PC World 1997 November
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# (c) Cayenne Software Inc. 1996
# File: @(#)doctool.tcl /main/hindenburg/4
# Author: <generated>
# Description:
# SccsId = @(#)doctool.tcl /main/hindenburg/4 18 Sep 1996 Copyright 1996 Cayenne Software Inc.
# Start user added include file section
require "document.tcl"
require "browserobj.tcl"
# End user added include file section
Class DocTool : {Object} {
method destructor
method startCommand
method generateDocument
method generateStructure
method generateStructureAndContents
method generateContents
method print
method updateDocDir
method updateRepository
method updateSections
method setSection
method removeSection
method findSection
method fileToList
method editDsm
method getSectionByName
method getSectionById
attribute structure
attribute document
attribute sectionByName
attribute sectionById
constructor DocTool {class this name document} {
set this [Object::constructor $class $this $name]
$this document $document
$this sectionByName [Dictionary new]
$this sectionById [Dictionary new]
# Start constructor user section
# check the document directory
set docDir [[$this document] directory]
if {$docDir != ""} {
if ![file exists $docDir] {
wmtkfatal "Document directory '$docDir' does not \
exists or permission denied"
} else {
wmtkfatal "Document directory not specified"
# check the clientContext
set cc [ClientContext::global]
if [[$cc currentSystem] isNil] {
# go down to the system
$cc downLevel [[[$this document] system] name].document
# check if documented system exists
if [[$document documentedSystem] isNil] {
wmtkfatal "Invalid documented system."
# get the DSM
set dsm [[$this document] findFileVersion ${DSysVDbObj::dsmName} dsm]
if [$dsm isNil] {
set dsm [[$this document] createFileVersion \
${DSysVDbObj::dsmName} doc 0 dsm matrix \
[[$this document] configVersion]]
# make the fileinfo and load the dsm in the fileInfo structure
$this structure [DocStructure new documentStructure]
if {[[$this structure] load $dsm] == -1} {
wmtkerror "Load document structure failed"
set localSections [[$this document] localFileVersions]
# register all currently available sections
foreach repObj [[$this document] localFileVersions] {
$this setSection "[[$repObj file] name]" $repObj
set fileSections [[$this document] fileVersionReferences]
foreach repObj [[$this document] fileVersionReferences] {
$this setSection "[$repObj name]" $repObj
set propertySections [[$this document] propertyReferences]
foreach repObj [[$this document] propertyReferences] {
$this setSection "[rmWhiteSpace [$repObj name]]" $repObj
# update the section with the structure info
$this updateSections
# End constructor user section
return $this
method DocTool::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
method DocTool::startCommand {this args} {
# return values:
# -1: invalid number of args or invalid command
# 0 : the specified command returned error(s)
# 1 : the specified command did NOT return error(s)
if {[llength $args] != 2 } {
wmtkerror "invalid number of params"
return -1
set editor [[$this document] editor]
if [catch {$editor connect} reason] {
wmtkerror "Connect editor failed: $reason"
return -1
set result -1
# first arg is the command
# second arg is the objectid file document structure file
case "[lindex $args 0]" in {
{generateDocument} {
set result [$this generateDocument [lindex $args 1]]
{generateStructure} {
set ids [$this fileToList [lindex $args 1]]
set result [$this generateStructure $ids]
{generateContents} {
set ids [$this fileToList [lindex $args 1]]
set result [$this generateContents $ids]
{generateStructureAndContents} {
set ids [$this fileToList [lindex $args 1]]
set result [$this generateStructureAndContents $ids]
{print} {
set ids [$this fileToList [lindex $args 1]]
set result [$this print $ids]
{updateDocDir} {
set ids [$this fileToList [lindex $args 1]]
set result [$this updateDocDir $ids 0]
{updateRepository} {
set ids [$this fileToList [lindex $args 1]]
set result [$this updateRepository $ids]
{default} {
wmtkerror "Unknown command '[lindex $args 0]'"
set result -1
catch {$editor disconnect}
return $result
method DocTool::generateDocument {this structureFile} {
# make sure the dsm version is working
# create new version if this one is frozen
return [generator generateDocument $structureFile]
method DocTool::generateStructure {this objects} {
# make sure the dsm version is working
# create new version if this one is frozen
foreach repId $objects {
set section [$this getSectionById $repId]
wmtkmessage "Generate structure for section '[$section uiName]'"
$section generateStructure 0
return 1
method DocTool::generateStructureAndContents {this objects} {
# first generate the structure of all the 'objects'
$this generateStructure $objects
# then generate the contents
$this generateContents $objects
return 1
method DocTool::generateContents {this objects} {
foreach repId $objects {
set section [$this getSectionById $repId]
$section generateContents
return 1
method DocTool::print {this objects} {
if {![$this updateDocDir $objects 1]} {
return 0
foreach repId $objects {
set section [$this getSectionById $repId]
wmtkmessage "Print section '[$section uiName]'"
$section print
return 1
method DocTool::updateDocDir {this objects ifNeeded} {
foreach repId $objects {
set section [$this getSectionById $repId]
set uiName [$section uiName]
if {$ifNeeded && [$section isDocDirUpToDate]} {
wmtkmessage "Document directory for section '$uiName' is up to date"
} else {
wmtkmessage "Update document directory for section '$uiName'"
$section updateDocDir
return 1
method DocTool::updateRepository {this objects} {
set result 1
foreach repId $objects {
set section [$this getSectionById $repId]
wmtkmessage "Update repository for section '[$section uiName]'"
if {![$section updateRepository]} {
set result 0
if {$result == 0} {
wmtkerror "Update repository failed"
return $result
method DocTool::updateSections {this} {
# first remove all the structure info from the sections
foreach section [[$this sectionByName] values] {
if {![$section isA DocSection]} {
# it is not a docsection , no reset needed
$section indentation 0
$section _childSectionSet [List new]
$section _parentSection ""
for {set comp [[$this structure] firstComponent]} \
{$comp != ""} \
{set comp [$comp next]} {
set section [$this findSection [$comp uiName]]
if {$section == ""} {
wmtkmessage "[$comp uiName]: section not found"
$section indentation [$comp indentation]
set parSet([$comp indentation]) $section
set parentIndent [$comp indentation]
incr parentIndent -1
if {![catch {set parent $parSet($parentIndent)} reason]} {
$parent addChildSection $section
method DocTool::setSection {this name section} {
[$this sectionByName] set $name $section
[$this sectionById] set [$section identity] $section
method DocTool::removeSection {this name} {
set section [[$this sectionByName] set $name]
[$this sectionByName] unset $name
[$this sectionById] unset [$section identity]
method DocTool::findSection {this name} {
#find the corresponding section
return [$this getSectionByName [rmWhiteSpace $name]]
method DocTool::fileToList {this fileName} {
set fid [open [lindex $fileName 0]]
set ids [read -nonewline $fid]
close $fid
unlink $fileName
return $ids
method DocTool::editDsm {this} {
set struct [$this structure]
set dsm [$struct diagram]
if {"[$dsm getInfo Status]" == "frozen"} {
set sv [$this document]
set cv [$sv configVersion]
set dsm [$sv derive -fileVersion $dsm $cv]
# make the fileinfo and load the dsm in the fileInfo structure
$struct delete
$this structure [DocStructure new documentStructure]
if {[[$this structure] load $dsm] == -1} {
wmtkerror "Load document structure failed"
return 0
if {[$struct edit $dsm] == -1} {
wmtkerror "Edit of document structure failed."
return 0
return 1
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
method DocTool::getSectionByName {this name} {
return [[$this sectionByName] set $name]
method DocTool::getSectionById {this id} {
return [[$this sectionById] set $id]