home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # (c) Westmount Technology 1994
- #
- # File: @(#)groupvstrd.tcl /main/hindenburg/9
- # Author: <generated>
- # Description:
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # SccsId = @(#)groupvstrd.tcl /main/hindenburg/9 18 Nov 1996 Copyright 1994 Westmount Technology
- # Start user added include file section
- require "groupvstrs.tcl"
- # End user added include file section
- Class GroupVStrDlg : {TemplateDialog} {
- constructor
- method destructor
- method fileSelectorDialog
- method filterDialog
- method itemSelectorDialog
- method listDialog
- method modeChanged
- method newObject
- method popUp
- method removeObjects
- method showObjects
- method showObjectsOk
- attribute editable
- attribute currentMode
- attribute currentRepObjList
- attribute groupV
- }
- constructor GroupVStrDlg {class this name groupV} {
- set this [TemplateDialog::constructor $class $this $name]
- $this groupV $groupV
- # Start constructor user section
- $this delCancelButton
- $this okPressed {%this delete}
- interface DlgColumn $this.top {
- NamedGroup mode {
- label mode
- mnemonic m
- horStretchFactor 0
- verStretchFactor 0
- horShrinkFactor 0
- verShrinkFactor 0
- OptionMenu optmenu {}
- }
- DlgRow menu {
- horStretchFactor 0
- verStretchFactor 0
- horShrinkFactor 0
- verShrinkFactor 0
- PushButton new {
- label New...
- }
- PushButton show {
- label Show...
- }
- PushButton delete {
- label Delete...
- }
- }
- Label contentsLab {
- text "Contents:"
- alignment CENTER
- }
- BrowsView view {
- horStretchFactor 10
- verStretchFactor 10
- horShrinkFactor 10
- verShrinkFactor 10
- rowCount 10
- columnCount 52
- mode DETAIL
- BrowsHeader header0 {
- label Name
- width 20
- }
- BrowsHeader header1 {
- label Type
- width 18
- }
- BrowsHeader header2 {
- label Status
- width 14
- }
- }
- }
- $this.top.view font "[m4_var get M4_font -context desk]"
- $this.top.mode.optmenu selectionChanged [list $this modeChanged 0]
- $this.top.menu.new activated [list $this newObject]
- $this.top.menu.show activated [list $this showObjects]
- $this.top.menu.delete activated [list $this removeObjects]
- # End constructor user section
- return $this
- }
- method GroupVStrDlg::destructor {this} {
- # Start destructor user section
- if [$this editable] {
- [$this groupV] quit
- }
- # End destructor user section
- }
- method GroupVStrDlg::fileSelectorDialog {this msg} {
- set fileTypes {cad ccd cdm dfd etd mgd std ucd}
- set itemTypes {cl de et pe st}
- foreach fileSelector [[$this groupV] fileSelectors] {
- set id [lsearch -exact $itemTypes [$fileSelector itemType]]
- if {$id == -1} continue
- set itemTypes [lreplace $itemTypes $id $id]
- }
- if [lempty $itemTypes] {
- wmtkinfo $msg
- return
- }
- global classCount
- set box [getParent $this].groupVStrFileSelectorDialog$classCount
- incr classCount
- ClassMaker::extend TemplateDialog GroupVStrFileSelectorDlg \
- {groupV dialog}
- GroupVStrFileSelectorDlg new $box \
- -modal [$this editable] \
- -title "New File Selector" \
- -groupV [$this groupV] \
- -dialog $this \
- -helpPressed {.main helpOnName groupVStrFileSelectorDialog} \
- -cancelPressed {
- %this delete
- } \
- -okPressed {
- set itemType [lindex [%this.top.itemTypes.list selectedSet] 0]
- set decompFlags ""
- foreach decompFlag [%this.top.decompFlags.list selectedSet] {
- lappend decompFlags "decomp$decompFlag"
- }
- set fileTypes [%this.top.fileTypes.list selectedSet]
- if {"$itemType" != "" &&
- (! [lempty $decompFlags]) && (! [lempty $fileTypes])} {
- [%this groupV] addFileSelector \
- $itemType $decompFlags $fileTypes
- [%this dialog] modeChanged
- }
- %this delete
- }
- interface DlgRow $box.top {
- NamedGroup itemTypes {
- label "item type"
- mnemonic i
- TextList list {
- rowCount 8
- selectionPolicy BROWSE
- }
- }
- NamedGroup decompFlags {
- label "decomp flags"
- mnemonic d
- TextList list {
- selectionPolicy EXTENDED
- entrySet {Files Components Parents Leafs}
- }
- }
- NamedGroup fileTypes {
- label "file types"
- mnemonic f
- TextList list {
- selectionPolicy EXTENDED
- }
- }
- }
- $box.top.itemTypes.list entrySet $itemTypes
- $box.top.fileTypes.list entrySet $fileTypes
- $box popUp
- }
- method GroupVStrDlg::filterDialog {this otype ftypeList} {
- global classCount
- set box [getParent $this].groupVStrFilterDialog$classCount
- incr classCount
- ClassMaker::extend TemplateDialog GroupVStrFilterDlg \
- {groupV otype ftypeList dialog}
- set firstChar [string toupper [string range $otype 0 0]]
- set title "New $firstChar[string range $otype 1 end] Filter"
- GroupVStrFilterDlg new $box \
- -modal [$this editable] \
- -title "$title" \
- -groupV [$this groupV] \
- -otype $otype \
- -ftypeList $ftypeList \
- -dialog $this \
- -helpPressed {.main helpOnName groupVStrFilterDialog} \
- -cancelPressed {
- %this delete
- } \
- -okPressed {
- set groupV [%this groupV]
- set otype [%this otype]
- set name ""
- set type ""
- set property ""
- set pattern ""
- set id 0
- set count 0
- foreach ftype [%this ftypeList] {
- set row %this.top.row$id
- incr id 1
- if {! [$row.labCol.name state]} continue
- incr count 1
- set valCol $row.valCol
- case "$ftype" in {
- {name} {
- regsub -all ":" "[$valCol.pattern text]" "\[:|/\]" name
- }
- {type} {
- set type "[$valCol.pattern text]"
- }
- {property} {
- set property "[$valCol.property text]"
- set pattern "[$valCol.pattern text]"
- }
- }
- }
- if $count {
- $groupV addFilter $otype "$name" "$type" "$property" "$pattern"
- }
- [%this dialog] modeChanged
- %this delete
- }
- set top [DlgColumn new $box.top]
- set id 0
- foreach ftype $ftypeList {
- set row [DlgRow new $top.row$id]
- incr id 1
- set labCol [DlgColumn new $row.labCol]
- ClassMaker::extend CheckButton FtypeCheckButton {box ftypeList}
- FtypeCheckButton new $labCol.name \
- -state 0 \
- -box $box \
- -ftypeList $ftypeList
- set valCol [DlgColumn new $row.valCol]
- case "$ftype" in {
- {property} {
- $labCol.name label "${ftype}"
- Label new $valCol.propertyLab -text "name:"
- set entry [SingleLineText new $valCol.property \
- -editable yes \
- -text "" \
- ]
- Label new $valCol.patternLab -text "value:"
- set value "*"
- set entry [SingleLineText new $valCol.pattern \
- -editable yes \
- -text "$value" \
- ]
- }
- {default} {
- $labCol.name label "${ftype}:"
- set value "*"
- set entry [SingleLineText new $valCol.pattern \
- -editable yes \
- -text "$value" \
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- $box popUp
- }
- method GroupVStrDlg::itemSelectorDialog {this msg} {
- set itemTypes {cl de et pe st}
- set len [llength $itemTypes]
- set fileTypes ""
- foreach fileType {cad ccd cdm dfd etd mgd std ucd} {
- if {[llength [[$this groupV] findItemSelectors $fileType]] != $len} {
- lappend fileTypes $fileType
- }
- }
- if [lempty $fileTypes] {
- wmtkinfo $msg
- return
- }
- global classCount
- set box [getParent $this].groupVStrItemSelectorDialog$classCount
- incr classCount
- ClassMaker::extend TemplateDialog GroupVStrItemSelectorDlg \
- {groupV dialog itemTypes}
- GroupVStrItemSelectorDlg new $box \
- -modal [$this editable] \
- -title "New Item Selector" \
- -groupV [$this groupV] \
- -dialog $this \
- -itemTypes $itemTypes \
- -helpPressed {.main helpOnName groupVStrItemSelectorDialog} \
- -cancelPressed {
- %this delete
- } \
- -okPressed {
- set fileType [lindex [%this.top.fileTypes.list selectedSet] 0]
- set itemTypes ""
- foreach itemType [%this itemTypes] {
- set row %this.top.itemTypes.row
- if {! [$row.type.$itemType state]} continue
- set qualified [$row.qualified.$itemType selected]
- if {"$qualified" != "yes"} {
- set qualified "dontCare"
- }
- lappend itemTypes [list $itemType $qualified]
- }
- if {"$fileType" != "" && (! [lempty $itemTypes])} {
- foreach itemType $itemTypes {
- [%this groupV] addItemSelector \
- $fileType [lindex $itemType 0] [lindex $itemType 1]
- }
- [%this dialog] modeChanged
- }
- %this delete
- }
- interface DlgRow $box.top {
- NamedGroup fileTypes {
- label "file type"
- mnemonic f
- TextList list {
- selectionPolicy BROWSE
- }
- }
- NamedGroup itemTypes {
- label "item types"
- mnemonic i
- DlgRow row {
- DlgColumn type {
- spaceType LREVEN
- Label label {
- text "type:"
- }
- }
- DlgColumn qualified {
- spaceType LREVEN
- Label label {
- text "qualified:"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- foreach itemType [$box itemTypes] {
- set row $box.top.itemTypes.row
- CheckButton new $row.type.$itemType \
- -sensitive 0 \
- -state 0 \
- -label $itemType
- OptionMenu new $row.qualified.$itemType \
- -sensitive 0 \
- -entrySet {"don't care" yes}
- }
- $box.top.fileTypes.list config \
- -entrySet $fileTypes \
- -selectionChanged {
- set fileType [lindex [%this selectedSet] 0]
- set box [getParent [getParent [getParent %this]]]
- set groupV [$box groupV]
- foreach itemType [$box itemTypes] {
- set row $box.top.itemTypes.row
- if [[$groupV findItemSelector $fileType $itemType] isNil] {
- set sensitive 1
- } else {
- set sensitive 0
- $row.type.$itemType state 0
- $row.qualified.$itemType selected "don't care"
- }
- $row.type.$itemType sensitive $sensitive
- $row.qualified.$itemType sensitive $sensitive
- }
- }
- $box popUp
- }
- method GroupVStrDlg::listDialog {this objList title msg okCmd scCmd} {
- if [lempty $objList] {
- wmtkinfo $msg
- return
- }
- global classCount
- set box [getParent $this].groupVStrSubDialog$classCount
- incr classCount
- GroupVStrSubDlg new $box $this \
- -modal [$this editable] \
- -objectList $objList \
- -title $title \
- -okCmd $okCmd \
- -scCmd $scCmd
- $box popUp
- }
- method GroupVStrDlg::modeChanged {this {forceFlag 1}} {
- set currentMode [$this.top.mode.optmenu selected]
- if {! $forceFlag} {
- set mode [$this currentMode]
- if {"$mode" == "$currentMode"} {
- return
- }
- }
- $this currentMode $currentMode
- # Enable / disable buttons
- case "$currentMode" in {
- {overview} {
- $this.top.menu.new sensitive 0
- $this.top.menu.show sensitive 0
- $this.top.menu.delete sensitive 0
- }
- {"explicit group version"
- "explicit file"
- "file selector"
- "item selector"} {
- $this.top.menu.show sensitive 0
- $this.top.menu.new sensitive [$this editable]
- $this.top.menu.delete sensitive [$this editable]
- }
- {default} {
- $this.top.menu.show sensitive 1
- $this.top.menu.new sensitive [$this editable]
- $this.top.menu.delete sensitive [$this editable]
- }
- }
- # Check if the view should be updated
- if {! $forceFlag} {
- set checkList {"file selector" "item selector"}
- if {[lsearch -exact $checkList "$mode"] != -1 &&
- [lsearch -exact $checkList "$currentMode"] != -1} {
- return
- }
- }
- # Fill the view
- set groupV [$this groupV]
- case "$currentMode" in {
- {overview} {
- set sysV [$groupV getParent SystemVersion]
- set confV [$sysV getParent ConfigVersion]
- $this showObjectsOk [$groupV selectorEngine $sysV $confV] 1
- }
- {"explicit group version"} {
- set sysV [$groupV getParent SystemVersion]
- $this showObjectsOk [$groupV explicitSubgroupVersions $sysV] 1
- }
- {"group version filter"} {
- $this showObjectsOk [$groupV filterSubgroupVersions ""] 1
- }
- {"explicit file"} {
- set sysV [$groupV getParent SystemVersion]
- $this showObjectsOk [$groupV explicitFileVersions $sysV] 1
- }
- {"file filter"} {
- $this showObjectsOk [$groupV filterFileVersions ""] 1
- }
- {"item filter"} {
- set sysV [$groupV getParent SystemVersion]
- $this showObjectsOk [$groupV filterItems ""] 1
- }
- {"file selector" "item selector"} {
- set sysV [$groupV getParent SystemVersion]
- set confV [$sysV getParent ConfigVersion]
- $this showObjectsOk [$groupV localSelectorEngine $sysV $confV] 1
- }
- }
- }
- method GroupVStrDlg::newObject {this} {
- case "[$this currentMode]" in {
- {"explicit group version"} {
- set groupV [$this groupV]
- set sysV [$groupV getParent SystemVersion]
- set subgroupVList [$sysV groupVersions]
- set id [lsearch -exact $subgroupVList "$groupV"]
- set subgroupVList [lreplace "$subgroupVList" $id $id]
- foreach subgroupV [$groupV explicitSubgroupVersions $sysV] {
- set id [lsearch -exact $subgroupVList "$subgroupV"]
- if {$id == -1} continue
- set subgroupVList [lreplace "$subgroupVList" $id $id]
- }
- $this listDialog \
- "$subgroupVList" \
- "New Explicit Subgroup" \
- "All subgroup versions within the current system have already \
- been added as explicit subgroup version" \
- addExplicitSubgroup \
- ""
- }
- {"group version filter"} {
- $this filterDialog subgroup {name property}
- }
- {"explicit file"} {
- set groupV [$this groupV]
- set sysV [$groupV getParent SystemVersion]
- set fileList ""
- foreach fileV [$sysV localFileVersions] {
- lappend fileList [$fileV file]
- }
- foreach file [$groupV explicitFiles] {
- set id [lsearch -exact $fileList "$file"]
- if {$id == -1} continue
- set fileList [lreplace "$fileList" $id $id]
- }
- $this listDialog \
- "$fileList" \
- "New Explicit File" \
- "All files within the current system have already \
- been added as explicit file" \
- addExplicitFile \
- ""
- }
- {"file filter"} {
- $this filterDialog file {name type property}
- }
- {"file selector"} {
- $this fileSelectorDialog \
- "A FileSelector already exists for each item-type"
- }
- {"item filter"} {
- $this filterDialog item {name type property}
- }
- {"item selector"} {
- $this itemSelectorDialog \
- "An ItemSelector already exists for each \
- file- and item-type combination"
- }
- }
- }
- method GroupVStrDlg::popUp {this} {
- if {[$this editable] && [catch {[$this groupV] edit} errorMsg]} {
- if [info exists errorInfo] {
- set errorTrace $errorInfo
- set errorCodeCopy $errorCode
- } else {
- set errorTrace ""
- set errorCodeCopy ""
- }
- $this editable 0
- } else {
- set errorMsg ""
- }
- # Set the mode entrySet
- set entrySet {
- overview
- "explicit group version"
- "group version filter"
- "explicit file"
- "file filter"
- "item filter"
- }
- set sysV [[$this groupV] getParent SystemVersion]
- set phaseV [$sysV getParent PhaseVersion]
- if {"[$phaseV getInfo Type]" != "Implementation"} {
- set entrySet [linsert $entrySet 5 "file selector"]
- append entrySet { "item selector"}
- }
- $this.top.mode.optmenu entrySet $entrySet
- $this modeChanged
- $this config \
- -modal [$this editable] \
- -title "[$this title] - [[$this groupV] getInfo Name]"
- $this TemplateDialog::popUp
- if {"$errorMsg" != ""} {
- global errorInfo errorCode
- set errorInfo $errorTrace
- set errorCode $errorCodeCopy
- wmtkerror $errorMsg
- }
- }
- method GroupVStrDlg::removeObjects {this} {
- set groupV [$this groupV]
- case "[$this currentMode]" in {
- {"explicit group version"} {
- set sysV [$groupV getParent SystemVersion]
- $this listDialog \
- "[$groupV explicitSubgroupVersions $sysV]" \
- "Delete Explicit Subgroup" \
- "There are no explicit subgroup versions \
- within this group version" \
- removeExplicitSubgroup \
- ""
- }
- {"group version filter"} {
- $this listDialog \
- "[$groupV subgroupFilters]" \
- "Delete Subgroup Filter" \
- "There are no subgroup filters within this group version" \
- "removeFilter" \
- ""
- }
- {"explicit file"} {
- $this listDialog \
- "[$groupV explicitFiles]" \
- "Delete Explicit File" \
- "There are no explicit files within this group version" \
- removeExplicitFile \
- ""
- }
- {"file filter"} {
- $this listDialog \
- "[$groupV fileFilters]" \
- "Delete File Filter" \
- "There are no file filters within this group version" \
- "removeFilter" \
- ""
- }
- {"file selector"} {
- $this listDialog \
- "[$groupV fileSelectors]" \
- "Delete File Selector" \
- "There are no file selectors within this group version" \
- "removeFileSelector" \
- ""
- }
- {"item filter"} {
- $this listDialog \
- "[$groupV itemFilters]" \
- "Delete Item Filter" \
- "There are no item filters within this group version" \
- "removeFilter" \
- ""
- }
- {"item selector"} {
- $this listDialog \
- "[$groupV itemSelectors]" \
- "Delete Item Selector" \
- "There are no item selectors within this group version" \
- "removeItemSelector" \
- ""
- }
- }
- }
- method GroupVStrDlg::showObjects {this} {
- set groupV [$this groupV]
- case "[$this currentMode]" in {
- {"group version filter"} {
- $this listDialog \
- "[$groupV subgroupFilters]" \
- "Show Subgroup Filter" \
- "There are no subgroup filters within this group version" \
- "" \
- "filterSubgroupVersions"
- }
- {"file filter"} {
- $this listDialog \
- "[$groupV fileFilters]" \
- "Show File Filter" \
- "There are no file filters within this group version" \
- "" \
- "filterFileVersions"
- }
- {"item filter"} {
- $this listDialog \
- "[$groupV itemFilters]" \
- "Show Item Filter" \
- "There are no item filters within this group version" \
- "" \
- "filterItems"
- }
- }
- }
- method GroupVStrDlg::showObjectsOk {this repObjList save} {
- if $save {
- $this currentRepObjList $repObjList
- }
- # Remove rows
- foreach object [$this.top.view objectSet] {
- $object delete
- }
- # Create new rows
- set count 0
- foreach repObj $repObjList {
- $repObj initializeInfo ""
- set browserType [$repObj browserType]
- set repType [$repObj uiClass]
- set typeSpec [getObjectSpec [.main objectHdlr] $repType $browserType]
- if {"$typeSpec" == ""} continue
- set details [list "[$repObj getInfo Type]"]
- lappend details "[$repObj getInfo Status]"
- BrowsObject new $this.top.view.object$count \
- -smallIcon [$typeSpec smallIcon] \
- -label "[$repObj getInfo Name]" \
- -selectState 0 \
- -details "$details"
- incr count 1
- }
- # Sort the view
- set sortSpec "\
- -column {$this.top.view.header1 ascii increasing} \
- -column {$this.top.view.header0 ascii increasing} \
- -column {$this.top.view.header2 ascii increasing}"
- eval $this.top.view sort $sortSpec
- }
- # Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker