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- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # Copyright (c) 1992-1995 by Cadre Technologies Inc.
- #
- # This software is furnished under a license and may be used only in
- # accordance with the terms of such license and with the inclusion of
- # the above copyright notice. This software or any other copies thereof
- # may not be provided or otherwise made available to any other person.
- # No title to and ownership of the software is hereby transferred.
- #
- # The information in this software is subject to change without notice
- # and should not be construed as a commitment by Cadre Technologies Inc.
- #
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # File : @(#)genproc.tcl 2.1
- # Original date : July 1992
- # Description : Implementation / configuration of Informix R.I.
- # rules. These are used in the database procedures.
- #
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # @(#)genproc.tcl 2.1 19 Apr 1996 Copyright 1992-1995 Cadre Technologies Inc.
- #
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Configuartion arrays. Each array is indexed with "operation,rule" where
- # operation is one of (ins, del, up) and rule is the rule as returned
- # by get_*_rule
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # R.I. rules to check before the operation is performed. These are the checks
- # that are not enforced by the Informix R.I. mechanism. The following arrays
- # are defined:
- # imp_ri_rules_before rules to be checked for each import
- # exp_ri_rules_before rules to be checked for each export
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # import rules
- global imp_ri_rules_before
- set imp_ri_rules_before(del,rej_exist) rej_exist_del
- set imp_ri_rules_before(upd,rej_exist) rej_exist_upd
- #set imp_ri_rules_before(del,del_in_master) del_in_master
- set imp_ri_rules_before(del,rej_last) rej_last
- set imp_ri_rules_before(del,rej_last_in_master) rej_exist_del
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # export rules
- # (none)
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # R.I. rules to check and possibly repair the R.I. after an Informix R.I.
- # violation has been detected. The following arrays are defined:
- #
- # imp_ri_rules_after rules to be checked for each import
- # exp_ri_rules_after rules to be checked for each export
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # import rules
- global imp_ri_rules_after
- set imp_ri_rules_after(ins,ins_in_master) ins_in_master
- set imp_ri_rules_after(upd,ins_in_master) ins_in_master
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # export rules
- global exp_ri_rules_after
- set exp_ri_rules_after(del,del_in_detail) del_in_detail
- set exp_ri_rules_after(del,nullify_detail) nullify_detail
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Rules that are not implemented
- #
- global exp_not_implemented
- set exp_not_implemented(ins,rej_not_exist) 1
- set exp_not_implemented(upd,rej_not_exist) 1
- global imp_not_implemented
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- #
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Determine if the complete tuple is needed for a delete (only the key is
- # specified).
- #
- proc tuple_needed_for_del {table} {
- if { ![lempty [get_col_list $table NONKEYS]] } {
- #
- # Check all the (import) rules.
- # Export rules never need the complete tuple
- #
- foreach link [$table importSet] {
- case [$link getDelType] in {
- {rej_exist rej_last rej_last_in_master del_in_master} {
- return 1
- }
- }
- }
- }
- # no reasons found for a complete tuple
- return 0
- }
- # Generate code to get the complete tuple for a delete, if that is
- # necessary
- #
- proc gen_get_tuple_for_del {section table} {
- if {![tuple_needed_for_del $table]} {
- return
- }
- expand_text $section {
- ~[gen_simple_data_decl_4gl $section $table NONKEYS "DEFINE p_" "" ";\n"]
- SELECT ~[gen_col_list $section $table NONKEYS]
- INTO ~[gen_col_list $section $table NONKEYS "p_"]
- FROM ~[$table getUniqueName]
- WHERE ~[gen_compare $section $table KEYS "" "" "p_" "" " AND\n"];
- }
- }
- # Reject operation if imported key exists in master
- # This is the case if the imported key is not NULL, the existance of
- # the foreign key is guaranteed by Informix.
- # This procedure does the real work for both rej_exist_del and rej_exist_upd
- #
- proc rej_exist_master {section link prefix} {
- expand_text $section {
- IF ~[gen_col_listc $current_section [$link columnSet] $prefix \
- RAISE EXCEPTION 111, 0, "Referential integrity violated";
- }
- }
- # Reject delete operation if imported key exists in master
- #
- proc rej_exist_del {section link} {
- rej_exist_master $section $link p_
- }
- # Reject update operation if imported key exists in master
- #
- proc rej_exist_upd {section link} {
- rej_exist_master $section $link o_
- }
- # Determine if del_in_detail can be performed by a query. This is only the
- # case if all the RI rules are enforced by Informix. Otherwise the del_in_detail
- # must be performed by calling the appropriate stored procedure
- #
- proc query_for_del_detail {link} {
- set detail [$link detail]
- foreach link [$detail importSet] {
- if {[$link getDelType] != "none"} {
- return 0
- }
- }
- foreach link [$detail exportSet] {
- set rule [$link getDelType]
- if {$rule != "none" && $rule != "rej_exist"} {
- return 0
- }
- }
- return 1
- }
- # Delete in detail by calling the appropriate stored procedure
- #
- proc del_by_proc {section link} {
- set columns [$link columnSet]
- set detail [$link detail]
- expand_text $section {
- ~[gen_simple_data_decl_4gl $section $detail KEYS "DEFINE l_" ";\n"];
- FOREACH SELECT ~[gen_col_list $section $detail KEYS]
- INTO ~[gen_col_list $section $detail KEYS "l_"]
- FROM ~[$detail getUniqueName]
- WHERE ~[gen_compare_cl $section $link "" "" "p_" "" \
- " AND\n"]
- CALL pdel_~[$detail getUniqueName](~[
- gen_col_list $section $detail KEYS "l_"]);
- }
- }
- # delete tuples with the exported key from the detail table
- #
- proc del_in_detail {section link} {
- if [query_for_del_detail $link] {
- expand_text $section {
- FROM ~[[$link detail] getUniqueName]
- WHERE ~[gen_compare_cl $section $link "" "" "p_" "" \
- " AND\n"];
- }
- } else {
- del_by_proc $section $link
- }
- }
- # delete tuples with the imported key from the master table
- #
- proc del_in_master {section link} {
- expand_text $section {
- FROM ~[[$link master] getUniqueName]
- WHERE ~[gen_compare_cl $section $link "p_" "" "" "" \
- " AND\n"];
- }
- }
- # Reject delete on last imported key in current table
- #
- proc rej_last {section link} {
- expand_text $section {
- DEFINE counter INT;
- INTO counter
- FROM ~[[$link detail] getUniqueName]
- WHERE ~[gen_compare_cl $section $link "" "" "p_" "" " AND\n"];
- IF counter = 1 THEN
- RAISE EXCEPTION 111, 0, "Referential integrity violated";
- }
- }
- # Update the value of a column that is "serial"
- #
- proc update_serial {section link} {
- foreach col [$link columnSet] {
- if [is_serial [get_type_4gl $col]] {
- set name [$col getUniqueName]
- expand_text $section {
- IF p_~$name == 0 THEN
- SELECT MAX(~$name)
- INTO p_~$name
- FROM ~[[$link master] getUniqueName];
- }
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- #
- # Generate parameters for a CALL in an EXCEPTION block
- #
- proc gen_par_list {link} {
- set parlist ""
- set implist [gen_sorted_columns $link]
- foreach imp $implist {
- if {$parlist == ""} {
- set parlist "p_[$imp getUniqueName]"
- } else {
- set parlist "$parlist, p_[$imp getUniqueName]"
- }
- }
- set mastertable [$link master]
- set mastercolumns [get_col_list $mastertable "NONKEYS"]
- foreach master $mastercolumns {
- set parlist "$parlist, NULL"
- }
- return $parlist
- }
- #
- # Insert imported key in master table
- #
- proc ins_in_master {section link} {
- expand_text $section {
- DEFINE counter INT;
- INTO counter
- FROM ~[[$link master] getUniqueName]
- WHERE ~[gen_compare_cl $section $link "p_" "" "" "" " AND\n"];
- IF counter = 0 THEN
- CALL pins_~[[$link master] getUniqueName](~[gen_par_list $link]);
- }
- update_serial $section $link
- }
- #
- # Update exported key in detail table
- #
- proc upd_in_detail {section link} {
- $section pushIndent
- set columns [$link columnSet]
- expand_text $section {
- UPDATE ~[[$link detail] getUniqueName]
- SET ~[gen_comparec $section $columns "" "" "p_" "" ",\n"]
- WHERE ~[gen_comparec $section $columns "" "" "p_" "" " AND\n"];
- }
- $section popIndent
- }
- # Nullify exported key in detail table
- #
- proc nullify_detail {section link} {
- set columns [$link columnSet]
- expand_text $section {
- UPDATE ~[[$link detail] getUniqueName]
- SET ~[gen_col_listl $section [$link friendLink] "" " = NULL"]
- WHERE ~[gen_compare_cl $section $link "" "" "p_" "" " AND\n"];
- }
- }
- # Check which procedures cannot be implemented.
- # Put those procedures in the array 'not_possible', indexed by operation
- # and table-handle.
- #
- proc check_not_implemented {model np} {
- upvar $np not_possible
- set operations {ins del upd}
- foreach table [$model tableSet] {
- foreach link [$table importSet] {
- foreach oper $operations {
- if [get imp_not_implemented($oper,[get_${oper}_type $link]) 0] {
- set not_possible($oper,$table) 1
- m4_warning $W_NOT_IMPLEMENTED p${oper}_[$table getUniqueName]
- }
- }
- }
- foreach link [$table exportSet] {
- foreach oper $operations {
- if [get exp_not_implemented($oper,[get_${oper}_type $link]) 0] {
- set not_possible($oper,$table) 1
- m4_warning $W_NOT_IMPLEMENTED p${oper}_[$table getUniqueName]
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- # this procedure does the real work for gen_rules_{before,after}
- #
- proc gen_ri_rules {section table when oper} {
- foreach link [$table importSet] {
- set procrule [get imp_ri_rules_${when}($oper,[get_${oper}_type $link])]
- if {$procrule != ""} {
- $procrule $section $link
- }
- }
- foreach link [$table exportSet] {
- set procrule [get exp_ri_rules_${when}($oper,[get_${oper}_type $link])]
- if {$procrule != ""} {
- $procrule $section $link
- }
- }
- }
- # Generate R.I. rules to check before the operation is executed
- #
- proc gen_rules_before {section table oper} {
- gen_ri_rules $section $table before $oper
- }
- # Generate R.I. rules to check after the operation has executed and has failed
- #
- proc gen_rules_after {section table oper query} {
- set tmp [TextSection new]
- gen_ri_rules $tmp $table after $oper
- if {[$tmp lineNr] > 1} {
- # something is generated: create an ON EXCEPTION block
- $section pushIndent
- expand_text $section {
- ~[$section pushIndent
- $section appendSect $tmp
- expand_text $section $query currtab $table
- $section popIndent]
- }
- $section popIndent
- }
- }
- # Generate procedure body
- #
- proc gen_inf_proc_body {section table oper query} {
- $section pushIndent
- case $oper in {
- {del} {
- gen_get_tuple_for_del $section $table
- }
- {upd} {
- gen_get_tuple_for_upd $section $table
- }}
- #
- # ON EXCEPTION must be first statement in block,
- # so we just create another block ...
- #
- expand_text $section {
- ~[$section pushIndent
- gen_rules_after $section $table $oper $query
- gen_rules_before $section $table $oper
- expand_text $section $query currtab $table
- $section popIndent]
- }
- #
- # Special case: del_in_master must be generated AFTER the query, but NOT
- # in the exception block
- #
- if {$oper == "del"} {
- gen_del_in_master $section $table
- }
- $section popIndent
- }
- # Generate code for "del_in_master", if needed.
- #
- proc gen_del_in_master {section table} {
- foreach link [$table importSet] {
- if {[$link getDelType] == "del_in_master"} {
- expand_text $section {
- CALL pdel_~[[$link master] getUniqueName](~[
- gen_col_listc $section [$link columnSet] p_]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- # Generate code to get the complete "old" tuple that is updated, if needed.
- #
- proc gen_get_tuple_for_upd {section table} {
- if {![tuple_needed_for_upd $table]} {
- return
- }
- expand_text $section {
- ~[gen_simple_data_decl_4gl $section $table ALL "DEFINE o_" "" ";\n"]
- INTO ~[gen_col_list $section $table ALL "o_"]
- FROM ~[$table getUniqueName]
- WHERE ~[gen_compare $section $table KEYS "" "" "p_" "" " AND\n"];
- }
- }
- # Is old tuple needed for an update?
- # This is only the case when the old values are needed to check the R.I, i.e.
- # if an import rule "rej_exist" exists.
- #
- proc tuple_needed_for_upd {table} {
- foreach link [$table importSet] {
- if {[$link getUpdType] == "rej_exist"} {
- return 1
- }
- }
- return 0
- }