PC World 1997 November
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# (c) Cayenne Software Inc. 1997
# File: @(#)filehandle.tcl /main/hindenburg/11
# Author: <generated>
# Description:
# SccsId = @(#)filehandle.tcl /main/hindenburg/11 14 May 1997 Copyright 1997 Cayenne Software Inc.
# Start user added include file section
require cgen_msg.tcl
require machdep.tcl
# End user added include file section
# This class does generic file handling.
Class FileHandler : {GCObject} {
method destructor
method getFileName
method openFile
method closeFile
method checkUniqueFiles
method writeSectionToFile
method writeSectionToNamedFile
method sourceTclFiles
method sourceAllTclFilesInSystem
method importExternal
method findExternalSource
method setImpFrom
constructor FileHandler {class this} {
set this [GCObject::constructor $class $this]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method FileHandler::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
# Returns file name for <class> with type <fileType>.
method FileHandler::getFileName {this class fileType} {
return "[$class getName].$fileType"
# Opens the file for <class> with type <fileType>.
# Returns a file descriptor on success,
# the empty string on failure.
method FileHandler::openFile {this class fileType} {
set fileName [$this getFileName $class $fileType]
if [catch {set fd [fstorage::open $fileName r]}] {
return ""
return $fd
# Closes a file that was opened
# by openFile
method FileHandler::closeFile {this fileDesc} {
if {$fileDesc != ""} {
fstorage::close $fileDesc
# Checks whether the classes in the current
# system map to different file names.
# If this is not the case, an error is generated.
method FileHandler::checkUniqueFiles {this classList} {
set fileToClass [Dictionary new]
# any type will do for this check
set aType [[$this getFileTypes] index 0]
$classList foreach class {
set fileName [$this getFileName $class $aType]
if [$class isExternal] {
set className [$class getName]
if [$fileToClass exists $fileName] {
error "Classes '$className' and '[$fileToClass set $fileName]' map to the same file name" "" ERR_UNIQUE_FILENAME
$fileToClass set $fileName $className
# Writes the contents of <section> to the file for
# <class> with type <fileType>. If
# - the file existed already and has not changed or
# - the section is empty or
# - there were checking errors
# the file is not written and 0 is returned.
# Otherwise 1 is returned.
method FileHandler::writeSectionToFile {this section class fileType} {
if { [$section contents] == "" } {
return 0
set fileName [$this getFileName $class $fileType]
if [section_equals_file $section $fileName] {
puts "$fileName has not changed: file not written"
return 0
if {[M4CheckManager::getErrorCount] > 0} {
puts "Not saving $fileName because of previous errors"
return 0
puts stdout "Creating $fileName"
if [catch {set fd [fstorage::open $fileName w]} reason] {
puts stderr $reason
m4_error $E_FILE_OPEN_WRITE $fileName
return 0
} else {
if [catch {$this setImpFrom $fileName $class} reason] {
puts stderr $reason
$section write $fd
fstorage::close $fd
return 1
# Writes the contents of <section> to file <fileName>.
method FileHandler::writeSectionToNamedFile {this section fileName} {
if [catch {set fd [fstorage::open $fileName w]} reason] {
puts stderr $reason
m4_error $E_FILE_OPEN_WRITE $fileName
$section write $fd
fstorage::close $fd
# Sources tcl files in the current system,
# and tcl files in the system called Tcl if it exists.
method FileHandler::sourceTclFiles {this} {
set cc [ClientContext::global]
set thisSystem [$cc levelNameAt System]
if {![catch {fstorage::goto_system Tcl.system} msg]} {
$this sourceAllTclFilesInSystem
fstorage::goto_system $thisSystem
$this sourceAllTclFilesInSystem
# Sources all Tcl files in the current system.
method FileHandler::sourceAllTclFilesInSystem {this} {
foreach fileName [fstorage::dir tcl] {
set absoluteFileName [fstorage::get_uenv_path $fileName absolute]
if [catch {source $absoluteFileName}] {
m4_error $E_USER_TCL $absoluteFileName
puts stderr $errorInfo
# Imports the external file <fileName> in the file
# for <class> with type <fileType>,
# if <fileName> exists. This is a legacy
# method with old code.
method FileHandler::importExternal {this class fileType fileName} {
set class_name [$class getName]
set newFileName [$this getFileName $class $fileType]
set absoluteFileName [$this findExternalSource $fileName]
if {$absoluteFileName == ""} {
puts -nonewline "ERROR: class '[$class getName]': "
puts "external class source file '$fileName' not found"
puts "Importing external '$absoluteFileName'"
puts "Creating $newFileName"
if [catch {set out [fstorage::open $newFileName w]} reason] {
puts stderr $reason
m4_error $E_FILE_OPEN_WRITE $newFileName
if [catch {fstorage::set_imp_from $newFileName [$class getName]} reason] {
puts stderr $reason
set max 8092
set in [open $absoluteFileName r]
while {[set result [read $in $max]] != ""} {
puts -nonewline $out $result
close $in
fstorage::close $out
# Looks for a file named <fileName> in the current
# directory and in all directories specified by the
# global exsrc_searchpath. Returns the absolute
# file name on success, the empty string otherwise.
method FileHandler::findExternalSource {this fileName} {
if [file exists $fileName] {
return $fileName
global exsrc_searchpath
if {! [info exists exsrc_searchpath]} {
return ""
set sep [searchPathSeparator]
foreach dirName [split $exsrc_searchpath $sep] {
set absoluteFileName [path_name concat $dirName $fileName]
if [file exists $absoluteFileName] {
return $absoluteFileName
return ""
method FileHandler::setImpFrom {this fileName class} {
return [fstorage::set_imp_from $fileName [$class getName]]
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker