PC World 1997 November
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# (c) Cayenne Software Inc. 1997
# File: @(#)diagramedi.tcl /main/hindenburg/15
# Author: <generated>
# Description:
# SccsId = @(#)diagramedi.tcl /main/hindenburg/15 7 Mar 1997 Copyright 1997 Cayenne Software Inc.
# Start user added include file section
require edwmtarea.tcl
require edpropcont.tcl
require propstruct.tcl
require labelpartn.tcl
require showversio.tcl
require systemutil.tcl
require editoropti.tcl
require m4vardescr.tcl
# Hidden component types.
global hiddenCompTypes
set hiddenCompTypes(link_attrib) 1
set hiddenCompTypes(attribute) 1
set hiddenCompTypes(method) 1
set hiddenCompTypes(parameter) 1
set hiddenCompTypes(activity) 1
set hiddenCompTypes(state_action) 1
global compIndent
set compIndent [Dictionary new -contents {
parameter " "
attribute " "
method " "
link_attrib " "
activity " "
state_action " "
# End user added include file section
require "wmttool.tcl"
Class DiagramEditor : {WmtTool MainWindow} {
method destructor
method createEdAreaPopUpMenu
method startEdit
method context
method fileVersion
method changeFileVersion
method addFileHistory
method historyActivated
method renumberFileHistory
method setFileHistory
method saveFileHistory
method addContextArea
method updateToolBar
method updateWmtArea
method editProperties
method removeProperties
method showProperties
method createPropContainers
method editDiagramProperties
method removeDiagramProperties
method showDiagramProperties
method createDiagPropContainer
method indent
method releasePropContainers
method startReport
method save
method edit
method push
method doEdit
method read
method doRead
method print
method doPrint
method openByName
method open
method close
method doClose
method exit
method doExit
method newEditor
method askDecName
method decompose
method zoom
method popupNotSaved
method popupCloseExit
method popUpPrintOptions
method popUpNameDialog
method popUpScopeDialog
method enDisableMenuEntries
method helpOnContext
method helpOnName
method checkContents
method checkLocalModel
method removeUnreferencedItems
method createOpenByName
method editorArea
method addPropContainer
method removePropContainer
attribute _fileVersion
attribute systemVersion
attribute configVersion
attribute fileStack
attribute selectedItem
attribute historyCount
attribute selPopDlg
attribute permanentReadOnly
attribute m4VarDes
attribute options
attribute openByNameDlg
attribute printOptions
attribute openKnowledgeDB
attribute propKnowledgeDB
attribute panel
attribute _editorArea
attribute moduleHdlr
attribute genericMenuHdlr
attribute specificMenuHdlr
attribute objHdlr
attribute propContainerSet
attribute readDiagram
attribute closeExit
attribute notSaved
attribute fileHistorySet
attribute wmtArea
method DiagramEditor::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
$this saveToolBarPresence ude
$this saveContextAreaPresence ude
$this saveMessageAreaPresence ude
[$this options] delete
[$this propKnowledgeDB] delete
[$this openKnowledgeDB] delete
[$this genericMenuHdlr] delete
if [isCommand [$this objHdlr]] {
[$this objHdlr] delete
# End destructor user section
$this WmtTool::destructor
constructor DiagramEditor {class this name} {
set this [MainWindow::constructor $class $this $name]
WmtTool::constructor $class $this $name
$this m4VarDes [M4VarDescription new $this.m4VarDes]
$this options [EditorOptions new $this.options]
MenuBar new $this.bar
$this genericMenuHdlr [CustEdMenuHandler new diagram]
$this setToolBarPresence ude
DlgColumn new $this.c
$this setContextAreaPresence ude
HorSeparator new $this.c.sep
DlgRow new $this.c.r -spaceType NONE
$this setMessageAreaPresence ude
$this config \
-propContainerSet [List new] \
-fileHistorySet [List new] \
-historyCount 0 \
-permanentReadOnly 0 \
-closed {%this exit} \
-exitButton [$this menuBar].file.menu.exit \
-propKnowledgeDB [PropKnowledgeDB new $this.propKnowledgeDB] \
-openKnowledgeDB [OpenKnowledgeDB new $this.openKnowledgeDB]
# Use some trickery to set the right icon
$this icon [$this diagramType]e
$this iconTitle [string toupper [$this icon]]
global classCount
set classCount 1
# take care of the generic entries
[$this genericMenuHdlr] setCurrentContext
ClassMaker::extend CustMenuPushButton HistMenuButton file
return $this
method DiagramEditor::createEdAreaPopUpMenu {this} {
EdAreaPopUpMenu new [$this editorArea].pop -poppedUp {
[.main editorArea].pop entrySet [concat \
[[.main genericMenuHdlr] getValidPopUpEntrySet] \
[[.main specificMenuHdlr] getValidPopUpEntrySet]]
method DiagramEditor::startEdit {this fv} {
$this setFileHistory [[$fv file] type]
$this edit $fv
method DiagramEditor::context {this} {
set corp [[ClientContext::global] currentCorporate]
set configV [$this configVersion]
set systemV [$this systemVersion]
set fileV [$this fileVersion]
set proj [$configV project]
set phaseV [$configV findPhaseVersion -byPhase [$systemV phase]]
return "$corp $proj $configV $phaseV $systemV $fileV"
method DiagramEditor::fileVersion {this {fv -}} {
if {$fv == "-"} {
return [$this _fileVersion]
$this changeFileVersion $fv
set context [$this context]
set cc [ClientContext::global]
set cntStr /[[lvarpop context] identity]
append cntStr /[[lvarpop context] identity]
append cntStr /[[lvarpop context] identity]
append cntStr /[[lvarpop context] identity]
append cntStr /[[lvarpop context] identity]
if {![$fv isNil]} {
append cntStr /[$fv identity]
$this addFileHistory [$fv file]
$cc setLevelIds $cntStr
method DiagramEditor::changeFileVersion {this fv} {
if [$fv isNil] {
set name ""
} else {
set name [[$fv file] qualifiedName :]
$this _fileVersion $fv
$this iconTitle $name
set title [$this title]
set hyphen [string last "-" $title]
if {$hyphen < 0} {
set title "- $title"
} else {
set title [string range $title $hyphen end]
set title "$name $title"
$this title $title
method DiagramEditor::addFileHistory {this file} {
set index [expr [[$this exitButton] index] - 1 - \
[[$this fileHistorySet] length]]
[$this fileHistorySet] foreach entry {
if {$file != [$entry file]} {
[$this fileHistorySet] removeValue $entry
[$this fileHistorySet] insert $entry
$this renumberFileHistory
$entry index $index
set latest [expr [$this historyCount] + 1]
HistMenuButton new [$this menuBar].file.menu.his$latest \
-label "1 [$file qualifiedName :]" -mnemonic 1 -file $file \
-operations edit -activated "$this historyActivated %this" \
-index $index -hintText "Opens [$file qualifiedName :]."
[$this fileHistorySet] insert [$this menuBar].file.menu.his$latest
$this historyCount $latest
$this renumberFileHistory
if {[[$this fileHistorySet] length] > 5} {
[[$this fileHistorySet] index end] delete
[$this fileHistorySet] remove end
method DiagramEditor::historyActivated {this entry} {
set fv [[$this systemVersion] findFileVersion -byFile [$entry file]]
if [$fv isNil] {
wmtkerror "No version of [[$entry file] qualifiedName :] found"
[$this fileHistorySet] removeValue $entry
$this renumberFileHistory
$entry delete
} else {
$this edit $fv
method DiagramEditor::renumberFileHistory {this} {
set m 1
set sv [$this systemVersion]
[$this fileHistorySet] foreach entry {
if [[$sv findFileVersion -byFile [$entry file]] isNil] {
$entry delete
[$this fileHistorySet] removeValue $entry
$this renumberFileHistory
$entry config -mnemonic $m \
-label "$m [[$entry file] qualifiedName :]"
incr m
method DiagramEditor::setFileHistory {this context} {
set history [m4_var get M4_file_history -context $context]
if {"$history" == ""} {
if {[[[$this systemVersion] system] identity] != [lindex $history 0]} {
set history [lrange $history 1 [expr [llength $history] - 1]]
foreach fileId $history {
catch {$this addFileHistory [File new $fileId]}
method DiagramEditor::saveFileHistory {this context} {
set history [[[$this systemVersion] system] identity]
[$this fileHistorySet] foreach entry {
set history [linsert $history 1 [[$entry file] identity]]
if {$history != [m4_var get M4_file_history -context $context]} {
m4_var set M4_file_history $history -context $context
method DiagramEditor::addContextArea {this} {
$this wmtArea [EdWmtArea new $this.c.wmtArea]
method DiagramEditor::updateToolBar {this} {
[$this genericMenuHdlr] setCurrentContext
[$this specificMenuHdlr] setCurrentContext
method DiagramEditor::updateWmtArea {this} {
if {[$this wmtArea] != ""} {
[$this wmtArea] notify
method DiagramEditor::editProperties {this} {
busy {
set editorArea [$this editorArea]
if [catch {
set selComps [$editorArea editSelectedComponents]
} msg] {
wmtkerror $msg
$this createPropContainers $selComps 1
if {[[$this propContainerSet] contents] == ""} {
wmtkerror "There are no properties defined for the selected object(s)"
# Don't reuse a PropertyDialog:
# The initial size does not change to fit new contents.
uplevel #0 require propertydi.tcl
PropertyDialog new $this.editProperties $this \
-editable 1 \
-title "Edit Properties" \
-helpPressed {.main helpOnName editProperties}
$this.editProperties popUp
method DiagramEditor::removeProperties {this} {
busy {
set editorArea [$this editorArea]
if [catch {
set selComps [$editorArea editSelectedComponents]
} msg] {
wmtkerror $msg
$this createPropContainers $selComps 1
# Don't reuse a RmPropDialog:
# The initial size does not change to fit new contents.
uplevel #0 require rmpropdial.tcl
RmPropDialog new $this.removeProperties $this \
-title "Delete Properties" \
-helpPressed {.main helpOnName selectMany}
$this.removeProperties popUp
method DiagramEditor::showProperties {this} {
busy {
set editorArea [$this editorArea]
if [catch {
set selComps [$editorArea getSelectedComponents]
} msg] {
wmtkerror $msg
$this createPropContainers $selComps 0
if {[[$this propContainerSet] contents] == ""} {
wmtkerror "There are no properties defined for the selected object(s)"
# Don't reuse a PropertyDialog:
# The initial size does not change to fit new contents.
uplevel #0 require propertydi.tcl
PropertyDialog new $this.editProperties $this \
-editable 0 \
-title "Show Properties" \
-helpPressed {.main helpOnName editProperties}
$this.editProperties popUp
method DiagramEditor::createPropContainers {this selComps edit} {
set propStructList [List new]
set configV [$this configVersion]
set phaseV [[ClientContext::global] currentPhase]
set fileV [$this fileVersion]
set propKnowledgeDB [$this propKnowledgeDB]
PropLocation new .propLocation \
-phaseType [[$phaseV phase] type] \
-diagramType [[$fileV file] type]
set maxNameLength 0
foreach obj $selComps {
set count 0
set labs [llength [$obj labelSet]]
.propLocation componentType [$obj type]
if {[$obj getProperty initiator] == 1} {
.propLocation condition "INITIATOR"
} elseif {[$obj getProperty key] == 1} {
.propLocation condition "KEY"
} else {
.propLocation condition "NOKEY"
set indent [$this indent [$obj type]]
foreach lab [$obj labelSet] {
.propLocation labelType [$lab type]
foreach itm [$lab itemRefSet] {
.propLocation containerKind Component
.propLocation containerType [$obj type]
set compPropDefs [$propKnowledgeDB \
definitions .propLocation]
.propLocation containerKind Item
.propLocation containerType [$itm type]
set itemPropDefs [$propKnowledgeDB \
definitions .propLocation]
if {"$compPropDefs$itemPropDefs" == ""} {
set objName $indent[$itm itemName]
set objNameLength [string length $objName]
if {$objNameLength > $maxNameLength} {
set maxNameLength $objNameLength
set labIdx [$obj type],[$lab type],[$itm type]
if [info exists labelPartName($labIdx)] {
set objType $labelPartName($labIdx)
} else {
set objType [$obj longName]
if {$labs > 1} {
set labType [$lab longName]
set objType "$objType $labType"
$propStructList append [PropStruct new \
-name $objName \
-type $objType \
-compPropDefs $compPropDefs \
-containerKey [.propLocation asString] \
-component $obj \
-itemRef $itm \
-itemPropDefs $itemPropDefs]
incr count
if {$count == 0} {
.propLocation containerKind Component
.propLocation containerType [$obj type]
.propLocation labelType ""
set compPropDefs [$propKnowledgeDB \
definitions .propLocation]
if {[llength $compPropDefs] > 0} {
$propStructList append [PropStruct new \
-type [$obj longName] \
-compPropDefs $compPropDefs \
-containerKey [.propLocation asString] \
-component $obj]
.propLocation delete
set formatString "%-*.*s %s"
set cntList [List new]
$propStructList foreach propStruct {
set pres [format $formatString $maxNameLength $maxNameLength \
[$propStruct name] [$propStruct type]]
set cnt [EdPropContainer new -editable $edit \
-propertyKey [$propStruct containerKey] \
-propertyPresentation $pres \
-holderComp [$propStruct component] \
-itemRef [$propStruct itemRef]]
if {[$cnt getPropInfoMethods]} {
foreach propDef [$propStruct compPropDefs] {
$cnt addPropDefinition $propDef
foreach propDef [$propStruct itemPropDefs] {
$cnt addPropDefinition $propDef
$cnt storePropInfoMethods
} else {
foreach propDef [$propStruct compPropDefs] {
$cnt addSpecificPropDef $propDef holderComp
foreach propDef [$propStruct itemPropDefs] {
$cnt addSpecificPropDef $propDef itemPropInfo
$cnt storePropInfoMethods
$cntList append $cnt
$this propContainerSet $cntList
method DiagramEditor::editDiagramProperties {this} {
$this createDiagPropContainer 1
# Don't reuse a PropertyDialog:
# The initial size does not change to fit new contents.
uplevel #0 require propertydi.tcl
PropertyDialog new $this.editProperties $this \
-editable 1 \
-title "Edit Diagram Properties" \
-helpPressed {.main helpOnName editDiagramProperties}
$this.editProperties popUp
method DiagramEditor::removeDiagramProperties {this} {
$this createDiagPropContainer 1
# Don't reuse a RmPropDialog:
# The initial size does not change to fit new contents.
uplevel #0 require rmpropdial.tcl
RmPropDialog new $this.removeProperties $this \
-title "Delete Diagram Properties" \
-helpPressed {.main helpOnName selectMany}
$this.removeProperties popUp
method DiagramEditor::showDiagramProperties {this} {
$this createDiagPropContainer 0
# Don't reuse a PropertyDialog:
# The initial size does not change to fit new contents.
uplevel #0 require propertydi.tcl
PropertyDialog new $this.editProperties $this \
-editable 0 \
-title "Show Diagram Properties" \
-helpPressed {.main helpOnName editDiagramProperties}
$this.editProperties popUp
method DiagramEditor::createDiagPropContainer {this edit} {
set phase [[[ClientContext::global] currentPhase] phase]
set file [[$this fileVersion] file]
PropLocation new .propLocation \
-containerKind Graph \
-containerType [$file type] \
-phaseType [$phase type]
$this propContainerSet [List new]
set propDefs [[$this propKnowledgeDB] definitions .propLocation]
if {[llength $propDefs] == 0} {
.propLocation delete
set cnt [EdPropContainer new -editable $edit \
-propertyKey [.propLocation asString] \
-propertyPresentation "[$file name] [$file type]" \
-diagPropInfo [[$this editorArea] propInfo]]
foreach propDef $propDefs {
$cnt addSpecificPropDef $propDef diagPropInfo
.propLocation delete
[$this propContainerSet] append $cnt
method DiagramEditor::indent {this compType} {
return [$compIndent set $compType]
method DiagramEditor::releasePropContainers {this} {
[$this editorArea] releaseSelectedComponents
method DiagramEditor::startReport {this file comment} {
if [[$this editorArea] isChanged] {
$this popupNotSaved "startReportInMtool \"$file\" \"$comment\""
} else {
startReportInMtool $file $comment
method DiagramEditor::save {this} {
busy {
wmtkmessage "Saving..."
[$this editorArea] save
wmtkmessage "Done"
method DiagramEditor::edit {this fv} {
if [[$this editorArea] isChanged] {
$this popupNotSaved "$this doEdit $fv"
} else {
$this doEdit $fv
method DiagramEditor::push {this fv} {
set stack [$this fileStack]
lappend stack [[$this fileVersion] file]
$this fileStack $stack
$this doEdit $fv
method DiagramEditor::doEdit {this fv} {
busy {
if {[$this fileVersion] == ""} {
wmtkmessage "Loading ..."
} elseif {[$this fileVersion] == $fv ||
[[$this fileVersion] file] == [$fv file]} {
wmtkmessage "Reloading ..."
# dummy call updating cache used for getting status
$fv initialScope
if {[$fv status] == "noStatus" ||
[$fv status] == "backGround"} {
set file [$fv file]
set sv [$this systemVersion]
set fv [$sv findFileVersion -byFile $file]
if [$fv isNil] {
set name [$file qualifiedName :]
wmtkerror "No version of $name found"
} else {
wmtkmessage "Loading ..."
if [$this permanentReadOnly] {
if [catch {[$this editorArea] load $fv} msg] {
wmtkerror $msg
set fv [ORB::nil]
wmtkmessage "Not done"
} else {
wmtkmessage "Loaded read-only"
if {[$this fileVersion] != $fv} {
$this fileVersion $fv
if [catch {[$this editorArea] edit $fv} msg] {
# Edit failed, try load
if [catch {[$this editorArea] load $fv} loadMsg] {
wmtkerror "Edit failed:\n${msg}\nLoad failed:\n$loadMsg"
wmtkmessage "Not done"
set fv [ORB::nil]
} else {
wmtkmessage "Loaded read-only"
wmtkwarning $msg
} else {
wmtkmessage Done
if {[$this fileVersion] != $fv} {
$this fileVersion $fv
method DiagramEditor::read {this} {
set dlg [$this readDiagram]
if {$dlg == ""} {
uplevel #0 require readdiagra.tcl
set dlg [ReadDiagram new $this.read -editor $this]
$this readDiagram $dlg
$dlg popUp
method DiagramEditor::doRead {this fv} {
busy {
wmtkmessage "Reading..."
if [catch {[$this editorArea] read $fv} msg] {
wmtkerror $msg
wmtkmessage "Not done"
} else {
wmtkmessage Done
method DiagramEditor::print {this} {
if [[$this editorArea] isChanged] {
$this popupNotSaved "$this doPrint"
} else {
$this doPrint
method DiagramEditor::doPrint {this} {
busy {
uplevel #0 require print.tcl
set fv [$this fileVersion]
set optionsBox [$this printOptions]
if {$optionsBox != ""} {
set args [$optionsBox printOptions]
lappend args -configVersion [$this configVersion]
lappend args -systemVersion [$this systemVersion]
lappend args $fv
eval Print::printDiagrams $args
method DiagramEditor::openByName {this} {
uplevel #0 require openbyname.tcl
set obn [$this openByNameDlg]
if {$obn == ""} {
set obn [$this createOpenByName]
$this openByNameDlg $obn
if [[$this editorArea] isChanged] {
$this popupNotSaved "$obn popUp"
} else {
$obn popUp
method DiagramEditor::open {this} {
if [[$this editorArea] isChanged] {
busy {
uplevel #0 require selectitem.tcl
SelectItem new $this.items -editor $this
uplevel #0 require opendiagra.tcl
OpenDiagram new $this.open -editor $this
$this selPopDlg $this.open
$this.items popUp
method DiagramEditor::close {this} {
if {[llength [$this fileStack]] == 0} {
$this popupCloseExit "$this exit"
} elseif [[$this editorArea] isChanged] {
$this popupNotSaved "$this doClose"
} else {
$this doClose
method DiagramEditor::doClose {this} {
set stack [$this fileStack]
set last [llength $stack]
set file [lindex $stack [incr last -1]]
$this fileStack [lrange $stack 0 [incr last -1]]
set sv [$this systemVersion]
set fv [$sv findFileVersion -byFile $file]
if [$fv isNil] {
wmtkerror "No version of [$file qualifiedName :] found"
} else {
$this doEdit $fv
method DiagramEditor::exit {this} {
if [[$this editorArea] isChanged] {
$this popupNotSaved "$this doExit"
} else {
$this doExit
method DiagramEditor::doExit {this} {
$this busy TRUE
wmtkmessage "Exiting ..."
[$this editorArea] quit
$this stop
method DiagramEditor::newEditor {this sv fv} {
set dfl [$fv file]
set fId [$fv identity]
set sId [$sv identity]
set cId [[$this configVersion] identity]
set presName "[$dfl name].[$dfl type]"
set dflQual [[$dfl item] qualifier]
if {![$dflQual isNil]} {
set presName "[$dflQual name]:$presName"
set msg "Starting ude for '$presName'"
set script "SystemUtilities::fork otk \
ude -c [list [get_comm_name]] $fId $sId $cId"
$this startCommand tcl "$script" "" "$msg" {0 0} 1
method DiagramEditor::askDecName {this sv qualItem fileType} {
if {![isCommand $this.askDecName]} {
ClassMaker::extend EntryDialog DecNameDialog {
editor sysVers qualItem fileType}
DecNameDialog new $this.askDecName \
-modal yes \
-editor $this \
-message Name: \
-helpPressed {.main helpOnName askDecName} \
-okPressed {
[%this editor] decompose [%this sysVers] \
[%this qualItem] [%this entry] [%this fileType]
$this.askDecName config \
-title "Create [string toupper $fileType] for [$qualItem name]" \
-sysVers $sv -qualItem $qualItem -fileType $fileType -entry ""
$this.askDecName popUp
method DiagramEditor::decompose {this sv qualItem fileName fileType} {
set configV [$this configVersion]
set scopePhase [fileHasScopePhase $fileType]
set itemType [file2itemtype $fileType]
set presName "$fileName.$fileType"
if {$qualItem != ""} {
set presName "[$qualItem name]:$presName"
wmtkmessage "Creating '$presName'"
busy {
if [catch {
if {"$qualItem" == ""} {
set decFileV [$sv createFileVersion $fileName \
$itemType $scopePhase $fileType graph $configV]
} else {
set fItm [$qualItem findCreateItem \
$fileName $itemType]
set decFileV [$sv createFileVersion $fItm \
$scopePhase $fileType graph $configV]
} msg] {
wmtkerror $msg
if {$sv == [$this systemVersion] &&
$fileType == [[[$this fileVersion] file] type]} {
$this push $decFileV
} else {
$this newEditor $sv $decFileV
method DiagramEditor::zoom {this factor} {
busy {
set area [$this editorArea]
set scale [expr {[$area scale] * $factor}]
if {$scale < 0.1} {
wmtkmessage "Minimum zoom factor reached"
if {$scale > 3} {
wmtkmessage "Maximum zoom factor reached"
wmtkmessage "Scale factor is now [format %.2f $scale]"
$area scale $scale
method DiagramEditor::popupNotSaved {this action} {
set notSaved [$this notSaved]
if {$notSaved == ""} {
uplevel #0 require notsaveddi.tcl
set notSaved [NotSavedDialog new $this.notSaved -editor $this]
$this notSaved $notSaved
$notSaved action $action
$notSaved popUp
method DiagramEditor::popupCloseExit {this action} {
set closeExit [$this closeExit]
if {$closeExit == ""} {
uplevel #0 require closeexitd.tcl
set closeExit [CloseExitDialog new $this.close]
$this closeExit $closeExit
$closeExit action $action
$closeExit popUp
method DiagramEditor::popUpPrintOptions {this} {
set printOptions [$this printOptions]
if {$printOptions == ""} {
uplevel #0 require printoptio.tcl
set printOptions [PrintOptionsDialog new $this.printOptions]
$this printOptions $printOptions
$printOptions config -diagram [$this fileVersion] \
-readOnly [[$this editorArea] readOnly] \
-props [[$this editorArea] propInfo]
$printOptions popUp
method DiagramEditor::popUpNameDialog {this} {
if {[isCommand $this.items] || [isCommand $this.changeName]} {
wmtkerror "Another dialog is busy"
uplevel #0 require selectitem.tcl
SelectItem new $this.items \
-editor $this \
-cancelPressed "$this.changeName delete; %this delete"
uplevel #0 require itemnamech.tcl
ItemNameChangeDialog new $this.changeName $this \
-configV [$this configVersion] \
-keeper [$this fileVersion]
$this selPopDlg $this.changeName
$this.items popUp
method DiagramEditor::popUpScopeDialog {this} {
if {[isCommand $this.items] || [isCommand $this.changeScope]} {
wmtkerror "Another dialog is busy"
uplevel #0 require selectitem.tcl
SelectItem new $this.items \
-editor $this \
-cancelPressed "$this.changeScope delete; %this delete"
uplevel #0 require scopechang.tcl
ScopeChangeDialog new $this.changeScope \
-configV [$this configVersion] \
-systemV [$this systemVersion] \
-diagram [$this fileVersion] \
-editor $this
$this selPopDlg $this.changeScope
$this.items popUp
method DiagramEditor::enDisableMenuEntries {this} {
[$this genericMenuHdlr] areaChanged
[$this specificMenuHdlr] areaChanged
method DiagramEditor::helpOnContext {this} {
set area [$this editorArea]
# Get selected components. Throw away "hidden" components.
set comps ""
global hiddenCompTypes
foreach comp [$area getSelectedComponents] {
if {![info exists hiddenCompTypes([$comp type])]} {
lappend comps $comp
if {[llength $comps] == 1} {
# Show help based on type of selected component.
set localKey [$comps type]
} else {
# Show generic help, based on type of diagram.
set localKey [[[$this fileVersion] file] type]
$area releaseSelectedComponents
$this helpOnName $localKey
method DiagramEditor::helpOnName {this name} {
uplevel #0 require edsymb2url.tcl
global short2url
if [catch {set url $short2url($name)}] {
wmtkerror "Sorry, no help available for '$name'"
} else {
showHelp $url
method DiagramEditor::checkContents {this} {
set file [[$this fileVersion] file]
set script "[quoteIf [m4_path_name bin otsh$EXE_EXT]] \
-c [$file qualifiedName].[$file type]"
$this startCommand mtool $script "" "Starting 'Check'" {0 0} 0
method DiagramEditor::checkLocalModel {this} {
set file [[$this fileVersion] file]
set args "-f check.tcl -S [$file qualifiedName].[$file type]"
set script "[quoteIf [m4_path_name bin otsh$EXE_EXT]] $args"
$this startCommand mtool $script "" "Starting 'Check'" {0 0} 0
method DiagramEditor::removeUnreferencedItems {this} {
set fv [$this fileVersion]
set script "busy \{ $fv removeUnusedDeclarations \}"
if [[$this editorArea] isChanged] {
$this popupNotSaved $script
} else {
eval $script
method DiagramEditor::createOpenByName {this} {
return [OpenByName new $this.obn -editor $this]
method DiagramEditor::editorArea {this {newArea -}} {
if {$newArea == "-"} {
return [$this _editorArea]
$this _editorArea $newArea
set focusButton "[$this menuBar].options.menu.pointerfocus"
if [isCommand $focusButton] {
$focusButton state [$newArea pointerFocus]
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
method DiagramEditor::addPropContainer {this newPropContainer} {
[$this propContainerSet] append $newPropContainer
method DiagramEditor::removePropContainer {this oldPropContainer} {
[$this propContainerSet] removeValue $oldPropContainer