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- desc:SMPTE LTC display
- slider1:0<0,3,1.0{30,24,25,29.97}>frame rate
- @init
- minthresh=10^(-80/20);
- threshenv=exp(-1/(0.1*srate)); // 100ms
- gfx_clear=-1;
- syncstate=0;
- itm1=otm1=0;
- thresh = 1; // ~-10dB
- lastsign=1;
- sillen=0;
- buf=0;
- bufpos=0;
- gotbit=-1;
- syncpos=-1;
- blitparmbuf=1000;
- frates=2000;
- frates[0]=30;
- frates[1]=24;
- frates[2]=25;
- frates[3]=30*1000/1001;
- @slider
- pulsesize = (srate / frates[slider1] / (80.0 * 2.0));
- @sample
- // remove DC offset
- otm1=0.999*otm1 + spl0 - itm1; itm1=spl0; s=otm1;
- // s has DC offset removed sample
- sillen+=1;
- sillen > pulsesize * 2.2 ?
- (
- syncpos=-1;
- sillen=0;
- gotbit=-1;
- syncstate=1;
- );
- thresh = thresh*threshenv + abs(s)*(1-threshenv);
- thresh < minthresh=thresh=minthresh;
- (s < -thresh*0.8 && lastsign > 0) || (s > thresh*0.8 && lastsign < 0) ? (
- lastsign=-lastsign;
- gotbit+=1;
- sillen > pulsesize*1.8 ? // done with bit
- (
- gotbit=min(gotbit,1);
- sillen=0;
- buf[bufpos]=gotbit;
- (bufpos += 1) >= 80 ? bufpos=0;
- syncpos >= 0 ? syncpos += 1;
- (syncpos < 0 || syncpos >= 80) ?
- (
- syncpos=-1;
- // try to get sync
- (
- buf[(bufpos+64)%80]==0 &&
- buf[(bufpos+65)%80]==0 &&
- buf[(bufpos+66)%80]==1 &&
- buf[(bufpos+67)%80]==1 &&
- buf[(bufpos+68)%80]==1 &&
- buf[(bufpos+69)%80]==1 &&
- buf[(bufpos+70)%80]==1 &&
- buf[(bufpos+71)%80]==1 &&
- buf[(bufpos+72)%80]==1 &&
- buf[(bufpos+73)%80]==1 &&
- buf[(bufpos+74)%80]==1 &&
- buf[(bufpos+75)%80]==1 &&
- buf[(bufpos+76)%80]==1 &&
- buf[(bufpos+77)%80]==1 &&
- buf[(bufpos+78)%80]==0 &&
- buf[(bufpos+79)%80]==1) ?
- (
- new_f=buf[(bufpos+0)%80]+
- buf[(bufpos+1)%80]*2 +
- buf[(bufpos+2)%80]*4 +
- buf[(bufpos+3)%80]*8 +
- 10*(
- buf[(bufpos+8)%80] +
- buf[(bufpos+9)%80]*2;// +
- // buf[(bufpos+10)%80]*4
- );
- new_s=buf[(bufpos+16)%80]+
- buf[(bufpos+17)%80]*2 +
- buf[(bufpos+18)%80]*4 +
- buf[(bufpos+19)%80]*8 +
- 10*(
- buf[(bufpos+24)%80] +
- buf[(bufpos+25)%80]*2+
- buf[(bufpos+26)%80]*4
- );
- new_m=buf[(bufpos+32)%80]+
- buf[(bufpos+33)%80]*2 +
- buf[(bufpos+34)%80]*4 +
- buf[(bufpos+35)%80]*8 +
- 10*(
- buf[(bufpos+40)%80] +
- buf[(bufpos+41)%80]*2+
- buf[(bufpos+42)%80]*4
- );
- new_h=buf[(bufpos+48)%80]+
- buf[(bufpos+49)%80]*2 +
- buf[(bufpos+50)%80]*4 +
- buf[(bufpos+51)%80]*8 +
- 10*(
- buf[(bufpos+56)%80] +
- buf[(bufpos+57)%80]*2
- );
- hours=new_h; minutes=new_m; seconds=new_s; frames=new_f;
- new_time = ((hours*80 + minutes)*80+seconds)*100+frames;
- syncpos=0;
- syncstate=2;
- ) :
- (
- syncstate=0;
- );
- );
- gotbit=-1;
- );
- );
- @gfx
- gfxsize=gfx_w*10000 + gfx_h;
- new_time != old_time || gfxsize != old_size ? (
- old_time=new_time;
- old_size=gfxsize;
- gfx_r=gfx_g=gfx_b=0; gfx_a=1;
- gfx_x=gfx_y=0;
- gfx_rectto(gfx_w,gfx_h);
- gfx_r=gfx_g=gfx_b=1;
- gfx_x=gfx_y=2;
- gfx_drawnumber((hours/10),0);
- gfx_drawchar($'0' + (hours%10));
- gfx_drawchar($':');
- gfx_drawchar($'0' + ((minutes/10)%10));
- gfx_drawchar($'0' + (minutes%10));
- gfx_drawchar($':');
- gfx_drawchar($'0' + ((seconds/10)%10));
- gfx_drawchar($'0' + (seconds%10));
- gfx_drawchar($':');
- gfx_drawchar($'0' + ((frames/10)%10));
- gfx_drawchar($'0' + (frames%10));
- draw1wid=gfx_x;
- blitparmbuf[0]=0;
- blitparmbuf[1]=0;
- blitparmbuf[2]=gfx_x;
- blitparmbuf[3]=(gfx_texth+4);
- ow=gfx_w;
- oh=(gfx_texth+4) * gfx_w / gfx_x * 1.3;
- oh > gfx_h ? oh=gfx_h;
- blitparmbuf[4]=0;
- blitparmbuf[5]=(gfx_h-oh)/2;
- blitparmbuf[6]=ow;
- blitparmbuf[7]=oh;
- gfx_blitext(-1,blitparmbuf,0);
- gfx_x=0;
- gfx_y=0;
- gfx_r=gfx_g=gfx_b=0;
- gfx_rectto(draw1wid,min(gfx_texth+2,blitparmbuf[5]));
- );