PC World 1997 November
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# (c) Cayenne Software Inc. 1997
# File: %W%
# Author: <generated>
# File: @(#)dpgclass.tcl /main/hindenburg/16
Class DPGClass : {Object} {
method destructor
method baseType
method isGUIComponent
method isDerivable
method getUnitName
method getFormVarName
method getFormTypeName
method generateComponent
method generateType
method generateTObjectType
method generate
attribute bseType
attribute doneComponent
attribute target
constructor DPGClass {class this name} {
set this [Object::constructor $class $this $name]
$this doneComponent 0
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method DPGClass::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
method DPGClass::baseType {this} {
if {[$this bseType] == ""} {
set super $this
if {[$super getName] != "TForm" && [$super getName] != "TComponent"} {
while {[llength [$super genNodeSet]] > 0} {
if {[$super getName] == "TForm" || [$super getName] == "TComponent"} {
set super [[lindex [$super genNodeSet] 0] superClass]
switch [$super getName] {
"TForm" {
$this bseType [$super getName]
"TComponent" {
$this bseType [$super getName]
default {
$this bseType "Class"
return [$this bseType]
method DPGClass::isGUIComponent {this} {
if {[$this baseType] == "TForm" || [$this baseType] == "TComponent"} {
return 1
} else {
return 0
method DPGClass::isDerivable {this} {
if {[$this baseType] == "TComponent"} {
return 0
} else {
return 1
method DPGClass::getUnitName {this} {
return "[$this getName]Unit"
method DPGClass::getFormVarName {this} {
return [$this getName]
method DPGClass::getFormTypeName {this} {
# if {[$this getPropertyValue "is_vcl"] != 1} {
# }
if {[$this getName] != "TForm"} {
return "T[$this getName]"
} else {
return [$this getName]
method DPGClass::generateComponent {this role class control} {
if {[$this doneComponent] == 1} {
m4_fatal $E_CONTLOOP [$class name]
# Create new component
set ctrlType [[[lindex [$this genNodeSet] 0] superClass] generateType]
set newcontrol [DPControl new $ctrlType]
$newcontrol name $role
set props [TextSection new]
$newcontrol properties $props
# Add new component to child list of parent
$control addChild $newcontrol
# Add new component to form
[$class form] setControl [$newcontrol name] $newcontrol
# Generate child components
$this doneComponent 1
foreach assoc [$this genAssocAttrSet] {
if {[$assoc hasGUIComponent]} {
$assoc generateComponent $class $newcontrol
$this doneComponent 0
# Generate events
foreach operation [$this operationSet] {
if {[$operation getPropertyValue "is_event"] == 1} {
set controlevent [DPControlEvent new [$operation generateEvent $class $newcontrol]]
$controlevent name [$operation getName]
$newcontrol addEvent $controlevent
} else {
if {[$this baseType] != "TForm"} {
m4_error $E_CANTCONTMETH [$this getName]
method DPGClass::generateType {this} {
set type [DPType new]
$type includeType "user"
$type includeName [$this getUnitName]
if {[$this baseType] == "TForm"} {
$type name [$this getFormTypeName]
} else {
$type name "[$this getName]"
set libunit [$this getPropertyValue "libunit"]
if {$libunit != "None" && $libunit != ""} {
$type includeType "system"
if {$libunit == "Other"} {
$type includeName [$this getPropertyValue "userlib"]
} else {
$type includeName $libunit
return $type
method DPGClass::generateTObjectType {this} {
set type [DPType new]
$type includeType "system"
$type includeName "System"
$type name "TObject"
return $type
method DPGClass::generate {this tgt} {
# Hook unit to project
switch [$this baseType] {
"TForm" {
# Create form class
set formtype [$this generateType]
set form [DPForm new $formtype]
$form name "[$this getName]"
set props [TextSection new]
$form properties $props
set unit [DPFormClass new $form]
$this target $unit
$unit name [$formtype name]
#Create global form variable
set formvar [DPVariable new $formtype]
$formvar name "[$this getFormVarName]"
$unit addGlobvar $formvar
# Hook form to project
$tgt setForm [$formvar name] $form
# Generate events
foreach operation [$this operationSet] {
if {[$operation getPropertyValue "is_event"] == 1} {
set controlevent [DPControlEvent new [$operation generateEvent $unit $form]]
$controlevent name [$operation getName]
$form addEvent $controlevent
# Generate components
foreach assoc [$this genAssocAttrSet] {
if {[$assoc hasGUIComponent]} {
$assoc generateComponent $unit $form
"Class" {
set unit [DPClass new]
$this target $unit
set type [$this generateType]
$unit name "[$type name]"
default {
$tgt setUnit [$this getName] $unit
# Set unit attributes
$unit unitName "[$this getUnitName]"
# comment
set comment [DPComment new]
$unit comment $comment
$comment comment [$this getPropertyValue "freeText"]
# Generate superclass
foreach genNode [$this genNodeSet] {
$genNode generate $unit
# Generate attributes
foreach feature [$this dataAttrSet] {
$feature generate $unit
# Generate methods
foreach feature [$this operationSet] {
$feature generate $unit
# Generate constructor
if {[$this constructor] != ""} {
[$this constructor] generate $unit
# Generate destructor
set dtor [DPDestructor new]
$dtor isOverride 1
$dtor name "Destroy"
$dtor access "Published"
$dtor userCodeFirst 1
$dtor gencode [TextSection new]
$dtor gentypes [TextSection new]
$unit destructr $dtor
# Generate associations
foreach assoc [$this genAssocAttrSet] {
if {[$this baseType] == "Class"} {
if {[$assoc hasGUIComponent]} {
m4_error $E_CANTCONTGUI [$this getName] [[[$assoc ooplType] ooplClass] getName]
$assoc generate $unit
# Old destructor is last thing to call in a destructor
[$dtor gencode] append "\ninherited Destroy;\n"
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
Class DPGClassD : {DPGClass OPClass} {
selfPromoter OPClass {this} {
DPGClassD promote $this
# File: @(#)dpgfeature.tcl /main/hindenburg/3
Class DPGFeature : {Object} {
method destructor
method generate
constructor DPGFeature {class this name} {
set this [Object::constructor $class $this $name]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method DPGFeature::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
method DPGFeature::generate {this} {
# !! Implement this function !!
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
Class DPGFeatureD : {DPGFeature OPFeature} {
selfPromoter OPFeature {this} {
DPGFeatureD promote $this
# File: @(#)dpginhgrou.tcl /main/hindenburg/5
Class DPGInhGroup : {Object OPInhGroup} {
method destructor
method generateSuperType
method generate
constructor DPGInhGroup {class this name} {
set this [Object::constructor $class $this $name]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method DPGInhGroup::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
method DPGInhGroup::generateSuperType {this} {
if {![[$this superClass] isDerivable]} {
m4_error $E_ILLSUPER [[$this superClass] getName]
set type [[$this superClass] generateType]
return $type
method DPGInhGroup::generate {this class} {
if {[$class superclass] != ""} {
m4_warning $W_MULTINH [$class name] [[$class superclass] name] [$this getSuperClassName]
if {[$this isOverlapping]} {
m4_warning $W_OVERLAPINH [$class name] [$this getSuperClassName]
$class superclass [$this generateSuperType]
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
selfPromoter OPInhGroup {this} {
DPGInhGroup promote $this
# File: @(#)dpginitial.tcl /main/hindenburg/1
Class DPGInitializer : {Object} {
method destructor
method generate
constructor DPGInitializer {class this name} {
set this [Object::constructor $class $this $name]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method DPGInitializer::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
method DPGInitializer::generate {this ctor} {
# !! Implement this function !!
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
Class DPGInitializerD : {DPGInitializer OPInitializer} {
selfPromoter OPInitializer {this} {
DPGInitializerD promote $this
# File: @(#)dpgparamet.tcl /main/hindenburg/1
Class DPGParameter : {Object} {
method destructor
constructor DPGParameter {class this name} {
set this [Object::constructor $class $this $name]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method DPGParameter::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
Class DPGParameterD : {DPGParameter OPParameter} {
selfPromoter OPParameter {this} {
DPGParameterD promote $this
# File: @(#)dpgtype.tcl /main/hindenburg/4
Class DPGType : {Object Object} {
method destructor
method generate
constructor DPGType {class this name name} {
set this [Object::constructor $class $this $name]
set this [Object::constructor $class $this $name]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method DPGType::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
method DPGType::generate {this} {
if {[$this ooplClass] != ""} {
set type [[$this ooplClass] generateType]
} else {
set type [DPType new]
$type includeType "user"
$type includeName ""
$type name ""
return $type
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
Class DPGTypeD : {DPGType OPType} {
selfPromoter OPType {this} {
DPGTypeD promote $this
# File: @(#)dpgassocge.tcl /main/hindenburg/8
Class DPGAssocGen : {GCObject} {
method destructor
method propRead
method propWrite
method hasGet
method assocattr
attribute varname
attribute varref
attribute varset
attribute vardict
attribute varqual
attribute opvarname
attribute opvarref
attribute opvarset
attribute opvardict
attribute addWarning
attribute setWarning
attribute getWarning
attribute removeWarning
attribute dtorWarning
attribute _assocattr
constructor DPGAssocGen {class this assocattr} {
set this [GCObject::constructor $class $this]
$this addWarning 0
$this setWarning 0
$this getWarning 0
$this removeWarning 0
$this dtorWarning 0
$this _assocattr $assocattr
$assocattr _generator $this
# Start constructor user section
# Check for mtory-mtory
set assoc [$this assocattr]
set oppos [[$this assocattr] opposite]
if {$oppos != ""} {
if {[$assoc isMandatory] && [$assoc getMultiplicity] == "one" && ![$assoc isQualified]} {
if {[$oppos isMandatory] && [$oppos getMultiplicity] == "one" && ![$oppos isQualified]} {
m4_error $E_MTORYMTORY [[[[$this assocattr] opposite] ooplClass] getName] [[[$this assocattr] ooplClass] getName]
$this varname [[$this assocattr] getName]
$this varref "[$this varname]Ref"
$this varset "[$this varname]Set"
$this vardict "[$this varname]Dict"
if {[[$this assocattr] get_obj_type] == "qual_assoc_attrib" || [[$this assocattr] get_obj_type] == "qual_link_attrib"} {
$this varqual [[[$this assocattr] qualifier] getName]
if {[[$this assocattr] opposite] != ""} {
$this opvarname [[[$this assocattr] opposite] getName]
$this opvarref "[$this opvarname]Ref"
$this opvarset "[$this opvarname]Set"
$this opvardict "[$this opvarname]Dict"
# End constructor user section
return $this
method DPGAssocGen::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
method DPGAssocGen::propRead {this} {
set accessList [split [[$this assocattr] getPropertyValue assoc_access] -]
set accessStr [lindex $accessList 0]
if {$accessStr == ""} {
set accessStr "Published"
return $accessStr
method DPGAssocGen::propWrite {this} {
set accessList [split [[$this assocattr] getPropertyValue assoc_access] -]
set accessStr [lindex $accessList 1]
if {$accessStr == ""} {
set accessStr "Published"
return $accessStr
method DPGAssocGen::hasGet {this self} {
set rd [$this propRead]
if {$self} {
if {$rd == "None"} {
return 0
} else {
if {$rd == "None" || $rd == "Private" || $rd == "Protected"} {
return 0
return 1
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
method DPGAssocGen::assocattr {this args} {
if {$args == ""} {
return [$this _assocattr]
set ref [$this _assocattr]
if {$ref != ""} {
$ref _generator ""
set obj [lindex $args 0]
if {$obj != ""} {
$obj _generator $this
$this _assocattr $obj
# File: @(#)dpgclassen.tcl /main/hindenburg/5
Class DPGClassEnum : {DPGClass} {
method destructor
method isDerivable
method generate
constructor DPGClassEnum {class this name} {
set this [DPGClass::constructor $class $this $name]
set this [Object::constructor $class $this $name]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method DPGClassEnum::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
method DPGClassEnum::isDerivable {this} {
return 0
method DPGClassEnum::generate {this tgt} {
set unit [DPEnumUnit new]
set type [$this generateType]
$unit name "[$type name]"
$tgt setUnit [$this getName] $unit
$unit unitName "[$this getUnitName]"
set comment [DPComment new]
$unit comment $comment
$comment comment [$this getPropertyValue "freeText"]
# Generate enum fields
foreach feature [$this dataAttrSet] {
if {[$feature getInitialValue] != ""} {
m4_warning $W_ENUMDEFAULT [$this getName]
set comp [DPEnumComponent new]
$comp name [$feature getName]
$unit addComponent $comp
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
Class DPGClassEnumD : {DPGClassEnum OPClassEnum} {
selfPromoter OPClassEnum {this} {
DPGClassEnumD promote $this
# File: @(#)dpgclassge.tcl /main/hindenburg/3
Class DPGClassGenericTypeDef : {DPGClass} {
method destructor
method isDerivable
method generate
constructor DPGClassGenericTypeDef {class this name} {
set this [DPGClass::constructor $class $this $name]
set this [Object::constructor $class $this $name]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method DPGClassGenericTypeDef::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
method DPGClassGenericTypeDef::isDerivable {this} {
return 0
method DPGClassGenericTypeDef::generate {this tgt} {
set assoc [lindex [$this genAssocAttrSet] 0]
if {[$assoc isQualified]} {
set typedefType [$assoc generateQualAssocType]
} else {
if {[$assoc getMultiplicity] == "many"} {
set typedefType [$assoc generateManyAssocType]
} else {
set typedefType [[$assoc ooplType] generate]
set unit [DPTypeDefUnit new $typedefType]
set type [$this generateType]
$unit name "[$type name]"
$tgt setUnit [$this getName] $unit
$unit unitName "[$this getUnitName]"
set comment [DPComment new]
$unit comment $comment
$comment comment [$this getPropertyValue "freeText"]
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
Class DPGClassGenericTypeDefD : {DPGClassGenericTypeDef OPClassGenericTypeDef} {
selfPromoter OPClassGenericTypeDef {this} {
DPGClassGenericTypeDefD promote $this
# File: @(#)dpgclasstd.tcl /main/hindenburg/8
Class DPGClassTDef : {DPGClass} {
method destructor
method isDerivable
method getFinalType
method getType
method generate
attribute cid
attribute finalType
global DPGClassTDef::gid
set DPGClassTDef::gid 0
constructor DPGClassTDef {class this name} {
set this [DPGClass::constructor $class $this $name]
set this [Object::constructor $class $this $name]
$this finalType null
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method DPGClassTDef::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
method DPGClassTDef::isDerivable {this} {
set type [$this getFinalType]
if {$type != ""} {
if {[$type isA OPBaseType] || [$type isA OPTypeDefType] || [$type isA OPEnumType]} {
return 0
if {[$type isA OPClassType] && [[$type ooplClass] baseType] == "TComponent"} {
return 0
return 1
method DPGClassTDef::getFinalType {this} {
# return the (final) type to which this typedef really refers, i.e. resolve
# the typedef trail until a non-typedef is discovered
# note: this func returns an OPTypeDefType in case of a typedef that refers
# to itself
# currently, this is done non-recursively...
# note: copy from Forte generator
# Note! Constructor is not called so initialization is done in promotor!!
if {[$this finalType] != "null"} {
return [$this finalType]
global DPGClassTDef::gid
incr DPGClassTDef::gid
set id ${DPGClassTDef::gid}
$this cid $id
set type [$this getType]
while {1} {
if {$type == ""} {
$this finalType ""
return ""
if {![$type isA OPTypeDefType]} {
$this finalType $type
return $type
set class [$type ooplClass]
if {$class == ""} {
$this finalType ""
return ""
if {![$class isA OPClassTDef]} {
$this finalType $type
return $type
if {$id == [$class cid]} {
# loop detected
$this finalType $type
return $type
if {[$class getName] == ""} {
$this finalType ""
return ""
$class cid $id
set type [$class getType]
method DPGClassTDef::getType {this} {
# note: this method should have been a member of OPClassTDef
set attr [lindex [$this dataAttrSet] 0]
if {$attr == ""} {
return ""
# hack: if attr has no type, the OOPL model returns an OPClassType without
# an OPCLass... or an OPClass having no name... !!!
set type [$attr ooplType]
if {[$type isA OPClassType]} {
if {[$type ooplClass] == "" || [[$type ooplClass] getName] == ""} {
return ""
return $type
method DPGClassTDef::generate {this tgt} {
set unit [DPTypeDefUnit new [[[$this dataAttrSet] ooplType] generate]]
set type [$this generateType]
$unit name "[$type name]"
$tgt setUnit [$this getName] $unit
$unit unitName "[$this getUnitName]"
set comment [DPComment new]
$unit comment $comment
$comment comment [$this getPropertyValue "freeText"]
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
Class DPGClassTDefD : {DPGClassTDef OPClassTDef} {
selfPromoter OPClassTDef {this} {
DPGClassTDefD promote $this
$this finalType null
# File: @(#)dpglinkcla.tcl /main/hindenburg/3
Class DPGLinkClass : {DPGClass} {
method destructor
method isDerivable
constructor DPGLinkClass {class this name} {
set this [DPGClass::constructor $class $this $name]
set this [Object::constructor $class $this $name]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method DPGLinkClass::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
method DPGLinkClass::isDerivable {this} {
return 0
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
Class DPGLinkClassD : {DPGLinkClass OPLinkClass} {
selfPromoter OPLinkClass {this} {
DPGLinkClassD promote $this
# File: @(#)dpgattribu.tcl /main/hindenburg/1
Class DPGAttribute : {DPGFeature} {
method destructor
constructor DPGAttribute {class this name} {
set this [DPGFeature::constructor $class $this $name]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method DPGAttribute::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
Class DPGAttributeD : {DPGAttribute OPAttribute} {
selfPromoter OPAttribute {this} {
DPGAttributeD promote $this
# File: @(#)dpgconstru.tcl /main/hindenburg/13
Class DPGConstructor : {DPGFeature} {
method destructor
method generate
attribute counted
constructor DPGConstructor {class this name} {
set this [DPGFeature::constructor $class $this $name]
$this counted 0
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method DPGConstructor::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
method DPGConstructor::generate {this class} {
if {[$this counted] == ""} {
$class userConstructors [expr [$class userConstructors] + 1]
$this counted 1
set ctor [DPConstructor new]
set comment [DPComment new]
$ctor comment $comment
$comment comment [$this getPropertyValue "freeText"]
$ctor name "Create"
$ctor access [$this getPropertyValue "method_access"]
# ToDo: Check for automatic override generation?
# $ctor isOverride 1
# Method modifier
switch [$this getPropertyValue "method_modifier"] {
"Virtual" {
$ctor isVirtual 1
"Dynamic" {
$ctor isDynamic 1
"Virtual Abstract" {
$ctor isAbstract 1
$ctor isVirtual 1
"Dynamic Abstract" {
$ctor isAbstract 1
$ctor isDynamic 1
"Override" {
$ctor isOverride 1
default {
if {[$ctor access] == ""} {
$ctor access "Published"
set gencode [TextSection new]
set gentypes [TextSection new]
$ctor gencode $gencode
$ctor gentypes $gentypes
# Generate default Delphi parameter for component constructor
if {[[$this ooplClass] baseType] == "TForm"} {
set type [DPType new]
$type name "TComponent"
$type includeType "system"
$type includeName "Classes"
set param [DPArgument new $type]
$param name "AOwner"
$ctor addArg $param
# Generate initializers
set superctor [DPConstructor new]
foreach initializer [$this superClassInitializerSet] {
$initializer generate $superctor
# Generate key attribute initialization code
foreach initializer [$this attribInitializerSet] {
$initializer generate $ctor
# Generate initialized data attribute values
foreach attrib [[$this ooplClass] dataAttrSet] {
$attrib generateInitialValue $ctor
[$ctor gencode] append "\n"
# Generate association initialization code
foreach initializer [$this assocInitializerSet] {
$initializer generate $ctor
# Generate superclass call
$gencode append "inherited Create"
if {[[$superctor argSet] contents] != "" || [[$this ooplClass] baseType] == "TForm"} {
$gencode append "("
set first 1
if {[[$this ooplClass] baseType] == "TForm"} {
$gencode append "AOwner"
set first 0
[$superctor argSet] foreach arg {
if {$first} {
set first 0
} else {
$gencode append ", "
$gencode append [$arg name]
$gencode append ")"
$gencode append ";\n"
# Generate parameters
foreach param [[$this ooplClass] creationParamSet] {
if {![$param isGUIComponent [$this ooplClass]]} {
$param generate $ctor
$class constructr $ctor
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
Class DPGConstructorD : {DPGConstructor OPConstructor} {
selfPromoter OPConstructor {this} {
DPGConstructorD promote $this
# File: @(#)dpgoperati.tcl /main/hindenburg/7
Class DPGOperation : {DPGFeature} {
method destructor
method getBaseEvent
method generateEvent
method generate
constructor DPGOperation {class this name} {
set this [DPGFeature::constructor $class $this $name]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method DPGOperation::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
method DPGOperation::getBaseEvent {this class} {
# Find base Event with access "Public" or "Published"
set eventname [$this getName]
while {[llength [$class genNodeSet]] > 0} {
foreach operation [$class operationSet] {
if {[$operation getName] == $eventname} {
set access [$operation getPropertyValue "method_access"]
if {$access == "Published" || $access == "Public" || $access == ""} {
return $operation
set class [[lindex [$class genNodeSet] 0] superClass]
return ""
method DPGOperation::generateEvent {this class control} {
set event [DPEvent new]
$event name [$control name][$this getName]
set tempmod [$this getPropertyValue "method_modifier"]
if {[$this isClassFeature] || ( $tempmod != "" && $tempmod != "None" )} {
m4_warning $W_EVTILLTYPE [$event name] [$control name]
if {[$class getEvent [string tolower [$event name]]] == ""} {
$class setEvent [string tolower [$event name]] $event
} else {
m4_warning $W_EVTDBDEF [$event name] [$control name]
# Search if event is valid
if {[[$this ooplClass] isGUIComponent]} {
set super [[lindex [[$this ooplClass] genNodeSet] 0] superClass]
set baseEvent [$this getBaseEvent $super]
if {$baseEvent == ""} {
m4_warning $E_EVTNOTEXIST [$this getName] [$control name]
return $event
# Generate parameters of base-event
foreach param [$baseEvent parameterSet] {
$param generate $event
# Access
$event access "Published"
# Comment
set comment [DPComment new]
$event comment $comment
$comment comment [$this getPropertyValue "freeText"]
# Parameters
#foreach param [$this parameterSet] {
# $param generate $event
return $event
method DPGOperation::generate {this class} {
# No events for non-GUI classes
if {[$this getPropertyValue "is_event"] == 1} {
if {[[$this ooplClass] isGUIComponent] == 0} {
m4_error $E_CANTCONTEVENT [[$this ooplClass] getName] [$this getName]
} else {
# Constructor
if {[string tolower [$this getName]] == "create" && [$this isClassFeature]} {
set oper [DPConstructor new]
$oper name [$this getName]
if {[[$this ooplClass] constructor] != ""} {
if {[[[$this ooplClass] constructor] counted] == ""} {
[[$this ooplClass] constructor] counted 1
$class userConstructors [expr [$class userConstructors] + 1]
$class userConstructors [expr [$class userConstructors] + 1]
if {[expr [$class userConstructors] > 1]} {
$oper name [$oper name][$class userConstructors]
} else {
# Procedure or function
set returnType [[$this ooplType] generate]
if {[$returnType name] != ""} {
set oper [DPFunction new $returnType]
} else {
set oper [DPProcedure new]
$oper name [$this getName]
$oper isClassFeature [$this isClassFeature]
if {[$class getUsermethod [string tolower [$oper name]]] == ""} {
$class setUsermethod [string tolower [$oper name]] $oper
} else {
m4_warning $W_METHDBDEF [$oper name] [$class name]
# Access
$oper access [$this getPropertyValue "method_access"]
if {[$oper access] == ""} {
$oper access "Published"
# Comment
set comment [DPComment new]
$oper comment $comment
$comment comment [$this getPropertyValue "freeText"]
# Method modifier
switch [$this getPropertyValue "method_modifier"] {
"Virtual" {
$oper isVirtual 1
"Dynamic" {
$oper isDynamic 1
"Virtual Abstract" {
$oper isAbstract 1
$oper isVirtual 1
"Dynamic Abstract" {
$oper isAbstract 1
$oper isDynamic 1
"Override" {
$oper isOverride 1
default {
if {[$this isAbstract]} {
$oper isAbstract 1
$oper isVirtual 1
# Parameters
foreach param [$this parameterSet] {
$param generate $oper
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
Class DPGOperationD : {DPGOperation OPOperation} {
selfPromoter OPOperation {this} {
DPGOperationD promote $this
# File: @(#)dpgassocin.tcl /main/hindenburg/8
Class DPGAssocInitializer : {DPGInitializer} {
method destructor
method generate
constructor DPGAssocInitializer {class this name} {
set this [DPGInitializer::constructor $class $this $name]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method DPGAssocInitializer::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
method DPGAssocInitializer::generate {this ctor} {
if {[[[$this assoc] ooplType] ooplClass] != ""} {
if {[[[[$this assoc] ooplType] ooplClass] baseType] == "TComponent"} {
set varname "[[$this assoc] getName]"
set refname "${varname}Ref"
set setname "${varname}Set"
set dictname "${varname}Dict"
if {[[$this assoc] opposite] != ""} {
set opvarname "[[[$this assoc] opposite] getName]"
set oprefname "${opvarname}Ref"
set opsetname "${opvarname}Set"
set opdictname "${opvarname}Dict"
# ToDo: Clean this up!!
set assoctype [[$this assoc] generateAssocType [[[$this constructor] ooplClass] target]]
if {[[$this assoc] isMandatory]} {
[$ctor gencode] append "if ([$this getName] <> NIL) then\nbegin\n"
[$ctor gencode] indent +
if {[[$this assoc] getMultiplicity] == "one"} {
if {[[$this assoc] isMandatory] &&
[[$this assoc] opposite] != ""} {
if {[[[$this assoc] opposite] isQualified]} {
if {[[[$this assoc] opposite] get_obj_type] == "qual_link_attrib"} {
[$ctor gencode] append "${refname} := [$this getName];\n"
set key [[[$this constructor] qualInitializer] getName]
if {[[[$this assoc] opposite] getMultiplicity] == "one"} {
[$ctor gencode] append "(${refname} as [$assoctype name]).${opdictname}.Add(${key}, SELF);\n"
} else {
set tempset "temp${opsetname}"
[$ctor gentypes] append "var\n"
[$ctor gentypes] indent +
[$ctor gentypes] append "${tempset}: TList;\n"
[$ctor gentypes] indent -
[$ctor gencode] append "if (${refname} as [$assoctype name]).${opdictname}.Item(SELF) <> NIL) then\nbegin\n"
[$ctor gencode] indent +
[$ctor gencode] append "${tempset} := (${refname} as [$assoctype name]).${opdictname}.Item(SELF;\n"
[$ctor gencode] indent -
[$ctor gencode] append "end\n"
[$ctor gencode] append "else\n"
[$ctor gencode] append "begin\n"
[$ctor gencode] indent +
[$ctor gencode] append "${tempset} := TList.Create;\n"
[$ctor gencode] append "(${refname} as [$assoctype name]).${opdictname}.Add(${key}, ${tempset})\n"
[$ctor gencode] indent -
[$ctor gencode] append "end;\n"
[$ctor gencode] append "${tempset}.Add(SELF);\n"
} else {
m4_warning $W_NOCTORCODE [[[$this assoc] ooplClass] getName] [[[[$this assoc] opposite] ooplClass] getName]
} else {
[$ctor gencode] append "${refname} := [$this getName];\n"
if {[[[$this assoc] opposite] getMultiplicity] == "one"} {
[$ctor gencode] append "(${refname} as [$assoctype name]).${oprefname} := SELF;\n"
} else {
[$ctor gencode] append "(${refname} as [$assoctype name]).${opsetname}.Add(SELF);\n"
} else {
[$ctor gencode] append "${refname} := [$this getName];\n"
} else {
[$ctor gencode] append "${setname} := TList.Create;\n";
[$ctor gencode] append "add[cap ${varname}]([$this getName]);\n"
if {[[$this assoc] isMandatory]} {
set sysutilstype [DPType new]
$sysutilstype includeName "SysUtils"
$sysutilstype includeType "imp"
$sysutilstype addAsInclude [[[$this constructor] ooplClass] target]
[$ctor gencode] indent -
[$ctor gencode] append "end\nelse\n"
[$ctor gencode] indent +
[$ctor gencode] append "raise EInvalidOp.Create('Object ${varname} has mandatory relation. NIL object reference not allowed.');\n"
[$ctor gencode] indent -
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
Class DPGAssocInitializerD : {DPGAssocInitializer OPAssocInitializer} {
selfPromoter OPAssocInitializer {this} {
DPGAssocInitializerD promote $this
# File: @(#)dpgattribi.tcl /main/hindenburg/3
Class DPGAttribInitializer : {DPGInitializer} {
method destructor
method generate
constructor DPGAttribInitializer {class this name} {
set this [DPGInitializer::constructor $class $this $name]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method DPGAttribInitializer::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
method DPGAttribInitializer::generate {this ctor} {
if {[[$this attrib] isClassFeature]} {
m4_warning $W_NOKEYFEAT [[$this attrib] getName] [[[$this attrib] ooplClass] getName]
} else {
[$ctor gencode] append "[[$this attrib] getName] := [$this getName];\n"
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
Class DPGAttribInitializerD : {DPGAttribInitializer OPAttribInitializer} {
selfPromoter OPAttribInitializer {this} {
DPGAttribInitializerD promote $this
# File: @(#)dpginhkeyi.tcl /main/hindenburg/1
Class DPGInhKeyInitializer : {DPGInitializer} {
method destructor
method generate
constructor DPGInhKeyInitializer {class this name} {
set this [DPGInitializer::constructor $class $this $name]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method DPGInhKeyInitializer::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
method DPGInhKeyInitializer::generate {this ctor} {
# !! Implement this function !!
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
Class DPGInhKeyInitializerD : {DPGInhKeyInitializer OPInhKeyInitializer} {
selfPromoter OPInhKeyInitializer {this} {
DPGInhKeyInitializerD promote $this
# File: @(#)dpgqualini.tcl /main/hindenburg/2
Class DPGQualInitializer : {DPGInitializer} {
method destructor
method generate
constructor DPGQualInitializer {class this name} {
set this [DPGInitializer::constructor $class $this $name]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method DPGQualInitializer::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
method DPGQualInitializer::generate {this ctor} {
# !! Implement this function !!
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
Class DPGQualInitializerD : {DPGQualInitializer OPQualInitializer} {
selfPromoter OPQualInitializer {this} {
DPGQualInitializerD promote $this
# File: @(#)dpgsupercl.tcl /main/hindenburg/3
Class DPGSuperClassInitializer : {DPGInitializer} {
method destructor
method generate
constructor DPGSuperClassInitializer {class this name} {
set this [DPGInitializer::constructor $class $this $name]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method DPGSuperClassInitializer::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
method DPGSuperClassInitializer::generate {this ctor} {
foreach param [$this parameterSet] {
if {![$param isGUIComponent [$this ooplClass]]} {
$param generate $ctor
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
Class DPGSuperClassInitializerD : {DPGSuperClassInitializer OPSuperClassInitializer} {
selfPromoter OPSuperClassInitializer {this} {
DPGSuperClassInitializerD promote $this
# File: @(#)dpgctorpar.tcl /main/hindenburg/3
Class DPGCtorParameter : {DPGParameter} {
method destructor
method isGUIComponent
method generate
constructor DPGCtorParameter {class this name} {
set this [DPGParameter::constructor $class $this $name]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method DPGCtorParameter::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
method DPGCtorParameter::isGUIComponent {this class} {
# ToDo: Modify this for future component inheritance
if {[$class baseType] != "TForm"} {
return 0
set done 0
while {!$done} {
foreach assoc [$class genAssocAttrSet] {
if {[$assoc getName] == [$this getName]} {
if {[[$assoc ooplClass] isGUIComponent]} {
return 1
set class [[lindex [$class genNodeSet] 0] superClass]
if {[$class getName] == "TForm"} {
set done 1
return 0
method DPGCtorParameter::generate {this method} {
if {[$this attrib] != ""} {
if [[$this attrib] isClassFeature] {
# check if GUI association
if {[$this initializer] != ""} {
if {[[$this initializer] isA OPAssocInitializer]} {
if {[[[[$this initializer] assoc] ooplType] ooplClass] != ""} {
if {[[[[[$this initializer] assoc] ooplType] ooplClass] baseType] == "TComponent"} {
set param [DPArgument new [[$this ooplType] generate]]
$param name [$this getName]
$param passedBy [$this getPropertyValue "pass_by"]
$method addArg $param
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
Class DPGCtorParameterD : {DPGCtorParameter OPCtorParameter} {
selfPromoter OPCtorParameter {this} {
DPGCtorParameterD promote $this
# File: @(#)dpgoperpar.tcl /main/hindenburg/1
Class DPGOperParameter : {DPGParameter} {
method destructor
method generate
constructor DPGOperParameter {class this name} {
set this [DPGParameter::constructor $class $this $name]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method DPGOperParameter::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
method DPGOperParameter::generate {this method} {
set param [DPArgument new [[$this ooplType] generate]]
$param name [$this getName]
$param passedBy [$this getPropertyValue "pass_by"]
$method addArg $param
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
Class DPGOperParameterD : {DPGOperParameter OPOperParameter} {
selfPromoter OPOperParameter {this} {
DPGOperParameterD promote $this
# File: @(#)dpgbasetyp.tcl /main/hindenburg/2
Class DPGBaseType : {DPGType} {
method destructor
method generate
constructor DPGBaseType {class this name name} {
set this [DPGType::constructor $class $this $name $name]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method DPGBaseType::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
method DPGBaseType::generate {this} {
set type [DPType new]
$type name [$this getType3GL]
$type includeType "none"
$type includeName ""
return $type
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
Class DPGBaseTypeD : {DPGBaseType OPBaseType} {
selfPromoter OPBaseType {this} {
DPGBaseTypeD promote $this
# File: @(#)dpgclassty.tcl /main/hindenburg/1
Class DPGClassType : {DPGType} {
method destructor
constructor DPGClassType {class this name name} {
set this [DPGType::constructor $class $this $name $name]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method DPGClassType::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
Class DPGClassTypeD : {DPGClassType OPClassType} {
selfPromoter OPClassType {this} {
DPGClassTypeD promote $this
# File: @(#)dpgenumtyp.tcl /main/hindenburg/1
Class DPGEnumType : {DPGType} {
method destructor
constructor DPGEnumType {class this name name} {
set this [DPGType::constructor $class $this $name $name]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method DPGEnumType::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
Class DPGEnumTypeD : {DPGEnumType OPEnumType} {
selfPromoter OPEnumType {this} {
DPGEnumTypeD promote $this
# File: @(#)dpgtypedef.tcl /main/hindenburg/1
Class DPGTypeDefType : {DPGType} {
method destructor
constructor DPGTypeDefType {class this name name} {
set this [DPGType::constructor $class $this $name $name]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method DPGTypeDefType::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
Class DPGTypeDefTypeD : {DPGTypeDefType OPTypeDefType} {
selfPromoter OPTypeDefType {this} {
DPGTypeDefTypeD promote $this
# File: @(#)dpgassocma.tcl /main/hindenburg/16
Class DPGAssocMany : {DPGAssocGen} {
method destructor
method hasAdd
method hasDtor
method hasRemove
method generate
method generateAdd
method generateGet
method generateRemove
method generateDtor
constructor DPGAssocMany {class this assocattr} {
set this [DPGAssocGen::constructor $class $this $assocattr]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method DPGAssocMany::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
$this DPGAssocGen::destructor
method DPGAssocMany::hasAdd {this self} {
set wr [$this propWrite]
if {$self} {
if {$wr == "None"} {
return 0
} else {
if {$wr == "None" || $wr == "Private" || $wr == "Protected"} {
return 0
if {[[$this assocattr] opposite] != ""} {
if {[[[$this assocattr] opposite] isQualified]} {
if {![$this addWarning]} {
$this addWarning 1
m4_warning $W_NOADD [[$this assocattr] getName] [[[$this assocattr] ooplClass] getName]
return 0
return 1
method DPGAssocMany::hasDtor {this self} {
if {[[$this assocattr] opposite] != ""} {
if {[[[$this assocattr] opposite] isQualified]} {
if {![$this dtorWarning]} {
$this dtorWarning 1
m4_warning $W_NODTOR [[$this assocattr] getName] [[[$this assocattr] ooplClass] getName]
return 0
return 1
method DPGAssocMany::hasRemove {this self} {
set wr [$this propWrite]
if {$self} {
if {$wr == "None"} {
return 0
} else {
if {$wr == "None" || $wr == "Private" || $wr == "Protected"} {
return 0
if {[[$this assocattr] opposite] != ""} {
if {[[[$this assocattr] opposite] isMandatory] && [[[$this assocattr] opposite] getMultiplicity] == "one"} {
return 0
if {[[[$this assocattr] opposite] isQualified]} {
if {![$this removeWarning]} {
$this removeWarning 1
m4_warning $W_NOREMOVE [[$this assocattr] getName] [[[$this assocattr] ooplClass] getName]
return 0
return 1
method DPGAssocMany::generate {this cl} {
set type [[$this assocattr] generateManyAssocType]
set vari [DPVariable new $type]
$vari name "[[$this assocattr] getName]Set"
$cl addAssocvar $vari
$vari access "Private"
if {[$cl constructr] != ""} {
[[$cl constructr] gencode] append "[$vari name] := TList.Create;\n"
if {[[$this assocattr] opposite] != ""} {
[[$this assocattr] opposite] setGenerator
$this generateGet $vari $cl
$this generateAdd $vari $cl
$this generateRemove $vari $cl
$this generateDtor $vari $cl
method DPGAssocMany::generateAdd {this vari cl} {
# Check if Add method should be generated
if {![$this hasAdd 0]} {
$vari access "Published"
if {![$this hasAdd 1]} {
# Generate
set type [[[[$this assocattr] ooplType] ooplClass] generateTObjectType]
set assoctype [[$this assocattr] generateAssocType $cl]
set arg "new[$assoctype name]"
set param [DPArgument new $type]
$param name $arg
set addproc [DPProcedure new]
$addproc addArg $param
set addcode [TextSection new]
$addproc gencode $addcode
$addproc hasUserSection 0
$addproc access [$this propWrite]
$addproc name "add[cap [$this varname]]"
$addcode append "if ([$vari name].IndexOf(${arg}) = -1) then\nbegin\n"
$addcode indent +
$addcode append "[$vari name].Add(${arg});\n"
if {[[$this assocattr] opposite] != ""} {
if {[[[$this assocattr] opposite] getMultiplicity] != "one"} {
# many-many
if {[[[[$this assocattr] opposite] generator] hasAdd 0]} {
$addcode append "(${arg} as [$assoctype name]).add[cap [$this opvarname]](SELF);\n"
} else {
$addcode append "(${arg} as [$assoctype name]).[$this opvarset].Add(SELF);\n"
} else {
# one-many
if {[[[[$this assocattr] opposite] generator] hasSet 0]} {
$addcode append "(${arg} as [$assoctype name]).set[cap [$this opvarname]](SELF);\n"
} else {
$addcode append "(${arg} as [$assoctype name]).[$this opvarname] := SELF;\n"
$addcode indent -
$addcode append "end;\n"
$cl setGenmethod [$addproc name] $addproc
method DPGAssocMany::generateGet {this vari cl} {
# Check if Get method should be generated
if {![$this hasGet 0]} {
$vari access "Published"
if {![$this hasGet 1]} {
# Generate
set type [[$this assocattr] generateManyAssocType]
set getproc [DPFunction new $type]
set getcode [TextSection new]
$getproc gencode $getcode
$getproc hasUserSection 0
$getproc access [$this propRead]
$getproc name "get[cap [$this varname]]"
$getcode append "[$getproc name] := "
$getcode append "[$this varset];\n"
$cl setGenmethod [$getproc name] $getproc
method DPGAssocMany::generateRemove {this vari cl} {
# Check if Remove method should be generated
if {![$this hasRemove 0]} {
$vari access "Published"
if {![$this hasRemove 1]} {
# Generated
set removeproc [DPProcedure new]
set type [[[[$this assocattr] ooplType] ooplClass] generateTObjectType]
set assoctype [[$this assocattr] generateAssocType $cl]
set arg "old[$assoctype name]"
set param [DPArgument new $type]
$param name $arg
$removeproc addArg $param
set removecode [TextSection new]
$removeproc gencode $removecode
$removeproc hasUserSection 0
$removeproc access [$this propWrite]
$removeproc name "remove[cap [$this varname]]"
$removecode append "if ([$vari name].IndexOf(${arg}) <> -1) then\nbegin\n"
$removecode indent +
$removecode append "[$vari name].Remove(${arg});\n"
if {[[$this assocattr] opposite] != ""} {
if {[[[[$this assocattr] opposite] generator] hasRemove 0]} {
$removecode append "(${arg} as [$assoctype name]).remove[cap [$this opvarname]]("
if {[[[$this assocattr] opposite] getMultiplicity] != "one"} {
$removecode append "SELF"
$removecode append ");\n"
} else {
if {[[[$this assocattr] opposite] getMultiplicity] != "one"} {
$removecode append "(${arg} as [$assoctype name]).[$this opvarset].Remove(SELF);\n"
} else {
$removecode append "(${arg} as [$assoctype name]).[$this opvarref] := NIL;\n"
$removecode indent -
$removecode append "end;\n"
$cl setGenmethod [$removeproc name] $removeproc
method DPGAssocMany::generateDtor {this vari cl} {
# Check if Destructor should be generated
if {![$this hasDtor 1]} {
[[$cl destructr] gencode] append "[$this varset].Destroy;\n"
# Generate
if {[[$this assocattr] opposite] != ""} {
if {[[[$this assocattr] opposite] isMandatory] && [[[$this assocattr] opposite] getMultiplicity] == "one"} {
set sysutilstype [DPType new]
$sysutilstype includeName "SysUtils"
$sysutilstype includeType "imp"
$sysutilstype addAsInclude [[[[[$this assocattr] opposite] ooplType] ooplClass] target]
[[$cl destructr] gencode] append "if ([$this varset].Count <> 0) then\n"
[[$cl destructr] gencode] indent +
[[$cl destructr] gencode] append "raise EInvalidOp.Create('Illegal object destruction. Mandatory relation "
[[$cl destructr] gencode] append "[$this varset] not empty.');\n"
[[$cl destructr] gencode] indent -
[[$cl destructr] gencode] append "[$this varset].Destroy;\n"
[[$cl destructr] gencode] append "while ([$this varset].Count > 0) do\nbegin\n"
[[$cl destructr] gencode] indent +
if {[$this hasRemove 1]} {
[[$cl destructr] gencode] append "remove[cap [$this varname]]([$this varset].First)\n"
} else {
set old "old[[[[$this assocattr] ooplType] ooplClass] getName]"
[[$cl destructr] gentypes] append "var\n"
[[$cl destructr] gentypes] indent +
[[$cl destructr] gentypes] append "${old}: [[$vari type] name];\n\n"
[[$cl destructr] gentypes] indent -
[[$cl destructr] gencode] append "${old} := [$this varset].First;\n"
[[$cl destructr] gencode] append "[$this varset].Remove(${old});\n"
if {[[[[$this assocattr] opposite] generator] hasRemove 0]} {
[[$cl destructr] gencode] append "${old}.remove[cap [$this varname]];\n"
} else {
[[$cl destructr] gencode] append "${old}.[$this opvarname] := NIL;\n"
[[$cl destructr] gencode] indent -
[[$cl destructr] gencode] append "end;\n"
[[$cl destructr] gencode] append "[$this varset].Destroy;\n"
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
# File: @(#)dpgassocon.tcl /main/hindenburg/15
Class DPGAssocOne : {DPGAssocGen} {
method destructor
method hasSet
method hasDtor
method hasRemove
method generate
method generateSet
method generateGet
method generateRemove
method generateDtor
constructor DPGAssocOne {class this assocattr} {
set this [DPGAssocGen::constructor $class $this $assocattr]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method DPGAssocOne::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
$this DPGAssocGen::destructor
method DPGAssocOne::hasSet {this self} {
set wr [$this propWrite]
if {$self} {
if {$wr == "None"} {
return 0
} else {
if {$wr == "None" || $wr == "Private" || $wr == "Protected"} {
return 0
if {[[$this assocattr] opposite] != ""} {
if {[[[$this assocattr] opposite] isMandatory] && [[[$this assocattr] opposite] getMultiplicity] == "one"} {
return 0
if {[[[$this assocattr] opposite] isQualified]} {
if {![$this setWarning]} {
$this setWarning 1
m4_warning $W_NOSET [[$this assocattr] getName] [[[$this assocattr] ooplClass] getName]
return 0
return 1
method DPGAssocOne::hasDtor {this self} {
if {[[$this assocattr] opposite] != ""} {
if {[[[$this assocattr] opposite] isQualified] && [[[$this assocattr] opposite] getMultiplicity] != "one"} {
if {![$this dtorWarning]} {
$this dtorWarning 1
m4_warning $W_NODTOR [[$this assocattr] getName] [[[$this assocattr] ooplClass] getName]
return 0
return 1
method DPGAssocOne::hasRemove {this self} {
set wr [$this propWrite]
if {$self} {
if {$wr == "None"} {
return 0
} else {
if {$wr == "None" || $wr == "Private" || $wr == "Protected"} {
return 0
if {[[$this assocattr] opposite] != ""} {
if {[[[$this assocattr] opposite] isMandatory] && [[[$this assocattr] opposite] getMultiplicity] == "one"} {
return 0
if {[[[$this assocattr] opposite] isQualified]} {
if {![$this removeWarning]} {
$this removeWarning 1
m4_warning $W_NOREMOVE [[$this assocattr] getName] [[[$this assocattr] ooplClass] getName]
return 0
if {[[$this assocattr] isMandatory]} {
return 0
return 1
method DPGAssocOne::generate {this cl} {
set type [[[[$this assocattr] ooplType] ooplClass] generateTObjectType]
set vari [DPVariable new $type]
$vari name [$this varref]
$cl addAssocvar $vari
$vari access "Private"
if {[[$this assocattr] opposite] != ""} {
[[$this assocattr] opposite] setGenerator
$this generateGet $vari $cl
$this generateSet $vari $cl
$this generateRemove $vari $cl
$this generateDtor $vari $cl
method DPGAssocOne::generateSet {this vari cl} {
# Check if Set method should be generated
if {![$this hasSet 0]} {
$vari access "Published"
if {![$this hasSet 1]} {
# Generate
set type [[[[$this assocattr] ooplType] ooplClass] generateTObjectType]
set assoctype [[$this assocattr] generateAssocType $cl]
set arg "new[$assoctype name]"
set param [DPArgument new $type]
$param name $arg
set setproc [DPProcedure new]
$setproc addArg $param
set setcode [TextSection new]
$setproc gencode $setcode
$setproc hasUserSection 0
$setproc access [$this propWrite]
$setproc name "set[cap [$this varname]]"
if {[[$this assocattr] opposite] != ""} {
$setcode append "if (${arg} <> NIL) then\nbegin\n"
$setcode indent +
if {[[$this assocattr] isMandatory]} {
if {[[[$this assocattr] opposite] getMultiplicity] == "one"} {
# one-mtory
if {[[[[$this assocattr] opposite] generator] hasGet 0]} {
$setcode append "if ((${arg} as [$assoctype name]).get[cap [$this opvarname]] = NIL) then\nbegin\n"
} else {
$setcode append "if ((${arg} as [$assoctype name]).[$this opvarref] = NIL) then\nbegin\n"
$setcode indent +
$setcode append "([$vari name] as [$assoctype name]).[$this opvarref] := NIL;\n"
} else {
# many-mtory
$setcode append "if (${arg} <> [$vari name]) then\nbegin\n"
$setcode indent +
$setcode append "if ([$vari name] <> NIL) then\nbegin\n"
$setcode indent +
$setcode append "([$vari name] as [$assoctype name]).[$this opvarset].Remove(SELF);\n"
$setcode indent -
$setcode append "end;\n"
} else {
# one/many - one
$setcode append "if (${arg} <> [$vari name]) then\nbegin\n"
$setcode indent +
$setcode append "if ([$vari name] <> NIL) then\nbegin\n"
$setcode indent +
if {[[[[$this assocattr] opposite] generator] hasRemove 0]} {
$setcode append "([$vari name] as [$assoctype name]).remove[cap [$this opvarname]]"
if {[[[$this assocattr] opposite] getMultiplicity] != "one"} {
$setcode append "(SELF)"
} else {
if {[[[$this assocattr] opposite] getMultiplicity] != "one"} {
$setcode append "([$vari name] as [$assoctype name]).[$this opvarset].Remove(SELF)"
} else {
$setcode append "([$vari name] as [$assoctype name]).[$this opvarref] := NIL"
$setcode append ";\n"
$setcode indent -
$setcode append "end;\n"
$setcode append "[$vari name] := ${arg};\n"
if {[[[$this assocattr] opposite] getMultiplicity] != "one"} {
# many - one/mtory
if {[[[[$this assocattr] opposite] generator] hasAdd 0]} {
$setcode append "(${arg} as [$assoctype name]).add[cap [$this opvarname]](SELF);\n"
} else {
$setcode append "(${arg} as [$assoctype name]).[$this opvarset].Add(SELF);\n"
} else {
# one - one/mtory
if {[[[[$this assocattr] opposite] generator] hasSet 0]} {
$setcode append "(${arg} as [$assoctype name]).set[cap [$this opvarname]](SELF);\n"
} else {
$setcode append "(${arg} as [$assoctype name]).[$this opvarref] := SELF;\n"
$setcode indent -
$setcode append "end;\n"
if {[$this hasRemove 1]} {
# one/many - one
$setcode indent -
$setcode append "end\nelse\nbegin\n"
$setcode indent +
$setcode append "remove[cap [$this varname]];\n"
$setcode indent -
$setcode append "end;\n"
} else {
if {[[$this assocattr] isMandatory]} {
$setcode append "if (${arg} <> NIL) then\nbegin\n"
$setcode indent +
$setcode append "[$this varref] := (${arg} as [$assoctype name]);\n"
$setcode indent -
$setcode append "end;\n"
} else {
$setcode append "[$this varref] := (${arg} as [$assoctype name]);\n"
$cl setGenmethod [$setproc name] $setproc
method DPGAssocOne::generateGet {this vari cl} {
# Check if Get method should be generated
if {![$this hasGet 0]} {
$vari access "Published"
if {![$this hasGet 1]} {
# Generate
set type [[[[$this assocattr] ooplType] ooplClass] generateTObjectType]
set assoctype [[$this assocattr] generateAssocType $cl]
set getproc [DPFunction new $type]
set getcode [TextSection new]
$getproc gencode $getcode
$getproc hasUserSection 0
$getproc access [$this propRead]
$getproc name "get[cap [$this varname]]"
$getcode append "[$getproc name] := ([$vari name] as [$assoctype name]);\n"
$cl setGenmethod [$getproc name] $getproc
method DPGAssocOne::generateRemove {this vari cl} {
# Check if remove method should be generated
if {![$this hasRemove 0]} {
$vari access "Published"
if {![$this hasRemove 1]} {
# Generate
set removeproc [DPProcedure new]
set removecode [TextSection new]
set removetypes [TextSection new]
set old "old[[[[$this assocattr] ooplType] ooplClass] getName]"
$removeproc gencode $removecode
$removeproc gentypes $removetypes
$removeproc hasUserSection 0
$removeproc access [$this propWrite]
$removeproc name "remove[cap [$this varname]]"
if {[[$this assocattr] opposite] != ""} {
set assoctype [[$this assocattr] generateAssocType $cl]
$removecode append "if ([$vari name] <> NIL) then\nbegin\n"
$removecode indent +
$removetypes append "var\n"
$removetypes indent +
$removetypes append "${old}: [[$vari type] name];\n\n"
$removetypes indent -
$removecode append "${old} := [$vari name];\n"
$removecode append "[$vari name] := NIL;\n"
if {[[[[$this assocattr] opposite] generator] hasRemove 0]} {
# Use remove method
$removecode append "(${old} as [$assoctype name]).remove[cap [$this opvarname]]("
if {[[[$this assocattr] opposite] getMultiplicity] != "one"} {
$removecode append "SELF"
$removecode append ");\n"
} else {
# Use direct access
if {[[[$this assocattr] opposite] getMultiplicity] != "one"} {
$removecode append "(${old} as [$assoctype name]).[$this opvarname]].Remove(SELF);\n"
} else {
$removecode append "(${old} as [$assoctype name]).[$this opvarref] := NIL;\n"
$removecode indent -
$removecode append "end;\n"
} else {
$removecode append "[$vari name] := NIL;\n"
$cl setGenmethod [$removeproc name] $removeproc
method DPGAssocOne::generateDtor {this vari cl} {
# Check if Destructor should be generated
if {![$this hasDtor 1]} {
# Generate
if {[[$this assocattr] opposite] != ""} {
set assoctype [[$this assocattr] generateAssocType $cl]
if {[[[$this assocattr] opposite] isMandatory] && [[[$this assocattr] opposite] getMultiplicity] == "one"} {
set sysutilstype [DPType new]
$sysutilstype includeName "SysUtils"
$sysutilstype includeType "imp"
$sysutilstype addAsInclude [[[[[$this assocattr] opposite] ooplType] ooplClass] target]
[[$cl destructr] gencode] append "if ([$this varref] <> NIL) then\n"
[[$cl destructr] gencode] indent +
[[$cl destructr] gencode] append "raise EInvalidOp.Create('Illegal object destruction. Object [$this varname] "
[[$cl destructr] gencode] append "with mandatory relation exists.');\n"
[[$cl destructr] gencode] indent -
if {[$this hasRemove 1]} {
[[$cl destructr] gencode] append "remove[cap [$this varname]];\n"
} else {
if {![[[$this assocattr] opposite] isQualified]} {
if {[[[[$this assocattr] opposite] generator] hasRemove 0]} {
if {[[[$this assocattr] opposite] getMultiplicity] == "one"} {
[[$cl destructr] gencode] append "[$this varref].remove[cap [$this opvarname]];\n"
} else {
[[$cl destructr] gencode] append "[$this varset].remove[cap [$this opvarname]](SELF);\n"
} else {
if {[[[$this assocattr] opposite] getMultiplicity] == "one"} {
[[$cl destructr] gencode] append "([$this varref] as [$assoctype name]).[$this opvarref] := NIL;\n"
} else {
[[$cl destructr] gencode] append "([$this varref] as [$assoctype name]).[$this opvarset].Remove(SELF);\n"
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
# File: @(#)dpgqual.tcl /main/hindenburg/1
Class DPGQual : {DPGAssocGen} {
method destructor
method hasAdd
method hasDtor
method hasRemove
constructor DPGQual {class this assocattr} {
set this [DPGAssocGen::constructor $class $this $assocattr]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method DPGQual::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
$this DPGAssocGen::destructor
method DPGQual::hasAdd {this self} {
set wr [$this propWrite]
if {$self} {
if {$wr == "None"} {
return 0
} else {
if {$wr == "None" || $wr == "Private" || $wr == "Protected"} {
return 0
return 1
method DPGQual::hasDtor {this self} {
# if {[[$this assocattr] opposite] != ""} {
# if {[[[$this assocattr] opposite] isMandatory] && [[[$this assocattr] opposite] getMultiplicity] == "one"} {
# return 0
# }
# }
return 1
method DPGQual::hasRemove {this self} {
set wr [$this propWrite]
if {$self} {
} else {
if {$wr == "None" || $wr == "Private" || $wr == "Protected"} {
return 0
if {[[$this assocattr] opposite] != ""} {
if {[[[$this assocattr] opposite] isMandatory] && [[[$this assocattr] opposite] getMultiplicity] == "one"} {
return 0
return 1
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
# File: @(#)dpgdataatt.tcl /main/hindenburg/4
Class DPGDataAttr : {DPGAttribute} {
method destructor
method generateInitialValue
method generateAccessors
method generate
constructor DPGDataAttr {class this name} {
set this [DPGAttribute::constructor $class $this $name]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method DPGDataAttr::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
method DPGDataAttr::generateInitialValue {this method} {
if {[$this getInitialValue] == ""} {
if {[$this isClassFeature]} {
m4_warning $W_NODEFAULT [$this getName]
} else {
[$method gencode] append "[$this getName] := [$this getInitialValue];\n"
method DPGDataAttr::generateAccessors {this class var name} {
# acquire access settings
set accessTxt [$this getPropertyValue "attrib_access"]
set accessList [split $accessTxt -]
set readAccess [lindex $accessList 0]
if {$readAccess == ""} {
set readAccess "Published"
set writeAccess [lindex $accessList 1]
if {$writeAccess == ""} {
set writeAccess "Published"
# create get function
if {$readAccess != "None"} {
set getname "get[cap $name]"
set getmethod [DPFunction new [[$this ooplType] generate]]
set getcode [TextSection new]
$getmethod gencode $getcode
$getmethod access $readAccess
$getmethod name $getname
$getcode append "[$getmethod name] := [$var name];\n"
$class setGenmethod [$getmethod name] $getmethod
#create set procedure
if {$writeAccess != "None"} {
set setname "set[cap $name]"
set setmethod [DPProcedure new]
set setcode [TextSection new]
$setmethod gencode $setcode
$setmethod access $writeAccess
$setmethod name $setname
set arg [DPArgument new [[$this ooplType] generate]]
$arg name "new[cap $name]"
$setmethod addArg $arg
$setcode append "[$var name] := [$arg name];\n"
$class setGenmethod [$setmethod name] $setmethod
method DPGDataAttr::generate {this class} {
if {[[$this ooplType] getName] == "enum"} {
m4_error $E_NOENUM [$class name] [$this getName]
if {[$this getName] == "_"} {
m4_error $E_CANTCONTTYPEDEF [$class name]
set variable [DPVariable new [[$this ooplType] generate]]
$variable isClassFeature [$this isClassFeature]
set comment [DPComment new]
$variable comment $comment
$comment comment [$this getPropertyValue "freeText"]
if {[$this isClassFeature]} {
$variable name "[$class name]_[$this getName]"
$variable access "Published"
$class addGlobvar $variable
} else {
$variable name [$this getName]
$variable access "Private"
$class addUservar $variable
$this generateAccessors $class $variable [$this getName]
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
Class DPGDataAttrD : {DPGDataAttr OPDataAttr} {
selfPromoter OPDataAttr {this} {
DPGDataAttrD promote $this
# File: @(#)dpggenasso.tcl /main/hindenburg/7
Class DPGGenAssocAttr : {DPGAttribute} {
method destructor
method getName
method hasGUIComponent
method generateAssocType
method generateQualAssocType
method generateManyAssocType
method generateComponent
method generator
attribute _generator
constructor DPGGenAssocAttr {class this name} {
set this [DPGAttribute::constructor $class $this $name]
set this [Object::constructor $class $this $name]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method DPGGenAssocAttr::destructor {this} {
set ref [$this _generator]
if {$ref != ""} {
$ref _assocattr ""
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
method DPGGenAssocAttr::getName {this} {
if {[$this isLinkAttr]} {
if {[$this opposite] != ""} {
return "[uncap [[[$this opposite] ooplClass] getName]]of[$this OPGenAssocAttr::getName]"
return [$this OPGenAssocAttr::getName]
method DPGGenAssocAttr::hasGUIComponent {this} {
if {![$this isAggregate]} {
return 0
set baseType [[[$this ooplType] ooplClass] baseType]
if {$baseType == "TComponent"} {
return 1
} else {
return 0
method DPGGenAssocAttr::generateAssocType {this unit} {
set type [[[$this ooplType] ooplClass] generateType]
$type includeType "imp"
$type addAsInclude $unit
return $type
method DPGGenAssocAttr::generateQualAssocType {this} {
set type [DPType new]
$type name "TClassDict"
$type includeType "system"
$type includeName "ClassDict"
return $type
method DPGGenAssocAttr::generateManyAssocType {this} {
set type [DPType new]
$type name "TList"
$type includeType "system"
$type includeName "Classes"
return $type
method DPGGenAssocAttr::generateComponent {this class control} {
# Check if associated object is a GUI object
# if {![$this hasGUIComponent]} {
# m4_error $E_ONLYCONTGUI [[$this ooplClass] getName] [[[$this ooplType] ooplClass] getName]
# return
# }
[[$this ooplType] ooplClass] generateComponent [$this getName] $class $control
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
Class DPGGenAssocAttrD : {DPGGenAssocAttr OPGenAssocAttr} {
selfPromoter OPGenAssocAttr {this} {
DPGGenAssocAttrD promote $this
method DPGGenAssocAttr::generator {this args} {
if {$args == ""} {
return [$this _generator]
set ref [$this _generator]
if {$ref != ""} {
$ref _assocattr ""
set obj [lindex $args 0]
if {$obj != ""} {
$obj _assocattr $this
$this _generator $obj
# File: @(#)dpgmanyqua.tcl /main/hindenburg/13
Class DPGManyQual : {DPGQual} {
method destructor
method generate
method generateAdd
method generateGet
method generateRemove
method generateDtor
constructor DPGManyQual {class this assocattr} {
set this [DPGQual::constructor $class $this $assocattr]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method DPGManyQual::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
$this DPGQual::destructor
method DPGManyQual::generate {this cl} {
set type [[$this assocattr] generateQualAssocType]
set vari [DPVariable new $type]
$vari name "[$this vardict]"
$cl addAssocvar $vari
$vari access "Private"
if {[$cl constructr] != ""} {
[[$cl constructr] gencode] append "[$vari name] := TClassDict.Create;\n"
if {[[$this assocattr] opposite] != ""} {
[[$this assocattr] opposite] setGenerator
$this generateGet $vari $cl
$this generateAdd $vari $cl
$this generateRemove $vari $cl
$this generateDtor $vari $cl
method DPGManyQual::generateAdd {this vari cl} {
# Check if Add method should be generated
if {![$this hasAdd 0]} {
$vari access "Published"
if {![$this hasAdd 1]} {
# Generate
set type [[[[$this assocattr] ooplType] ooplClass] generateTObjectType]
set assoctype [[$this assocattr] generateAssocType $cl]
set param [DPArgument new $type]
set arg "new[$assoctype name]"
$param name "${arg}"
set addproc [DPProcedure new]
set type [DPType new]
$type name [[[[$this assocattr] qualifier] ooplType] getType3GL]
$type includeType "none"
set keyparam [DPArgument new $type]
$keyparam name [$this varqual]
$addproc addArg $keyparam
$addproc addArg $param
set addcode [TextSection new]
set addtypes [TextSection new]
$addproc gencode $addcode
$addproc gentypes $addtypes
$addproc hasUserSection 0
$addproc access [$this propWrite]
$addproc name "add[cap [$this varname]]"
set tempset "temp[$this varset]"
$addtypes append "var\n"
$addtypes indent +
$addtypes append "${tempset}: TList;\n"
$addtypes indent -
if {[[$this assocattr] opposite] != ""} {
if {[[[$this assocattr] opposite] getMultiplicity] != "one"} {
$addcode append "(${arg} as [$assoctype name]).[$this opvarset].Add(SELF);\n"
} else {
$addcode append "(${arg} as [$assoctype name]).[$this opvarref] := SELF;\n"
$addcode append "if ([$vari name].Item([$this varqual]) <> NIL) then\nbegin\n"
$addcode indent +
$addcode append "${tempset} := [$vari name].Item([$this varqual]);\n"
$addcode indent -
$addcode append "end\n"
$addcode append "else\n"
$addcode append "begin\n"
$addcode indent +
$addcode append "${tempset} := TList.Create;\n"
$addcode append "[$vari name].Add([$this varqual], ${tempset})\n"
$addcode indent -
$addcode append "end;\n"
$addcode append "${tempset}.Add(${arg});\n"
$cl setGenmethod [$addproc name] $addproc
method DPGManyQual::generateGet {this vari cl} {
# Check if Get method should be generated
if {![$this hasGet 0]} {
$vari access "Published"
if {![$this hasGet 1]} {
# Generate
set type [[$this assocattr] generateManyAssocType]
set getproc [DPFunction new $type]
set getcode [TextSection new]
$getproc gencode $getcode
$getproc hasUserSection 0
$getproc access [$this propRead]
$getproc name "get[cap [$this varname]]"
$getcode append "[$getproc name] := [$this vardict].Item([$this varqual]);\n"
set type [DPType new]
$type name [[[[$this assocattr] qualifier] ooplType] getType3GL]
$type includeType "none"
set arg [DPArgument new $type]
$arg name [$this varqual]
$getproc addArg $arg
$cl setGenmethod [$getproc name] $getproc
method DPGManyQual::generateRemove {this vari cl} {
# Check if method should be generated
if {![$this hasRemove 0]} {
$vari access "Published"
if {![$this hasRemove 1]} {
# Generate
set removeproc [DPProcedure new]
set type [DPType new]
$type name [[[[$this assocattr] qualifier] ooplType] getType3GL]
$type includeType "none"
set param [DPArgument new $type]
$param name [$this varqual]
$removeproc addArg $param
set type [[[[$this assocattr] ooplType] ooplClass] generateTObjectType]
set assoctype [[$this assocattr] generateAssocType $cl]
set arg "old[$assoctype name]"
set param [DPArgument new $type]
$param name $arg
$removeproc addArg $param
set removecode [TextSection new]
set removetypes [TextSection new]
set tempset "temp[$this varset]"
$removeproc gencode $removecode
$removeproc gentypes $removetypes
$removeproc hasUserSection 0
$removeproc name "remove[cap [[$this assocattr] getName]]"
if {[$this propWrite] == "None"} {
$removeproc access "Private"
m4_warning $W_CHANGEDREM [[$this assocattr] getName] [[[$this assocattr] ooplClass] getName]
} else {
$removeproc access [$this propWrite]
$removetypes append "var\n"
$removetypes indent +
$removetypes append "${tempset}: TList;\n"
$removetypes indent -
$removecode append "${tempset} := [$vari name].Item([$this varqual]);\n"
$removecode append "if ${tempset} <> NIL then\nbegin\n"
$removecode indent +
if {[[$this assocattr] opposite] != ""} {
if {[[[$this assocattr] opposite] getMultiplicity] == "one"} {
$removecode append "(${arg} as [$assoctype name]).[$this opvarref] := NIL;\n"
} else {
$removecode append "(${arg} as [$assoctype name]).[$this opvarset].Remove(SELF);\n"
$removecode append "${tempset}.Remove(${arg});\n"
if {![[$this assocattr] isMandatory]} {
$removecode append "if (${tempset}.Count = 0) then\nbegin\n"
$removecode indent +
$removecode append "[$vari name].RemoveUsingKey([$this varqual]);\n"
$removecode indent -
$removecode append "end;\n"
$removecode indent -
$removecode append "end;\n"
$cl setGenmethod [$removeproc name] $removeproc
method DPGManyQual::generateDtor {this vari cl} {
# Check if Destructor should be generated
if {![$this hasDtor 1]} {
[[$cl destructr] gencode] append "[$this vardict].Destroy;\n"
# Generate
if {[[$this assocattr] opposite] != ""} {
if {[[[$this assocattr] opposite] isMandatory] && [[[$this assocattr] opposite] getMultiplicity] == "one"} {
set sysutilstype [DPType new]
$sysutilstype includeName "SysUtils"
$sysutilstype includeType "imp"
$sysutilstype addAsInclude [[[[[$this assocattr] opposite] ooplType] ooplClass] target]
[[$cl destructr] gencode] append "if ([$this vardict].Count <> 0) then\n"
[[$cl destructr] gencode] indent +
[[$cl destructr] gencode] append "raise EInvalidOp.Create('Illegal object destruction. Mandatory relation "
[[$cl destructr] gencode] append "[[$this assocattr] getName]Set not empty.');\n"
[[$cl destructr] gencode] indent -
} else {
set assoctype [[$this assocattr] generateAssocType $cl]
[[$cl destructr] gentypes] append "var\n"
[[$cl destructr] gentypes] indent +
[[$cl destructr] gentypes] append "tmp[$this varset]: TList;\n"
[[$cl destructr] gentypes] append "tmp[$this varname]: [$assoctype name];\n"
[[$cl destructr] gentypes] indent -
[[$cl destructr] gencode] append "while ([$this vardict].Count <> 0) do\nbegin\n"
[[$cl destructr] gencode] indent +
[[$cl destructr] gencode] append "tmp[$this varset] := [$this vardict].First;\n"
[[$cl destructr] gencode] append "while (tmp[$this varset].Count > 0) do\nbegin\n"
[[$cl destructr] gencode] indent +
[[$cl destructr] gencode] append "tmp[$this varname] := tmp[$this varset].First;\n"
if {[[[$this assocattr] opposite] getMultiplicity] != "one"} {
[[$cl destructr] gencode] append "tmp[$this varname].[$this opvarset].Remove(SELF);\n"
} else {
[[$cl destructr] gencode] append "tmp[$this varname].[$this opvarref] := NIL;\n"
[[$cl destructr] gencode] append "tmp[$this varset].Remove(tmp[$this varname]);\n"
[[$cl destructr] gencode] indent -
[[$cl destructr] gencode] append "end;\n"
[[$cl destructr] gencode] append "[$this vardict].Remove(tmp[$this varset]);\n"
[[$cl destructr] gencode] indent -
[[$cl destructr] gencode] append "end;\n"
[[$cl destructr] gencode] append "[$this vardict].Destroy;\n"
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
# File: @(#)dpgonequal.tcl /main/hindenburg/14
Class DPGOneQual : {DPGQual} {
method destructor
method generate
method generateSet
method generateGet
method generateRemove
method generateDtor
constructor DPGOneQual {class this assocattr} {
set this [DPGQual::constructor $class $this $assocattr]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method DPGOneQual::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
$this DPGQual::destructor
method DPGOneQual::generate {this cl} {
set type [[$this assocattr] generateQualAssocType]
set vari [DPVariable new $type]
$vari name "[$this vardict]"
$cl addAssocvar $vari
$vari access "Private"
if {[$cl constructr] != ""} {
[[$cl constructr] gencode] append "[$vari name] := TClassDict.Create;\n"
if {[[$this assocattr] opposite] != ""} {
[[$this assocattr] opposite] setGenerator
$this generateGet $vari $cl
$this generateSet $vari $cl
$this generateRemove $vari $cl
$this generateDtor $vari $cl
method DPGOneQual::generateSet {this vari cl} {
# Check if Set method should be generated
if {![$this hasAdd 0]} {
$vari access "Published"
if {![$this hasAdd 1]} {
# Generate
set type [[[[$this assocattr] ooplType] ooplClass] generateTObjectType]
set assoctype [[$this assocattr] generateAssocType $cl]
set param [DPArgument new $type]
set arg "new[$assoctype name]"
$param name $arg
set addproc [DPProcedure new]
set type [DPType new]
$type name [[[[$this assocattr] qualifier] ooplType] getType3GL]
$type includeType "none"
set keyparam [DPArgument new $type]
$keyparam name [$this varqual]
$addproc addArg $keyparam
$addproc addArg $param
set addcode [TextSection new]
set addtypes [TextSection new]
set vartemp "old[$assoctype name]"
$addproc gencode $addcode
$addproc gentypes $addtypes
$addproc hasUserSection 0
$addproc access [$this propWrite]
$addproc name "set[cap [$this varname]]"
$addtypes append "var\n"
$addtypes indent +
$addtypes append "${vartemp}: [$assoctype name];\n"
$addtypes indent -
$addcode append "if (${arg} <> NIL) then\nbegin\n"
$addcode indent +
if {[[$this assocattr] opposite] != ""} {
$addcode append "${vartemp} := [$vari name].Item([$keyparam name]);\n"
$addcode append "if (${vartemp} <> NIL) then\nbegin\n"
$addcode indent +
if {[[[$this assocattr] opposite] getMultiplicity] != "one"} {
$addcode append "(${vartemp} as [$assoctype name]).[$this opvarset].Remove(SELF);\n"
} else {
$addcode append "(${vartemp} as [$assoctype name]).[$this opvarref] := NIL;\n"
$addcode append "[$vari name].RemoveUsingKey([$keyparam name]);\n"
$addcode indent -
$addcode append "end;\n"
if {[[[$this assocattr] opposite] getMultiplicity] != "one"} {
$addcode append "(${arg} as [$assoctype name]).[$this opvarset].Add(SELF);\n"
} else {
$addcode append "(${arg} as [$assoctype name]).[$this opvarref] := SELF;\n"
$addcode append "[$vari name].Add([$keyparam name], ${arg});\n"
$addcode indent -
$addcode append "end;\n"
$cl setGenmethod [$addproc name] $addproc
method DPGOneQual::generateGet {this vari cl} {
# Check if Get method should be generated
if {![$this hasGet 0]} {
$vari access "Published"
if {![$this hasGet 1]} {
# Generate
set type [[[[$this assocattr] ooplType] ooplClass] generateTObjectType]
set getproc [DPFunction new $type]
set getcode [TextSection new]
$getproc gencode $getcode
$getproc hasUserSection 0
$getproc access [$this propRead]
$getproc name "get[cap [$this varname]]"
$getcode append "[$getproc name] := [$this vardict].Item([$this varqual]);\n"
set type [DPType new]
$type name [[[[$this assocattr] qualifier] ooplType] getType3GL]
$type includeType "none"
set param [DPArgument new $type]
$param name [$this varqual]
$getproc addArg $param
$cl setGenmethod [$getproc name] $getproc
method DPGOneQual::generateRemove {this vari cl} {
if {![$this hasRemove 0]} {
$vari access "Published"
if {![$this hasRemove 1]} {
set removeproc [DPProcedure new]
set type [DPType new]
$type name [[[[$this assocattr] qualifier] ooplType] getType3GL]
$type includeType "none"
set param [DPArgument new $type]
$param name [$this varqual]
$removeproc addArg $param
set removecode [TextSection new]
set removetypes [TextSection new]
$removeproc gencode $removecode
$removeproc gentypes $removetypes
$removeproc hasUserSection 0
$removeproc name "remove[cap [$this varname]]"
set assoctype [[$this assocattr] generateAssocType $cl]
set vartemp "old[$assoctype name]"
if {[$this propWrite] == "None"} {
$removeproc access "Private"
m4_warning $W_CHANGEDREM [[$this assocattr] getName] [[[$this assocattr] ooplClass] getName]
} else {
$removeproc access [$this propWrite]
if {[[$this assocattr] opposite] != ""} {
$removetypes append "var\n"
$removetypes indent +
$removetypes append "${vartemp}: [$assoctype name];\n"
$removetypes indent -
$removecode append "${vartemp} := [$vari name].Item([$this varqual]);\n"
$removecode append "if (${vartemp} <> NIL) then\nbegin\n"
$removecode indent +
if {[[[$this assocattr] opposite] isMandatory] && [[[$this assocattr] opposite] getMultiplicity] != "one"} {
$removecode append "if (${vartemp}.[$this opvarset].Count > 1) then\nbegin\n"
$removecode indent +
$removecode append "[$vari name].RemoveUsingKey([$this varqual]);\n"
if {[[[$this assocattr] opposite] getMultiplicity] != "one"} {
$removecode append "${vartemp}.[$this opvarset].Remove(SELF);\n"
} else {
$removecode append "${vartemp}.[$this opvarref] := NIL;\n"
if {[[[$this assocattr] opposite] isMandatory] && [[[$this assocattr] opposite] getMultiplicity] != "one"} {
$removecode indent -
$removecode append "end;\n"
$removecode indent -
$removecode append "end;\n"
} else {
$removecode append "[$vari name].RemoveUsingKey([$this varqual])\n"
$cl setGenmethod [$removeproc name] $removeproc
method DPGOneQual::generateDtor {this vari cl} {
# Check if Destructor should be generated
if {![$this hasDtor 1]} {
[[$cl destructr] gencode] append "[$this vardict].Destroy;\n"
# Generate
if {[[$this assocattr] opposite] != ""} {
if {[[[$this assocattr] opposite] isMandatory] && [[[$this assocattr] opposite] getMultiplicity] == "one"} {
set sysutilstype [DPType new]
$sysutilstype includeName "SysUtils"
$sysutilstype includeType "imp"
$sysutilstype addAsInclude [[[[[$this assocattr] opposite] ooplType] ooplClass] target]
[[$cl destructr] gencode] append "if ([$this vardict].Count <> 0) then\n"
[[$cl destructr] gencode] indent +
[[$cl destructr] gencode] append "raise EInvalidOp.Create('Illegal object destruction. Mandatory relation "
[[$cl destructr] gencode] append "[$this vardict] not empty.');\n"
[[$cl destructr] gencode] indent -
} else {
[[$cl destructr] gencode] append "while ([$this vardict].Count > 0) do\nbegin\n"
[[$cl destructr] gencode] indent +
[[$cl destructr] gencode] append "remove[cap [$this varname]]([$this vardict].FirstKey)\n"
[[$cl destructr] gencode] indent -
[[$cl destructr] gencode] append "end;\n"
[[$cl destructr] gencode] append "[$this vardict].Destroy;\n"
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
# File: @(#)dpgassocat.tcl /main/hindenburg/4
Class DPGAssocAttr : {DPGGenAssocAttr} {
method destructor
method setGenerator
method generate
constructor DPGAssocAttr {class this name} {
set this [DPGGenAssocAttr::constructor $class $this $name]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method DPGAssocAttr::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
method DPGAssocAttr::setGenerator {this} {
if {[$this generator] == ""} {
if {[$this getMultiplicity] == "one"} {
$this generator [DPGAssocOne new $this]
} else {
$this generator [DPGAssocMany new $this]
method DPGAssocAttr::generate {this class} {
if {[$this hasGUIComponent]} {
$this setGenerator
[$this generator] generate $class
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
Class DPGAssocAttrD : {DPGAssocAttr OPAssocAttr} {
selfPromoter OPAssocAttr {this} {
DPGAssocAttrD promote $this
# File: @(#)dpglinkatt.tcl /main/hindenburg/4
Class DPGLinkAttr : {DPGGenAssocAttr} {
method destructor
method setGenerator
method generate
constructor DPGLinkAttr {class this name} {
set this [DPGGenAssocAttr::constructor $class $this $name]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method DPGLinkAttr::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
method DPGLinkAttr::setGenerator {this} {
if {[$this generator] == ""} {
if {[$this getMultiplicity] == "one"} {
$this generator [DPGAssocOne new $this]
} else {
$this generator [DPGAssocMany new $this]
method DPGLinkAttr::generate {this class} {
if {[$this hasGUIComponent]} {
if {[[$this ooplType] isA OPBaseType]} {
m4_warning $W_ASSOCTYPEERR [$this getName] [[$this ooplType] getName]
$this setGenerator
[$this generator] generate $class
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
Class DPGLinkAttrD : {DPGLinkAttr OPLinkAttr} {
selfPromoter OPLinkAttr {this} {
DPGLinkAttrD promote $this
# File: @(#)dpgqualatt.tcl /main/hindenburg/5
Class DPGQualAttr : {DPGGenAssocAttr} {
method destructor
method setGenerator
method generate
constructor DPGQualAttr {class this name} {
set this [DPGGenAssocAttr::constructor $class $this $name]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method DPGQualAttr::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
method DPGQualAttr::setGenerator {this} {
if {[$this generator] == ""} {
if {[$this getMultiplicity] == "one"} {
$this generator [DPGOneQual new $this]
} else {
$this generator [DPGManyQual new $this]
method DPGQualAttr::generate {this class} {
if {[$this hasGUIComponent]} {
if {![[[$this qualifier] ooplType] isA OPBaseType]} {
m4_error $E_QUALTYPEWRONG [[$this qualifier] getName] [$this getName]
$this setGenerator
[$this generator] generate $class
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
Class DPGQualAttrD : {DPGQualAttr OPQualAttr} {
selfPromoter OPQualAttr {this} {
DPGQualAttrD promote $this
# File: @(#)dpgreverse.tcl /main/hindenburg/4
Class DPGReverseLinkAttr : {DPGGenAssocAttr} {
method destructor
method setGenerator
method generate
constructor DPGReverseLinkAttr {class this name} {
set this [DPGGenAssocAttr::constructor $class $this $name]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method DPGReverseLinkAttr::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
method DPGReverseLinkAttr::setGenerator {this} {
if {[$this generator] == ""} {
if {[$this getMultiplicity] == "one"} {
$this generator [DPGAssocOne new $this]
} else {
$this generator [DPGAssocMany new $this]
method DPGReverseLinkAttr::generate {this class} {
if {[$this hasGUIComponent]} {
if {[[$this ooplType] isA OPBaseType]} {
m4_warning $W_ASSOCTYPEERR [$this getName] [[$this ooplType] getName]
$this setGenerator
[$this generator] generate $class
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
Class DPGReverseLinkAttrD : {DPGReverseLinkAttr OPReverseLinkAttr} {
selfPromoter OPReverseLinkAttr {this} {
DPGReverseLinkAttrD promote $this
# File: @(#)dpgqualass.tcl /main/hindenburg/3
Class DPGQualAssocAttr : {DPGQualAttr} {
method destructor
constructor DPGQualAssocAttr {class this name} {
set this [DPGQualAttr::constructor $class $this $name]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method DPGQualAssocAttr::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
Class DPGQualAssocAttrD : {DPGQualAssocAttr OPQualAssocAttr} {
selfPromoter OPQualAssocAttr {this} {
DPGQualAssocAttrD promote $this
# File: @(#)dpgquallin.tcl /main/hindenburg/2
Class DPGQualLinkAttr : {DPGQualAttr} {
method destructor
constructor DPGQualLinkAttr {class this name} {
set this [DPGQualAttr::constructor $class $this $name]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method DPGQualLinkAttr::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
Class DPGQualLinkAttrD : {DPGQualLinkAttr OPQualLinkAttr} {
selfPromoter OPQualLinkAttr {this} {
DPGQualLinkAttrD promote $this