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- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # Copyright (c) 1994-1995 by Cadre Technologies Inc.
- #
- # This software is furnished under a license and may be used only in
- # accordance with the terms of such license and with the inclusion of
- # the above copyright notice. This software or any other copies thereof
- # may not be provided or otherwise made available to any other person.
- # No title to and ownership of the software is hereby transferred.
- #
- # The information in this software is subject to change without notice
- # and should not be construed as a commitment by Cadre Technologies Inc.
- #
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # File : @(#)cpp_const.tcl 2.1
- # Original date : Tue Apr 19 10:43:02 MET DST 1994
- # Description : C++ generator constants
- #
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # Name of type column in database
- #
- global TYPE_ID_NM
- set TYPE_ID_NM class_type
- #
- # Regeneration magic strings
- #
- set START_INCLUDE_MESSAGE "// Start user added include file section"
- set END_INCLUDE_MESSAGE "// End user added include file section"
- set START_CTOR_MESSAGE "// Start constructor user section"
- set END_CTOR_MESSAGE "// End constructor user section"
- set START_DTOR_MESSAGE "// Start destructor user section"
- set END_DTOR_MESSAGE "// End destructor user section"
- # regeneration stops after this marker is found
- #
- global REGEN_END
- set REGEN_END "// Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker"
- #
- # default for type modifiers
- #
- global default_type_modifier
- set default_type_modifier "Reference"
- global default_return_type_modifier
- set default_return_type_modifier "Value"
- #
- # Configuration functions
- #
- # Return the file name for a class name
- #
- proc class2file {name} {
- return $name
- }
- proc h_class2file {name {ext "hxx"}} {
- return [class2file $name].$ext
- }
- # Generate an #include statement for 'class' in 'sect'
- #
- proc gen_include {class sect {ext "hxx"}} {
- set protector [protector_name $class $ext]
- expand_text $sect {
- #ifndef ~$protector
- #include "~[class2file $class].~$ext"
- #endif
- }
- }
- proc gen_include_filename {filename sect} {
- expand_text $sect {
- #include <~$filename>
- }
- }
- # Return the protector name for 'class'
- #
- proc protector_name {class {ext "hxx"}} {
- return "[string toupper [class2file $class]]_[string toupper $ext]"
- }
- # Configure a list of include files that was specified in the 'include_list'
- # property of a class. This allows for customization of the 'include_list'
- # property that was generated by 'Reverse Engineer C++', which by default
- # stores the path as specified in the 'Reverse Engineer C++' dialog.
- #
- # This routine will be passed a TCL list of include files, and
- # must return an optionally modified version of this list.
- #
- proc config_include_list {list} {
- return $list
- }
- # The "pointer" name for 'class'
- #
- proc pointer_name {class} {
- return "${class}Ptr"
- }
- # The "reference" name for 'class'
- #
- proc reference_name {class} {
- return "${class}Ref"
- }
- # The set name for 'class'
- #
- proc set_name {class} {
- return "${class}Set"
- }
- # The set type name for 'class'
- #
- proc set_type_name {class} {
- add_hdr_inc_name ${set::name}
- if [regexp {.*_type$} [$class get_obj_type]] {
- set name [string trimright [generate $class fwd Value]]
- } else {
- set name [$class getName]
- }
- if $has_templates {
- return "${set::name}<$name>"
- }
- instantiate_set $name
- return ${name}_${set::name}
- }
- # Generate the set type definition for 'class' in 'sect'
- #
- proc gen_set_type_def {class sect} {
- if $has_templates {
- # nothing to generate: templates are supported
- return
- }
- # simulate an instantiation of a template
- set protector [string toupper "${class}_${set::name}"]
- expand_text $sect {
- #ifndef ~$protector
- #define ~$protector
- class ~$class;
- declare(~${set::name},~$class);
- #endif
- }
- }
- # The ordered set name for 'class'
- #
- proc oset_name {class} {
- return "${class}OSet"
- }
- # The ordered set type name for 'class'
- #
- proc oset_type_name {class} {
- add_hdr_inc_name ${oset::name}
- if [regexp {.*_type$} [$class get_obj_type]] {
- set name [string trimright [generate $class fwd Value]]
- } else {
- set name [$class getName]
- }
- if $has_templates {
- return "${oset::name}<$name>"
- }
- instantiate_oset $name
- return ${name}_${oset::name}
- }
- # Generate the ordered set type definition for 'class' in 'sect'
- #
- proc gen_oset_type_def {class sect} {
- if $has_templates {
- # nothing to generate: templates are supported
- return
- }
- # simulate an instantiation of a template
- set protector [string toupper "${class}_${oset::name}"]
- expand_text $sect {
- #ifndef ~$protector
- #define ~$protector
- class ~$class;
- declare(~${oset::name},~$class);
- #endif
- }
- }
- # The dict name for 'class'
- #
- proc dict_name {class} {
- return "${class}Dict"
- }
- # The dict type name for 'key' and 'value'
- #
- proc dict_type_name {key_type value_type} {
- add_hdr_inc_name ${dict::name}
- # key : value semantics: include
- # value : pointer semantics: forward
- set key [string trimright [generate $key_type inc Value]]
- set value [string trimright [generate $value_type fwd Value]]
- if $has_templates {
- return "${dict::name}<$key, $value>"
- }
- instantiate_dict $key $value
- return ${key}${value}_${dict::name}
- }
- # Generate the dict type definition for 'class' in 'sect'
- #
- proc gen_dict_type_def {key value sect} {
- if $has_templates {
- # nothing to generate: templates are supported
- return
- }
- # simulate an instantiation of a template
- set protector [string toupper "${key}${value}_${dict::name}"]
- expand_text $sect {
- #ifndef ~$protector
- #define ~$protector
- class ~$value;
- declare2(~${dict::name},~$key,~$value);
- #endif
- }
- }
- # The set dict name for 'class'
- #
- proc set_dict_name {class} {
- return "${class}PSDict"
- }
- # The set dict type name for 'key' and 'value'
- #
- proc set_dict_type_name {key_type value_type} {
- # key : value semantics: include
- # value : pointer semantics: forward
- set key [string trimright [generate $key_type inc Value]]
- set value [string trimright [generate $value_type fwd Value]]
- # the PSetDict instantiation requires the PtrSet
- # to be instantiated
- instantiate_set $value
- add_hdr_inc_name ${psdict::name}
- if $has_templates {
- return "${psdict::name}<$key, $value>"
- }
- instantiate_set_dict $key $value
- return ${key}${value}_${psdict::name}
- }
- # Generate the set dict type definition for 'class' in 'sect'
- #
- proc gen_set_dict_type_def {key value sect} {
- if $has_templates {
- # nothing to generate: templates are supported
- return
- }
- # simulate an instantiation of a template
- set protector [string toupper "${key}${value}_${psdict::name}"]
- expand_text $sect {
- #ifndef ~$protector
- #define ~$protector
- class ~$value;
- declare2(~${psdict::name},~$key,~$value);
- #endif
- }
- }
- # The ordered set dict name for 'class'
- #
- proc oset_dict_name {class} {
- return "${class}OPSDict"
- }
- # The ordered set dict type name for 'key' and 'value'
- #
- proc oset_dict_type_name {key_type value_type} {
- # key : value semantics: include
- # value : pointer semantics: forward
- set key [string trimright [generate $key_type inc Value]]
- set value [string trimright [generate $value_type fwd Value]]
- # the OPSetDict instantiation requires the OPtrSet
- # to be instantiated
- instantiate_oset $value
- add_hdr_inc_name ${opsdict::name}
- if $has_templates {
- return "${opsdict::name}<$key, $value>"
- }
- instantiate_oset_dict $key $value
- return ${key}${value}_${opsdict::name}
- }
- #Generate the ordered set dict type definition for 'class' in 'sect'
- #
- proc gen_oset_dict_type_def {key value sect} {
- if $has_templates {
- # nothing to generate: templates are supported
- return
- }
- # simulate an instantiation of a template
- set protector [string toupper "${key}${value}_${opsdict::name}"]
- expand_text $sect {
- #ifndef ~$protector
- #define ~$protector
- class ~$value;
- declare2(~${opsdict::name},~$key,~$value);
- #endif
- }
- }
- # The funcmap name for 'func'
- #
- proc funcmap_name {func} {
- return "${func}FM"
- }
- # The funcmap type name for 'func'
- #
- proc funcmap_type_name {func} {
- add_hdr_inc_name NmFuncMap
- if $has_templates {
- return "NmFuncMap< $func >"
- }
- instantiate_funcmap $func
- return ${func}_NmFuncMap
- }
- # Generate the funcmap type definition for 'func' in 'sect'
- #
- proc gen_funcmap_type_def {func sect} {
- if $has_templates {
- # nothing to generate: templates are supported
- return
- }
- # simulate an instantiation of a template
- set protector [string toupper "${func}_NmFuncMap"]
- expand_text $sect {
- #ifndef ~$protector
- #define ~$protector
- declare(NmFuncMap,~$func);
- #endif
- }
- }