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- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # (c) Cayenne Software Inc. 1996
- #
- # File: @(#)clmtool.tcl /main/hindenburg/21
- # Author: <generated>
- # Description:
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # SccsId = @(#)clmtool.tcl /main/hindenburg/21 9 Dec 1996 Copyright 1996 Cayenne Software Inc.
- # Start user added include file section
- require "asciiprint.tcl"
- require "classmaker.tcl"
- require "m4vardescr.tcl"
- require "showversio.tcl"
- # End user added include file section
- require "exetool.tcl"
- # Definition of the Mtool class.
- # The mtool is an output-only exetool. Output from
- # host commands is shown in a multi-line text widget.
- Class ClMtool : {Exetool MainWindow} {
- method destructor
- constructor
- method messageAreaPresent
- method toolBarPresent
- method addToolBar
- method setToolBarPresence
- method saveToolBarPresence
- method addMessageArea
- method setMessageAreaPresence
- method saveMessageAreaPresence
- method cmdStarted
- method cmdFinished
- method updateTitle
- method execute
- method stop
- method handleReusableChanged
- method toolName
- attribute reusable
- attribute m4VarDes
- attribute winFont
- attribute aPrinter
- attribute saveFile
- attribute suspendButton
- attribute reuseButton
- attribute win
- attribute top
- }
- method ClMtool::destructor {this} {
- # Start destructor user section
- $this saveMessageAreaPresence
- $this saveToolBarPresence
- set geom [$this geometry]
- if {$geom != [m4_var get M4_geometry -context mtool]} {
- m4_var set M4_geometry $geom -context mtool
- }
- m4_var save
- # End destructor user section
- $this Exetool::destructor
- }
- constructor ClMtool {class this name dispatcher cmd {dir ""}} {
- set this [MainWindow::constructor $class $this $name]
- set this [Exetool::constructor $class $this $name $dispatcher]
- $this config \
- -closed {%this stop} \
- -title "ObjectTeam Monitoring Window" \
- -icon mtool_64 \
- -iconTitle "ObjectTeam Monitoring Window" \
- -reusable [m4_var get M4_reuse_tool -context mtool] \
- -geometry [m4_var get M4_geometry -context mtool]
- # create work-area
- MenuBar new $this.menubar
- $this top [DlgColumn new $this.top]
- $this win [OutTermWindow new [$this top].win \
- -horStretchFactor 10 \
- -verStretchFactor 10 \
- -horShrinkFactor 10 \
- -verShrinkFactor 10 \
- -font "[m4_var get M4_font -context mtool]" \
- -clearScreen [m4_var get M4_clear_screen] \
- -rowCount 24 \
- -columnCount 80 \
- -started {
- .main cmdStarted "Executing '[%this command]' ..."
- } \
- -finished {
- set exitStatusList [.main exitStatusList]
- lappend exitStatusList [%this exitStatus]
- .main exitStatusList $exitStatusList
- } \
- -stopped {
- .main cmdFinished "Executing '[%this command]' failed"
- } \
- -ready {
- .main cmdFinished "Command Ready"
- } \
- -selectionChanged {
- [.main menuBar].edit.menu.copy sensitive \
- [expr {[string length [%this selectedText]] > 0}]
- }]
- # create menus
- set fileMenuButton [MenuBarButton new [$this menuBar].file \
- -label File -mnemonic F]
- set fileMenu [Menu new $fileMenuButton.menu \
- -pinnable yes]
- MenuPushButton new $fileMenu.save \
- -label "Save Output..." -mnemonic S -accelerator "Ctrl+o" \
- -toolBarPixmap save \
- -activated {[.main saveFile] popUp} \
- -hintText "Saves mtool contents to a file."
- MenuPushButton new $fileMenu.print \
- -label "Print" \
- -mnemonic P \
- -accelerator "Ctrl+p" \
- -toolBarPixmap print_16 \
- -activated {
- set printer [[[.main aPrinter] cmdField] text]
- set printfile [args_file {}]
- set msg "Sending output to $printer ..."
- [.main win] saveOutput $printfile
- wmtkmessage $msg
- if [system "$printer $printfile"] {
- wmtkmessage "Executing '$printer' failed"
- } else {
- wmtkmessage "Done"
- }
- unlink $printfile
- } \
- -hintText "Prints mtool contents."
- MenuSeparator new $fileMenu.sep
- MenuPushButton new $fileMenu.exit \
- -label "Exit" -mnemonic x \
- -activated {.main stop} \
- -toolBarPixmap exit_16 \
- -hintText "Quits the mtool."
- # Edit Menu.
- MenuBarButton new [$this menuBar].edit -label Edit -mnemonic E
- Menu new [$this menuBar].edit.menu
- MenuPushButton new [$this menuBar].edit.menu.copy \
- -label Copy -mnemonic C -accelerator Ctrl+C -toolBarPixmap copy \
- -sensitive 0 -activated {[.main win] setClipboardValue}
- if $win95 {
- set mnemonic A
- set accelerator Ctrl+A
- } else {
- set mnemonic S
- set accelerator Ctrl+/
- }
- MenuPushButton new [$this menuBar].edit.menu.selectall \
- -label "Select All" -mnemonic $mnemonic -accelerator $accelerator \
- -activated {
- [.main win] setSelectedText 0 -1
- }
- # View menu.
- set viewMenuButton [MenuBarButton new [$this menuBar].view \
- -label View -mnemonic V]
- set viewMenu [Menu new $viewMenuButton.menu]
- MenuCheckButton new $viewMenu.toolbar \
- -label "ToolBar" -mnemonic T -state 1 \
- -stateChanged {
- .main toolBarPresent [[.main menuBar].view.menu.toolbar state]
- } \
- -hintText "Shows or hides the toolbar."
- MenuCheckButton new $viewMenu.messagearea \
- -label "Message Area" -mnemonic M -state 1 \
- -stateChanged {
- .main messageAreaPresent [[.main menuBar].view.menu.messagearea state]
- } \
- -hintText "Shows or hides the message area."
- set optionsMenuButton [MenuBarButton new [$this menuBar].options \
- -label Options -mnemonic O]
- set optionsMenu [Menu new $optionsMenuButton.menu \
- -pinnable yes]
- MenuPushButton new $optionsMenu.font \
- -label "Font..." -mnemonic F \
- -activated {
- busy {
- [.main winFont] value "[m4_var get M4_font -context mtool]"
- [.main winFont] popUp
- }
- } \
- -hintText "Changes the mtool font (M4_font__mtool)."
- MenuPushButton new $optionsMenu.printer \
- -label "Printer Setup..." -mnemonic P \
- -activated {
- [.main aPrinter] popUp
- } \
- -hintText "Changes settings for the printer."
- MenuCheckButton new $optionsMenu.clearscreen \
- -label "Clear Screen" \
- -mnemonic C \
- -toolBarPixmap cls_16 \
- -state [m4_var get M4_clear_screen] \
- -stateChanged {
- [.main win] clearScreen [%this state]
- m4_var set M4_clear_screen [%this state]
- }
- $this reuseButton [MenuCheckButton new $optionsMenu.reuse \
- -label "Reuse" \
- -mnemonic R \
- -toolBarPixmap recycl_16 \
- -state [m4_var get M4_reuse_tool -context mtool] \
- -stateChanged {.main handleReusableChanged}]
- $this suspendButton [MenuCheckButton new $optionsMenu.suspendoutput \
- -label "Suspend Output" \
- -mnemonic S \
- -toolBarPixmap stop_16 \
- -stateChanged {[.main win] suspend [%this state]}]
- set processMenuButton [MenuBarButton new [$this menuBar].process \
- -label Process -mnemonic P]
- set processMenu [Menu new $processMenuButton.menu \
- -pinnable yes]
- MenuPushButton new $processMenu.terminate \
- -label "Terminate" -mnemonic T -sensitive no \
- -activated {[.main win] abort 15} \
- -hintText "Terminates the running process."
- if {! $win95} {
- MenuPushButton new $processMenu.abort \
- -label "Abort" -mnemonic A -sensitive no \
- -activated {[.main win] abort 6}
- MenuPushButton new $processMenu.kill \
- -label "Kill" -mnemonic K -sensitive no \
- -activated {[.main win] abort 9}
- }
- # Help menu
- [$this menuBar] helpEntry [MenuBarButton new [$this menuBar].help \
- -label Help -mnemonic H]
- interface Menu [$this menuBar].help.menu {
- pinnable 1
- MenuPushButton whatsthis {
- label "What's This?"
- mnemonic W
- activated {showHelp MTO/tl_mto.html}
- hintText "Shows context sensitive help."
- }
- }
- if {!$win95} {
- MenuPushButton new [$this menuBar].help.menu.onhelp \
- -label "On Help" \
- -mnemonic H \
- -activated {showHelp GEN/tl_hlp.html}
- }
- MenuPushButton new [$this menuBar].help.menu.helptopics \
- -label "Help Topics" \
- -mnemonic T \
- -activated {showHelpTopics} \
- -hintText "Shows help topics."
- MenuPushButton new [$this menuBar].help.menu.abouthelptool \
- -label "About Monitoring Window" \
- -mnemonic A \
- -activated {showVersionDialog [%this label]} \
- -hintText "Shows version information."
- $this setMessageAreaPresence
- $this setToolBarPresence
- # create save-output file-chooser using full pathnames
- set M4_repdir [m4_var get M4_repdir]
- set directory $M4_repdir
- for {set root [path_name directory $directory]} 1 {set directory $root} {
- if {"$root" == "$directory" ||
- "[path_name base $directory]" == "$directory"} break
- }
- case "$root" in {
- "." {
- if {"$directory" == "."} {
- set M4_repdir [string range $M4_repdir 2 end]
- }
- set M4_repdir [path_name concat [pwd] $M4_repdir]
- }
- ".." {
- set M4_repdir [path_name concat [pwd] $M4_repdir]
- }
- }
- $this saveFile [FileChooser new $this.saveOutput \
- -title "Save Output" \
- -selectionPolicy BROWSE \
- -filter "*" \
- -directory "$M4_repdir" \
- -selectedSet "[list [path_name concat $M4_repdir mtool_log.[pid]]]" \
- -helpPressed {showHelp MTO/m_svou.html#dialogbox} \
- -okPressed {
- set logFile [lindex [%this selectedSet] 0]
- set logDir [path_name directory $logFile]
- if {"$logDir" != "[m4_var get M4_repdir]"} {
- catch {m4_var set M4_repdir $logDir}
- }
- if {[[.main win] saveOutput $logFile] == -1} {
- # show error message
- open $logFile w
- }
- }]
- # create font-chooser
- $this winFont [FontChooser new $this.winFont \
- -title "Monitoring Window Font" \
- -okPressed {
- [.main win] font [%this value]
- if {"[m4_var get M4_font -context mtool]" != "[%this value]"} {
- catch {m4_var set M4_font "[%this value]" -context mtool}
- }
- }]
- [$this winFont] delHelpButton
- # create ascii-printer entry-dialog
- ClassMaker::extend AsciiPrinterDlg MtoolAsciiPrinterDlg \
- {M4_a_printer M4_a_printer_llen M4_a_printer_plen}
- $this aPrinter [MtoolAsciiPrinterDlg new $this.aPrinter \
- -M4_a_printer [m4_var get M4_a_printer] \
- -M4_a_printer_llen [m4_var get M4_a_printer_llen] \
- -M4_a_printer_plen [m4_var get M4_a_printer_plen] \
- -cancelPressed {
- [%this cmdField] text [%this M4_a_printer]
- [%this llenField] intValue [%this M4_a_printer_llen]
- [%this plenField] intValue [%this M4_a_printer_plen]
- } \
- -okPressed {
- set dim ""
- if {[%this length l] <= 0} {
- set dim l
- } elseif {[%this length p] <= 0} {
- set dim p
- }
- if {"$dim" != ""} {
- set fieldName [%this.top.printer.prView.${dim}lenLabel text]
- wmtkerror "$fieldName must be a positive value"
- return
- }
- set index 0
- foreach triple {
- {M4_a_printer cmdField text}
- {M4_a_printer_llen llenField intValue}
- {M4_a_printer_plen plenField intValue}
- } {
- set m4var [lindex $triple 0]
- set field [%this [lindex $triple 1]]
- set entry [lindex $triple 2]
- if {"[%this $m4var]" != "[$field $entry]"} {
- %this $m4var [$field $entry]
- catch {m4_var set $m4var [%this $m4var]}
- }
- incr index 1
- }
- %this popDown
- }]
- $this m4VarDes [M4VarDescription new $this.m4VarDes]
- send -async [$this dispatcher] \
- ClDispatcher::mtoolStarted [list [get_comm_name]] $cmd [list $dir]
- return $this
- }
- method ClMtool::messageAreaPresent {this show} {
- if {$show} {
- $this addMessageArea
- } else {
- [$this messageArea] delete
- }
- }
- method ClMtool::toolBarPresent {this show} {
- if {$show} {
- $this addToolBar
- } else {
- [$this toolBar] delete
- }
- }
- method ClMtool::addToolBar {this} {
- ToolBar new .main.bar -entrySet {
- .main.menubar.file.menu.save
- .main.menubar.file.menu.print
- .main.menubar.file.menu.exit
- .main.menubar.edit.menu.copy
- .main.menubar.options.menu.clearscreen
- .main.menubar.options.menu.reuse
- .main.menubar.options.menu.suspendoutput
- }
- }
- method ClMtool::setToolBarPresence {this} {
- if [m4_var get M4_toolbar -context mtool] {
- $this addToolBar
- } else {
- [$this menuBar].view.menu.toolbar state 0
- }
- }
- method ClMtool::saveToolBarPresence {this} {
- set toolBarPresent [expr {[$this toolBar] != ""}]
- if {$toolBarPresent != [m4_var get M4_toolbar -context mtool]} {
- m4_var set M4_toolbar $toolBarPresent -context mtool
- }
- }
- method ClMtool::addMessageArea {this} {
- MessageArea new $this.msg
- }
- method ClMtool::setMessageAreaPresence {this} {
- if [m4_var get M4_messagearea -context mtool] {
- $this addMessageArea
- } else {
- [$this menuBar].view.menu.messagearea state 0
- }
- }
- method ClMtool::saveMessageAreaPresence {this} {
- set areaPresent [expr {[$this messageArea] != ""}]
- if {$areaPresent != [m4_var get M4_messagearea -context mtool]} {
- m4_var set M4_messagearea $areaPresent -context mtool
- }
- }
- # Callback for when a command is started.
- #
- method ClMtool::cmdStarted {this msg} {
- [$this menuBar].file.menu.exit sensitive no
- [$this menuBar].process.menu.terminate sensitive yes
- if {! $win95} {
- [$this menuBar].process.menu.abort sensitive yes
- [$this menuBar].process.menu.kill sensitive yes
- }
- wmtkmessage $msg
- }
- # Callback for when a command is finished.
- #
- method ClMtool::cmdFinished {this msg} {
- wmtkmessage $msg
- if {"[$this clientId]" == ""} {
- return
- }
- [$this menuBar].file.menu.exit sensitive yes
- [$this menuBar].process.menu.terminate sensitive no
- if {! $win95} {
- [$this menuBar].process.menu.abort sensitive no
- [$this menuBar].process.menu.kill sensitive no
- }
- $this notifyFinished
- }
- # Update the title of the OutTermWindow.
- #
- method ClMtool::updateTitle {this} {
- $this Exetool::updateTitle
- $this popUp
- }
- # Start the execution of command(s) and show the output
- # in the OutTermWindow.
- #
- method ClMtool::execute {this} {
- [$this suspendButton] state no
- [$this win] commandLine [$this cmdLine]
- [$this win] execute
- }
- # Stop the Mtool if it is not busy.
- #
- method ClMtool::stop {this} {
- if {![[$this win] busy]} {
- $this busy TRUE
- wmtkmessage "Exiting..."
- $this Exetool::stop
- }
- }
- method ClMtool::handleReusableChanged {this} {
- $this reusable [[$this reuseButton] state]
- m4_var set M4_reuse_tool [$this reusable] -context mtool
- if {![[$this win] busy]} {
- $this Exetool::handleReusableChanged
- }
- }
- method ClMtool::toolName {this} {
- return mtool
- }
- # Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker