ID_FILE_SAVE_FRAME_AS = Opens the save frame as dialogue.
ID_FONT_DECREASE = Decreases the font size.
ID_FONT_INCREASE = Increases the font size.
ID_LINK_ABOUT_PLUGINS = Displays a list of the detected plugins.
ID_LINK_KMELEON_FORUM = Opens the K-Meleon forums page.
ID_LINK_KMELEON_HOME = Opens the K-Meleon home page.
ID_LINK_KMELEON_MANUAL = Opens the K-Meleon Manual.
ID_LINK_KMELEON_FAQ = Opens the frequently asked questions page.
ID_MANAGE_PROFILES = Open the profiles manager/selector.
ID_NAV_BACK = Goes back one page.
ID_NAV_FORWARD = Goes forward one page.
ID_NAV_FORCE_RELOAD = Forces a cache-less reload of the page.
ID_NAV_GO = Processes the URL Bar text.
ID_NAV_HOME = Goes to home page.
ID_NAV_RELOAD = Reloads current page.
ID_NAV_SEARCH = Opens the search dialog.
ID_NAV_STOP = Stops loading.
ID_NEW_BROWSER = Opens a new browser window.
ID_OPEN_FRAME = Opens the selected frame.
ID_OPEN_FRAME_IN_BACKGROUND = Opens the selected frame in a new background window.
ID_OPEN_FRAME_IN_NEW_WINDOW = Opens the selected frame in a new window.
ID_OPEN_LINK = Opens the active link in the current browser window.
ID_OPEN_LINK_IN_BACKGROUND = Opens the active link in a new browser window placed in the background.
ID_OPEN_LINK_IN_NEW_WINDOW = Opens the active link in a new browser window placed in the foreground.
ID_PREFERENCES = Opens the preference/configuration panel.
ID_SAVE_IMAGE_AS = Opens the save image prompt.
ID_SAVE_LINK_AS = Opens the save link prompt.
ID_SELECT_URL = Selects the text of the URL.
ID_TOOLBARS_LOCK = Locks the toolbars from being moved manualy.
ID_VIEW_FRAME_INFO = Displays the frame cache information.
ID_VIEW_FRAME_SOURCE = Displays frame source.
ID_VIEW_IMAGE = Opens the selected image.
ID_VIEW_PAGE_INFO = Displays the page cache information.
ID_VIEW_SOURCE = Displays page source.
ID_VIEW_STATUS_BAR = Toggles statusbar.
ID_VIEW_TOOLBAR = Toggles toolbar.
ID_WINDOW_NEXT = Switches to next browser window.
ID_WINDOW_PREV = Switches to previous browser window.
bookmarks(Add) = Adds the page to bookmarks.
bookmarks(AddLink) = Adds the selected link to bookmarks.
bookmarks(Edit) = Opens the 'edit bookmarks' window.
favorites(Add) = Adds the page to favorites.
favorites(AddLink) = Adds the selected link to favorites.
favorites(Edit) = Opens the favorites folder in Windows Explorer.
hotlist(Add) = Adds the page to the hotlist.
hotlist(AddLink) = Adds the selected link to the hotlist.
hotlist(Edit) = Opens the 'edit hotlist' window.
layers(Close) = Closes the current layer.
layers(CloseAll) = Closes all layers.
layers(CloseAllOther) = Closes all but the selected layer.
layers(Last) = Switches to the last selected layer.
layers(Next) = Switches to next layer.
layers(Open) = Opens a new layer.
layers(OpenLink) = Opens the selected link in a new layer.
layers(OpenLinkBg) = Opens the selected link in a background layer.
layers(Prev) = Switches to previous layer.
history(View) = Opens the history window.
fullscreen() = Toggles fullscreen.
privacy(ClearCache) = Deletes disk cache.
privacy(ClearCookies) = Deletes the cookie file.
privacy(ClearHistory) = Deletes the history file.
privacy(ClearMRU) = Clears the URL bar dropdown list.
privacy(ClearSignon) = Deletes the passwords file.
macros(ClearAll) = Deletes all your privacy data: cache, cookies, history, URL bar history, & passwords.
macros(CKToggle) = Allows or blocks cookies.
macros(FileBook) = Adds the page to bookmarks, then opens the edit bookmarks window.
macros(FileFav) = Adds the page to favorites, then opens the favorites folder in Windows Explorer.
macros(FileHot) = Adds the page to hotlist, then opens the edit hotlist window.
macros(Highlight) = Opens the Find & Highlight prompt.
macros(Home) = Opens the Home page, Startup Group or Last Session pages whichever is set to open upon start.
macros(ImgToggle) = Allows or blocks images on the page.
macros(JSToggle) = Allows or blocks javascript.
macros(JToggle) = Allows or blocks java.
macros(KillApplets) = Stops java applets on a page.
macros(KillFlash) = Deletes Macromedia's flash content from the page.
macros(LinkInIE) = Opens the selected link in Internet Explorer.
macros(Mail) = Opens your preferred email client.
macros(New) = Opens the selected text or a blank page in a new layer or new window if layers plugin is disabled.
macros(News) = Opens your preferred news client.
macros(OpenClosed) = Reopens the layers just closed. (Undo Last Closed)
macros(OpenInNew) = Opens the URL bar text in a new layer or new window if layers plugin is disabled.
macros(OpenLast) = Opens the last session pages.
macros(OpenStart) = Opens the Startup Group.
macros(PasteGo) = Pastes clipboard contents to the URL bar and opens it.
macros(PasteSearch) = Pastes clipboard contents to the URL bar and searches the web for it.
macros(PBToggle) = Allows or blocks popup windows.
macros(RefToggle) = Allows or blocks referer.
macros(ResetURLBar) = Resets the URL bar text to the page URL.
macros(SaveAsGroup) = Opens the 'Save All Layers As a Group' prompt.
macros(SavedGroups) = Displays the saved layer groups.
macros(Search) = Uses the default search engine to search for the selected text or URL bar text (if different from page URL). Otherwise, the search prompt will appear.
macros(SelectGo) = Opens the selected text or the URL bar text.
macros(top_level) = Goes to the top level of the site.
macros(up_directory) = Goes up one level of the site.
macros(URLInIE) = Opens the URL bar text in Internet Explorer.
macros(ZoomImageLinks) = Opens the directly linked images and displays them all on one page. Useful for thumbnail links.
macros(ZoomInImages) = Increases the size of images on the page.
macros(ZoomInPage) = Increases the size of images and text on the page.
macros(ZoomOutImages) = Decreases the size of images on the page.
macros(ZoomOutPage) = Decreases the size of images and text on the page.