PC World 1997 November
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# Copyright (c) 1995 by Westmount Technology B.V., Delft, The Netherlands.
# This software is furnished under a license and may be used only in
# accordance with the terms of such license and with the inclusion of
# the above copyright notice. This software or any other copies thereof
# may not be provided or otherwise made available to any other person.
# No title to and ownership of the software is hereby transferred.
# The information in this software is subject to change without notice
# and should not be construed as a commitment by Westmount Technology B.V.
# File : @(#)ixval.tcl 1.4
# Original date : 26-01-1995
# Description :
# @(#)ixval.tcl 1.4\t18 Apr 1996 Copyright 1995 Westmount Technology B.V.
# Map NewEra types to the appropriate ixValue class
# Note: the types in fgl2ixval are the types as used in etc-file "db_types"
global fgl2ixval
set fgl2ixval(BYTE) ixByte
set fgl2ixval(CHAR) ixString
set fgl2ixval(DATE) ixDate
set "fgl2ixval(DATETIME YEAR TO DAY)" ixDateTime
set "fgl2ixval(DATETIME HOUR TO MINUTE)" ixDateTime
set "fgl2ixval(DATETIME YEAR TO FRACTION)" ixDateTime
set fgl2ixval(DEC) ixDecimal
set fgl2ixval(DECIMAL) ixDecimal
set "fgl2ixval(DOUBLE PRECISION)" ixFloat
set fgl2ixval(FLOAT) ixFloat
set fgl2ixval(INT) ixInteger
set fgl2ixval(INTEGER) ixInteger
set "fgl2ixval(INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH)" ixIntervalYM
set "fgl2ixval(INTERVAL HOUR TO MINUTE)" ixIntervalDF
set fgl2ixval(MONEY) ixMoney
set fgl2ixval(NUMERIC) ixDecimal
set fgl2ixval(REAL) ixSmallFloat
set fgl2ixval(SERIAL) ixInteger
set fgl2ixval(SMALLFLOAT) ixSmallFloat
set fgl2ixval(SMALLINT) ixSmallInt
set fgl2ixval(BOOLEAN) ixSmallInt
set fgl2ixval(TEXT) ixText
set fgl2ixval(VARCHAR) ixString
proc map_fgl2ixval {type} {
global fgl2ixval
regsub { *\(.*} $type "" type
if [info exists fgl2ixval($type)] {
return $fgl2ixval($type)
return ixValue
# Map NewEra types to the appropriate ixTypeInfo constant
global fgl2sqltype
set fgl2sqltype(BYTE) 11
set fgl2sqltype(CHAR) 0
set fgl2sqltype(DATE) 7
set "fgl2sqltype(DATETIME YEAR TO DAY)" 10
set "fgl2sqltype(DATETIME HOUR TO MINUTE)" 10
set "fgl2sqltype(DATETIME YEAR TO FRACTION)" 10
set fgl2sqltype(DEC) 5
set fgl2sqltype(DECIMAL) 5
set "fgl2sqltype(DOUBLE PRECISION)" 3
set fgl2sqltype(FLOAT) 3
set fgl2sqltype(INT) 2
set fgl2sqltype(INTEGER) 2
set "fgl2sqltype(INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH)" 14
set "fgl2sqltype(INTERVAL HOUR TO MINUTE)" 14
set fgl2sqltype(MONEY) 8
set fgl2sqltype(NUMERIC) 5
set fgl2sqltype(REAL) 4
set fgl2sqltype(SERIAL) 6
set fgl2sqltype(SMALLFLOAT) 4
set fgl2sqltype(SMALLINT) 1
set fgl2sqltype(BOOLEAN) 1
set fgl2sqltype(TEXT) 12
set fgl2sqltype(VARCHAR) 13
proc map_fgl2sqltype {type} {
global fgl2sqltype
regsub { *\(.*} $type "" type
if [info exists fgl2sqltype($type)] {
return $fgl2sqltype($type)
return -1
# Get the maxdatachars value for the types
global fgl2maxdatachars
set fgl2maxdatachars(BYTE) 32
set fgl2maxdatachars(DATE) 10
set "fgl2maxdatachars(DATETIME YEAR TO DAY)" 10
set "fgl2maxdatachars(DATETIME HOUR TO MINUTE)" 5
set "fgl2maxdatachars(DOUBLE PRECISION)" 22
set fgl2maxdatachars(FLOAT) 22
set fgl2maxdatachars(INT) 11
set fgl2maxdatachars(INTEGER) 11
set "fgl2maxdatachars(INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH)" 8
set "fgl2maxdatachars(INTERVAL HOUR TO MINUTE)" 6
set fgl2maxdatachars(REAL) 13
set fgl2maxdatachars(SERIAL) 11
set fgl2maxdatachars(SMALLFLOAT) 13
set fgl2maxdatachars(SMALLINT) 6
set fgl2maxdatachars(BOOLEAN) 6
set fgl2maxdatachars(TEXT) 128
proc map_fgl2maxdatachars {type} {
global fgl2maxdatachars
regsub { *\(.*} $type "" mod_type
if [info exists fgl2maxdatachars($mod_type)] {
return $fgl2maxdatachars($mod_type)
if {[regexp {(VAR)?CHAR(\([0-9]+\))} $type dummy1 dummy2 size]} {
if {$size == ""} {
return 1
} else {
return [string trim $size " ()"]
if {[regexp {DATETIME YEAR TO FRACTION(\([0-9]\))?} $type dummy size]} {
set size [string trim $size " ()"]
switch $size {
1 {return 21}
2 {return 22}
4 {return 24}
5 {return 25}
default {return 23}
if {[regexp {MONEY(\([0-9]+\))?} $type dummy precision]} {
if {$precision != ""} {
set precision [string trim $precision " ()"]
} else {
set precision 16
return [expr $precision + 2]
if {[regexp {(DEC|DECIMAL|NUMERIC)(\([0-9]+\))?} $type dummy1\
dummy2 precision]} {
if {$precision != ""} {
set precision [string trim $precision " ()"]
} else {
set precision 16
return [expr $precision + 2]
return 0
# Get the enclength value for the types
global fgl2enclength
set fgl2enclength(DATE) 4
set "fgl2enclength(DOUBLE PRECISION)" 8
set fgl2enclength(FLOAT) 8
set fgl2enclength(INT) 4
set fgl2enclength(INTEGER) 4
set fgl2enclength(REAL) 4
set fgl2enclength(SERIAL) 4
set fgl2enclength(SMALLFLOAT) 4
set fgl2enclength(SMALLINT) 2
set fgl2enclength(BOOLEAN) 2
proc map_fgl2enclength {type} {
global fgl2enclength
regsub { *\(.*} $type "" mod_type
if [info exists fgl2enclength($mod_type)] {
return $fgl2enclength($mod_type)
if {[regexp {(VAR)?CHAR(\([0-9]+\))?} $type dummy1 dummy2 size]} {
if {$size == ""} {
return 1
} else {
return [string trim $size " ()"]
if {[regexp {DATETIME YEAR TO FRACTION(\([0-9]\))?} $type dummy size]} {
set size [string trim $size " ()"]
switch $size {
1 {set sq 11}
2 {set sq 12}
4 {set sq 14}
5 {set sq 15}
default {set sq 13; set size 3}
return [expr ((14 + $size) *256) + $sq]
switch $type {
"DATETIME YEAR TO DAY" {return 2052}
"INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH" {return 1538}
if {[regexp {MONEY(\([0-9]+\))?} $type dummy precision]} {
if {$precision != ""} {
set precision [string trim $precision " ()"]
} else {
set precision 16
return [expr ($precision * 256) + 2]
if {[regexp {(DEC|DECIMAL|NUMERIC)(\([0-9]+\))?} $type dummy1\
dummy2 precision]} {
if {$precision != ""} {
set precision [string trim $precision " ()"]
} else {
set precision 16
return [expr $precision * 256]
# BYTE ?
# TEXT ?
return 0
# Get corresponding include file name for derived ixValue class
global ixval2inc
set ixval2inc(ixByte) ixbyte
set ixval2inc(ixText) ixtext
set ixval2inc(ixDate) ixdate
set ixval2inc(ixDateTime) ixdate
set ixval2inc(ixInterValDF) ixdate
set ixval2inc(ixInterValYM) ixdate
set ixval2inc(ixDecimal) ixnum
set ixval2inc(ixFloat) ixnum
set ixval2inc(ixInteger) ixnum
set ixval2inc(ixMoney) ixnum
set ixval2inc(ixSmallFloat) ixnum
set ixval2inc(ixSmallInt) ixnum
set ixval2inc(ixString) ixstring
proc ixval2hdr {type} {
global ixval2inc
if [info exists ixval2inc($type)] {
return $ixval2inc($type)
return ixvalue
# Get constructor call for derived ixValue class
global newixval
set newixval(ixByte) ixByte(locInTempFile)
set newixval(ixText) ixText(locInTempFile)
proc newixvalue {type {val ""}} {
global newixval
if [info exists newixval($type)] {
eval return $newixval($type)
} else {
eval return ${type}(\$val)
# Get simple data type value of derived ixValue class
global gixvalvalue
set gixvalvalue(ixString) "\${ixvalvar}.getValueStr()"
proc getixvalvalue {type ixvalvar} {
global gixvalvalue
if [info exists gixvalvalue($type)] {
eval return $gixvalvalue($type)
} else {
eval return ${ixvalvar}.value
# Set simple data type value of derived ixValue class
global sixvalvalue
set sixvalvalue(ixString) "CALL \${ixvalvar}.setValueStr(\$newval)"
set sixvalvalue(ixByte) "-- Not implemented"
set sixvalvalue(ixText) "-- Not implemented"
proc setixvalvalue {type ixvalvar newval} {
global sixvalvalue
if [info exists sixvalvalue($type)] {
eval return \"$sixvalvalue($type)\"
} else {
eval return \"LET ${ixvalvar}.value = $newval\"
# Generate a "ixval type declaration" for the type
proc generate_ixval {type decl} {
if {[$type get_obj_type] != "base_type"} {
return [generate $type $decl]
set name [$type getType3GL]
set ixvalname [map_fgl2ixval $name]
set ixvalincname [ixval2hdr $ixvalname]
if {$decl == "fwd"} {
add_forward_name $ixvalname
add_src_inc_name $ixvalincname
} else {
add_hdr_inc_name $ixvalincname
return $ixvalname