<String Name="LibCrash">Application ""%s"" caused an unhandled exception in StrongDC++. Please uninstall it, upgrade it or use an alternate product.</String>
<String Name="Limit">Upload Limit</String>
<String Name="ListenerFailed">Listening socket failed (you need to restart StrongDC++): </String>
<String Name="LoadedFileList">File list loaded.</String>
<String Name="MagnetDlgQueue">Add this file to your download queue</String>
<String Name="MagnetDlgRemember">Do the same action next time without asking</String>
<String Name="MagnetDlgSearch">Start a search for this file</String>
<String Name="MagnetDlgSize">File Size:</String>
<String Name="MagnetDlgTextBad">A MAGNET link was given to StrongDC++, but it didn't contain a valid file hash for use on the Direct Connect network. No action will be taken.</String>
<String Name="MagnetDlgTextGood">StrongDC++ has detected a MAGNET link with a file hash that can be searched for on the Direct Connect network. What would you like to do?</String>
<String Name="MagnetDlgTitle">MAGNET Link detected</String>
<String Name="MagnetHandlerDesc">Download files from the Direct Connect network</String>
<String Name="MynickInChat">My nick in mainchat</String>
<String Name="NetlimiterWarning">NetLimiter was detected in your computer. It is frequently responsible for StrongDC++ crash, upload disconnecting and slow download speed. Please uninstall it and use an alternate product, or built-in limiter.</String>
<String Name="TargetFilenameTooLong">Target filename too long</String>
<String Name="Tb">TB</String>
<String Name="TcpPortBusy">Unable to open TCP/TLS port. File transfers will not work correctly until you change settings or turn off any application that might be using the TCP/TLS port</String>
<String Name="ZonealarmWarning">ZoneAlarm was detected in your computer. It is frequently responsible for corrupted downloads and is the cause of many ""rollback inconsistency"" errors. Please uninstall it and use an alternate product. </String>