remedy_invalid=The feed url is invalid. Check to make sure the URL is correct.
remedy_checkFeedValidator=Check Feed Validator
remedy_format_unknown=NewsFox does not recognize this feed format. NewsFox supports RSS 0.91,0.92,2.0, and Atom 0.3,1.0. If this feed uses one of those formats then email me a bug report. Be sure to include the feed url and this error code.
feedKeyNav=Set this value to false to be able to navigate the feed tree by pressing the first letter of the feed/group.
customShortcut=Custom shortcut keys can be defined by editing the 'modifiers' and 'key' attributes in the file 'accel.xml' in the newsfox folder within the profile folder after selecting a set of keyboard shortcuts in the options dialog and quitting Newsfox.
opmlexport=OPML exported
opmlimport=OPML imported
opmlhttpimportprompt=Enter URL:
opmlfail=Invalid OPML file
opmlnewfeeds=new feed(s)
opmlnewgroups=new group(s)
malformed=Poorly formed search text
searchtext=Search text:
actualsearch=Actual search:
confirm.newNewsfoxDir=The specified Newsfox directory does not exist.\n\nDo you wish to pick a new directory?
inuse=The Newsfox directory cannot be changed via about:config when Newsfox is open.\nClose Newsfox and restart to see changes.
dirNotEmpty=The chosen directory is not empty. Files in the chosen directory will be DELETED.
createDir=The directory does not exist. Create directory?
dirNotChanged=Directory not changed:
autoCheckIntervalWarning=Some sites may not want their feeds to be checked very frequently because of the generated traffic.\nThus, they may ban your IP or NewsFox feed reader.\nPlease, consult the rules of a target site.\n\nThis warning will be shown unless you set the interval at least to 10 minutes.