccess r]
- if {$access != "none"} {
- $accessor access [JavaAccess new $access]
- }
- $accessor type [JavaType new $assocTypeName]
- set qualifier [$this qualifier]
- set qualName [$qualifier getName]
- set qualType [$qualifier ooplType]
- set qualTypeName [$qualType getName]
- set type [JavaType new $qualTypeName]
- set qualId "${qualName}_"
- $accessor addParameter [JavaParameter new $qualId $type]
- #
- # Check if qualifier has one of the Java builtin types.
- # The type of a qualifier must be derived from Object.
- #
- set wrongTypes "byte short int long char float double boolean"
- if {[lsearch $wrongTypes $qualTypeName] != -1} {
- set item [[$this smConnector] getItem]
- if [$item isNil] {
- set itemName ""
- } else {
- set itemName [$item name]
- }
- m4_warning $W_QUALWRONGTYPE $qualName $itemName [$this getName] $qualTypeName
- m4_warning $W_NOTCOMPILE
- }
- set body [TextSection new]
- $body append "Object object = $varName.get($qualId);\n"
- $body append "if (object != null)\n"
- $body append " return (($assocTypeName) object);\n"
- $body append "return null;\n"
- $accessor generatorBody $body
- }
- method JVGQualAttr::generateRemoveQualifiedAccessor {this} {
- set ident [$this getAssocIdentifier]
- set accessor [JavaAccMethod new "remove[cap $ident]"]
- [[$this ooplClass] container] addAssociationAccessor $accessor
- $accessor type [JavaType new "void"]
- set access [$this getAccessorAccess w]
- if {$access != "none"} {
- $accessor access [JavaAccess new $access]
- }
- set qualType [JavaType new [[[$this qualifier] ooplType] getName]]
- set qualId "[[$this qualifier] getName]_"
- $accessor addParameter [JavaParameter new $qualId $qualType]
- set body [TextSection new]
- set paramId "${ident}_"
- set opposite [$this opposite]
- set varName [$this getAssocVariable]
- if {[$this getMultiplicity] == "one"} {
- $body append "Object object = $varName.get($qualId);\n"
- $body append "if (object == null)\n"
- $body append " return;\n"
- $body append [$this reduceAssociation]
- if {$opposite != ""} {
- set typeName [[$this ooplType] getName]
- $body append "$typeName $paramId = ($typeName) object;\n"
- }
- } else {
- [[$this ooplClass] container] needsVector 1
- set type [JavaType new [[$this ooplType] getName]]
- $accessor addParameter [JavaParameter new $paramId $type]
- $body append "if ($paramId == null)\n"
- $body append " return;\n"
- $body append "Vector vector = (Vector) $varName.get($qualId);\n";
- $body append "if (vector != null)\n";
- $body append " vector.removeElement($paramId);\n"
- }
- if {$opposite != ""} {
- $body append [$opposite reduceAssociation $paramId]
- }
- $accessor generatorBody $body
- }
- method JVGQualAttr::generateSetQualifiedAccessor {this} {
- set ident [$this getAssocIdentifier]
- set accessor [JavaAccMethod new "set[cap $ident]"]
- set qualifier [$this qualifier]
- set qualType [JavaType new [[$qualifier ooplType] getName]]
- set qualId "[$qualifier getName]_"
- [[$this ooplClass] container] addAssociationAccessor $accessor
- $accessor addParameter [JavaParameter new $qualId $qualType]
- $accessor type [JavaType new "void"]
- set paramId "${ident}_"
- set type [JavaType new [[$this ooplType] getName]]
- $accessor addParameter [JavaParameter new $paramId $type]
- set access [$this getAccessorAccess w]
- if {$access != "none"} {
- $accessor access [JavaAccess new $access]
- }
- set body [TextSection new]
- $body append "if ($paramId == null)\n"
- $body append " return;\n"
- $body append "$ident.put($qualId, $paramId);\n"
- set opposite [$this opposite]
- if {$opposite != ""} {
- $body append [$opposite extendAssociation $paramId]
- }
- $accessor generatorBody $body
- }
- # Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
- Class JVGQualAttrD : {JVGQualAttr OPQualAttr} {
- }
- selfPromoter OPQualAttr {this} {
- JVGQualAttrD promote $this
- }
- # File: @(#)jvgreverse.tcl /main/hindenburg/1
- Class JVGReverseLinkAttr : {JVGGenAssocAttr} {
- constructor
- method destructor
- method generate
- }
- constructor JVGReverseLinkAttr {class this name} {
- set this [JVGGenAssocAttr::constructor $class $this $name]
- # Start constructor user section
- # End constructor user section
- return $this
- }
- method JVGReverseLinkAttr::destructor {this} {
- # Start destructor user section
- # End destructor user section
- }
- method JVGReverseLinkAttr::generate {this} {
- if [[$this ooplClass] isInterface] {
- return
- }
- $this generateAssociationVariable
- if {[$this getMultiplicity] == "one"} {
- $this generateGetAccessor
- } else {
- $this generateGetManyAccessor
- }
- }
- # Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
- Class JVGReverseLinkAttrD : {JVGReverseLinkAttr OPReverseLinkAttr} {
- }
- selfPromoter OPReverseLinkAttr {this} {
- JVGReverseLinkAttrD promote $this
- }
- # File: @(#)jvgqualass.tcl /main/hindenburg/1
- Class JVGQualAssocAttr : {JVGQualAttr} {
- constructor
- method destructor
- method generate
- }
- constructor JVGQualAssocAttr {class this name} {
- set this [JVGQualAttr::constructor $class $this $name]
- # Start constructor user section
- # End constructor user section
- return $this
- }
- method JVGQualAssocAttr::destructor {this} {
- # Start destructor user section
- # End destructor user section
- }
- method JVGQualAssocAttr::generate {this} {
- $this JVGQualAttr::generate
- }
- # Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
- Class JVGQualAssocAttrD : {JVGQualAssocAttr OPQualAssocAttr} {
- }
- selfPromoter OPQualAssocAttr {this} {
- JVGQualAssocAttrD promote $this
- }
- # File: @(#)jvgquallin.tcl /main/hindenburg/1
- Class JVGQualLinkAttr : {JVGQualAttr} {
- constructor
- method destructor
- method generate
- }
- constructor JVGQualLinkAttr {class this name} {
- set this [JVGQualAttr::constructor $class $this $name]
- # Start constructor user section
- # End constructor user section
- return $this
- }
- method JVGQualLinkAttr::destructor {this} {
- # Start destructor user section
- # End destructor user section
- }
- method JVGQualLinkAttr::generate {this} {
- $this JVGQualAttr::generate
- }
- # Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
- Class JVGQualLinkAttrD : {JVGQualLinkAttr OPQualLinkAttr} {
- }
- selfPromoter OPQualLinkAttr {this} {
- JVGQualLinkAttrD promote $this
- }