PC World 1997 November
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175 lines
# (c) Westmount Technology 1994
# File: @(#)ildocconge.tcl 1.5
# Author: <generated>
# Description:
# SccsId = @(#)ildocconge.tcl 1.5 04 Jan 1996 Copyright 1994 Westmount Technology
# Start user added include file section
# End user added include file section
require "ilcongen.tcl"
Class IlDocConGen : {IlConGen} {
method destructor
method generate
method genComponent
method genPicture
method genText
method genActiveLink
method section
attribute linkNr
attribute ascFid
attribute _section
method IlDocConGen::destructor {this} {
set ref [$this _section]
if {$ref != ""} {
$ref _contentsGenerator ""
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
$this IlConGen::destructor
constructor IlDocConGen {class this name section} {
set this [IlConGen::constructor $class $this $name $section]
$section _contentsGenerator $this
# Start constructor user section
$this linkNr 0
# End constructor user section
return $this
method IlDocConGen::generate {this} {
set version [[[[$this section] document] editor] version]
$this ascFid [$this openAsc]
if {[$this ascFid] == ""} {
# when the fold-level is lower than 2 the file name will be a chapter
# else the file will be a section
set header [TextSection new]
expand_file $header [m4_path_name etc il${version}doc.asc]
set classes [TextSection new]
expand_file $classes [m4_path_name etc il${version}class.asc]
puts [$this ascFid] "[$header contents]"
puts [$this ascFid] "\n[$classes contents]"
puts [$this ascFid] "\n<!End Declarations>"
case [[$this section] indentation] {
{0 1} {puts [$this ascFid] "\n<\"Chapter\">"}
{2} {puts [$this ascFid] "\n<\"Section\">"}
{3} {puts [$this ascFid] "\n<\"Subsection\">"}
{4} {puts [$this ascFid] "\n<\"Sub2section\">"}
puts [$this ascFid] "\n[[$this section] docTitle]"
set inSubdoc 0
set subLevel 0
foreach sect [[$this section] getTree] {
set level [$sect indentation]
set name [$sect uiName]
set type [$sect type]
set class [$sect operationClass]
if {$inSubdoc} {
# Check for end of subdoc
if {$level <= $subLevel} {
set inSubdoc 0
set subLevel 0
if {!$inSubdoc} {
# Check if the section is manipulatable. If so then skip
# this section and all it's underlying sections.
if {$class == "manipulate"} {
# In subdocument
set inSubdoc 1
set subLevel $level
} else {
# Generate contents for this section
$this genComponent $sect
close [$this ascFid]
method IlDocConGen::genComponent {this section} {
# Look at the doctype of the class and generate a picture
# or a text for it in the MIF-file.
case [$section docType] {
{Epsi Epsf Eps Ximage} {$this genPicture $section}
{default} {$this genText $section}
method IlDocConGen::genPicture {this section} {
$this genActiveLink Interleaf $section
puts [$this ascFid] "\n<\"para\","
puts [$this ascFid] "\tAlignment=\t\tCenter,"
puts [$this ascFid] "\tFont =\t\t\tF24@Z7@Lnl>"
puts [$this ascFid] "\n[$section docTitle]"
method IlDocConGen::genText {this section} {
puts [$this ascFid] "\n<\"para\","
puts [$this ascFid] "\tFont =\t\t\tF14@Z7@Lnl>"
puts [$this ascFid] "\n[$section docTitle]:"
$this genActiveLink ASCII $section
method IlDocConGen::genActiveLink {this linkType section} {
# linkPath, linkNumber and linkType are used in template 'il..link.asc'
set linkPath ";[path_name file [$section docLocation]]"
set linkNumber [$this linkNr]
set link [TextSection new]
set version [[[[$this section] document] editor] version]
expand_file $link [m4_path_name etc il${version}link.asc]
puts [$this ascFid] "\n[$link contents]"
# linknr is used in template
$this linkNr [incr linkNumber]
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
method IlDocConGen::section {this args} {
if {$args == ""} {
return [$this _section]
set ref [$this _section]
if {$ref != ""} {
$ref _contentsGenerator ""
set obj [lindex $args 0]
if {$obj != ""} {
$obj _contentsGenerator $this
$this _section $obj