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- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # Copyright (c) 1996 by Cayenne Software Inc.
- #
- # This software is furnished under a license and may be used only in
- # accordance with the terms of such license and with the inclusion of
- # the above copyright notice. This software or any other copies thereof
- # may not be provided or otherwise made available to any other person.
- # No title to and ownership of the software is hereby transferred.
- #
- # The information in this software is subject to change without notice
- # and should not be construed as a commitment by Cayenne Software Inc.
- #
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # File : @(#)javaconv.tcl /main/hindenburg/3
- # Author : Discovery
- # Original date : December 1996
- # Description : Tcl Script doing the following conversions on CDM's
- # that are created for generating Java code in the
- # current system:
- # * attribute property
- #
- # default_value -> initial_value
- #
- # - " = <default_value>" is appended to name_type
- # label
- # - existing initial_value overrules default_value
- # - default_value is deleted
- # * row property
- #
- # is_static -> is_class_feature
- #
- # - "$" is prepended to name_type label if needed
- # - existing is_class_feature overrules is_static
- # - is_static is deleted
- # Usage : otsh -f <this_file>
- #
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # @(#)javaconv.tcl /main/hindenburg/3 23 Dec 1996 Copyright 1996 Cayenne Software Inc.
- #
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- global SCCS_W; set SCCS_W "
- @(#)javaconv.tcl /main/hindenburg/3
- "
- global file
- proc rowConv {row} {
- if {[$row getCompType] == "attribute"} {
- set isStatic [$row getProp "is_static" "name_type" "de"]
- } else {
- set isStatic [$row getProp "is_static"]
- }
- if {$isStatic != ""} {
- set doConvert 1
- set isClassFeature [$row getProp "is_class_feature"]
- if {$isClassFeature != "" && $isStatic != $isClassFeature} {
- puts stderr "WARNING: $file: [$row getCompType] '[$row getLabel "name_type"]' has 'is_static = $isStatic' unequal to 'is_class_feature = $isClassFeature'; latter one overrules"
- set doConvert 0
- }
- if {[$row getCompType] == "attribute"} {
- $row setProp "is_static" "" "name_type" "de"
- } else {
- $row setProp "is_static" ""
- }
- if {$doConvert} {
- set nameType [$row getLabel "name_type"]
- regsub {$} $nameType {} nameType
- if {$isStatic == "1"} {
- $row setLabel "name_type" "\$$nameType"
- }
- }
- return 1
- }
- return 0
- }
- proc attrConv {attr} {
- set defaultValue [$attr getProp "default_value" "name_type" "de"]
- if {$defaultValue != ""} {
- set doConvert 1
- set initialValue [$attr getProp "initial_value"]
- if {$initialValue != "" && $defaultValue != $initialValue} {
- puts stderr "WARNING: $file: attribute '[$attr getLabel "name_type"]' has 'default_value = $defaultValue' unequal to 'initial_value = $initialValue'; latter one overrules"
- set doConvert 0
- }
- $attr setProp "default_value" "" "name_type" "de"
- if {$doConvert} {
- set nameType [$attr getLabel "name_type"]
- regsub {[ ]*=.*} $nameType {} nameType
- $attr setLabel "name_type" "$nameType = $defaultValue"
- }
- return 1
- }
- return 0
- }
- proc javaConv {fileV} {
- set diag [EdCDM new [[$fileV file] name] "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 1]
- set isChanged 0
- foreach row [$diag getRows] {
- if {[$row getCompType] == "attribute"} {
- set isChanged [expr $isChanged + [attrConv $row]]
- }
- set isChanged [expr $isChanged + [rowConv $row]]
- }
- if {$isChanged} {
- $diag formatLayout
- $diag save
- } else {
- $diag quit
- }
- }
- proc main {} {
- global file
- set file [string trim $SCCS_W "\n"]
- regsub "@.#.(.*)\t.*" $file {\1} file
- set cc [ClientContext::global]
- set sysV [$cc currentSystem]
- if {[$cc currentLevel] == "File"} {
- $cc upLevel
- }
- if {[$cc currentLevel] != "System"} {
- puts stderr "ERROR: $file: cannot find out current system (levelpath is '[$cc currentLevelString]')"
- exit 1
- }
- $cc upLevel
- #
- # Now we are at phase level, so we can freeze the system version
- #
- set systemName [[$sysV system] name]
- if {[$sysV status] != "frozen"} {
- puts "Freezing system '$systemName' before starting conversion."
- $sysV freeze "Freeze before Java conversion ObjectTeam 4.0 to 5.1.1"
- }
- #
- # Create new system version
- #
- set phaseV [$cc currentPhase]
- puts "Creating new version of system '$systemName'"
- set sysV [$phaseV derive -systemVersion $sysV [$cc currentConfig]]
- $cc downLevelId $sysV
- #
- # Create new versions of all files
- #
- set fileVersions [$sysV allFileVersions]
- foreach fileV $fileVersions {
- set file [$fileV file]
- puts "Creating new version of file '[$file name].[$file type]'"
- $sysV derive -fileVersion $fileV [$cc currentConfig]
- }
- puts ""
- puts "Starting conversion"
- puts ""
- OTShRegister::importToolEdExt
- foreach fileV [$sysV allFileVersions] {
- if {[[$fileV file] type] == "cdm"} {
- javaConv $fileV
- }
- }
- exit 0
- }
- main