PC World 2008 September
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334 lines
* mosaic.js: VLC media player web interface - Mosaic specific functions
* Copyright (C) 2005-2006 the VideoLAN team
* $Id: mosaic.js 14973 2006-03-29 23:59:40Z dionoea $
* Authors: Antoine Cellerier <dionoea -at- videolan -dot- org>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA.
var mosaic_alpha = 255;
var mosaic_height = 0;
var mosaic_width = 0;
var mosaic_align = 5;
var mosaic_xoffset = 0;
var mosaic_yoffset = 0;
var mosaic_vborder = 0;
var mosaic_hborder = 0;
var mosaic_position = 1;
var mosaic_rows = 0;
var mosaic_cols = 0;
var mosaic_delay = 0;
var cell_width = 0;
var cell_height = 0;
var streams = Object();
var cells = Object();
function mosaic_init()
document.getElementById( 'sout_transcode_extra' ).value = ",sfilter=mosaic}:bridge-in{offset=100";
/* Force usage of transcode in sout */
document.getElementById( 'sout_vcodec_s' ).checked = 'checked';
disable( 'sout_vcodec_s' );
function mosaic_size_change()
var x,y;
var bg_width = check_and_replace_int( "bg_width", "400" );
var bg_height = check_and_replace_int( "bg_height", "300" );
mosaic_height = check_and_replace_int( "mosaic_height", "100" );
mosaic_width = check_and_replace_int( "mosaic_width", "100" );
mosaic_xoffset = check_and_replace_int( "mosaic_xoffset", "10" );
mosaic_yoffset = check_and_replace_int( "mosaic_yoffset", "10" );
mosaic_vborder = check_and_replace_int( "mosaic_vborder", "5" );
mosaic_hborder = check_and_replace_int( "mosaic_hborder", "10" );
mosaic_rows = check_and_replace_int( "mosaic_rows", "1" );
mosaic_cols = check_and_replace_int( "mosaic_cols", "1" );
cell_width = Math.floor((mosaic_width-(mosaic_cols-1)*mosaic_hborder)/mosaic_cols);
cell_height = Math.floor((mosaic_height-(mosaic_rows-1)*mosaic_vborder)/mosaic_rows);
var mlayout = document.getElementById( "mosaic_layout" );
while( mlayout.hasChildNodes() )
mlayout.removeChild( mlayout.firstChild );
mlayout.style.width = bg_width + "px";
mlayout.style.height = bg_height + "px";
if( mosaic_cols && mosaic_rows )
var mdt = document.createElement( 'div' );
mdt.setAttribute( 'id', 'mosaic_dt' );
setclass( mdt, 'mosaic_tbl' );
mdt.style.width = mosaic_width + "px";
mdt.style.height = mosaic_height + "px";
mdt.style.top = mosaic_yoffset + "px";
mdt.style.left = mosaic_xoffset + "px";
var mtable = document.createElement( 'table' );
mtable.setAttribute( 'id', 'mosaic_table' );
mtable.style.top = "-" + mosaic_vborder + "px";
mtable.style.left = "-" + mosaic_hborder + "px";
mtable.style.width = (1*mosaic_width +2*mosaic_hborder) + "px";
mtable.style.height = (1*mosaic_height+2*mosaic_vborder) + "px";
mtable.style.borderSpacing = mosaic_hborder + "px " +
mosaic_vborder + "px";
var mtbody = document.createElement( 'tbody' );
for( y = 0; y < mosaic_rows; y++ )
var mrow = document.createElement( 'tr' );
for( x = 0; x < mosaic_cols; x++ )
var mcell = document.createElement( 'td' );
setclass( mcell, 'mosaic_itm' );
mcell.style.width = cell_width + "px";
mcell.style.height = cell_height + "px";
var id = x+'_'+y;
var melt = create_button( cells[id] ? cells[id] : '?', 'mosaic_elt_choose(\"'+id+'\");' );
melt.setAttribute( 'id', id );
melt.setAttribute( 'title', 'Click to choose stream' );
mcell.appendChild( melt );
mrow.appendChild( mcell );
mtbody.appendChild( mrow );
mtable.appendChild( mtbody );
mdt.appendChild( mtable );
mlayout.appendChild( mdt );
function mosaic_add_input()
streams[ addunderscores( value('mosaic_input_name') ) ] =
mosaic_feedback( addunderscores( value('mosaic_input_name') ) + " ( " + value('mosaic_input') + " ) added to input list.", true );
var mlist = document.getElementById( "mosaic_list_content" );
while( mlist.hasChildNodes() )
mlist.removeChild( mlist.firstChild );
for( var name in streams )
var mrl = streams[name];
var minput = document.createElement( 'a' );
minput.setAttribute( 'href', 'javascript:mosaic_elt_select(\''+name+'\');');
minput.setAttribute( 'id', name );
minput.setAttribute( 'value', mrl );
var minputtxt = document.createTextNode( name );
minput.appendChild( minputtxt );
mlist.appendChild( minput );
mlist.appendChild( document.createTextNode( " ( "+mrl+" )" ) );
mlist.appendChild( document.createElement( 'br' ) );
function mosaic_elt_select( id )
hide( 'mosaic_list' );
var ml = document.getElementById( 'mosaic_list' ).value;
if( ml )
document.getElementById( ml ).value = id;
cells[ ml ] = id;
function mosaic_elt_choose( id )
document.getElementById( 'mosaic_list' ).value = id;
show( 'mosaic_list' );
function mosaic_code_update()
var code = document.getElementById( 'mosaic_code' );
code.value =
"## HTTP interface mosaic wizard ##\n"+
"# Comment the following line if you don't want to reset your VLM configuration\n"+
"del all\n"+
"# Background options\n"+
"new bg broadcast enabled\n"+
"setup bg input " + sanitize_input( value( 'mosaic_bg_input' ) ) + "\n";
if( value( 'mosaic_output' ) )
code.value +=
"setup bg output " + value( 'mosaic_output' )+ "\n";
var o = /.*transcode.*/;
if(! o.test( value( 'mosaic_output' ) ) )
code.value +=
"setup bg option sub-filter=mosaic\n"+
"setup bg output #bridge-in{offset=100}:display\n";
"# Mosaic options\n"+
"setup bg option mosaic-alpha=" + mosaic_alpha + "\n"+
"setup bg option mosaic-height=" + mosaic_height + "\n"+
"setup bg option mosaic-width=" + mosaic_width + "\n"+
"setup bg option mosaic-align=" + mosaic_align + "\n"+
"setup bg option mosaic-xoffset=" + mosaic_xoffset + "\n"+
"setup bg option mosaic-yoffset=" + mosaic_yoffset + "\n"+
"setup bg option mosaic-vborder=" + mosaic_vborder + "\n"+
"setup bg option mosaic-hborder=" + mosaic_hborder + "\n"+
"setup bg option mosaic-position=" + mosaic_position + "\n"+
"setup bg option mosaic-rows=" + mosaic_rows + "\n"+
"setup bg option mosaic-cols=" + mosaic_cols + "\n"+
"setup bg option mosaic-order=";
for( y = 0; y < mosaic_rows; y++ )
for( x = 0; x < mosaic_cols; x++ )
var id = x+'_'+y;
if( cells[id] )
code.value += cells[id];
code.value += '_';
if( y != mosaic_rows - 1 || x != mosaic_cols - 1 )
code.value += ',';
code.value += "\n"+
"setup bg option mosaic-delay=" + mosaic_delay + "\n"+
"setup bg option mosaic-keep-picture\n"+
"# Input options\n";
var x, y;
for( y = 0; y < mosaic_rows; y++ )
for( x = 0; x < mosaic_cols; x++ )
var id = x+'_'+y;
if( cells[id] )
var s = cells[id];
code.value +=
"new " + s + " broadcast enabled\n"+
"setup " + s + " input " + sanitize_input( streams[s] ) + "\n"+
"setup " + s + " output #duplicate{dst=mosaic-bridge{id=" + s + ",width="+cell_width+",height="+cell_height+"},select=video,dst=bridge-out{id="+(y*mosaic_cols+x)+"},select=audio}\n"+
code.value +=
"# Launch everything\n"+
"control bg play\n";
for( y = 0; y < mosaic_rows; y++ )
for( x = 0; x < mosaic_cols; x++ )
var id = x+'_'+y;
if( cells[id] )
var s = cells[id];
code.value +=
"control " + s + " play\n";
code.value +=
"# end of mosaic batch\n";
function mosaic_batch( batch )
var i;
var commands = batch.split( '\n' );
for( i = 0; i < commands.length; i++ )
mosaic_cmd( commands[i] );
function mosaic_cmd( cmd )
loadXMLDoc( 'requests/vlm_cmd.xml?command='+cmd.replace(/\#/g, '%23'), parse_mosaic_cmd );
function parse_mosaic_cmd()
/* TODO */
function mosaic_stop()
var cmd;
cmd = "control bg stop\n";
var x,y;
for( y = 0; y < mosaic_rows; y++ )
for( x = 0; x < mosaic_cols; x++ )
var id = x+'_'+y;
if( cells[id] )
var s = cells[id];
cmd += "control " + s + " stop\n";
mosaic_batch( cmd );
function mosaic_feedback( msg, ok )
var f = document.getElementById( "mosaic_feedback" );
while( f.hasChildNodes() )
f.removeChild( f.firstChild );
f.style.fontWeight = "bold";
if( ok )
f.style.color = "#0f0";
f.style.color = "#f00";
var t = document.createTextNode( ( ok ? "Info: " : "Error: " ) + msg );
f.appendChild( t );