PC World 1997 November
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# (c) Cayenne Software Inc. 1997
# File: @(#)contsysvdb.tcl /main/hindenburg/4
# Author: <generated>
# Description:
# SccsId = @(#)contsysvdb.tcl /main/hindenburg/4 16 May 1997 Copyright 1997 Cayenne Software Inc.
# Start user added include file section
require_module_file "newcontinu.tcl" continuus-vcm
require_module_file "contsysdia.tcl" continuus-vcm
require_module_file "contchange.tcl" continuus-vcm
require_module_file "vssyswarni.tcl" vcm
# End user added include file section
require_module_file "contsystem.tcl" continuus
require_module_file "vssysvdbob.tcl" vcm
# This class represents a system with Continuus files in the browser.
Class ContSysVDbObj : {ContSystem VSSysVDbObj} {
method destructor
method promoter
method promoteFile
method path
method localFileVersions
method copy
method vsFiles
method fileList
method addContFile
method checkOutFiles
method checkInFiles
method checkInTask
method findUse
method useVersion
method unUseVersions
method deleteVersions
method history
method editProperties
method updateWorkArea
method startQuery
method startObjectMake
method startSelectTask
method startProblemTracking
method showProjectVersion
method changeProjectVersion
method initializeVCMVars
# Used to hold information about files in this system:
# Version, Owner, Status, Continuus Type, Created,
# Modified, Platform, Release, Task.
# For performance reasons.
attribute continuusFileInfoDict
constructor ContSysVDbObj {class this name i_name} {
set this [ContSystem::constructor $class $this $name]
set this [VSSysVDbObj::constructor $class $this $i_name]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method ContSysVDbObj::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
$this ContSystem::destructor
$this VSSysVDbObj::destructor
# Reuse associations of VSSysVDbObj.
proc ContSysVDbObj::associations {} {
return [VSSysVDbObj::associations]
# Reuse childTypes of VSSysVDbObj.
proc ContSysVDbObj::childTypes {assoc} {
return [VSSysVDbObj::childTypes $assoc]
# Reuse controlledLists of VSSysVDbObj.
proc ContSysVDbObj::controlledLists {} {
return [VSSysVDbObj::controlledLists]
# Reuse infoProperties of VSSysVDbObj.
proc ContSysVDbObj::infoProperties {} {
return [VSSysVDbObj::infoProperties]
method ContSysVDbObj::promoter {this} {
$this continuusFileInfoDict [Dictionary new]
$this VSSysVDbObj::promoter
# Promotes file to a ContFileUiObj.
method ContSysVDbObj::promoteFile {this file} {
ContFileUiObj promote $file
# Call path in ContSystem.
method ContSysVDbObj::path {this} {
return [$this ContSystem::path]
# Resolve ambiguity: call localFileVersions of ContSystem.
method ContSysVDbObj::localFileVersions {this} {
return [$this ContSystem::localFileVersions]
# Call copy of VSSysDbObj.
method ContSysVDbObj::copy {this args} {
eval $this VSSysVDbObj::copy $args
# Redefine to perform initialization and cache updates.
method ContSysVDbObj::vsFiles {this} {
# read customization files for this system
if { ![$this initializedCustomization] } {
$this initializeCustomization
$this initializeVCMVars
set files [$this ContSystem::vsFiles]
$this updateFileInfo $files
return $files
# returns a list of Continuus controlled file names in
# the directories specified in pathList and
# fills continuusFileInfoDict with additional
# info about the files.
method ContSysVDbObj::fileList {this pathList} {
# refresh continuusFileInfoDict
foreach name [[$this continuusFileInfoDict] names] {
[$this continuusFileInfoDict] unset $name
ContCommand::longListing $pathList [$this continuusFileInfoDict]
set fileList {}
foreach fileName [[$this continuusFileInfoDict] names] {
lappend fileList [path_name file $fileName]
return $fileList
# Pop up dialog to create new Continuus file.
method ContSysVDbObj::addContFile {this} {
if { ![isCommand .main.newContFile] } {
NewContinuusFileDialog new .main.newContFile
.main.newContFile popUp
method ContSysVDbObj::checkOutFiles {this} {
if { ![isCommand .main.cont.checkout] } {
ContSysDialog new .main.cont.checkout
.main.cont.checkout contDialogCommand [ContCommand::checkOutDialog]
.main.cont.checkout needsUpdate 1
.main.cont.checkout popUpContinuusDialog
method ContSysVDbObj::checkInFiles {this} {
if { ![isCommand .main.cont.checkin] } {
ContSysDialog new .main.cont.checkin
.main.cont.checkin contDialogCommand [ContCommand::checkInDialog]
.main.cont.checkin needsUpdate 1
.main.cont.checkin popUpContinuusDialog
# Checks in the task related with the selected file in the browser.
# Generates warning if no task is associated.
method ContSysVDbObj::checkInTask {this} {
set selectedFile [lindex [.main selectedObjSet] 0]
set task [$selectedFile getInfo Task]
set fileVersion "[path_name file [$selectedFile path]]-[$selectedFile getInfo Version]"
if { "$task" == "<void>" } {
wmtkwarning "No tasks associated with $fileVersion"
vsCommandHandler execute [ContCommand::checkInTaskDialog $task]
# Pop up the find use dialog for the selected object.
method ContSysVDbObj::findUse {this} {
if { ![isCommand .main.cont.finduse] } {
ContSysDialog new .main.cont.finduse
.main.cont.finduse contDialogCommand [ContCommand::findUseDialog]
.main.cont.finduse needsUpdate 0
.main.cont.finduse popUpContinuusDialog
method ContSysVDbObj::useVersion {this} {
if { ![isCommand .main.cont.use] } {
ContSysDialog new .main.cont.use
.main.cont.use contDialogCommand [ContCommand::useDialog]
.main.cont.use needsUpdate 1
.main.cont.use popUpContinuusDialog
method ContSysVDbObj::unUseVersions {this} {
if { ![isCommand .main.contUnuse] } {
VSSysWarningDialog new .main.contUnuse
.main.contUnuse vsMethod { $file unuseVersion }
.main.contUnuse action "Unuse and replace current version of"
.main.contUnuse popUp
method ContSysVDbObj::deleteVersions {this} {
if { ![isCommand .main.contDelete] } {
VSSysWarningDialog new .main.contDelete
.main.contDelete vsMethod { $file deleteVersion }
.main.contDelete action "Delete and replace current version of"
.main.contDelete popUp
method ContSysVDbObj::history {this} {
if { ![isCommand .main.cont.history] } {
ContSysDialog new .main.cont.history
.main.cont.history contDialogCommand [ContCommand::historyDialog]
.main.cont.history needsUpdate 0
.main.cont.history popUpContinuusDialog
method ContSysVDbObj::editProperties {this} {
if { ![isCommand .main.cont.properties] } {
ContSysDialog new .main.cont.properties
.main.cont.properties contDialogCommand [ContCommand::propertyDialog]
.main.cont.properties needsUpdate 0
.main.cont.properties popUpContinuusDialog
method ContSysVDbObj::updateWorkArea {this} {
set reconfigCommand [ContCommand::reconfigure [$this path]]
vsCommandHandler execute $reconfigCommand
.main updateView
method ContSysVDbObj::startQuery {this} {
set queryDialog [ContCommand::queryDialog]
vsCommandHandler execute $queryDialog
method ContSysVDbObj::startObjectMake {this} {
set objectMakeDialog [ContCommand::objectMakeDialog]
# invoke from current directory
set oldDir [pwd]
cd [$this path]
vsCommandHandler execute $objectMakeDialog
cd $oldDir
method ContSysVDbObj::startSelectTask {this} {
set selectTaskDialog [ContCommand::selectTaskDialog]
vsCommandHandler execute $selectTaskDialog
method ContSysVDbObj::startProblemTracking {this} {
set problemTrackingDialog [ContCommand::problemTrackingBrowser]
vsCommandHandler execute $problemTrackingDialog
# Show the project version currently in use in
# an info dialog box.
method ContSysVDbObj::showProjectVersion {this} {
InfoDialog new .main.versionInfo \
-title "Current Project Version" \
-message "[$this currentProjectVersion]" \
-okPressed { %this delete }
.main.versionInfo delHelpButton
.main.versionInfo popUp
# Change the current project version:
# allow selection of the working versions
# or selection of the latest working version.
method ContSysVDbObj::changeProjectVersion {this} {
if { ![isCommand .main.changeprojectversion] } {
ContChangeProjectVersionDialog new .main.changeprojectversion
# pass current version
set currentProjectVersion [$this currentProjectVersion]
.main.changeprojectversion currentVersion $currentProjectVersion
# make list of project versions and pass to dialog
regsub {\-[^-]*$} $currentProjectVersion "" project
set projectVersions {}
foreach version [ContCommand::getWorkingProjectVersions $project] {
lappend projectVersions "$project-$version"
.main.changeprojectversion workingVersions $projectVersions
.main.changeprojectversion currentSystem $this
.main.changeprojectversion popUp
# Initialize work area variable.
method ContSysVDbObj::initializeVCMVars {this} {
# sport7/Continuus: initialize Continuus vars, always at system level
global ContCommand::ccmWorkArea
if { ${ContCommand::ccmWorkArea} == "" } {
if { ![ContCommand::initializeCcmVars] } {
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker