PC World 1997 November
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# (c) Westmount Technology 1994
# File: @(#)fmlistcong.tcl /main/hindenburg/2
# Author: <generated>
# Description:
# SccsId = @(#)fmlistcong.tcl /main/hindenburg/2 10 Apr 1997 Copyright 1994 Westmount Technology
# Start user added include file section
# End user added include file section
require "fmcongen.tcl"
Class FmListConGen : {FmConGen} {
method destructor
method generate
method genTextLine
method genTitle
method makeReport
attribute frames
attribute pgfs
attribute chapter
constructor FmListConGen {class this name section} {
set this [FmConGen::constructor $class $this $name $section]
# Start constructor user section
# this is not a type-tied generator, so adjust the type
# part of the tempate name
set version [[[[$this section] document] editor] version]
$this templatePath [m4_path_name etc fm${version}doc.mif]
# End constructor user section
return $this
method FmListConGen::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
$this FmConGen::destructor
method FmListConGen::generate {this} {
# First the contents is generated in a section. This sections
# is put in a MIF-file by expanding the template MIF-file
# '<name><version>.mif'. This file contains expandable TCL-
# macro's to include the contents of the section.
# Furthermore the template MIF-file contains a macro to include the
# title of the document using 'FmListConGen::genTitle'.
set mifFid [$this openMif]
# check first if output file can be opened
if {$mifFid == ""} {
# get the parent (chapter) if the current section
$this chapter [[$this section] parentSection]
if { [$this chapter] == "" } {
# Create the sections to be filled in into the MIF-template
$this frames [TextSection new]
$this pgfs [TextSection new]
$this makeReport
# make the Framemaker file
set contents [TextSection new]
# need to do this, otherwise pgfs is removed ???????
set pgfs [$this pgfs]
expand_file $contents [$this templatePath]
# Write the contents into the MIF-file
$contents write $mifFid
close $mifFid
$this mif2Bin
method FmListConGen::genTextLine {this line} {
# Generate a paragraph-line, within the global paragraphs-section
[$this pgfs] append " <ParaLine\n"
[$this pgfs] append " <String `[[$this section] escapeText $line]'>\n"
[$this pgfs] append " <Char HardReturn>\n"
[$this pgfs] append " >\n"
method FmListConGen::genTitle {this textRectID} {
# Get the level of the section.
# This determines the kind of title
set level [[$this section] indentation]
# Determine the kind of title, i.e. the paragraph-tag
case $level {
{0 1} {set tag Chapter}
{2} {set tag Section}
{3} {set tag SubSection}
{4} {set tag SubSubSection}
default {return ""}
# Check if the section is the first one of this level
# within the upper level. If so then use the paragraph-tag
# extended with '1', to make the number starting at the beginning.
set extension 1
set parent [[$this section] parentSection]
if { $parent == "" } {
return ""
set brothers [$parent childSectionSet]
# only if it's the first the extension is 1
if {[$this section] == [$brothers index]} {
set extension 1
} else {
set extension ""
# Make a section for the title
set title [TextSection new]
# Fill the section with the paragraph that defined the complete title
$title append " <Para\n"
$title append " <PgfTag `$tag$extension'>\n"
$title append " <ParaLine\n"
$title append " <TextRectID $textRectID>\n"
$title append " <String `[[$this section] escapeText [[$this section] docTitle]]'>\n"
$title append " >\n"
$title append " >\n"
# Return the contents of the title-section to be filled in into
# the template
return [$title contents]
method FmListConGen::makeReport {this} {
# Start the paragraph
[$this pgfs] append " <Para\n"
[$this pgfs] append " <PgfTag `Reports'>\n"
# get all the cad_classes and cad_containers from the
# documented system
foreach file [[[[$this section] document] documentedSystem] localFileVersions] {
if {[[$file file] type] != "cad"} {
set fileName [[$file file] name]
$this genTextLine $fileName
foreach comp [$file components] {
if { [$comp type] == "cad_class" || \
[$comp type] == "cad_container"} {
set name ""
foreach label [$comp labels] {
if {[$label type] == "name"} {
set name [$label value]
if {$name != ""} {
$this genTextLine " -$name"
# Finish the paragraph
[$this pgfs] append " >\n"
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker