PC World 2008 September
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Text File
756 lines
* vlm.js: VLC media player web interface
* Copyright (C) 2005-2006 the VideoLAN team
* $Id: vlm.js 18265 2006-12-04 14:30:29Z md $
* Authors: Antoine Cellerier <dionoea -at- videolan -dot- org>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA.
/* replace quotes and spaces by underscores */
function addunderscores( str ){ return str.replace(/\'|\"| /g, '_'); }
* Input dialog functions
function toggle_show_vlm_helper()
var vlmh = document.getElementById( "vlm_helper" );
var vlmhctrl = document.getElementById( "vlm_helper_controls" );
var btn = document.getElementById( "btn_vlm_helper_toggle" );
if( vlmh.style.display == 'block' || vlmh.style.display == '')
vlmh.style.display = 'none';
vlmhctrl.style.display = 'none';
btn.removeChild( btn.firstChild );
btn.appendChild( document.createTextNode( 'Show VLM helper' ) );
vlmh.style.display = 'block';
vlmhctrl.style.display = 'inline';
btn.removeChild( btn.firstChild );
btn.appendChild( document.createTextNode( 'Hide VLM helper' ) );
function vlm_input_edit( dest )
document.getElementById( 'input_dest' ).value = dest;
show( 'input' );
function vlm_input_change()
document.getElementById( value( 'input_dest' ) ).value = value( 'input_mrl' ).replace( /\ :/g, " option " );
hide( 'input' );
document.getElementById( value( 'input_dest' ) ).focus();
function vlm_output_edit( dest )
document.getElementById( 'sout_dest' ).value = dest;
show( 'sout' );
function vlm_output_change()
document.getElementById( value( 'sout_dest' ) ).value = value( 'sout_mrl' ).substr(6).replace( /\ :/g, " option " ); /* substr <-> remove :sout= */
hide( 'sout' );
document.getElementById( value( 'sout_dest' ) ).focus();
function hide_vlm_add()
document.getElementById( 'vlm_add_broadcast' ).style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById( 'vlm_add_vod' ).style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById( 'vlm_add_schedule' ).style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById( 'vlm_add_other' ).style.display = 'none';
function toggle_schedule_date()
if( checked( 'vlm_schedule_now' ) )
disable( 'vlm_schedule_year' );
disable( 'vlm_schedule_month' );
disable( 'vlm_schedule_day' );
disable( 'vlm_schedule_hour' );
disable( 'vlm_schedule_minute' );
disable( 'vlm_schedule_second' );
enable( 'vlm_schedule_year' );
enable( 'vlm_schedule_month' );
enable( 'vlm_schedule_day' );
enable( 'vlm_schedule_hour' );
enable( 'vlm_schedule_minute' );
enable( 'vlm_schedule_second' );
function toggle_schedule_repeat()
if( checked( 'vlm_schedule_repeat' ) )
enable( 'vlm_schedule_period_year' );
enable( 'vlm_schedule_period_month' );
enable( 'vlm_schedule_period_day' );
enable( 'vlm_schedule_period_hour' );
enable( 'vlm_schedule_period_minute' );
enable( 'vlm_schedule_period_second' );
enable( 'vlm_schedule_repeat_times' );
disable( 'vlm_schedule_period_year' );
disable( 'vlm_schedule_period_month' );
disable( 'vlm_schedule_period_day' );
disable( 'vlm_schedule_period_hour' );
disable( 'vlm_schedule_period_minute' );
disable( 'vlm_schedule_period_second' );
disable( 'vlm_schedule_repeat_times' );
function vlm_schedule_type_change( name )
var act = document.getElementById( 'vlm_elt_' + name + '_action' ).value;
var itemname = document.getElementById( 'vlm_elt_' + name + '_name' );
var opt = document.getElementById( 'vlm_elt_' + name + '_opt' );
if( act == "play" || act == "pause" || act == "stop" )
itemname.style.display = "";
opt.style.display = "none";
else if( act == "seek" )
itemname.style.display = "";
opt.style.display = "";
itemname.style.display = "none";
opt.style.display = "";
function sanitize_input( str )
return str.replace( /\"/g, '\\\"' ).replace( /^/, '"' ).replace( /$/, '"' ).replace( /\ option\ /g, '" option "' );
function update_vlm_add_broadcast()
var cmd = document.getElementById( 'vlm_command' );
if( value( 'vlm_broadcast_name' ) )
cmd.value = "new " + addunderscores( value( 'vlm_broadcast_name' ) )
+ " broadcast";
if( checked( 'vlm_broadcast_enabled' ) )
cmd.value += " enabled";
if( checked( 'vlm_broadcast_loop' ) )
cmd.value += " loop";
if( value( 'vlm_broadcast_input' ) )
cmd.value += " input " + sanitize_input( value( 'vlm_broadcast_input' ) );
if( value( 'vlm_broadcast_output' ) )
cmd.value += " output " + value( 'vlm_broadcast_output' );
cmd.value = "";
function update_vlm_add_vod()
var cmd = document.getElementById( 'vlm_command' );
if( value( 'vlm_vod_name' ) )
cmd.value = "new " + addunderscores( value( 'vlm_vod_name' ) )
+ " vod";
if( checked( 'vlm_vod_enabled' ) )
cmd.value += " enabled";
if( value( 'vlm_vod_input' ) )
cmd.value += " input " + sanitize_input( value( 'vlm_vod_input' ) );
if( value( 'vlm_vod_output' ) )
cmd.value += " output " + value( 'vlm_vod_output' );
cmd.value = "";
function update_vlm_add_schedule()
var cmd = document.getElementById( 'vlm_command' );
check_and_replace_int( 'vlm_schedule_year', '0000' );
check_and_replace_int( 'vlm_schedule_month', '00' );
check_and_replace_int( 'vlm_schedule_day', '00' );
check_and_replace_int( 'vlm_schedule_hour', '00' );
check_and_replace_int( 'vlm_schedule_minute', '00' );
check_and_replace_int( 'vlm_schedule_second', '00' );
check_and_replace_int( 'vlm_schedule_period_year', '0000' );
check_and_replace_int( 'vlm_schedule_period_month', '00' );
check_and_replace_int( 'vlm_schedule_period_day', '00' );
check_and_replace_int( 'vlm_schedule_period_hour', '00' );
check_and_replace_int( 'vlm_schedule_period_minute', '00' );
check_and_replace_int( 'vlm_schedule_period_second', '00' );
if( value( 'vlm_schedule_name' ) )
cmd.value = "new " + addunderscores( value( 'vlm_schedule_name' ) ) + " schedule";
if( checked( 'vlm_schedule_enabled' ) )
cmd.value += " enabled";
if( checked( 'vlm_schedule_now' ) )
cmd.value += " date now";
cmd.value += " date " + value( 'vlm_schedule_year' ) + "/" + value( 'vlm_schedule_month' ) + "/" + value( 'vlm_schedule_day' ) + '-' + value( 'vlm_schedule_hour' ) + ':' + value( 'vlm_schedule_minute' ) + ':' + value( 'vlm_schedule_second' );
if( checked( 'vlm_schedule_repeat' ) )
cmd.value += " period " + value( 'vlm_schedule_period_year' ) + "/" + value( 'vlm_schedule_period_month' ) + "/" + value( 'vlm_schedule_period_day' ) + '-' + value( 'vlm_schedule_period_hour' ) + ':' + value( 'vlm_schedule_period_minute' ) + ':' + value( 'vlm_schedule_period_second' );
if( value( 'vlm_schedule_repeat_times' ) != 0 )
cmd.value += " repeat " + (value( 'vlm_schedule_repeat_times' ) - 1 );
cmd.value = "";
function update_vlm_add_other()
var cmd = document.getElementById( 'vlm_command' );
cmd.value = "";
function clear_vlm_add()
document.getElementById( 'vlm_command' ).value = "";
document.getElementById( 'vlm_broadcast_name' ).value = "";
document.getElementById( 'vlm_vod_name' ).value = "";
function create_button( caption, action )
/* var link = document.createElement( "input" );
link.setAttribute( 'type', 'button' );*/
/* link.setAttribute( 'onclick', action ); */
/* Above doesn't work on ie. You need to use something like
* link.onclick = function() { alert( 'pouet' ); };
* instead ... conclusion: IE is crap */
/* link.setAttribute( 'value', caption );*/
var d = document.createElement( 'div' );
d.innerHTML = "<input type='button' onclick='"+action+"' value='"+caption+"' />"; /* other IE work around ... still crap. Use double quotes only in action */
var link = d.firstChild;
return link;
function create_option( caption, value )
var opt = document.createElement( 'option' );
opt.setAttribute( 'value', value );
opt.appendChild( document.createTextNode( caption ) );
return opt;
function parse_vlm_cmd()
if( req.readyState == 4 )
if( req.status == 200 )
var vlm_answer = req.responseXML.documentElement;
var error_tag = vlm_answer.getElementsByTagName( 'error' )[0];
var vlme = document.getElementById( 'vlm_error' );
clear_children( vlme );
if( error_tag.hasChildNodes() )
vlme.appendChild( document.createTextNode( 'Error: ' + error_tag.firstChild.data ) );
vlme.style.color = "#f00";
vlme.appendChild( document.createTextNode( 'Command succesful (' + value( 'vlm_command' ) + ') ' ) );
vlme.style.color = "#0f0";
vlme.appendChild( create_button( 'clear', 'clear_children( document.getElementById( "vlm_error" ) );' ) );
function parse_vlm_elements()
if( req.readyState == 4 )
if( req.status == 200 )
var vlmb = document.getElementById( 'vlm_broadcast_list' );
var vlmv = document.getElementById( 'vlm_vod_list' );
var vlms = document.getElementById( 'vlm_schedule_list' );
clear_children( vlmb );
clear_children( vlmv );
clear_children( vlms );
answer = req.responseXML.documentElement;
var elt = answer.firstChild;
while( elt )
if( elt.nodeName == "broadcast" || elt.nodeName == "vod" )
var nb = document.createElement( 'div' );
setclass( nb, 'list_element' );
if( elt.nodeName == "broadcast" )
vlmb.appendChild( nb );
vlmv.appendChild( nb );
var nbname = document.createElement( 'b' );
nbname.appendChild( document.createTextNode( elt.getAttribute( 'name' ) ) );
nb.appendChild( nbname );
if( elt.getAttribute( 'enabled' ) == 'yes' )
nb.appendChild( document.createTextNode( " enabled " ) );
nb.appendChild( create_button( "Disable", 'vlm_disable("'+elt.getAttribute( 'name' ) + '");' ) );
nb.appendChild( document.createTextNode( " disabled " ) );
nb.appendChild( create_button( "Enable", 'vlm_enable("'+elt.getAttribute( 'name' ) + '");' ) );
if( elt.nodeName == "broadcast" )
if( elt.getAttribute( 'loop' ) == 'yes' )
nb.appendChild( document.createTextNode( " loop " ) );
nb.appendChild( create_button( 'Un-loop', 'vlm_unloop("'+elt.getAttribute( 'name' ) + '");' ) );
nb.appendChild( document.createTextNode( " play once " ) );
nb.appendChild( create_button( 'Loop', 'vlm_loop("'+elt.getAttribute( 'name' ) + '");' ) );
if( elt.getAttribute( 'enabled' ) == 'yes' )
nb.appendChild( document.createTextNode( " " ) );
nb.appendChild( create_button( 'Play', 'vlm_play("'+elt.getAttribute('name')+'");' ) );
nb.appendChild( document.createTextNode( " " ) );
nb.appendChild( create_button( 'Pause', 'vlm_pause("'+elt.getAttribute('name')+'");' ) );
nb.appendChild( document.createTextNode( " " ) );
nb.appendChild( create_button( 'Stop', 'vlm_stop("'+elt.getAttribute('name')+'");' ) );
nb.appendChild( document.createTextNode( " " ) );
nb.appendChild( create_button( 'Delete', 'vlm_delete("'+elt.getAttribute( 'name' ) + '");' ) );
var list = document.createElement( "ul" );
/* begin input list */
var item = document.createElement( "li" );
list.appendChild( item );
item.appendChild( document.createTextNode( "Inputs: " ) );
var text = document.createElement( "input" );
text.setAttribute( 'type', 'text' );
text.setAttribute( 'size', '40' );
text.setAttribute( 'id', 'vlm_elt_'+elt.getAttribute('name')+'_input' );
text.setAttribute( 'onkeypress', 'if( event.keyCode == 13 ) vlm_add_input("'+elt.getAttribute('name')+'",document.getElementById("vlm_elt_'+elt.getAttribute('name')+'_input").value );' );
item.appendChild( text );
item.appendChild( document.createTextNode( ' ' ) );
item.appendChild( create_button( 'Edit', 'vlm_input_edit("vlm_elt_'+elt.getAttribute('name')+'_input");') );
item.appendChild( document.createTextNode( ' ' ) );
item.appendChild( create_button( 'Add input', 'vlm_add_input("'+elt.getAttribute('name')+'",document.getElementById("vlm_elt_'+elt.getAttribute('name')+'_input").value );' ) );
var inputs = elt.getElementsByTagName( 'input' );
if( inputs.length > 0 )
var ilist = document.createElement( "ol" );
ilist.setAttribute( 'start', '1' );
item.appendChild( ilist );
for( i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++ )
var item = document.createElement( "li" );
item.appendChild( document.createTextNode( inputs[i].firstChild.data + " " ) );
item.appendChild( create_button( "Delete", 'vlm_delete_input("' + elt.getAttribute( 'name' ) + '", '+(i+1)+' );' ) );
ilist.appendChild( item );
/* end of input list */
/* output */
var item = document.createElement( "li" );
outputelt = elt.getElementsByTagName( 'output' )[0];
if( outputelt.hasChildNodes() )
output = outputelt.firstChild.data;
output = "";
item.appendChild( document.createTextNode( 'Output: ' ) );
var text = document.createElement( "input" );
text.setAttribute( 'type', 'text' );
text.setAttribute( 'id', 'vlm_elt_'+elt.getAttribute('name')+'_output' );
text.setAttribute( 'value', output );
text.setAttribute( 'onkeypress', 'if( event.keyCode == 13 ) vlm_output("'+elt.getAttribute( 'name' )+ '",document.getElementById("vlm_elt_'+elt.getAttribute( 'name' )+'_output").value);' );
item.appendChild( text );
item.appendChild( document.createTextNode( ' ' ) );
item.appendChild( create_button( 'Edit', 'vlm_output_edit("vlm_elt_'+elt.getAttribute('name')+'_output");' ) );
item.appendChild( document.createTextNode( ' ' ) );
item.appendChild( create_button( 'Change output', 'vlm_output("'+elt.getAttribute( 'name' )+ '",document.getElementById("vlm_elt_'+elt.getAttribute( 'name' )+'_output").value);' ) );
list.appendChild( item );
/* end of output */
/* begin options list */
var item = document.createElement( "li" );
list.appendChild( item );
item.appendChild( document.createTextNode( "Options: " ) );
/* Add option */
var text = document.createElement( "input" );
text.setAttribute( 'type', 'text' );
text.setAttribute( 'size', '40' );
text.setAttribute( 'id', 'vlm_elt_'+elt.getAttribute('name')+'_option' );
text.setAttribute( 'onkeypress', 'if( event.keyCode == 13 ) vlm_option("'+elt.getAttribute('name')+'",document.getElementById("vlm_elt_'+elt.getAttribute('name')+'_option").value );' );
item.appendChild( text );
item.appendChild( document.createTextNode( ' ' ) );
item.appendChild( create_button( 'Add option', 'vlm_option("'+elt.getAttribute('name')+'",document.getElementById("vlm_elt_'+elt.getAttribute('name')+'_option").value );' ) );
var options = elt.getElementsByTagName( 'option' );
if( options.length > 0 )
var olist = document.createElement( "ul" );
item.appendChild( olist );
for( i = 0; i < options.length; i++ )
var item = document.createElement( "li" );
item.appendChild( document.createTextNode( options[i].firstChild.data ) );
olist.appendChild( item );
/* end of options */
/* Instances list */
var instances = elt.getElementsByTagName( 'instance' );
if( instances.length > 0 )
var item = document.createElement("li");
var ilist = document.createElement("ul");
list.appendChild( item );
item.appendChild( ilist );
for( i = 0; i < instances.length; i++ )
var iname = instances[i].getAttribute( 'name' );
var istate = instances[i].getAttribute( 'state' );
var iposition = Number( instances[i].getAttribute( 'position' ) * 100);
var itime = Math.floor( instances[i].getAttribute( 'time' ) / 1000000);
var ilength = Math.floor( instances[i].getAttribute( 'length' ) / 1000000);
var irate = instances[i].getAttribute( 'rate' );
var ititle = instances[i].getAttribute( 'title' );
var ichapter = instances[i].getAttribute( 'chapter' );
var iseekable = instances[i].getAttribute( 'seekable' );
var iplaylistindex = instances[i].getAttribute( 'playlistindex' );
var item = document.createElement( "li" );
item.appendChild( document.createTextNode( iname + ": " + istate + " (" + iplaylistindex + ") " + (iposition.toFixed(2)) + "%" + " " + format_time( itime ) + "/" + format_time( ilength ) ) );
ilist.appendChild( item );
/* end of instances list */
nb.appendChild( list );
else if( elt.nodeName == "schedule" )
var nb = document.createElement( 'div' );
setclass( nb, 'list_element' );
vlms.appendChild( nb );
var nbname = document.createElement( 'b' );
nbname.appendChild( document.createTextNode( elt.getAttribute( 'name' ) ) );
nb.appendChild( nbname );
if( elt.getAttribute( 'enabled' ) == 'yes' )
nb.appendChild( document.createTextNode( " enabled " ) );
nb.appendChild( create_button( "Disable", 'vlm_disable("'+elt.getAttribute( 'name' ) + '");' ) );
nb.appendChild( document.createTextNode( " disabled " ) );
nb.appendChild( create_button( "Enable", 'vlm_enable("'+elt.getAttribute( 'name' ) + '");' ) );
nb.appendChild( document.createTextNode( " " ) );
nb.appendChild( create_button( "Delete", 'vlm_delete("'+elt.getAttribute( 'name' ) + '");' ) );
var list = document.createElement( 'ul' );
var item = document.createElement( 'li' );
item.appendChild( document.createTextNode( "Date: " + elt.getAttribute( 'date' ) ) );
list.appendChild( item );
var item = document.createElement( 'li' );
item.appendChild( document.createTextNode( "Period (in seconds): " + elt.getAttribute( 'period' ) ) );
list.appendChild( item );
var item = document.createElement( 'li' );
if( elt.getAttribute( 'repeat' ) == -1 )
item.appendChild( document.createTextNode( "Number of repeats left: for ever" ) );
item.appendChild( document.createTextNode( "Number of repeats left: " + elt.getAttribute( 'repeat' ) ) );
list.appendChild( item );
var commands = elt.getElementsByTagName( 'command' );
for( i = 0; i < commands.length; i++ )
var item = document.createElement( "li" );
item.appendChild( document.createTextNode( "Command: " + commands[i].firstChild.data + " " ) );
list.appendChild( item );
var item = document.createElement( 'li' );
var sel = document.createElement( 'select' );
sel.setAttribute( 'id', 'vlm_elt_'+elt.getAttribute('name')+'_action' );
sel.setAttribute( 'onchange', 'vlm_schedule_type_change("'+elt.getAttribute('name')+'");');
sel.appendChild( create_option( 'play', 'play' ) );
sel.appendChild( create_option( 'pause', 'pause' ) );
sel.appendChild( create_option( 'stop', 'stop' ) );
sel.appendChild( create_option( 'seek', 'seek' ) );
sel.appendChild( create_option( '(other)', '' ) );
item.appendChild( sel );
item.appendChild( document.createTextNode( " " ) );
var text = document.createElement( 'input' );
text.setAttribute( 'type', 'text' );
text.setAttribute( 'id', 'vlm_elt_'+elt.getAttribute('name')+'_name' );
text.setAttribute( 'size', '10' );
text.setAttribute( 'value', '(name)' );
text.setAttribute( 'onfocus', 'if( this.value == "(name)" ) this.value = "";' );
text.setAttribute( 'onblur', 'if( this.value == "" ) this.value = "(name)";' );
item.appendChild( text );
item.appendChild( document.createTextNode( " " ) );
text = document.createElement( 'input' );
text.setAttribute( 'type', 'text' );
text.setAttribute( 'id', 'vlm_elt_'+elt.getAttribute('name')+'_opt' );
text.setAttribute( 'size', '30' );
text.setAttribute( 'value', '(options)' );
text.setAttribute( 'onfocus', 'if( this.value == "(options)" ) this.value = "";' );
text.setAttribute( 'onblur', 'if( this.value == "" ) this.value = "(options)";' );
item.appendChild( text );
item.appendChild( document.createTextNode( " " ) );
item.appendChild( create_button( "Append command", 'vlm_schedule_append("' + elt.getAttribute( 'name' ) + '");') );
list.appendChild( item );
nb.appendChild( list );
vlm_schedule_type_change( elt.getAttribute('name') );
elt = elt.nextSibling;
function vlm_cmd( cmd )
loadXMLDoc( 'requests/vlm_cmd.xml?command='+encodeURIComponent(cmd), parse_vlm_cmd );
function vlm_get_elements( )
loadXMLDoc( 'requests/vlm.xml', parse_vlm_elements );
/* helper functions */
function vlm_disable( name )
document.getElementById( 'vlm_command' ).value = "setup "+name+" disabled";
vlm_cmd( value( 'vlm_command' ) );
function vlm_enable( name )
document.getElementById( 'vlm_command' ).value = "setup "+name+" enabled";
vlm_cmd( value( 'vlm_command' ) );
function vlm_loop( name )
document.getElementById( 'vlm_command' ).value = "setup "+name+" loop";
vlm_cmd( value( 'vlm_command' ) );
function vlm_unloop( name )
document.getElementById( 'vlm_command' ).value = "setup "+name+" unloop";
vlm_cmd( value( 'vlm_command' ) );
function vlm_play( name )
document.getElementById( 'vlm_command' ).value = "control "+name+" play";
vlm_cmd( value( 'vlm_command' ) );
function vlm_pause( name )
document.getElementById( 'vlm_command' ).value = "control "+name+" pause";
vlm_cmd( value( 'vlm_command' ) );
function vlm_stop( name )
document.getElementById( 'vlm_command' ).value = "control "+name+" stop";
vlm_cmd( value( 'vlm_command' ) );
function vlm_delete( name )
document.getElementById( 'vlm_command' ).value = "del "+name;
vlm_cmd( value( 'vlm_command' ) );
function vlm_delete_input( name, num )
document.getElementById( 'vlm_command' ).value = "setup "+name+" inputdeln "+num;
vlm_cmd( value( 'vlm_command' ) );
function vlm_add_input( name, input )
document.getElementById( 'vlm_command' ).value = "setup "+name+" input "+sanitize_input( input );
vlm_cmd( value( 'vlm_command' ) );
function vlm_output( name, output )
document.getElementById( 'vlm_command' ).value = "setup "+name+" output "+output;
vlm_cmd( value( 'vlm_command' ) );
function vlm_option( name, option )
document.getElementById( 'vlm_command' ).value = "setup "+name+" option "+option;
vlm_cmd( value( 'vlm_command' ) );
function vlm_batch( batch )
var i;
var commands = batch.split( '\n' );
for( i = 0; i < commands.length; i++ )
document.getElementById( 'vlm_command' ).value = commands[i];
vlm_cmd( value( 'vlm_command' ) );
function vlm_schedule_append( name )
var act = document.getElementById( 'vlm_elt_' + name + '_action' ).value;
document.getElementById( 'vlm_command' ).value = "setup " + name + " append ";
var itemname = document.getElementById( 'vlm_elt_' + name + '_name' ).value;
if( itemname == "(name)" ) itemname = "";
var opt = document.getElementById( 'vlm_elt_' + name + '_opt' ).value;
if( opt == "(options)" ) opt = "";
if( act == '' )
document.getElementById( 'vlm_command' ).value += opt;
document.getElementById( 'vlm_command' ).value += 'control ' + itemname + " " + act + " " + opt;
vlm_cmd( value( 'vlm_command' ) );
function vlm_send( )
vlm_cmd( value( 'vlm_command' ) );