PC World 1997 November
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# Copyright (c) 1993-1996 by Cayenne Software, Inc.
# This software is furnished under a license and may be used only in
# accordance with the terms of such license and with the inclusion of
# the above copyright notice. This software or any other copies thereof
# may not be provided or otherwise made available to any other person.
# No title to and ownership of the software is hereby transferred.
# The information in this software is subject to change without notice
# and should not be construed as a commitment by Cayenne Software, Inc.
# File : @(#)config.tcl /main/hindenburg/5
# Author : peku
# Original date : 17-11-1993
# Description : script for C++ configuration
source [m4_path_name tcl cginit.tcl]
require wmt_util.tcl
require machdep.tcl
source [m4_path_name config tdb_config.tcl]
# Return base directory to install stuff
proc m4basedir {} {
set clientContext [ClientContext::global]
set configV [$clientContext currentConfig]
if {[$configV isNil]} {
return [m4_var get M4_home]
return [$configV path]
proc select_config {} {
set configBase [location [m4_var get M4_home] config]
cd $configBase
global projcf
set header_line "C++ configuration for "
set clientContext [ClientContext::global]
set configV [$clientContext currentConfig]
if {[$configV isNil]} {
set corp [$clientContext currentCorporate]
append header_line "corporate environment '[$corp name]'"
set projcf 0
if {! [file writable $configBase]} {
puts "You have no write permission in $configBase directory"
puts "Select a project to configure first"
} else {
set confName [[$configV config] name]
set confVersion [$configV versionName]
append header_line "configuration version '${confName}.${confVersion}'"
set projcf 1
while {"true"} {
puts "\n\t$header_line"
puts "\t[print_n [string length $header_line] -]"
puts "\n\t\tC++ compiler\tClass Library\n"
set dirs [glob cf_*]
set count 1
foreach dir $dirs {
puts -nonewline "\t$count."
incr count
print_config $dir
puts "\n\tr.\tRemove C++ Configuration"
puts -nonewline "\n\tChoice (q to quit): "
set answer 1
set answer [gets stdin]
if {$answer == "q"} {
if {$answer == "r"} {
set idx [check_answer $answer $count]
if {$idx == "NOT_OK"} {
puts ""
global choice_dir
set choice_dir [lvarpop dirs $idx]
set olddir [pwd]
cd $choice_dir
source subcfg.tcl
cd $olddir
# return symbol 'count' times
proc print_n {count symbol} {
if {$count <= 0} {
set result ""
while {$count} {
incr count -1
append result $symbol
append result $symbol
proc check_answer {answer max} {
if [catch {incr answer -1}] {
# not a numeric
return NOT_OK
incr max -1
if {$answer >= 0 && $answer < $max} {
return $answer
return NOT_OK
proc print_config {dir} {
set fd [open [location $dir TITLE]]
# skip first line
gets $fd
puts "\t[format "%-16s%-16s" [gets $fd] [gets $fd]]"
close $fd
proc get_config_var {prompt var} {
upvar $var lvar
puts $prompt
puts -nonewline "\[$lvar\]: "
set tmp_def [string trim [gets stdin]]
if {$tmp_def != ""} {
set lvar $tmp_def
proc findCustomizationFile {fullName {create 0}} {
set name [lindex [split $fullName .] 0]
set type [lindex [split $fullName .] 1]
set clientContext [ClientContext::global]
if {$projcf} {
set configV [$clientContext currentConfig]
set customFileV [$configV findCustomFileVersion $name $type]
if {$create && [$customFileV isNil]} {
puts "Creating customization file '$fullName' at configuration level"
set customFileV [$configV createCustomFileVersion $name $type]
return $customFileV
} else {
set corporate [$clientContext currentCorporate]
set customFileV [$corporate findCustomFileVersion $name $type]
if {$create && [$customFileV isNil]} {
puts "Creating customization file '$fullName' at corporate level"
set customFileV [$corporate createCustomFileVersion $name $type] }
return $customFileV
proc config_file {dir custName cfg {fsName ""}} {
upvar $cfg mycfg
if {$fsName == ""} {
set fsName $custName
set dirfile ""
set result ""
set matches 0
set customFileV [findCustomizationFile $custName]
if {[$customFileV isNil]} {
set dirfile [path_name concat [location [m4basedir] $dir] $fsName]
if {![file exists $dirfile]} {
return -1
} else {
set dirfile [args_file {}]
$customFileV lockForWrite "Configure C++ Environment"
$customFileV downLoad $dirfile
set fd [open $dirfile r]
while {[gets $fd line] >= 0} {
foreach subst [array names mycfg] {
set patt [lindex $mycfg($subst) 0]
set subspec [lindex $mycfg($subst) 1]
if [regsub -all $patt $line $subspec line] {
incr matches
append result "$line\n"
close $fd
unlink $dirfile
set fd [open $dirfile w]
puts -nonewline $fd $result
close $fd
if {! [$customFileV isNil] } {
$customFileV upLoad $dirfile
$customFileV unlock
unlink $dirfile
return $matches
# Add a config_file entry to remove any ranlib commands if
# the current platform does not require any post-processing of
# link libraries. Requires machdep.tcl to be loaded.
proc add_ranlib_config {cfg_ref} {
upvar $cfg_ref cfg
if {[processLibrary "libdummy.a"] == ""} {
set ranlib_line ""
set ranlib_patt ".*ranlib.*"
set cfg(ranlib) [list $ranlib_patt $ranlib_line]
# Modify default Unix commands for windows compilers
proc add_win_config {cfg_ref} {
upvar $cfg_ref cfg
# Configure filename extensions
set lib_patt {^LIBEXT =.*$}
set lib_line "LIBEXT =\tlib"
set obj_patt {^OBJEXT =.*$}
set obj_line "OBJEXT =\tobj"
set cfg(libext) [list $lib_patt $lib_line]
set cfg(objext) [list $obj_patt $obj_line]
# Configure OS/compiler commands
set cp_patt {^CP =.*$}
set cp_line "CP =\t\tcopy"
set cxx_patt {^CXX =.*$}
set cxx_line "CXX =\t\t$cxx_def"
set mv_patt {^MV =.*$}
set mv_line "MV =\t\trename"
set rm_patt {^RM =.*$}
set rm_line "RM =\t\trmf"
set sh_patt {^SHELL=.*$}
set sh_line ""
set cfg(cp) [list $cp_patt $cp_line]
set cfg(cxx) [list $cxx_patt $cxx_line]
set cfg(mv) [list $mv_patt $mv_line]
set cfg(rm) [list $rm_patt $rm_line]
set cfg(sh) [list $sh_patt $sh_line]
# Default Informix incl directory is $INFORMIXDIR/incl/esql on Unix
# and $INFORMIXDIR/incl on PC ...
if { [info exists env(INFORMIXDIR)] &&
[file exists [location $env(INFORMIXDIR) incl]]} {
if { [file exists [location $env(INFORMIXDIR) incl esql]] } {
set infincdir_def [location $env(INFORMIXDIR) incl esql]
set infincdir_line "INFINCDIR =\t$infincdir_def"
} else {
set infincdir_def [location $env(INFORMIXDIR) incl]
set infincdir_line "INFINCDIR =\t$infincdir_def"
set infincdir_patt {^INFINCDIR =.*$}
set cfg(infincdir) [list $infincdir_patt $infincdir_line]
# Oracle preprocessor may be called proc or proc22 ...
if {[osIdentification] == "WIN"} {
set oraHome [get env(ORACLE_HOME) [location C: ORACLE]]
set procExt ".exe"
} else {
set oraHome [get env(ORACLE_HOME) [location /usr oracle]]
set procExt ""
set oraBin [location $oraHome bin]
if {[file exists [path_name concat $oraBin proc$procExt]]} {
set proc_patt {^PROC =.*$}
set proc_line "PROC =\t\t[path_name concat $oraBin proc]"
set cfg(proc) [list $proc_patt $proc_line]
} else {
if {[file exists [path_name concat $oraBin proc22$procExt]]} {
set proc_patt {^PROC =.*$}
set proc_line "PROC =\t\t[path_name concat $oraBin proc22]"
set cfg(proc) [list $proc_patt $proc_line]
# Remove chmod commands
set chmod_patt "^.*chmod.*$"
set chmod_line ""
set cfg(chmod) [list $chmod_patt $chmod_line]
# Modify conditional mkdir commands
set mkdir_patt "^\tif.*mkdir.*fi$"
set mkdir_line "\t-mkdir $(INSTALLDIR)"
set cfg(mkdir) [list $mkdir_patt $mkdir_line]
proc m4copyfile {dir custName {fsName ""}} {
if {$fsName == ""} {
set fsName $custName
if [file exists $fsName] {
set sourcefile $fsName
} else {
set sourcefile [m4_path_name $dir $fsName]
set customFileV [findCustomizationFile $custName 1]
$customFileV lockForWrite "Configure C++ Environment"
$customFileV upLoad $sourcefile
$customFileV unlock
proc m4copydir {dir} {
set save_dir [pwd]
set subdir [location config $dir]
if [catch {set cddir [m4_path_name $subdir Makefile]}] {
cd [path_name directory $cddir]
set base [m4basedir]
set files [glob -nocomplain Makefile *.{c,cxx,cp,ec,pc,sc}]
set dest [location $base $dir]
if {! [file exist $dest]} {
mkdir -path [list $dest]
foreach file $files {
puts "cp $file $dest"
copy_text_file $file [location $dest $file]
set files [glob -nocomplain *.{h,hxx} ]
set dest [location $base include]
if {! [file exist $dest]} {
mkdir -path [list $dest]
foreach file $files {
puts "cp $file $dest"
copy_text_file $file [location $dest $file]
cd $save_dir
proc do_config {} {
foreach action [concat $set_default_actions $ask_actions] {
# next actions may have been reset by previous ones
foreach action [concat $copy_actions $config_actions $msg_actions] {
proc puts_unlink {file} {
if [file exists $file] {
puts "rm $file"
unlink -nocomplain $file
proc do_rm {} {
set verbose 1
puts ""
set cppconfCustomFileV [findCustomizationFile cpp_config.tcl]
set maketmplCustomFileV [findCustomizationFile maketmpl.maketmpl]
set clientContext [ClientContext::global]
set customLevel ""
if $projcf {
set customLevel [$clientContext currentConfig]
} else {
set customLevel [$clientContext currentCorporate]
if {! [$cppconfCustomFileV isNil]} {
puts "Removing customization file cpp_config.tcl"
$customLevel remove $cppconfCustomFileV
if {! [$maketmplCustomFileV isNil]} {
puts stderr "Removing customization file maketmpl.maketmpl"
$customLevel remove $maketmplCustomFileV
set pdir [m4basedir]
if [file exists [location $pdir src]] {
puts stderr "Removing directory [location $pdir src]"
BasicFS::removeDirAll [location $pdir src]
if [file exists [location $pdir include]] {
puts stderr "Removing directory [location $pdir include]"
BasicFS::removeDirAll [location $pdir include]
###puts_unlink [location $pdir lib libdbobj.a]
###puts_unlink [location $pdir lib libwmt4omt.a]
if {! [catch {rmdir [location $pdir lib] $verbose}]} {
puts "rmdir [location $pdir lib]"