16109 Do you really want to delete the toolbar '%s'?
16110 All Commands
16111 All your changes will be lost! Do you really want to reset the toolbar '%s'?
16112 All your changes will be lost! Do you really want to reset all toolbars and menus?
16113 All your changes will be lost! Do you really want to reset the menu '%s'?
16114 Default
16115 All your changes will be lost! Do you really want to reset the keyboard assignments?
16243 You can't create more than %d user-defined toolbars!
16244 This will delete the record of commands you've used in this application and restore the default set of visible commands to the menus and toolbars. It will not undo any explicit customizations. Are you sure you want to do this?
16901 Fill Tool\nFill
16902 Pencil Tool\nPencil
16903 Select Color Tool\nSelect Color
16904 Line Tool\nLine
16905 Rectangle Tool\nRectangle
16906 Ellipse Tools\nEllipse
16907 Copy Tool\nCopy
16908 Paste Tool\nPaste
16909 Clear Tool\nClear
17012 The dynamic link library "%s" could not be found.
17013 "%s" was loaded, but the entry "%s" was not found.
17014 Tasks Pane
17016 Back
17017 Forward
17018 Home
17019 Close
17020 Other Task Panes
57344 Hard Drive Inspector Professional
57345 Ready
57600 Create a new document\n&New
57601 Open an existing document\n&Open
57602 Close the active document\nClose
57603 Save the active document\n&Save
57604 Save the active document with a new name\nSave &As
57616 Open this document
57617 Open this document
57618 Open this document
57619 Open this document
57620 Open this document
57621 Open this document
57622 Open this document
57623 Open this document
57624 Open this document
57625 Open this document
57626 Open this document
57627 Open this document
57628 Open this document
57629 Open this document
57630 Open this document
57631 Open this document
57632 Erase the selection\nErase
57633 Erase all\nErase All
57634 Copy the selection and put it to the Clipboard\n&Copy
57635 Cut the selection and put it to the Clipboard\nCu&t
57636 Find the specified text\nFind
57637 Insert Clipboard contents\n&Paste
57640 Repeat the last action\nRepeat
57641 Replace specific text with different text\nReplace
57642 Select the entire document\nSelect All
57643 Undo the last action\n&Undo
57644 Redo the previously undone action\nRedo
57653 Split the active window into panes\nSplit
57680 Switch to the next window pane\nNext Pane
57681 Switch back to the previous window pane\nPrevious Pane