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- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # (c) Cayenne Software Inc. 1996
- #
- # File: @(#)csservicen.tcl /main/hindenburg/11
- # Author: <generated>
- # Description:
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # SccsId = @(#)csservicen.tcl /main/hindenburg/11 18 Oct 1996 Copyright 1996 Cayenne Software Inc.
- # Start user added include file section
- require "csentrydia.tcl"
- # End user added include file section
- require "csnode.tcl"
- Class CSServiceNode : {CSNode} {
- method destructor
- constructor
- method changeEntry
- method removeEntry
- method shutdown
- method doRemove
- method doUpdateFromEntry
- method doUpdate
- attribute serverName
- attribute serverId
- attribute entryDialog
- }
- method CSServiceNode::destructor {this} {
- # Start destructor user section
- # End destructor user section
- $this CSNode::destructor
- }
- constructor CSServiceNode {class this name entry} {
- set this [CSNode::constructor $class $this $name]
- $this serverName [lindex $entry 0]
- $this serverId [lindex $entry 1]
- $this label [$this serverName]
- $this icon rep_service_16
- $this hasChildren 0
- $this canDelete 1
- $this canChangeEntry 1
- $this canShutdown 1
- $this activated "$this changeEntry"
- return $this
- }
- method CSServiceNode::changeEntry {this} {
- if {[$this entryDialog] == ""} {
- set name entrydlg-[$this serverName]
- $this entryDialog [CSEntryDialog new [$this view].$name \
- [$this view] \
- [$this serverId] \
- $this]
- }
- [$this entryDialog] popUp
- }
- method CSServiceNode::removeEntry {this} {
- set dlg [WarningDialog new [$this view].removeentryconfirm \
- -title "Delete Server Definition" \
- -message "Do you really want to delete the definition of server\
- '[$this serverName]'?" \
- -okPressed "$this doRemove" \
- -helpPressed "[$this view] helpOnName deleteServerEntry"]
- $dlg popUp
- }
- method CSServiceNode::shutdown {this {confirm 1}} {
- if $confirm {
- set name [$this name]
- $this confirmShutdown "Shutdown All Servers Of '$name'" \
- "Are you sure you want to shutdown all servers\
- of implementation '$name'?" shutdownService
- return
- }
- [[$this view] rep] shutdownDbServers [$this serverName] shutdownCount
- if {$shutdownCount > 0} {
- set brokers [[$this parent] parent].brokers
- $brokers update 0
- }
- }
- method CSServiceNode::doRemove {this} {
- set view [$this view]
- [$view rep] removeServerDefinition [$this serverId]
- [$this parent] update 1
- $view selectionChanged
- }
- method CSServiceNode::doUpdateFromEntry {this entry} {
- set info [$this info]
- ORB::splitImplemId [$this serverId] implemId implemVersion
- $info addHeader "Server Definition"
- $info addItem "Name" [$this serverName]
- $info addItem "Id" ${implemId}.${implemVersion}
- $info addItem "Policy" [lindex $entry 4]
- $info addItem "Protocol" [lindex $entry 5]
- if {[lindex $entry 6] != ""} {
- $info addItem "Executable Path" [lindex $entry 6]
- }
- if {[lindex $entry 7] != ""} {
- $info addItem "Command Line" [lindex $entry 7]
- }
- $info addItem "Host" [lindex $entry 8]
- }
- method CSServiceNode::doUpdate {this {rebuild 1}} {
- $this CSNode::doUpdate $rebuild
- if [[[$this view] rep] getServerById [$this serverId] serverDef] {
- $this doUpdateFromEntry [list \
- [$this serverName] \
- [$this serverId] \
- 0 \
- 0 \
- $serverDef(policy) \
- $serverDef(protocol) \
- $serverDef(executable) \
- $serverDef(cmdline) \
- $serverDef(host)]
- } else {
- [$this info] addHeader "ERROR: Definition with id [$this serverId]\
- is not known at nameserver."
- }
- }
- # Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker