home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # (c) Cadre Technologies Inc. 1995
- #
- # File: @(#)fillTables.tcl /main/hindenburg/1
- # Author: Challenger
- # Description: Definition of classes to simulate old Report Writer
- # tables.
- #
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # SccsId = @(#)fillTables.tcl /main/hindenburg/1 25 Nov 1996 Copyright 1995 Cadre Technologies Inc.
- # main fill routine
- #
- proc fillTables {} {
- foreach table [usedTables] {
- switch $table {
- project { fillTableProject }
- phase { fillTablePhase }
- system { fillTableSystem }
- file { fillTableFile }
- component { fillTableComponent }
- item { fillTableItem }
- attribute { fillTableAttribute }
- description { fillTableDescription }
- compattr { fillTableCompattr }
- default { error "unknown table: $table" }
- }
- }
- }
- # fill routines for each table
- #
- proc fillTableProject {} {
- global ProjectList
- set ProjectList {}
- foreach configV [allConfigVersions] {
- set newRecord [ProjectRecord new $configV]
- lappend ProjectList $newRecord
- }
- }
- proc fillTablePhase {} {
- global PhaseList
- set PhaseList {}
- foreach configV [allConfigVersions] {
- foreach phaseV [osort phase.name [allPhaseVersions $configV]] {
- set newRecord [PhaseRecord new $configV $phaseV]
- lappend PhaseList $newRecord
- }
- }
- }
- proc fillTableSystem {} {
- global SystemList
- set SystemList {}
- foreach configV [allConfigVersions] {
- foreach phaseV [osort phase.name [allPhaseVersions $configV]] {
- foreach systemV [osort system.name [allSystemVersions $phaseV]] {
- set newRecord [SystemRecord new $configV $phaseV $systemV]
- lappend SystemList $newRecord
- }
- }
- }
- }
- proc fillTableFile {} {
- global FileList
- set FileList {}
- foreach configV [allConfigVersions] {
- foreach phaseV [allPhaseVersions $configV] {
- foreach systemV [allSystemVersions $phaseV] {
- # FileVersion
- foreach fileV [allFileVersions $systemV] {
- set newRecord [FileRecord new $configV $phaseV $systemV \
- $fileV]
- $newRecord _objtype local
- lappend FileList $newRecord
- }
- # SystemFileReference
- foreach ref [$systemV fileVersionReferences] {
- set newRecord [FileRecord new $configV $phaseV $systemV \
- [$ref referredFileVersion]]
- $newRecord _objtype reference
- $newRecord _reference $ref
- lappend FileList $newRecord
- }
- # ExternalLink
- foreach extlink [$systemV externalLinks] {
- set newRecord [FileRecord new $configV $phaseV $systemV \
- [ORB::nil]]
- $newRecord _objtype link
- $newRecord _link $extlink
- lappend FileList $newRecord
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- proc fillTableComponent {} {
- global ComponentList
- set ComponentList {}
- foreach configV [allConfigVersions] {
- foreach phaseV [allPhaseVersions $configV] {
- foreach systemV [allSystemVersions $phaseV] {
- foreach diagram [query "{isA Diagram} == 1" \
- [allFileVersions $systemV]] {
- foreach component [$diagram components] {
- set newRecord [ComponentRecord new $configV $phaseV \
- $systemV $component]
- lappend ComponentList $newRecord
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- proc fillTableItem {} {
- global ItemList
- set ItemList {}
- foreach configV [allConfigVersions] {
- foreach phaseV [allPhaseVersions $configV] {
- foreach systemV [allSystemVersions $phaseV] {
- foreach wi [$systemV definedItems] {
- set newRecord [ItemRecord new $configV $phaseV $systemV \
- "" $wi]
- lappend ItemList $newRecord
- }
- foreach fileV [allFileVersions $systemV] {
- if [$fileV isA ExternalFileVersion] {
- continue
- }
- foreach wi [$fileV definedItems] {
- set newRecord [ItemRecord new $configV $phaseV $systemV\
- $fileV $wi]
- lappend ItemList $newRecord
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- proc fillTableAttribute {} {
- global AttributeList
- set AttributeList {}
- foreach configV [allConfigVersions] {
- foreach phaseV [allPhaseVersions $configV] {
- foreach systemV [allSystemVersions $phaseV] {
- set wiList [$systemV definedItems]
- foreach fileV [allFileVersions $systemV] {
- if [$fileV isA ExternalFileVersion] {
- continue
- }
- set wiList [concat $wiList [$fileV definedItems]]
- }
- foreach wi $wiList {
- if { $wi == "" } {
- continue
- }
- set ip [$wi properties]
- if [$ip isNil] {
- continue
- }
- foreach prop [$ip properties] {
- set newRecord [AttributeRecord new $wi [$prop name] \
- [$prop value]]
- lappend AttributeList $newRecord
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- proc fillTableCompattr {} {
- global CompattrList
- set CompattrList {}
- foreach configV [allConfigVersions] {
- foreach phaseV [allPhaseVersions $configV] {
- foreach systemV [allSystemVersions $phaseV] {
- foreach diagram [query "{isA Diagram} == 1" \
- [allFileVersions $systemV]] {
- foreach comp [$diagram components] {
- foreach prop [$comp properties] {
- set newRecord [CompattrRecord new $comp \
- [$prop name] \
- [$prop value]]
- lappend CompattrList $newRecord
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- proc fillTableDescription {} {
- global DescriptionList
- set DescriptionList {}
- foreach configV [allConfigVersions] {
- foreach phaseV [allPhaseVersions $configV] {
- foreach systemV [allSystemVersions $phaseV] {
- foreach wi [$systemV definedItems] {
- set newRecord [DescriptionRecord new $configV $phaseV \
- $systemV "" $wi]
- lappend DescriptionList $newRecord
- }
- foreach fileV [allFileVersions $systemV] {
- set newRecord [DescriptionRecord new $configV $phaseV \
- $systemV $fileV ""]
- lappend DescriptionList $newRecord
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- # procs only used in this file
- #
- proc allConfigVersions {} {
- switch -exact $CurrentLevel {
- File { return $ConfigVersion }
- System { return $ConfigVersion }
- Phase { return $ConfigVersion }
- Config { return $ConfigVersion }
- Project { return [$Project configVersions] }
- default { return [query -s projects.configVersions $Corporate] }
- }
- }
- proc allPhaseVersions {configV} {
- switch -exact $CurrentLevel {
- File { return $PhaseVersion }
- System { return $PhaseVersion }
- Phase { return $PhaseVersion }
- default { return [$configV phaseVersions] }
- }
- }
- proc allSystemVersions {phaseV} {
- switch -exact $CurrentLevel {
- File { return $SystemVersion }
- System { return $SystemVersion }
- default { return [$phaseV systemVersions] }
- }
- }
- proc allFileVersions {systemV} {
- switch -exact $CurrentLevel {
- File { return $FileVersion }
- default { return [$systemV localFileVersions] }
- }
- }