PC World 2008 February
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// This file is part of the Songbird web player.
// Copyright(c) 2005-2008 POTI, Inc.
// http://songbirdnest.com
// This file may be licensed under the terms of of the
// GNU General Public License Version 2 (the "GPL").
// Software distributed under the License is distributed
// on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either
// express or implied. See the GPL for the specific language
// governing rights and limitations.
// You should have received a copy of the GPL along with this
// program. If not, go to http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
// or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
// 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* \file sbFeathersManager.js
* \brief Coordinates the loading of feathers (combination of skin and XUL window layout)
// TODO:
// * add onSwitchCompleted, change onSwitchRequested to allow feedback
// * Explore skin/layout versioning issues?
const CONTRACTID = "@songbirdnest.com/songbird/feathersmanager;1";
const CLASSNAME = "Songbird Feathers Manager Service Interface";
const CID = Components.ID("{99f24350-a67f-11db-befa-0800200c9a66}");
const IID = Components.interfaces.sbIFeathersManager;
const RDFURI_ADDON_ROOT = "urn:songbird:addon:root"
const PREFIX_NS_SONGBIRD = "http://www.songbirdnest.com/2007/addon-metadata-rdf#";
// Fallback layouts/skin, used by previousSkinName and previousLayoutURL
// Changes to the shipped feathers must be reflected here
// and in test_feathersManager.js
const DEFAULT_MAIN_LAYOUT_URL = "chrome://songbird/content/feathers/basic-layouts/xul/mainplayer.xul";
const DEFAULT_SECONDARY_LAYOUT_URL = "chrome://songbird/content/feathers/basic-layouts/xul/miniplayer.xul";
const DEFAULT_SKIN_NAME = "rubberducky/0.2";
const WINDOWTYPE_SONGBIRD_CORE = "Songbird:Core";
* /class ArrayEnumerator
* /brief Converts a js array into an nsISimpleEnumerator
function ArrayEnumerator(array)
this.data = array;
ArrayEnumerator.prototype = {
index: 0,
getNext: function() {
return this.data[this.index++];
hasMoreElements: function() {
if (this.index < this.data.length)
return true;
return false;
QueryInterface: function(iid)
if (!iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISimpleEnumerator) &&
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
return this;
* Debug helper that serializes an RDF datasource to the console
function dumpDS(prefix, ds) {
var outputStream = {
data: "",
close : function(){},
flush : function(){},
write : function (buffer,count){
this.data += buffer;
return count;
writeFrom : function (stream,count){},
isNonBlocking: false
var serializer = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/rdf/xml-serializer;1"]
outputStream.data.split('\n').forEach( function(line) {
dump(prefix + line + "\n");
* sbISkinDescription
function SkinDescription() {};
SkinDescription.prototype = {
// TODO Expand?
requiredProperties: [ "name", "internalName" ],
optionalProperties: [ ],
QueryInterface: function(iid) {
if (!iid.equals(Components.interfaces.sbISkinDescription))
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
return this;
* sbILayoutDescription
function LayoutDescription() {};
LayoutDescription.prototype = {
// TODO Expand?
requiredProperties: [ "name", "url" ],
optionalProperties: [ ],
QueryInterface: function(iid) {
if (!iid.equals(Components.interfaces.sbILayoutDescription))
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
return this;
* Static function that verifies the contents of the given description
* Example:
* try {
* LayoutDescription.verify(layout);
* } catch (e) {
* reportError(e);
* }
LayoutDescription.verify = SkinDescription.verify = function( description )
for (var i = 0; i < this.prototype.requiredProperties.length; i++) {
var property = this.prototype.requiredProperties[i];
if (! (typeof(description[property]) == 'string'
&& description[property].length > 0))
throw("Invalid description. '" + property + "' is a required property.");
* /class AddonMetadataReader
* Responsible for reading addon metadata and performing
* registration with FeathersManager
function AddonMetadataReader() {
//debug("AddonMetadataReader: ctor\n");
this._RDF = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/rdf/rdf-service;1"]
this._datasource = this._RDF.GetDataSourceBlocking("rdf:addon-metadata");
this._feathersManager = Components.classes[CONTRACTID].getService(IID);
this._resources = {
root: this._RDF.GetResource(RDFURI_ADDON_ROOT),
// Helper to convert a string array into
// RDF resources in this object
addSongbirdResources: function(list){
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
this[list[i]] = this._RDF.GetResource(PREFIX_NS_SONGBIRD + list[i]);
_RDF: this._RDF
// Make RDF resources for all properties expected
// in the feathers portion of an install.rdf
[ "compatibleSkin",
"onTop" ] );
AddonMetadataReader.prototype = {
_RDF: null,
_feathersManager: null,
// Addon metadata rdf datasource
_datasource: null,
// Hash of addon metadata RDF resources
_resources: null,
* Populate FeathersManager using addon metadata
loadFeathers: function loadFeathers() {
//debug("AddonMetadataReader: loadFeathers\n");
// Get addon list
var containerUtils = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/rdf/container-utils;1"]
var container = containerUtils.MakeSeq(this._datasource, this._resources.root);
var addons = container.GetElements();
// Search all addons for feathers metadata
while (addons.hasMoreElements()) {
var addon = addons.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource);
//debug("AddonMetadataReader.loadFeathers: - processing " + addon.Value + "\n");
try {
if (this._datasource.hasArcOut(addon, this._resources.feathers)) {
var feathersTarget = this._datasource.GetTarget(addon, this._resources.feathers, true)
// Process all skin metadata
var items = this._datasource.GetTargets(feathersTarget, this._resources.skin, true)
while (items.hasMoreElements()) {
var item = items.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource);
this._processSkin(addon, item);
// Process all layout metadata
var items = this._datasource.GetTargets(feathersTarget, this._resources.layout, true)
while (items.hasMoreElements()) {
var item = items.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource);
this._processLayout(addon, item);
} catch (e) {
this._reportErrors("", [ "An error occurred while processing " +
"extension " + addon.Value + ". Exception: " + e ]);
* Extract skin metadata
_processSkin: function _processSkin(addon, skin) {
var description = new SkinDescription();
// Array of error messages
var errorList = [];
// Fill the description object
this._populateDescription(skin, description, errorList);
try {
} catch (e) {
// If errors were encountered, then do not submit
// to the Feathers Manager
if (errorList.length > 0) {
"Ignoring skin addon in the install.rdf of extension " +
addon.Value + ". Message: ", errorList);
// Submit description
//debug("AddonMetadataReader: registered skin " + description.internalName
// + " from addon " + addon.Value + " \n");
// Get compatibility information
var identifiers, showChromeInstructions, onTopInstructions;
[identifiers, showChromeInstructions, onTopInstructions] =
this._getCompatibility(addon, skin, "compatibleLayout", "layoutURL", errorList);
// Report errors
if (errorList.length > 0) {
"Error finding compatibility information for skin " +
description.name + " in the install.rdf " +
"of extension " + addon.Value + ". Message: ", errorList);
// Assert compatibility
for (var i = 0; i < identifiers.length; i++) {
* Extract layout metadata
_processLayout: function _processLayout(addon, layout) {
var description = new LayoutDescription();
// Array of error messages
var errorList = [];
// Fill the description object
this._populateDescription(layout, description, errorList);
try {
} catch (e) {
// If errors were encountered, then do not submit
// to the Feathers Manager
if (errorList.length > 0) {
"Ignoring layout addon in the install.rdf of extension " +
addon.Value + ". Message: ", errorList);
// Submit description
//debug("AddonMetadataReader: registered layout " + description.name +
// " from addon " + addon.Value + "\n");
// Get compatibility information
var identifiers, showChromeInstructions, onTopInstructions;
[identifiers, showChromeInstructions, onTopInstructions] =
this._getCompatibility(addon, layout, "compatibleSkin", "internalName", errorList);
// Report errors
if (errorList.length > 0) {
"Error finding compatibility information for layout " +
description.name + " in the install.rdf " +
"of extension " + addon.Value + ". Message: ", errorList);
// Assert compatibility
for (var i = 0; i < identifiers.length; i++) {
* \brief Populate a description object by looking up requiredProperties and
* optionalProperties in a the given rdf source.
* \param source RDF resource from which to obtain property values
* \param description Object with requiredProperties and optionalProperties arrays
* \param errorList An array to which error messages should be added
_populateDescription: function _populateDescription(source, description, errorList) {
for (var i = 0; i < description.requiredProperties.length; i++) {
this._requireProperty(source, description,
description.requiredProperties[i], errorList);
for (var i = 0; i < description.optionalProperties.length; i++) {
this._copyProperty(source, description,
description.optionalProperties[i], errorList);
* \brief Attempts to copy a property from an RDFResource into a
* container object and reports an error on failure.
* \param source RDF resource from which to obtain the value
* \param description Container object to receive the value
* \param property String property to be copied
* \param errorList An array to which error messages should be added
_requireProperty: function _requireProperty(source, description, property, errorList) {
this._copyProperty(source, description, property);
if (description[property] == undefined)
property + " is a required property."
* \brief Copies a property from an RDFResource into a container object.
* \param source RDF resource from which to obtain the value
* \param description Container object to receive the value
* \param property String property to be copied
_copyProperty: function _copyProperty(source, description, property) {
description[property] = this._getProperty(source, property);
* \brief Copies a property from an RDFResource into a container object.
* \param source RDF resource from which to obtain the value
* \param description Container object to receive the value
* \param property String property to be copied
_getProperty: function _getProperty(source, property) {
//debug("AddonMetadataReader._getProperty " + source.Value + " " + property + "\n");
var target = this._datasource.GetTarget(source, this._resources[property], true);
if ( target instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIRDFInt
|| target instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIRDFLiteral
|| target instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource )
return target.Value;
return undefined;
* \brief Extracts compatibility information for a feathers item into
* an array of identifiers and matching array of booleans
* indicating whether chrome should be shown
* \param addon RDF resource from the addon description
* \param source RDF resource for the feathers item
* \param resourceName Container object to receive the value
* \param idProperty String property to be copied
* \param errorList An array to which error messages should be added
* \return [array of identifiers, array of showChrome bools]
_getCompatibility: function _getCompatibility(addon, source, resourceName, idProperty, errorList) {
// List of internalName or layoutURL identifiers
var identifiers = [];
// Matching list of showChrome hints
var showChromeInstructions = [];
// Matching list of onTop hints
var onTopInstructions = [];
// Look at all compatibility rules of type resourceName
var targets = this._datasource.GetTargets(source, this._resources[resourceName], true);
while (targets.hasMoreElements()) {
var target = targets.getNext();
// Target must be a resource / contain a description
if (! (target instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource)) {
errorList.push("The install.rdf for " + addon.Value
+ " is providing an incomplete " + resourceName
+ " section.");
// Skip this section
target = target.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource);
// Get the identifier for the compatible feather item
var id = this._getProperty(target, idProperty);
// Must provide an identifier
if (id == undefined) {
errorList.push("Extension " + addon.Value
+ " must provide " + idProperty
+ " in " + resourceName + " descriptions");
// Skip this rule since it is incomplete
// Should chrome be shown with this id?
var showChrome = this._getProperty(target, "showChrome") == "true";
// Should popup=yes be used with this id?
var onTop = this._getProperty(target, "onTop") == "true";
// Store compatibility rule
//debug("AddonMetadataReader: found " + identifiers.length + " "
// + resourceName + " rule(s) for addon "
// + addon.Value + "\n");
return [identifiers, showChromeInstructions, onTopInstructions];
* \brief Dump a list of errors to the console and jsconsole
* \param contextMessage Additional prefix to use before every line
* \param errorList Array of error messages
_reportErrors: function _reportErrors(contextMessage, errorList) {
var consoleService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/consoleservice;1"].
for (var i = 0; i < errorList.length; i++) {
consoleService.logStringMessage("Feathers Metadata Reader: "
+ contextMessage + errorList[i]);
dump("FeathersMetadataReader: " + contextMessage + errorList[i] + "\n");
* /class FeathersManager
* /brief Coordinates the loading of feathers
* Acts as a registry for skins and layout (known as feathers)
* and manages compatibility and selection.
* \sa sbIFeathersManager
function FeathersManager() {
var os = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/observer-service;1"]
// We need to unhook things on shutdown
os.addObserver(this, "quit-application", false);
this._skins = {};
this._layouts = {};
this._mappings = {};
this._listeners = [];
FeathersManager.prototype = {
constructor: FeathersManager,
_layoutDataRemote: null,
_skinDataRemote: null,
_previousLayoutDataRemote: null,
_previousSkinDataRemote: null,
_showChromeDataRemote: null,
_switching: false,
// Hash of skin descriptions keyed by internalName (e.g. classic/1.0)
_skins: null,
// Hash of layout descriptions keyed by URL
_layouts: null,
// Hash of layout URL to hash of compatible skin internalNames, pointing to
// {showChrome,onTop} objects.
// eg
// {
// mainwin.xul: {
// blueskin: {showChrome:true, onTop:false},
// redskin: {showChrome:false, onTop:true},
// }
// }
// Compatibility is determined by whether or not a internalName
// key is *defined* in the hash, not the actual value it points to.
_mappings: null,
// Array of sbIFeathersChangeListeners
_listeners: null,
_layoutCount: 0,
_skinCount: 0,
_initialized: false,
* Initializes dataremotes and triggers the AddonMetadataReader
* to explore installed extensions and register any feathers.
* Note that this function is not run until a get method is called
* on the feathers manager. This is to defer loading the metadata
* as long as possible and avoid impacting startup time.
_init: function init() {
// If already initialized do nothing
if (this._initialized) {
// Make dataremotes to persist feathers settings
var createDataRemote = new Components.Constructor(
Components.interfaces.sbIDataRemote, "init");
this._layoutDataRemote = createDataRemote("feathers.selectedLayout", null);
this._skinDataRemote = createDataRemote("selectedSkin", "general.skins.");
this._previousLayoutDataRemote = createDataRemote("feathers.previousLayout", null);
this._previousSkinDataRemote = createDataRemote("feathers.previousSkin", null);
// TODO: Rename accessibility.enabled?
this._showChromeDataRemote = createDataRemote("accessibility.enabled", null);
// Load the feathers metadata
var metadataReader = new AddonMetadataReader();
// If no layout url has been specified, set to default
if (this._layoutDataRemote.stringValue == "") {
this._layoutDataRemote.stringValue = DEFAULT_MAIN_LAYOUT_URL;
this._initialized = true;
* Called on xpcom-shutdown
_deinit: function deinit() {
this._skins = null;
this._layouts = null;
this._mappings = null;
this._listeners = null;
this._layoutDataRemote = null;
this._skinDataRemote = null;
this._previousLayoutDataRemote = null;
this._previousSkinDataRemote = null;
this._showChromeDataRemote = null;
* \sa sbIFeathersManager
get currentSkinName() {
return this._skinDataRemote.stringValue;
* \sa sbIFeathersManager
get currentLayoutURL() {
return this._layoutDataRemote.stringValue;
* \sa sbIFeathersManager
get previousSkinName() {
// Test to make sure the previous skin exists
var skin = this.getSkinDescription(this._previousSkinDataRemote.stringValue);
// If the skin exists, then return the skin name
if (skin) {
return skin.internalName;
// Otherwise, return the default skin
* \sa sbIFeathersManager
get previousLayoutURL() {
// Test to make sure the previous layout exists
var layout = this.getLayoutDescription(this._previousLayoutDataRemote.stringValue);
// If the layout exists, then return the url/identifier
if (layout) {
return layout.url;
// Otherwise, return the default
// Use the main default unless it is currently
// active. This way if the user reverts for the
// first time they will end up in the miniplayer.
if (this.currentLayoutURL == layoutURL) {
return layoutURL;
* \sa sbIFeathersManager
get skinCount() {
return this._skinCount;
* \sa sbIFeathersManager
get layoutCount() {
return this._layoutCount;
* \sa sbIFeathersManager
getSkinDescriptions: function getSkinDescriptions() {
// Copy all the descriptions into an array, and then return an enumerator
return new ArrayEnumerator( [this._skins[key] for (key in this._skins)] );
* \sa sbIFeathersManager
getLayoutDescriptions: function getLayoutDescriptions() {
// Copy all the descriptions into an array, and then return an enumerator
return new ArrayEnumerator( [this._layouts[key] for (key in this._layouts)] );
* \sa sbIFeathersManager
registerSkin: function registerSkin(skinDesc) {
if (this._skins[skinDesc.internalName] == null) {
this._skins[skinDesc.internalName] = skinDesc;
// Notify observers
* \sa sbIFeathersManager
unregisterSkin: function unregisterSkin(skinDesc) {
if (this._skins[skinDesc.internalName]) {
delete this._skins[skinDesc.internalName];
// Notify observers
* \sa sbIFeathersManager
getSkinDescription: function getSkinDescription(internalName) {
return this._skins[internalName];
* \sa sbIFeathersManager
registerLayout: function registerLayout(layoutDesc) {
if (this._layouts[layoutDesc.url] == null) {
this._layouts[layoutDesc.url] = layoutDesc;
// Notify observers
* \sa sbIFeathersManager
unregisterLayout: function unregisterLayout(layoutDesc) {
if (this._layouts[layoutDesc.url]) {
delete this._layouts[layoutDesc.url];
// Notify observers
* \sa sbIFeathersManager
getLayoutDescription: function getLayoutDescription(url) {
return this._layouts[url];
* \sa sbIFeathersManager
function assertCompatibility(layoutURL, internalName, aShowChrome, aOnTop) {
if (! (typeof(layoutURL) == "string" && typeof(internalName) == 'string')) {
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG;
if (this._mappings[layoutURL] == null) {
this._mappings[layoutURL] = {};
this._mappings[layoutURL][internalName] = {showChrome: aShowChrome, onTop: aOnTop};
// Notify observers
* \sa sbIFeathersManager
unassertCompatibility: function unassertCompatibility(layoutURL, internalName) {
if (this._mappings[layoutURL]) {
delete this._mappings[layoutURL][internalName];
// Notify observers
* \sa sbIFeathersManager
isChromeEnabled: function isChromeEnabled(layoutURL, internalName) {
// TEMP fix for the Mac to enable the titlebar on the main window.
// See Bug 4363
var sysInfo = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/system-info;1"]
var platform = sysInfo.getProperty("name");
if (this._mappings[layoutURL]) {
if (this._mappings[layoutURL][internalName]) {
return this._mappings[layoutURL][internalName].showChrome == true;
return false;
isOnTop: function isChromeEnabled(layoutURL, internalName) {
if (this._mappings[layoutURL]) {
if (this._mappings[layoutURL][internalName]) {
return this._mappings[layoutURL][internalName].onTop == true;
return false;
* \sa sbIFeathersManager
getSkinsForLayout: function getSkinsForLayout(layoutURL) {
var skins = [];
// Find skin descriptions that are compatible with the given layout.
if (this._mappings[layoutURL]) {
for (internalName in this._mappings[layoutURL]) {
var desc = this.getSkinDescription(internalName);
if (desc) {
return new ArrayEnumerator( skins );
* \sa sbIFeathersManager
getLayoutsForSkin: function getLayoutsForSkin(internalName) {
var layouts = [];
// Find skin descriptions that are compatible with the given layout.
for (var layout in this._mappings) {
if (internalName in this._mappings[layout]) {
var desc = this.getLayoutDescription(layout);
if (desc) {
return new ArrayEnumerator( layouts );
* \sa sbIFeathersManager
switchFeathers: function switchFeathers(layoutURL, internalName) {
// don't allow this call if we're already switching
if (this._switching) {
layoutDescription = this.getLayoutDescription(layoutURL);
skinDescription = this.getSkinDescription(internalName);
// Make sure we know about the requested skin and layout
if (layoutDescription == null || skinDescription == null) {
throw new Components.Exception("Unknown layout/skin passed to switchFeathers");
// Check compatibility.
// True/false refer to the showChrome value, so check for undefined
// to determine compatibility.
if (this._mappings[layoutURL][internalName] === undefined) {
throw new Components.Exception("Skin [" + internalName + "] and Layout [" + layoutURL +
" are not compatible");
// Notify that a select is about to occur
this._onSelect(layoutDescription, skinDescription);
// Remember the current feathers so that we can revert later if needed
this._previousLayoutDataRemote.stringValue = this.currentLayoutURL;
this._previousSkinDataRemote.stringValue = this.currentSkinName;
// close the player window *before* changing the skin
// otherwise Gecko tries to load an image that will go away right after and crashes
// (songbird bug 3965)
var timer = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsITimer);
var callback = new FeathersManager_switchFeathers_callback(this, layoutURL, internalName);
this._switching = true;
timer.initWithCallback(callback, 0, Components.interfaces.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT);
* \sa sbIFeathersManager
* Relaunch the main window
openPlayerWindow: function openPlayerWindow() {
// First, check to make sure the current
// feathers are valid
var layoutDescription = this.getLayoutDescription(this.currentLayoutURL);
var skinDescription = this.getSkinDescription(this.currentSkinName);
if (layoutDescription == null || skinDescription == null) {
// The current feathers are invalid. Switch to the defaults.
var windowMediator = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1"]
// The core window (plugin host) is the only window which cannot be shut down
var coreWindow = windowMediator.getMostRecentWindow(WINDOWTYPE_SONGBIRD_CORE);
// If no core window exists, then we are probably in test mode.
// Therefore do nothing.
if (coreWindow == null) {
dump("FeathersManager.openPlayerWindow: unable to find window of type Songbird:Core. Test mode?\n");
var onTop;
// On MacOS, popup=yes breaks too many things, so always set it to false
var sysInfo = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/system-info;1"]
var platform = sysInfo.getProperty("name");
if (platform == "Darwin") {
onTop = false;
} else {
onTop = this.isOnTop(this.currentLayoutURL, this.currentSkinName);
// if the native window manager service is available
var nwm = Components.classes['@songbirdnest.com/integration/native-window-manager;1'];
if (nwm) {
nwm = nwm.getService(Components.interfaces.sbINativeWindowManager);
// Determine window features. If chrome is enabled, make resizable.
// Otherwise remove the titlebar.
var chromeFeatures = "chrome,modal=no,resizable=yes,centerscreen,toolbar=yes";
if ( (nwm && nwm.supportsOnTop) || !onTop ) {
// if we have a native window manager component that supports onTop,
// or we don't want this window on top then set popup=no
chromeFeatures += ",popup=no";
} else {
// if we don't have a native window manger component that supports onTop
// and we want the window on top, set popup=yes
chromeFeatures += ",popup=yes";
var showChrome = this.isChromeEnabled(this.currentLayoutURL, this.currentSkinName);
if (showChrome) {
chromeFeatures += ",titlebar=yes";
} else {
chromeFeatures += ",titlebar=no";
// Set the global chrome (window border and title) flag
// Open the new player window
var newMainWin = coreWindow.open(this.currentLayoutURL, "", chromeFeatures);
// if we can, tell the window manager to keep this window on top
if (nwm && nwm.supportsOnTop) {
nwm.setOnTop(newMainWin, onTop);
* \sa sbIFeathersManager
addListener: function addListener(listener) {
if (! (listener instanceof Components.interfaces.sbIFeathersManagerListener))
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG;
* \sa sbIFeathersManager
removeListener: function removeListener(listener) {
var index = this._listeners.indexOf(listener);
if (index > -1) {
* Close all player windows (except the plugin host)
_closePlayerWindow: function _closePlayerWindow() {
var windowMediator = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1"]
// The core window (plugin host) is the only window which cannot be shut down
var coreWindow = windowMediator.getMostRecentWindow(WINDOWTYPE_SONGBIRD_CORE);
// If no core window exists, then we are probably in test mode.
// Therefore do nothing.
if (coreWindow == null) {
dump("FeathersManager._closePlayerWindow: unable to find window of type Songbird:Core. Test mode?\n");
// Close all open windows other than the core, dominspector, and venkman.
// This is needed in order to reset window chrome settings.
var playerWindows = windowMediator.getEnumerator(null);
while (playerWindows.hasMoreElements()) {
var window = playerWindows.getNext();
if (window != coreWindow) {
// Don't close domi or other debug windows... that's just annoying
var isDebugWindow = false;
try {
var windowElement = window.document.documentElement;
var windowID = windowElement.getAttribute("id");
if (windowID == "JSConsoleWindow" ||
windowID == "winInspectorMain" ||
windowID == "venkman-window")
isDebugWindow = true;
} catch (e) {}
if (!isDebugWindow) {
// Bug 5192
// http://bugzilla.songbirdnest.com/show_bug.cgi?id=5192
// VERY lamely try to fix a mac crash bug by hacking away the menus
// on any menubar on any window being closed by the feather-switch
try {
var menuArray = window.document.getElementsByTagName( "menubar" );
for ( var j = 0; j < menuArray.length; j++ ) {
var menu = menuArray[j];
while ( menu.lastChild.previousSibling != null ) {
menu.removeChild( menu.lastChild );
if ( menu.lastChild ) {
menu.lastChild.setAttribute( "label", "" );
} catch( e ) {
// Ask nicely. The window should be able to cancel the onunload if
// it chooses.
* Indicates to the rest of the system whether or not to
* enable titlebars when opening windows
_setChromeEnabled: function _setChromeEnabled(enabled) {
// Set the global chrome (window border and title) flag
this._showChromeDataRemote.boolValue = enabled;
var prefs = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"]
// Set the flags used to open the core window on startup.
// Do a replacement in order to preserve whatever other features
// were specified.
try {
var titlebarRegEx = /(titlebar=)(no|yes)/;
var replacement = (enabled) ? "$1yes" : "$1no";
var defaultChromeFeatures = prefs.getCharPref("toolkit.defaultChromeFeatures");
defaultChromeFeatures.replace(titlebarRegEx, replacement));
} catch (e) {
dump("\nFeathersManager._setChromeEnabled: Error setting defaultChromeFeatures pref! " +
e.toString + "\n");
* Broadcasts an update event to all registered listeners
_onUpdate: function onUpdate() {
this._listeners.forEach( function (listener) {
* Broadcasts an select (feathers switch) event to all registered listeners
_onSelect: function onSelect(layoutDesc, skinDesc) {
// Verify args
layoutDesc = layoutDesc.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.sbILayoutDescription);
skinDesc = skinDesc.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.sbISkinDescription);
// Broadcast notification
this._listeners.forEach( function (listener) {
listener.onFeathersSelectRequest(layoutDesc, skinDesc);
_flushXULPrototypeCache: function flushXULPrototypeCache() {
var prefs = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"]
var disabled = false;
var userPref = false;
try {
disabled = prefs.getBoolPref("nglayout.debug.disable_xul_cache");
userPref = true;
catch(e) {
if (!disabled) {
prefs.setBoolPref("nglayout.debug.disable_xul_cache", true);
prefs.setBoolPref("nglayout.debug.disable_xul_cache", false);
if (!userPref) {
* Called by the observer service. Looks for XRE shutdown messages
observe: function(subject, topic, data) {
var os = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/observer-service;1"]
switch (topic) {
case "quit-application":
os.removeObserver(this, "quit-application");
* See nsISupports.idl
QueryInterface: function(iid) {
if (!iid.equals(IID) &&
!iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIObserver) &&
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
return this;
}; // FeathersManager.prototype
* Callback helper for FeathersManager::switchFeathers
* This is needed to make sure the window is really closed before we switch skins
function FeathersManager_switchFeathers_callback(aFeathersManager,
aInternalName) {
this.feathersManager = aFeathersManager;
this.layoutURL = aLayoutURL;
this.internalName = aInternalName;
FeathersManager_switchFeathers_callback.prototype = {
* \sa nsITimerCallback
notify: function FeathersManager_switchFeathers_callback_notify() {
// Set new values
this.feathersManager._layoutDataRemote.stringValue = this.layoutURL;
this.feathersManager._skinDataRemote.stringValue = this.internalName;
this.feathersManager._switching = false;
this.feathersManager = null;
}; // FeathersManager_switchFeathers_callback.prototype
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Registration for XPCOM
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
var gModule = {
registerSelf: function(componentManager, fileSpec, location, type) {
componentManager = componentManager.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIComponentRegistrar);
componentManager.registerFactoryLocation(CID, CLASSNAME, CONTRACTID,
fileSpec, location, type);
getClassObject: function(componentManager, cid, iid) {
if (!iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIFactory))
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
if (cid.equals(CID)) {
return {
createInstance: function(outer, iid) {
if (outer != null)
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_AGGREGATION;
// Make the feathers manager
return (new FeathersManager()).QueryInterface(iid);;
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
canUnload: function(componentManager) {
return true;
}; // gModule
function NSGetModule(comMgr, fileSpec) {
return gModule;
} // NSGetModule