home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # (c) Cadre Technologies Inc. 1996
- #
- # File: @(#)docstructd.tcl /main/hindenburg/3
- # Author: <generated>
- # Description:
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # SccsId = @(#)docstructd.tcl /main/hindenburg/3 4 Nov 1996 Copyright 1996 Cadre Technologies Inc.
- # Start user added include file section
- require "docstructn.tcl"
- require "docstructt.tcl"
- require "wmt_util.tcl"
- # End user added include file section
- Class DocStructDlg : {TemplateDialog} {
- method destructor
- constructor
- method newSection
- method editSection
- method load
- method popUp
- method removeSection
- method save
- method selectionChanged
- method structure
- attribute document
- attribute editable
- attribute saved
- attribute _removedSectionList
- attribute dsm
- attribute fileInfo
- attribute _structure
- }
- method DocStructDlg::destructor {this} {
- set ref [$this _structure]
- if {$ref != ""} {
- $ref _dialog ""
- }
- # Start destructor user section
- # Remove dialog box
- set box [getParent $this].[nt_get_type $this]newSection
- if [isCommand $box] {
- $box delete
- }
- [$this fileInfo] quit
- if [$this saved] {
- $wmttoolObj updateView
- }
- # End destructor user section
- }
- constructor DocStructDlg {class this name dsm} {
- set this [TemplateDialog::constructor $class $this $name]
- $this dsm $dsm
- $this document [$dsm getParent SystemVersion]
- $this config \
- -cancelPressed {
- %this delete
- } \
- -okPressed {
- if [%this editable] {
- %this save
- }
- if [%this autoPopDown] {
- %this delete
- }
- }
- interface DlgColumn $this.top {
- NamedGroup actions {
- verStretchFactor 0
- label section
- mnemonic s
- DlgRow menu {
- PushButton new {
- label New...
- default yes
- }
- PushButton edit {
- label Edit...
- }
- PushButton delete {
- label Delete
- }
- }
- }
- DocStructTree tree {
- rowCount 15
- columnCount 60
- }
- }
- $this.top.actions.menu.new activated [list $this newSection]
- $this.top.actions.menu.edit activated [list $this editSection]
- $this.top.actions.menu.delete activated [list $this removeSection]
- DocStructNode new $this.top.tree.root "[[$this document] getInfo Name]"
- $this structure $this.top.tree
- return $this
- }
- method DocStructDlg::newSection {this} {
- set box [getParent $this].[nt_get_type $this]newSection
- ClassMaker::extend TemplateDialog NewSectionTemplateDialog {dialog tree}
- if {! [isCommand $box]} {
- NewSectionTemplateDialog new $box \
- -modal yes \
- -title "New Section" \
- -autoPopDown 0 \
- -dialog $this \
- -tree [$this structure] \
- -helpPressed {.main helpOnName newSection} \
- -okPressed {
- set name [%this.top.nameList text]
- set names [%this.top.nameList entrySet]
- set id [lsearch -exact "$names" "$name"]
- if {$id != -1} {
- %this.top.nameList entrySet [lreplace $names $id $id]
- }
- set id [lsearch -exact \
- "[%this.top.parent entrySet]" "[%this.top.parent selected]"]
- set nodes [concat [%this tree].root [[%this tree].root nodes]]
- set parent [lindex $nodes $id]
- if {! [$parent hasChildren]} {
- $parent hasChildren 1
- $parent foldState 0
- }
- set node [$parent count]
- DocStructNode new $parent.$node "$name"
- $parent count [expr $node + 1]
- %this popDown
- }
- interface DlgColumn $box.top {
- Label nameLab {
- text "Name:"
- }
- ComboBox nameList {
- rowCount 5
- verStretchFactor 20
- }
- Label parentLab {
- text "Parent:"
- }
- DropDwnList parent {
- rowCount 5
- }
- }
- # Fill nameList with unstructured sections names
- set entrySet ""
- foreach section [[$this document] getChildSet sections] {
- if {"[$section uiPrefix]" != "-"} continue
- if [$section isA ExternalFileVersion] {
- lappend entrySet "[[$section file] qualifiedName :]"
- } else {
- lappend entrySet "[$section name]"
- }
- }
- $box.top.nameList config \
- -entrySet $entrySet \
- -textModified {
- set box [getParent [getParent %this]]
- set label [%this text]
- if {"[rmWhiteSpace $label]" == "" ||
- "[[[$box dialog] fileInfo] findComponent $label]" != ""} {
- set selected 0
- } else {
- set selected 1
- }
- $box okSensitive $selected
- $box okDefault $selected
- $box cancelDefault [expr 1 - $selected]
- }
- }
- # Append removed sections to nameList
- $box.top.nameList entrySet \
- [concat [$box.top.nameList entrySet] [$this _removedSectionList]]
- $this _removedSectionList ""
- # Fill parent option-menu
- set entrySet \"[[$this structure].root label]\"
- foreach node [[$this structure].root nodes] {
- lappend entrySet [$node label]
- }
- set selected [$box.top.parent selected]
- if {"$selected" == "" || [lsearch -exact $entrySet "$selected"] == -1} {
- set selected [lindex $entrySet 0]
- }
- $box.top.parent config \
- -entrySet $entrySet \
- -selected $selected
- eval [$box.top.nameList textModified]
- $box popUp
- }
- method DocStructDlg::editSection {this} {
- set section [[$this structure] selected]
- if {! [isCommand [$section parent]]} return
- global classCount
- set box [getParent $this].[nt_get_type $this]editSection$classCount
- incr classCount
- ClassMaker::extend TemplateDialog EditSectionTemplateDialog \
- {dialog tree section}
- EditSectionTemplateDialog new $box \
- -modal yes \
- -title "Edit Section" \
- -autoPopDown 0 \
- -dialog $this \
- -tree [$this structure] \
- -section $section \
- -helpPressed {.main helpOnName editSection} \
- -okPressed {
- set name [%this.top.name text]
- set id [lsearch -exact \
- "[%this.top.parent entrySet]" "[%this.top.parent selected]"]
- set sectionNodes [concat [%this section] [[%this section] nodes]]
- set nodes [%this tree].root
- foreach node [[%this tree].root nodes] {
- if {[lsearch -exact $sectionNodes $node] != -1} continue
- lappend nodes $node
- }
- [%this section] setParent [lindex $nodes $id]
- if {"$name" != "[[%this section] label]"} {
- [%this section] label "$name"
- }
- %this popDown
- %this delete
- } \
- -cancelPressed {
- %this delete
- }
- interface DlgColumn $box.top {
- Label nameLab {
- text "Name:"
- }
- SingleLineText name {}
- Label parentLab {
- text "Parent:"
- }
- DropDwnList parent {
- rowCount 5
- }
- }
- $box.top.name config \
- -text "[$section label]" \
- -textModified {
- set box [getParent [getParent %this]]
- set label [%this text]
- set origLabel [[$box section] label]
- if {"[rmWhiteSpace $label]" == "" ||
- ("$label" != "$origLabel" &&
- "[[[$box dialog] fileInfo] findComponent $label]" != "")} {
- set selected 0
- } else {
- set selected 1
- }
- $box okSensitive $selected
- $box okDefault $selected
- $box cancelDefault [expr 1 - $selected]
- }
- set entrySet \"[[$this structure].root label]\"
- set sectionNodes [concat $section [$section nodes]]
- foreach node [[$this structure].root nodes] {
- if {[lsearch -exact $sectionNodes "$node"] != -1} continue
- lappend entrySet [$node label]
- }
- $box.top.parent config \
- -entrySet $entrySet \
- -selected [[$section parent] label]
- eval [$box.top.name textModified]
- $box popUp
- }
- method DocStructDlg::load {this} {
- $this saved 0
- set parent $this.top.tree.root
- set indentation -1
- set parentArray($indentation) $parent
- for {set fiComponent [[$this fileInfo] firstComponent]} \
- {"$fiComponent" != ""} \
- {set fiComponent [$fiComponent next]} {
- if {[$fiComponent indentation] != $indentation} {
- set prevIndentation $indentation
- set indentation [$fiComponent indentation]
- if {$prevIndentation == -1} {
- set parentArray($indentation) $parentArray(-1)
- } elseif {($indentation > $prevIndentation) ||
- (! [info exists parentArray($indentation)])} {
- set parentArray($indentation) $parent.$node
- }
- set parent $parentArray($indentation)
- }
- if {! [$parent hasChildren]} {
- $parent hasChildren 1
- $parent foldState 0
- }
- set node [$parent count]
- DocStructNode new $parent.$node "[$fiComponent uiName]" \
- -fiComponent $fiComponent
- $parent count [expr $node + 1]
- }
- }
- method DocStructDlg::popUp {this} {
- if [$this editable] {
- PushButton new $this.save \
- -label Save \
- -activated {
- set dialog [getParent %this]
- $dialog autoPopDown 0
- eval [$dialog okPressed]
- $dialog autoPopDown 1
- }
- }
- $this fileInfo [DocStructure new $this.fileInfo]
- if [$this editable] {
- [$this fileInfo] edit [$this dsm]
- } else {
- [$this fileInfo] load [$this dsm]
- }
- $this load
- $this selectionChanged
- $this title "[$this title] - [[$this document] getInfo Name]"
- $this TemplateDialog::popUp
- }
- method DocStructDlg::removeSection {this} {
- [[$this structure] selected] delete
- $this selectionChanged
- }
- method DocStructDlg::save {this} {
- [$this structure].root save
- [$this fileInfo] save
- $this saved 1
- }
- method DocStructDlg::selectionChanged {this} {
- if [$this editable] {
- $this.top.actions.menu.new sensitive 1
- set section [[$this structure] selected]
- if {"$section" == "" || "[$section parent]" == ""} {
- $this.top.actions.menu.edit sensitive 0
- $this.top.actions.menu.delete sensitive 0
- } else {
- $this.top.actions.menu.edit sensitive 1
- $this.top.actions.menu.delete sensitive 1
- }
- } else {
- $this.top.actions.menu.new sensitive 0
- $this.top.actions.menu.edit sensitive 0
- $this.top.actions.menu.delete sensitive 0
- }
- }
- # Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
- method DocStructDlg::structure {this args} {
- if {$args == ""} {
- return [$this _structure]
- }
- set ref [$this _structure]
- if {$ref != ""} {
- $ref _dialog ""
- }
- set obj [lindex $args 0]
- if {$obj != ""} {
- $obj _dialog $this
- }
- $this _structure $obj
- }