home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- ###########################################################################
- ##
- ## Copyright (c) 1996 by Cadre Technologies Inc.
- ## and Scientific Toolworks Inc.
- ##
- ## This software is furnished under a license and may be used only in
- ## accordance with the terms of such license and with the inclusion of
- ## the above copyright notice. This software or any other copies thereof
- ## may not be provided or otherwise made available to any other person.
- ## No title to and ownership of the software is hereby transferred.
- ##
- ## The information in this software is subject to change without notice
- ## and should not be construed as a commitment by Cadre Technologies Inc.
- ## or Scientific Toolworks Inc.
- ##
- ###########################################################################
- # Needed for E_FILE_OPEN_WRITE
- #
- require cgen_msg.tcl
- global ada95_hdr_sections
- set ada95_hdr_sections {
- h_hdr_sect
- h_user_sect_1
- h_incl_sect
- h_class_nm_sect
- h_user_sect_2
- h_pub_data_sect
- h_conv_func_sect
- h_pub_access_sect
- h_pub_func_sect
- h_priv_data_sect
- h_static_data_sect
- h_priv_access_sect
- h_priv_func_sect
- h_user_sect_3
- h_trailer_sect
- h_user_sect_4
- }
- global ada95_src_sections
- set ada95_src_sections {
- c_hdr_sect
- c_user_sect_1
- c_conv_incl_sect
- c_class_nm_sect
- c_user_sect_2
- c_opaque_sect
- c_static_data_sect
- c_user_sect_3
- c_conv_func_sect
- c_access_func_sect
- c_impl_sect
- c_user_sect_4
- c_trailer_sect
- c_user_sect_5
- }
- global ada95_assoc_sections
- set ada95_assoc_sections {
- h_hdr_sect
- h_user_sect_1
- h_inter_pkg_sect
- h_user_sect_2
- }
- global ada95_link_sections
- set ada95_link_sections {
- h_sect
- c_sect
- }
- global ada95_separate_sections
- set ada95_separate_sections {
- c_hdr_sect
- c_user_sect_1
- c_sep_line_sect
- c_impl_sect
- }
- # Global section array
- #
- global ada95_sections
- global assoc_sections
- global separate_sections
- global link_sections
- # Determine the right section based on the accessibility specification and
- # whether it is for reading or writing
- #
- proc get_hdr_sect {access {mode ""}} {
- case [split_access_mode $access $mode] in {
- {Public} {
- return $ada95_sections(h_pub_access_sect)
- }
- {Private} {
- return $ada95_sections(h_priv_access_sect)
- }
- {None} {
- return $ada95_sections(dev_null_sect)
- }}
- return $ada95_sections(h_pub_access_sect)
- }
- proc get_src_sect {access {mode ""}} {
- case [split_access_mode $access $mode] in {
- {Public} {
- echo "SOURCE (mode=$mode) access is Public\n"
- return 1;
- }
- {Private} {
- echo "attrib access is Private\n"
- return 1;
- }
- {None} {
- echo "SOURCE (mode=$mode) access is None\n"
- return 0;
- }}
- return 0;
- }
- # Determine the type of header section based on the accessibility specification and
- # whether it is for reading or writing
- proc get_hdr_type {access {mode ""}} {
- return [split_access_mode $access $mode]
- }
- # Split up the access mode and return the right part of it
- #
- proc split_access_mode {access mode} {
- if {$access == ""} {
- return Public
- }
- set rw_ac_list [split $access -]
- if {[llength $rw_ac_list] == 2} {
- if {$mode == "r"} {
- return [lindex $rw_ac_list 0]
- }
- return [lindex $rw_ac_list 1]
- }
- return $access
- }
- proc split_op_list_entry {access mode} {
- set rw_ac_list [split $access :]
- if {[llength $rw_ac_list] == 2} {
- if {$mode == "class"} {
- return [lindex $rw_ac_list 0]
- }
- return [lindex $rw_ac_list 1]
- }
- return $access
- }
- # Determine the section for an assoc accesser function based on
- # the attribute "assoc_access"
- #
- proc get_assoc_hdr_sect {assoc {mode ""}} {
- return [get_hdr_sect [get_assoc_access $assoc] $mode]
- }
- proc get_assoc_src_sect {assoc {mode ""}} {
- return [get_src_sect [get_assoc_access $assoc] $mode]
- }
- # Determine the section for an attribute accesser function based on
- # the attribute "attrib_access"
- #
- proc get_attrib_hdr_sect {attrib {mode ""}} {
- return [get_hdr_sect [get_attrib_access $attrib] $mode]
- }
- proc get_attrib_src_sect {attrib {is_inline 0} {mode ""}} {
- return [get_src_sect [get_attrib_access $attrib] $mode]
- }
- #Determine the type of header section. "Private", "Public" or "None" is returned.
- proc get_attrib_hdr_type {attrib {mode ""}} {
- return [get_hdr_type [get_attrib_access $attrib] $mode]
- }
- proc get_assoc_hdr_type {attrib {mode ""}} {
- return [get_hdr_type [get_assoc_access $attrib] $mode]
- }
- # Determine the type of a given section. "hdr" or "src" is returned.
- # Special sections "hdr" and "src" are understood, and are returned as is.
- #
- proc determine_sect_type {sect} {
- if {$sect == "src"} {
- set type "src"
- } elseif {$sect == "hdr"} {
- set type "hdr"
- } else {
- global ada95_sections
- foreach n [array names ada95_sections] {
- if {$ada95_sections($n) == $sect} {
- if {[lsearch $ada95_src_sections $n] != -1} {
- set type "src"
- } else {
- set type "hdr"
- }
- break
- }
- }
- }
- return $type
- }
- proc get_data_section {class} {
- case [get_class_vis $class] in {
- {Public} {
- return $ada95_sections(h_pub_data_sect)
- }
- {Private} {
- return $ada95_sections(h_priv_data_sect)
- }
- {Limited} {
- return $ada95_sections(h_priv_data_sect)
- }
- {Opaque} {
- return $ada95_sections(c_opaque_sect)
- }
- {Extensions} {
- return $ada95_sections(h_priv_data_sect)
- }}
- }
- proc get_func_section {oper} {
- case [get_method_access $oper] in {
- {Public} {
- return $ada95_sections(h_pub_func_sect)
- }
- {Private} {
- return $ada95_sections(h_priv_func_sect)
- }
- {} {
- return $ada95_sections(h_pub_func_sect)
- }}
- }
- proc get_include_section {class} {
- #
- #if {[get_class_visibility $class] != "Opaque"} {
- # return $ada95_sections(h_incl_sect)
- #} else {
- # return $ada95_sections(c_hdr_sect)
- #}
- #
- return $ada95_sections(h_incl_sect)
- }
- # Create ada95 sections
- #
- proc create_ada95_sections {sects} {
- global ada95_sections
- foreach sect $sects {
- set ada95_sections($sect) [section create]
- section set_indent $ada95_sections($sect) 0 " "
- }
- set ada95_sections(dev_null_sect) [section create]
- }
- proc create_assoc_sections {sects} {
- global assoc_sections
- foreach sect $sects {
- set assoc_sections($sect) [section create]
- section set_indent $assoc_sections($sect) 0 " "
- }
- set assoc_sections(dev_null_sect) [section create]
- }
- proc create_separate_sections {sects} {
- global separate_sections
- foreach sect $sects {
- set separate_sections($sect) [section create]
- section set_indent $separate_sections($sect) 0 " "
- }
- set separate_sections(dev_null_sect) [section create]
- }
- proc get_class_vis {class} {
- set class_visibility [get_class_visibility $class]
- if {$class_visibility == ""} {set class_visibility Public}
- if {$class_visibility == "Private Extensions"} {set class_visibility Extensions}
- return $class_visibility
- }
- # give sections their initial contents
- proc init_ada95_sections {class} {
- set data_sect [get_data_section $class]
- set visibility [get_class_vis $class]
- section append $ada95_sections(h_incl_sect) "with $sysfile_name;\n"
- section set_indent $ada95_sections(h_user_sect_2) +
- section set_indent $ada95_sections(h_pub_data_sect) +
- section set_indent $ada95_sections(h_conv_func_sect) +
- section set_indent $ada95_sections(h_pub_func_sect) +
- section set_indent $ada95_sections(h_pub_access_sect) +
- section set_indent $ada95_sections(h_priv_access_sect) +
- section set_indent $ada95_sections(h_priv_func_sect) +
- section set_indent $ada95_sections(h_user_sect_3) +
- section append $ada95_sections(h_priv_data_sect) "private\n\n"
- section set_indent $ada95_sections(h_priv_data_sect) +
- section set_indent $ada95_sections(h_static_data_sect) +
- #HM added comments to devide sections
- section append $ada95_sections(h_pub_func_sect) $USERMETHCMMT
- section append $ada95_sections(h_pub_func_sect) "\n"
- section append $ada95_sections(h_priv_func_sect) $USERMETHCMMT
- section append $ada95_sections(h_priv_func_sect) "\n"
- if {$visibility != "Opaque"} {
- if {[get_super_classes $class] == ""} {
- if {$g_record_name == "Data"} {
- section append $data_sect "type $g_record_name is record\n"
- } elseif {[get_sub_classes $class] != ""} {
- if {![is_abstract_class $class]} {
- section append $data_sect \
- "type $g_record_name is tagged record\n"
- } else {
- section append $data_sect \
- "type $g_record_name is abstract tagged record\n"
- }
- } elseif {[is_abstract_class $class]} {
- #HM added keyword tagged here - "abstract record" is not valid
- section append $data_sect "type $g_record_name is abstract tagged record\n"
- } elseif {[get_controlled_type $class] == "Controlled"} {
- section append $data_sect \
- "type $g_record_name is new Ada.Finalization.Controlled with record\n"
- section append $ada95_sections(h_incl_sect) "with Ada.Finalization;\n"
- } elseif {[get_controlled_type $class] == "Limited Controlled"} {
- section append $data_sect \
- "type $g_record_name is new Ada.Finalization.Limited_Controlled with record\n"
- section append $ada95_sections(h_incl_sect) "with Ada.Finalization;\n"
- } else {
- section append $data_sect "type $g_record_name is record\n"
- }
- } else {
- set parents [get_super_classes $class]
- set parent [get_super_class [lindex $parents 0]]
- set pname [get_full_class_name $parent]
- if {[get_child_syntax $class] == "False"} {
- section append $ada95_sections(h_incl_sect) "with $pname;\n"
- }
- if {$g_record_name == "Data"} {
- section append $data_sect "type $g_record_name is new $pname.$g_record_name with record\n"
- } elseif {[is_abstract_class $class]} {
- #HM moved keyword abstract - "with abstract record" is not valid
- section append $data_sect "type $g_record_name is abstract new $pname.$g_record_name with record\n"
- } else {
- section append $data_sect "type $g_record_name is new $pname.$g_record_name with record\n"
- }
- }
- }
- section set_indent $data_sect +
- section set_indent $ada95_sections(c_user_sect_2) +
- section set_indent $ada95_sections(c_opaque_sect) +
- section set_indent $ada95_sections(c_static_data_sect) +
- section set_indent $ada95_sections(c_user_sect_3) +
- section set_indent $ada95_sections(c_conv_func_sect) +
- section set_indent $ada95_sections(c_access_func_sect) +
- section set_indent $ada95_sections(c_impl_sect) +
- section set_indent $ada95_sections(c_user_sect_4) +
- set name [get_full_class_name $class]
- section append $ada95_sections(c_trailer_sect) "\nend $name;\n"
- }
- #
- # This is only used for the S1_Types file
- #
- proc init_sys_sections {name} {
- section append $ada95_sections(h_hdr_sect) \
- "-- Specification file for ${name}\n\n"
- section append $ada95_sections(h_class_nm_sect) "package $name is\n"
- section append $ada95_sections(h_pub_data_sect) "\n"
- section set_indent $ada95_sections(h_user_sect_2) +
- section set_indent $ada95_sections(h_pub_data_sect) +
- section set_indent $ada95_sections(h_user_sect_3) +
- section append $ada95_sections(h_trailer_sect) "\nend $name;\n"
- }
- # give sections their terminal contents
- proc exit_ada95_sections {class} {
- global ada95_sections g_assoc_list g_handle_name g_record_name
- global g_component_count
- set sect [get_data_section $class]
- if {[get_class_visibility $class] != "Opaque"} {
- if {$g_component_count == 0} {
- section append $sect "null;\n"
- }
- section set_indent $sect -
- section append $sect "end record;\n\n"
- section append $ada95_sections(h_static_data_sect) "\n"
- # Add the line "type Link is access Instance;" all of
- # the time, in case the class is used as a type within
- # another class.
- section append $ada95_sections(h_pub_data_sect) \
- "type $g_handle_name is access all $g_record_name;\n\n"
- if {[get_super_classes $class] != ""} {
- section append $ada95_sections(h_pub_data_sect) \
- "type Class_$g_handle_name is access all $g_record_name'Class;\n\n"
- } elseif {[get_sub_classes $class] != ""} {
- section append $ada95_sections(h_pub_data_sect) \
- "type Class_$g_handle_name is access all $g_record_name'Class;\n\n"
- }
- } else {
- if {$g_component_count == 0} {
- section append $ada95_sections(c_opaque_sect) "null;\n"
- }
- section set_indent $ada95_sections(c_opaque_sect) -
- section append $ada95_sections(c_opaque_sect) "end record;\n\n"
- section append $ada95_sections(c_static_data_sect) "\n"
- }
- set tmp_sect [section create]
- section append_section $tmp_sect $ada95_sections(h_priv_data_sect)
- section append_section $tmp_sect $ada95_sections(h_priv_access_sect)
- section append_section $tmp_sect $ada95_sections(h_priv_func_sect)
- section append_section $tmp_sect $ada95_sections(h_static_data_sect)
- echo "private section = [section get_contents $tmp_sect]..."
- if {[section get_contents $tmp_sect] == "private\n\n\n" } {
- set ada95_sections(h_priv_data_sect) [section create]
- }
- section append $ada95_sections(h_user_sect_2) "\n"
- }
- #
- # Dependency management. If there is only one target (lib or exe) in the
- # system then source files are automatically added to the dependency list
- # of that target.
- #
- global the_only_target
- set the_only_target [fstorage::dir {exe lib}]
- if {[llength $the_only_target] == 1} {
- global the_only_target_deps
- foreach dep [fstorage::get_dependencies $the_only_target] {
- set the_only_target_deps($dep) 1
- }
- } else {
- catch {unset the_only_target}
- }
- proc add_only_target_dep {dep} {
- if {[info exists the_only_target] &&
- ![info exists the_only_target_deps($dep)]} {
- fstorage::add_dependency $the_only_target $dep
- set the_only_target_deps($dep) 1
- }
- }
- # Write the sections to the right file and deallocate them
- #
- proc write_ada95_sections {class hsects csects} {
- set class_name [get_name $class]
- class2tgtfiles $class_name src_file h_file
- #HM do not write the c file if the h file doesn't change
- set do_write 1
- if {[do_write_sections $class_name $h_file $hsects 1 1] == 2} {
- set do_write 0
- }
- do_write_sections $class_name $src_file $csects 1 $do_write
- section dealloc $ada95_sections(dev_null_sect)
- unset ada95_sections(dev_null_sect)
- }
- proc write_assoc_sections {class hsects ext} {
- class2assocfiles $class $ext h_file
- set class_name [get_name $class]
- do_write_sections $class_name $h_file $hsects 0 1
- }
- proc write_link_sections {class hsects csects} {
- class2linkfiles $class src_file h_file
- set class_name [get_name $class]
- #HM do not write the c file if the h file doesn't change
- set do_write 1
- if {[do_write_sections $class_name $h_file $hsects 3 1] == 2} {
- set do_write 0
- }
- do_write_sections $class_name $src_file $csects 3 $do_write
- }
- proc write_sys_sections {name hsects} {
- class2tgtfiles $name c_file h_file
- if {[is_file_regenerated $h_file]} {
- puts stdout "Generating for User-Defined Types File '$sysfile_name'"
- do_write_sections $name $h_file $hsects 5 1
- }
- }
- proc write_separate_sections {class csects ext} {
- class2separatefiles $class $ext c_file
- set class_name [get_name $class]
- do_write_sections $class_name $c_file $csects 2 1
- }
- proc is_file_regenerated {filename} {
- global skip_file
- global gen_file
- # if {[llength $sects] == 0} {return 0}
- if {[info exists gen_file($filename)] ||
- ($import_new && ![info exists skip_file($filename)])} {
- return 1
- }
- return 0
- }
- proc do_write_sections {class_name file_name sects flag do_write} {
- set did_save_file 0
- if {[llength $sects] == 0} {return $did_save_file}
- set nt $file_name
- global skip_file
- global gen_file
- if {[info exists gen_file($nt)] ||
- ($import_new && ![info exists skip_file($nt)])} {
- set cmp_sect [section create]
- foreach sect $sects {
- case $flag in {
- {0} {set sect2 $assoc_sections($sect)}
- {1} {set sect2 $ada95_sections($sect)}
- {2} {set sect2 $separate_sections($sect)}
- {3} {set sect2 $link_sections($sect)}
- {4} {set sect2 $ada95_sections($sect)}
- {5} {set sect2 $ada95_sections($sect)}
- }
- section append_section $cmp_sect $sect2
- section dealloc $sect2
- unset sect2
- }
- if {[section_equals_file $cmp_sect $nt] || $do_write == 0 } {
- puts " $nt has not changed: file not written"
- section dealloc $cmp_sect
- return 2
- }
- puts stdout " Creating $nt"
- if {[catch {set fd [fstorage::open $nt w]} reason]} {
- puts stderr $reason
- m4_error $E_FILE_OPEN_WRITE $nt
- } else {
- if { [catch {fstorage::set_imp_from $nt $class_name} \
- reason] } {
- puts stderr $reason
- }
- section write $cmp_sect $fd
- section dealloc $cmp_sect
- fstorage::close $fd
- set did_save_file 1
- }
- }
- return $did_save_file
- }
- proc process_external_class_source {class} {
- set class_name [get_name $class]
- set tmp_sect [section create]
- expand_text $tmp_sect [get_class_source $class]
- set files [string trim [section get_contents $tmp_sect]]
- section dealloc $tmp_sect
- set first 1
- foreach entry [split $files ,] {
- # first one is ada95_spec_type
- # all others are ada95_body_type
- if $first {
- set first 0
- set ftype $ada95_spec_type
- } else {
- set ftype $ada95_body_type
- }
- set file_name [class2file $class_name]
- set nt ${file_name}.$ftype
- global skip_file
- global gen_file
- if {[info exists gen_file($nt)] ||
- ($import_new && ![info exists skip_file($nt)])} {
- set fullpath [find_file $entry]
- if {$fullpath == ""} {
- puts -nonewline "ERROR: class '[get_name $class]': "
- puts "external class source file '$entry' not found"
- continue
- }
- puts "Importing external '$fullpath'"
- puts " Creating $nt"
- if {[catch {set out [fstorage::open $nt w]} reason]} {
- puts stderr $reason
- m4_error $E_FILE_OPEN_WRITE $nt
- } else {
- if { [catch {fstorage::set_imp_from $nt \
- $class_name} reason] } {
- puts stderr $reason
- }
- set max 8092
- set in [open $fullpath r]
- while {[set result [read $in $max]] != ""} {
- puts -nonewline $out $result
- }
- close $in
- fstorage::close $out
- }
- }
- }
- }
- # find file using global 'exsrc_searchpath'
- proc find_file {file} {
- if [file exists $file] {
- return $file
- }
- global exsrc_searchpath
- if {! [info exists exsrc_searchpath]} {
- return ""
- }
- foreach dir [split $exsrc_searchpath :] {
- set fullpath $dir/$file
- if [file exists $fullpath] {
- return $fullpath
- }
- }
- return ""
- }
- # read status arrays and generate 'only-once' code
- proc gen_delayed_code {} {
- global ada95_hdr_incs
- catch {unset cpp_hdr_incs}
- global cpp_hdr_files
- catch {unset cpp_hdr_files}
- }
- # Global friend array
- #
- global cpp_friends
- proc add_friend {friend} {
- global cpp_friends
- set cpp_friends([get_name $friend]) 1
- }
- proc gen_friends {} {
- global cpp_friends
- if {![info exists cpp_friends]} {
- return
- }
- set sect $ada95_sections(h_friend_sect)
- section set_indent $sect +
- foreach class [lsort [array names cpp_friends]] {
- section append $sect "friend class $class;\n"
- }
- section set_indent $sect +
- unset cpp_friends
- }
- #
- # forward declaration / class header inclusion management functions
- #
- # Global arrays to store the information
- #
- global cpp_forwards
- global cpp_hdr_incs cpp_hdr_incs_name cpp_hdr_incs_name_ext
- global cpp_src_incs cpp_src_incs_name cpp_src_incs_name_ext
- proc add_forward {class} {
- global cpp_forwards
- set cpp_forwards([get_name $class]) $class
- }
- proc add_forward_name {name} {
- global cpp_forwards
- set cpp_forwards($name) 1
- }
- proc add_hdr_inc {class} {
- global cpp_hdr_incs
- set cpp_hdr_incs([get_name $class]) $class
- }
- proc add_hdr_inc_name {class_name {ext "hxx"}} {
- global cpp_hdr_incs_name cpp_hdr_incs_name_ext
- set cpp_hdr_incs_name($class_name) 1
- set cpp_hdr_incs_name_ext($class_name) $ext
- }
- proc add_src_inc {class} {
- global cpp_src_incs
- set cpp_src_incs([get_name $class]) $class
- }
- proc add_src_inc_name {class_name {ext "hxx"}} {
- global cpp_src_incs_name cpp_src_incs_name_ext
- set cpp_src_incs_name($class_name) 1
- set cpp_src_incs_name_ext($class_name) $ext
- }
- # Generate forwards. If the class definition is also included, the forward
- # is not generated.
- #
- proc gen_forwards {} {
- global cpp_forwards cpp_hdr_incs
- if {![info exists cpp_forwards]} {
- return
- }
- set sect $ada95_sections(h_fwd_decl_sect)
- foreach class [lsort [array names cpp_forwards]] {
- if [info exists cpp_hdr_incs($class)] {
- continue
- }
- }
- unset cpp_forwards
- }
- proc gen_hdr_incs {class} {
- set user_include_list ""
- set incls [get_include_list $class]
- echo "incls = $incls"
- if {$incls != ""} {
- foreach incl [config_include_list [split $incls ,]] {
- lappend user_include_list $incl
- }
- }
- # do not sort ! remove duplicates
- foreach entry $user_include_list {
- if [info exists dup($entry)] {
- continue;
- }
- set dup($entry) 1
- section append $ada95_sections(h_incl_sect) "with $entry;\n"
- }
- }
- # Generate includes for source file. Don't generate if the file is already
- # included in the header file.
- #
- proc gen_src_incs {} {
- global cpp_src_incs cpp_src_incs_name cpp_src_incs_name_ext cpp_hdr_files
- if {! [info exists ada95_sections(c_hdr_sect)]} {
- catch {unset cpp_src_incs}
- catch {unset cpp_src_incs_name}
- catch {unset cpp_src_incs_name_ext}
- return
- }
- set gen_include_list ""
- set user_include_list ""
- if [info exists cpp_src_incs] {
- foreach class [array names cpp_src_incs] {
- if [info exists cpp_hdr_incs($class)] {
- continue
- }
- set hdl $cpp_src_incs($class)
- set incls [get_include_list $hdl]
- if {$incls == ""} {
- lappend gen_include_list [get_name $hdl]
- set src_files([h_class2file $class]) 1
- } else {
- foreach incl [config_include_list [split $incls ,]] {
- if [info exists cpp_hdr_files($incl)] {
- continue
- }
- lappend user_include_list $incl
- set src_files($incl) 1
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if [info exists cpp_src_incs_name] {
- foreach entry [array names cpp_src_incs_name] {
- set file [h_class2file $entry $cpp_src_incs_name_ext($entry)]
- if [info exists cpp_hdr_files($file)] {
- continue
- }
- if [info exists src_files($file)] {
- continue
- }
- lappend gen_include_list $entry
- }
- }
- foreach entry [lsort $gen_include_list] {
- if {[info exists cpp_src_incs_name_ext($entry)]} {
- set ext $cpp_src_incs_name_ext($entry)
- } else {
- set ext "hxx"
- }
- # prefer user includes
- set idx [lsearch -exact $user_include_list [h_class2file $entry $ext]]
- if {$idx == -1} {
- gen_include $entry $ada95_sections(c_hdr_sect) $ext
- }
- }
- catch {unset cpp_src_incs}
- catch {unset cpp_src_incs_name}
- catch {unset cpp_src_incs_name_ext}
- catch {unset src_files}
- }
- # Template emulation management
- # Sets to be instantiated
- #
- global cpp_sets
- proc instantiate_set {class} {
- if $has_templates {
- return
- }
- global cpp_sets
- set cpp_sets($class) 1
- }
- proc gen_sets {} {
- global cpp_sets
- if {![info exists cpp_sets]} {
- return
- }
- set sect $ada95_sections(h_incl_sect)
- foreach class [lsort [array names cpp_sets]] {
- gen_set_type_def $class $sect
- }
- unset cpp_sets
- }
- # Ordered Sets to be instantiated
- #
- global cpp_osets
- proc instantiate_oset {class} {
- if $has_templates {
- return
- }
- global cpp_osets
- set cpp_osets($class) 1
- }
- proc gen_osets {} {
- global cpp_osets
- if {![info exists cpp_osets]} {
- return
- }
- set sect $ada95_sections(h_incl_sect)
- foreach class [lsort [array names cpp_osets]] {
- gen_oset_type_def $class $sect
- }
- unset cpp_osets
- }
- # Dicts to be instantiated
- #
- global cpp_dicts
- proc instantiate_dict {key value} {
- if $has_templates {
- return
- }
- global cpp_dicts
- set cpp_dicts($key,$value) 1
- }
- proc gen_dicts {} {
- global cpp_dicts
- if {![info exists cpp_dicts]} {
- return
- }
- set sect $ada95_sections(h_incl_sect)
- foreach keyval [lsort [array names cpp_dicts]] {
- set kv_list [split $keyval ,]
- gen_dict_type_def [lindex $kv_list 0] [lindex $kv_list 1] $sect
- }
- unset cpp_dicts
- }
- # Set Dicts to be instantiated
- #
- global cpp_set_dicts
- proc instantiate_set_dict {key value} {
- if $has_templates {
- return
- }
- global cpp_set_dicts
- set cpp_set_dicts($key,$value) 1
- }
- proc gen_set_dicts {} {
- global cpp_set_dicts
- if {![info exists cpp_set_dicts]} {
- return
- }
- set sect $ada95_sections(h_incl_sect)
- foreach keyval [lsort [array names cpp_set_dicts]] {
- set kv_list [split $keyval ,]
- gen_set_dict_type_def [lindex $kv_list 0] \
- [lindex $kv_list 1] $sect
- }
- unset cpp_set_dicts
- }
- # Ordered Set Dicts to be instantiated
- #
- global cpp_oset_dicts
- proc instantiate_oset_dict {key value} {
- if $has_templates {
- return
- }
- global cpp_oset_dicts
- set cpp_oset_dicts($key,$value) 1
- }
- proc gen_oset_dicts {} {
- global cpp_oset_dicts
- if {![info exists cpp_oset_dicts]} {
- return
- }
- set sect $ada95_sections(h_incl_sect)
- foreach keyval [lsort [array names cpp_oset_dicts]] {
- set kv_list [split $keyval ,]
- gen_oset_dict_type_def [lindex $kv_list 0] \
- [lindex $kv_list 1] $sect
- }
- unset cpp_oset_dicts
- }
- # FuncMaps to be instantiated
- #
- global cpp_funcmaps
- proc instantiate_funcmap {func} {
- if $has_templates {
- return
- }
- global cpp_funcmaps
- set cpp_funcmaps($func) 1
- }
- proc gen_funcmaps {} {
- global cpp_funcmaps
- if {![info exists cpp_funcmaps]} {
- return
- }
- set sect $ada95_sections(h_incl_sect)
- foreach func [lsort [array names cpp_funcmaps]] {
- gen_funcmap_type_def $func $sect
- }
- unset cpp_funcmaps
- }
- #
- # Return whether the given class is abstact, i.e. has any abstract operations.
- #
- proc is_abstract_class {class} {
- foreach f [get_features $class] {
- if {[get_obj_type $f] == "operation" && [is_abstract $f] == "1"} {
- return 1
- }
- }
- return 0
- }