PC World 1997 November
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# Copyright (c) 1997 by Cayenne Software Inc.
# This software is furnished under a license and may be used only in
# accordance with the terms of such license and with the inclusion of
# the above copyright notice. This software or any other copies thereof
# may not be provided or otherwise made available to any other person.
# No title to and ownership of the software is hereby transferred.
# The information in this software is subject to change without notice
# and should not be construed as a commitment by Cayenne Software Inc
# File : @(#)drsude.tcl /main/hindenburg/9 23 Jan 1997
# Author : H. Broeze
# Original date : 14 Januari 1997
# Description : DOORS navigation to ObjectTeam
source [m4_path_name tcl libocl.tcl]
require platform.tcl
require procs.tcl
require messagehdl.tcl
set caller ""
set args $argv
regsub -all {\\} $args "" args
set parentOTVersionsOfFileDict [Dictionary new]
set parentOTVersionsOfSystemDict [Dictionary new]
set parentOTVersionsOfPhaseDict [Dictionary new]
set projSelectedItems [lindex $args 0]
global projName
set projName [lindex $args 1]
if {[llength $args] >= 5} {
set phaseName [lindex $args 3]
$parentOTVersionsOfPhaseDict contents [lindex $args 4]
if {[llength $args] >= 7} {
set systemName [lindex $args 5]
$parentOTVersionsOfSystemDict contents [lindex $args 6]
if {[llength $args] == 11 || [llength $args] == 12} {
set fileType [lindex $args 7]
set fileName [lindex $args 9]
$parentOTVersionsOfFileDict contents [lindex $args 10]
if {[llength $args] >= 15} {
set fileType [lindex $args 11]
set fileName [lindex $args 9]/[lindex $args 13]
$parentOTVersionsOfFileDict contents [lindex $args 14]
set configOptions ""
if [catch {set cc [ClientContext::global]}] {
set cc [ClientContext::global]
set corporate [$cc currentCorporate]
set proj [$corporate findProject $projName]
if [$proj isNil] {
wmtkerror "Project with name '$projName' does not exist"
.main popUp
$parentOTVersionsOfFileDict foreach fileVersion systemVersions {
foreach systemVersion $systemVersions {
foreach phaseV [$parentOTVersionsOfSystemDict set $systemVersion] {
foreach confVId [$parentOTVersionsOfPhaseDict set $phaseV] {
if {[lsearch $configOptions $confVId] == -1} {
lappend configOptions $confVId
require "diagramedi.tcl"
sourceOptional u_ude
set editorType $fileType
set type $fileType
if {[string length $fileType] != 3 && $fileType != "Attribute" && $fileType != "Operation"} {
set editorType [lindex $args 11]
require "${editorType}editor.tcl"
[string toupper $editorType]Editor new .main \
-caller "$caller"
set fileDict [Dictionary new]
proc selectFromObject {confV phaseV systemV itemName itemType } {
set workItem [$systemV findDeclaration $itemName cl $confV]
set item [$workItem item]
$item getDecompositions $phaseV $systemV decompComponents $editorType resultSystems resultFiles
set fileNames ""
foreach graph $resultFiles {
set fileName [[$graph file] name]
$fileDict set $fileName $graph
lappend fileNames $fileName
if {[llength $fileNames] == 0} {
wmtkinfo "$itemType $itemName does not exist in any $editorType diagram"
if {[llength $fileNames] == 1} {
fileSelected $confV $systemV [$fileDict set $fileNames]
if {[llength $fileNames] > 1} {
ListDialog new .main.selectFile \
-message "Select File Name/Version"\
-okPressed {
set selFileName [.main.selectFile selectedSet]
set fileVersion [$fileDict set $selFileName]
.main fileVersion $fileVersion
.main startEdit $fileVersion
.main.selectFile entrySet $fileNames
.main.selectFile popUp
systemSelected $confV $systemV
.main popUp
proc findFile { $proj configV } {
set configVList [split $configV .]
set confName [lindex $configVList 0]
set confVersion [lindex $configVList 1]
set configV [$proj findConfigVersion $confName $confVersion]
set phaseV [$configV findPhaseVersion $phaseName $phaseName]
set systemV [$phaseV findSystemVersion $systemName system]
if {[lsearch "Class UseCase" $fileType] != -1} {
selectFromObject $configV $phaseV $systemV $fileName $fileType
} else {
set fileV [$systemV findFileVersion $fileName $fileType]
if ![$fileV isNil] {
fileSelected $configV $systemV $fileV
} else {
systemSelected $configV $systemV
if {[string length $fileType] > 3} {
wmtkinfo "${fileType}s are not supported for navigation"
} else {
wmtkinfo "$fileType $fileName does not exist"
proc systemSelected { configV systemV } {
.main configVersion $configV
.main systemVersion $systemV
proc fileSelected { configV systemV fileV} {
systemSelected $configV $systemV
.main fileVersion $fileV
.main startEdit $fileV
if {[llength $configOptions] > 1 } {
ListDialog new .main.listDialog \
-message "Select Configuration Name/Version"\
-okPressed {
.main popUp
.main ready
findFile $proj [.main.listDialog selectedSet]
.main.listDialog entrySet $configOptions
.main.listDialog popUp
} else {
findFile $proj $configOptions
.main popUp