PC World 2008 March
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127 lines
// A ".DF" file is a Definition file you can use with any media
// Zoom Player tries to open (except play lists).
// It can be used to associate certain zoom player values to a
// specific file as it loads. The file must have the exact same
// name as the file it is associated to, but with the ".DF"
// Extension and be located in the same directory as the media file.
// The following functions can be used:
// RunProgram(CommandLine)
// - You can use this function to run an external program.
// The "CommandLine" contains the name of the executable and
// the parameters that should be passed to it (see example below).
// Note: It's best to use this function as the first in the file.
// Delay(Seconds)
// - Pauses processing for a specified number of seconds. Can be
// useful in combination with "RunProgram" if you want to give
// the running program time to process something.
// BringToFront
// - Brings the Zoom Player window to the front (in case some other
// application executed using "RunProgram" stole focus).
// AddSegment(FileName,Recursive)
// - Using this function you can associate additional media files
// with the currently loaded media files by adding them to the
// Play List. Zoom Player will scan the current directory and
// all root directories for the specified segments.
// SetMPEG1Audio(Channel)
// - This function specifies the MPEG1 Audio Channel mapping (used
// mostly in VCD audio). Values are "0" for stereo, "1" for left
// and "2" for right.
// SetBlanking(Top,Bottom,Left,Right)
// - This function sets the video-blanking positions.
// SetCustomAR(WidthRatio,HeightRatio)
// - This function sets the Custom Aspect Ratio values, useful
// when used in combination of "SetAspectRatio" and the Custom
// Aspect Ratio mode.
// SetPlacement(XOffset,YOffset,Width,Height)
// - This function sets the position of the video in zoomed mode.
// SetAspectRatio(ARMode)
// - Set a specific aspect ratio mode. The ARMode value is a
// number representing the Aspect Ratio mode. A value of
// "0" means "Fit to Window" (the first listed aspect ratio)
// The numbers go up for every mode.
// SetOverlayColorControls(Brightness,Contrast,Gamma,Hue,Saturation)
// - Set the Overlay Color settings.
// SetVMR9ColorControls(Brightness,Contrast,Gamma,Hue,Saturation)
// - Set the Video Mixing Renderer 9 Color settings.
// SetVolume(VolumeLevel)
// - Set the Audio Volume (0-100)
// SetBalance(Value)
// - Set the Balance Value (0-6, Where 6 = Full Left, 3 = Center and 0 = Full Right)
// SetAudioSync(Value)
// - Set the Audio Delay in ms, for example a value of 1000 will delay 1 second.
// Negative values are also acceptable.
// SetEQ(Bar0,Bar1,Bar2,Bar3,Bar4,Bar5,Bar6,Bar7,Bar8,Bar9)
// - Set EQ Values for each of the Bars (Values = -100 - 100)
// SetPreAmp(VolumeBoost)
// - Set the Pre-Amplification Audio Boost (0-200, 100 = Normal Audio)
// SetRegistry(BaseKey,RegPath,KeyType,SubKey,Value)
// - Set a registry value. Can be useful for setting certain
// codec values (like say brightness for the DivX codec)
// right before the video loads.
// "BaseKey" Can have 5 values:
// "RegPath" is a path, such as "Software\VirtuaMedia\ZoomPlayer"
// "KeyType" is the type of key, values can be:
// S = String
// D = DWord
// "SubKey" is the name of a key within the path
// "Value" is the data inserted into the key, the data must match
// the type specified in the "KeyType" value.
// For example...
// * Run some program with a 3 second delay.
// RunProgram("C:\Program Files\My Program\Program.exe" -D -V -I)
// Delay(3)
// * Blank 60 pixels off the top and bottom and 5 pixels off the left and right
// sides of the video
// SetBlanking(60,60,5,5)
// * Set CustomAR values to 1:2.35
// SetCustomAR(2.35,1)
// * Position the video with a 5 pixel offset from all corners of a 640x480 mode
// SetPlacement(5,5,640,470)
// * Set the Aspect ratio to "Source Aspect Ratio"
// SetAspectRatio(1)
// * Set the DivX 3.11 brightness level to "62".
// SetRegistry(U,Software\Microsoft\Scrunch\Video,D,Brightness,62)
// * Add 2 Segments to a currently loaded file
// AddSegment(myvideo2.avi)
// AddSegment(myvideo3.avi)