PC World 1997 November
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# (c) Cayenne Software Inc. 1997
# File: @(#)cccommand.tcl /main/hindenburg/9
# Author: <generated>
# Description:
# SccsId = @(#)cccommand.tcl /main/hindenburg/9 6 Jun 1997 Copyright 1997 Cayenne Software Inc.
# Start user added include file section
require procs.tcl
# End user added include file section
require_module_file "vscommand.tcl" vcm
# This class knows everything about ClearCase commands.
Class CCCommand : {VSCommand} {
method destructor
method classifyOutput
method execute
# The name of the cleartool command.
global CCCommand::cleartoolCommand
set CCCommand::cleartoolCommand "cleartool"
# This contains the cleartool path, it is set
# during system initialization and only used on Windows.
global CCCommand::cleartoolPath
set CCCommand::cleartoolPath ""
method CCCommand::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
$this VSCommand::destructor
constructor CCCommand {class this command path description} {
set this [VSCommand::constructor $class $this $command $description]
# Start constructor user section
global CCCommand::cleartoolCommand
if { $path != "" } {
set command "$command [quoteIf $path]"
$this command "${CCCommand::cleartoolCommand} $command"
# End constructor user section
return $this
# Get a command to chheck out a ClearCase object.
proc CCCommand::checkOut {path comment reserved} {
set command "co -c \"$comment\""
if { !$reserved } {
set command "$command -unreserve"
return [CCCommand new "$command" "$path" "Checkout $path"]
# Get a command to check in a ClearCase object.
proc CCCommand::checkIn {path noComment comment} {
if $noComment {
set command "ci -nc"
} else {
set command "ci -c \"$comment\""
return [CCCommand new "$command" "$path" "Checkin $path"]
# Get a command to un check out a ClearCase object.
proc CCCommand::unCheckOut {path keepPrivate} {
if $keepPrivate {
set command "unco -keep"
} else {
set command "unco -rm"
return [CCCommand new "$command" "$path" "Uncheckout $path"]
# Get a command to create a ClearCase object.
proc CCCommand::createElem {path type comment} {
set command "mkelem -eltype $type -c \"$comment\""
return [CCCommand new "$command" "$path" "Create file $path"]
# Get command to set attribute value on all
# versions of vob element specified in path.
proc CCCommand::setAttribute {path name value} {
set command "mkattr -replace $name \\\"$value\\\""
return [CCCommand new "$command" "${path}@@" "set attribute $name"]
# Get a command to remove a ClearCase name.
proc CCCommand::removeName {path} {
set command "rmname"
return [CCCommand new "$command" "$path" "Delete file $path"]
# Get a command to rename a ClearCase object.
proc CCCommand::rename {oldPath newPath} {
set command "mv [quoteIf $oldPath] [quoteIf $newPath]"
return [CCCommand new "$command" "" "Rename $oldPath" ]
# Get a command to create a ClearCase branch.
proc CCCommand::createBranch {path type comment} {
set command "mkbranch -c \"$comment\" $type"
return [CCCommand new "$command" "$path" "Create branch $type on $path"]
# Get a command to destroy a ClearCase branch.
proc CCCommand::destroyBranch {path} {
set command "rmbranch -f -nc"
return [CCCommand new "$command" "$path" "Destroy branch"]
# Get a command to create a new ClearCase branch type.
proc CCCommand::newBranchType {type comment vob} {
set command "mkbrtype -c \"$comment\" -vob [quoteIf $vob] $type"
return [CCCommand new "$command" "" "New branch type $type"]
# Get a command to destroy the specified branch type
# in the specified vob.
proc CCCommand::destroyBranchType {type vob} {
set command "rmtype -brtype -vob [quoteIf $vob] $type"
return [CCCommand new "$command" "" "Destroy branch type $type"]
# get a command to reserve a ClearCase checkout.
proc CCCommand::reserve {path} {
set command "reserve"
return [CCCommand new "$command" "$path" "Reserve $path"]
# Get a command to unreserve a ClearCase checkout.
proc CCCommand::unreserve {path} {
set command "unreserve"
return [CCCommand new "$command" "$path" "Unreserve $path"]
# Get a command to list checkouts of a ClearCase object.
proc CCCommand::listCheckout {path} {
set command "lsco"
return [CCCommand new "$command" "$path" "List checkouts of $path"]
# Get a command to change the comment for a ClearCase object.
proc CCCommand::changeComment {path comment} {
set command "chevent -c \"$comment\" -replace"
return [CCCommand new "$command" "$path" "Change comment of $path"]
# Get command to show diff of selected version
# with specified version.
proc CCCommand::diff {path version graphical} {
if $graphical {
set command "xdiff"
} else {
set command "diff -col 160"
set command "$command [quoteIf $path\@\@$version] [quoteIf $path]"
return [CCCommand new "$command" "" "Show diff with other version"]
# Returns whether the directory specified by
# directory is checked out.
proc CCCommand::isCheckedOut {directory} {
set command "lsco -cview -fmt %u -directory"
set lscoCommand [CCCommand new "$command" "$directory" "Get checkout status of $directory"]
if { ![vsCommandHandler executeSilent $lscoCommand] } {
return 0
if { [$lscoCommand output] != "" } {
return 1
return 0
# Return whether the file path refers to exists in the vob.
proc CCCommand::existsInVob {path} {
# this should not be called if path does not exist
set command "ls -vob"
set lsCommand [CCCommand new "$command" "$path" "Searching $path in vob"]
if { ![vsCommandHandler executeSilent $lsCommand] } {
return 0
if { [$lsCommand output] != "" } {
return 1
return 0
# Returns the previous version of path.
proc CCCommand::getPredecessor {path} {
set command "describe -fmt \"%PVn\""
set descCommand [CCCommand new "$command" "$path" "Get previous version of $path"]
if { ![vsCommandHandler executeSilent $descCommand] } {
return ""
return "[$descCommand output]"
# Get value of attribute specified by name
# from versions specified by path.
proc CCCommand::getAttributeValue {path name} {
set command "describe -s -aattr $name"
set getCommand [CCCommand new "$command" "${path}@@" "Get attribute $name"]
if { ![vsCommandHandler executeSilent $getCommand] } {
return ""
regsub -all {"} [string trim [$getCommand output]] "" value
return $value
# Executes the remove branch command without
# actually removing and intercepts the remove warning and
# returns it.
proc CCCommand::getRemoveBranchWarning {path} {
set command "rmbranch -nc"
set rmCommand [CCCommand new "$command" "$path" "Destroy branch"]
$rmCommand input "no"
if { ![vsCommandHandler executeSilent $rmCommand] } {
return ""
# remove superfluous output from warning
regsub -all {\[no\]} [$rmCommand output] "" warning
# special Windows/sport7 hack, input echo does not work well
regsub {.*abort, yes, no.} $warning "" warning
return $warning
# Do a ClearCase listing in the specified paths and add following information to infoDict:
# filename, version, checkout status, rule.
proc CCCommand::longListing {pathList infoDict} {
set existingPaths {}
foreach path $pathList {
if [file isdirectory $path] {
lappend existingPaths $path
if [lempty $existingPaths] {
return ""
set pathList $existingPaths
set lsCommandString "ls -l "
set lscoCommandString "lsco -cview "
foreach path $pathList {
set lsCommandString "$lsCommandString [quoteIf $path]"
set lscoCommandString "$lscoCommandString [quoteIf $path]"
# execute ClearCase ls commands
set lsCommand [CCCommand new "$lsCommandString" "" "$lsCommandString"]
if { ![vsCommandHandler executeSilent $lsCommand] } {
set lsOutput "[$lsCommand output]"
# it succeeded, now format output so the browser understands it
foreach line [split $lsOutput "\n"] {
# it is either 'version' or 'directory version'. Skip directories
if [regexp {^directory.} $line] {
if { ![regexp "^version" $line] } {
if { ![regexp {no version selected} $line] } {
# no version selected: retrieve name
regexp {([^ ]+)\@\@} $line dummy name
set version "Not Selected"
set infoList {}
lappend infoList $version
lappend infoList ""
lappend infoList ""
$infoDict set $name $infoList
# if there is no 'Rule' in the line it is not a selected version
if { ![regexp {Rule:} $line] } {
# get version path name of file
regexp {^version[ ]+(.*)[ ]+Rule:} $line dummy nameVersion
# get just the path in filePath
regexp {(.*)\@\@} $nameVersion dummy filePath
# get the version name
regexp {\@\@([^ ]+)[ ]+} $nameVersion dummy version
# get the selection rule
regexp {Rule: (.*)$} $line dummy rule
# if file is checkedout append 'from' information
if { [regexp { from [^ ]* } $line fromVersion] } {
set version "$version $fromVersion"
set status "Reserved"
} else {
set status "CheckedIn"
set infoList {}
lappend infoList $version
lappend infoList $status
lappend infoList $rule
$infoDict set $filePath $infoList
# obtain checkout information
set lscoCommand [CCCommand new "$lscoCommandString" "" "$lscoCommandString"]
if { ![vsCommandHandler executeSilent $lscoCommand] } {
# if the checkout line contains 'unreserved' retrieve the file name
# and update in dictionary
foreach line [split [$lscoCommand output] "\n"] {
if { [regexp {\(unreserved\)$} $line] } {
regexp { checkout version \"([^ ]*)\" } $line dummy filePath
set infoList [$infoDict set $filePath]
$infoDict set $filePath [lreplace $infoList 1 1 "Unreserved"]
# Do a clearcase listing in the directories in
# pathList and return a list with filenames.
proc CCCommand::shortListing {pathList} {
set existingPaths {}
foreach path $pathList {
if [file isdirectory $path] {
lappend existingPaths $path
if [lempty $existingPaths] {
return ""
set pathList $existingPaths
set lsCommandString "ls "
foreach path $pathList {
set lsCommandString "$lsCommandString [quoteIf $path]"
# execute ClearCase ls commands
set lsCommand [CCCommand new "$lsCommandString" "" "$lsCommandString"]
if { ![vsCommandHandler executeSilent $lsCommand] } {
return ""
# retrieve versions only: go through output and select
set fileList {}
foreach line [split [$lsCommand output] "\n"] {
# if there is no 'Rule' in the line it is not a selected version
if { ![regexp {Rule:} $line] } {
# get just the path in filePath
regexp {(.*)\@\@} $line dummy filePath
lappend fileList [path_name file $filePath]
return $fileList
# Do a description on the specified ClearCase object and add to InfoDict:
# Comments, Labels, Attributes, Hyperlinks value pairs.
proc CCCommand::describe {path infoDict} {
# First command: retrieve everything but hyperlinks
set commandString "describe -fmt %Na\\n%Vd\\n%u\\n%Nl\\n%c"
set command [CCCommand new "$commandString" "$path" "Retrieving info of $path"]
if { ![vsCommandHandler executeSilent $command] } {
# parse output and add to the dictionary
set descLines [split [$command output] "\n"]
$infoDict set Attributes [lindex $descLines 0]
$infoDict set Created [lindex $descLines 1]
$infoDict set "Created By" [lindex $descLines 2]
$infoDict set Labels [lindex $descLines 3]
set comments [join [lrange $descLines 4 end] "\n"]
$infoDict set Comments $comments
# Get hyperlinks and ClearCase Type
set commandString "describe"
set command [CCCommand new "$commandString" "$path" "Retrieving description of $path"]
if { ![vsCommandHandler executeSilent $command] } {
# parse output and retrieve information
# hyperlinks part start with a HyperLinks: line, element type
# is on an element type: line
set inHyperLinkLines 0
set hyperLinkLines {}
set ccType ""
foreach descLine [split [$command output] "\n"] {
if [regexp {element type: (.*)} $descLine dummy type] {
set ccType $type
# normally nothing follows the Hyperlinks: part, but be careful
# just in case the comment contains a Hyperlinks: part
if $inHyperLinkLines {
if { ![regexp :$ $descLine] } {
lappend hyperLinkLines $descLine
} else {
set inHyperLinkLines 0
if [regexp {Hyperlinks:} $descLine] {
set inHyperLinkLines 1
set hyperLinkLines {}
set hyperLinks [join $hyperLinkLines "\n"]
$infoDict set Hyperlinks [string trim $hyperLinks]
$infoDict set "ClearCase Type" $ccType
# get class that this file was generated from
global VSFile::classAttribute
set name [CCCommand::getAttributeValue $path ${VSFile::classAttribute}]
$infoDict set "Generated From Class" $name
# Get the known branch types in the current vob and return them.
proc CCCommand::getBranchTypes {vob} {
set command "lstype -brtype -fmt \"%n \" -vob"
set listBranchCommand [CCCommand new "$command" "$vob" "List branch types"]
if { ![vsCommandHandler executeSilent $listBranchCommand] } {
return ""
return "[$listBranchCommand output]"
# Get the version tree on 'path' and return it.
proc CCCommand::getVersions {path} {
set command "lsvtree -all -s -nco"
set lsVersionsCommand [CCCommand new "$command" "$path" "Retrieving versions of $path"]
if { ![vsCommandHandler executeSilent $lsVersionsCommand] } {
return ""
# parse output: get version extensions only
# discard versions that are not printable versions such as /main
set versionList {}
foreach outputLine [split [$lsVersionsCommand output] "\n"] {
regsub -all {.*\@\@} $outputLine "" version
if [regexp {.*[0-9]} $version] {
lappend versionList $version
return $versionList
# Get the active views on this machine and return in list.
proc CCCommand::getActiveViews {} {
set command "lsview"
set lsViewCommand [CCCommand new "$command" "" "Listing active views"]
if { ![vsCommandHandler executeSilent $lsViewCommand] } {
return ""
# parse view list: get active view names only
set viewList {}
foreach outputLine [split [$lsViewCommand output] "\n"] {
if [regexp {\*[ ]+(.*)} $outputLine dummy viewLine] {
regsub {[/A-Z\\].*} $viewLine "" view
lappend viewList [string trim $view]
return $viewList
# Returns whether the specified view exists in
# the view directory.
proc CCCommand::viewIsActive {view} {
if $win95 {
set viewPath [path_name concat M: $view]
} else {
set viewPath [path_name concat /view $view]
return [file isdirectory $viewPath]
proc CCCommand::getWorkingView {} {
set command "pwv -s -set"
set pwvCommand [CCCommand new "$command" "" "Determine working view"]
if { ![vsCommandHandler executeSilent $pwvCommand] } {
return ""
set view [$pwvCommand output]
if [regexp {\*\* NONE \*\*} $view] {
return ""
return $view
# Try to start the specified view.
proc CCCommand::startView {view} {
set command "startview"
set startViewCommand [CCCommand new "$command" "$view" "Start view $view"]
return [vsCommandHandler execute $startViewCommand]
# Get config spec of specified view.
proc CCCommand::getConfigSpec {view} {
set command "catcs -tag"
set getConfigSpecCommand [CCCommand new "$command" "$view" "Get config spec of $view"]
if { ![vsCommandHandler executeSilent $getConfigSpecCommand] } {
return ""
return [$getConfigSpecCommand output]
# Set specified config spec of specified view.
proc CCCommand::setConfigSpec {view specFile} {
set command "setcs -tag [quoteIf $view] $specFile"
set setConfigSpecCommand [CCCommand new "$command" "" "Set config spec of $view"]
return [vsCommandHandler execute $setConfigSpecCommand]
# Determines the path to cleartool and save it in
# cleartoolPath. Prepend cleartool command.
# Windows only.
proc CCCommand::initializeCleartoolPath {} {
global CCCommand::cleartoolPath
global CCCommand::cleartoolCommand
if { ${CCCommand::cleartoolPath} != "" } {
set fullName [VSCommand::findPath atria cleartool]
if { $fullName != "" } {
set CCCommand::cleartoolPath [path_name directory $fullName]
set CCCommand::cleartoolCommand $fullName
} else {
vsCommandHandler error "cleartool path not found"
# Classify the ClearCase output.
method CCCommand::classifyOutput {this} {
set outputLines {}
set warningLines {}
foreach line [split [$this output] "\n"] {
if [regexp -nocase {warning\:} $line] {
lappend warningLines $line
lappend outputLines $line
if { $warningLines != "" } {
$this warnings [join $warningLines "\n"]
$this output [join $outputLines "\n"]
# Execute the command and classify if classifyOutput is set.
method CCCommand::execute {this {classifyOutput 0}} {
# if there is input feed it to command
if { [$this input] != "" } {
set echoCommand "echo"
set commandString "exec $echoCommand [$this input] |"
} else {
set commandString "exec"
# do this to keep backslashes
set commandParts [$this command]
while { "$commandParts" != "" } {
if { ![regexp {^"([^"]*)"[ ]*(.*)$} $commandParts \
dummy commandPart commandParts] } {
regexp {^([^ ]*)[ ]*(.*)$} $commandParts \
dummy commandPart commandParts
if { "$commandPart" == "" } {
set commandString "$commandString \"\""
} else {
if [regexp {\"} $commandPart] {
set commandString "$commandString $commandPart"
} else {
set commandString "$commandString [list $commandPart]"
# do it
if [ catch { set output [eval $commandString] } errors] {
# Remove cleartool strings from output
regsub -all {cleartool[^:]*: } $errors "" commandOutput
# Cleartool has error exit status on warnings so check
# if this really was an error
if { ![regexp -nocase {warning:} $commandOutput] } {
$this errors $commandOutput
} else {
# Remove cleartool strings
regsub -all {cleartool[^:]*: } $output "" commandOutput
$this output $commandOutput
if $classifyOutput {
$this classifyOutput
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker