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- ===============================================================================
- Maxthon Browser 2 Changelog
- ===============================================================================
- 2.0.5
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [New Feature]
- + Split View Mode Come back
- + button plugins can set default location in plugin.ini (DefaultLocation=MenuBar/ToolBar/StatusBar)
- + plugin icon support png, jpg, bmp format
- + improved tab dragging in the tab bar
- [changes]
- * fixed some problems with multimonitor
- * fixed problem that "up" key not work in address bar when auto complete
- * fixed a conflict with ime application
- * fixed problem that change to filter pack version number not work
- * add confirmation when delete tab in collector
- * sidebar tabs are set to show the icon only
- * some skin icons updated
- * the maximum number of mouse gesture action number set to 3
- * site icon in tab show faster
- * fixed problem that some items may not list in filtered list
- * fixed an address bar display problem when tabs are opened by external program
- * fixed problem that maxthon may not exit when computer is closed with "Close To System Tray" option enabled
- * fixed problem that "Enable Quick Search in Address Bar" may not work
- * fixed a browser safety issue
- * fixed a problem that deleting sidebar plugin may crash
- * fixed problem that ">>" button of favorites bar may not work
- * fixed some menu and shortcut conflict problems
- * fixed drawing problem of new tab button in the tab bar;
- * Favorite manager can set/unset most favorites
- * fixed problem that deleted skins continue to show in Setup Center
- * fixed display problem of Most Favorites which have "&" in title
- * fixed crash when left click Undo menu after right click
- * fixed flickering when title is clicked under "customize..." mode
- * fixed some crash problems
- * fixed favicon url problem (use url specified in webpage)
- * fixed problem that context menu search does not work if search bar is hidden
- * fixed crash when switch to different application while capturing region
- 2.0.4
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [New Feature]
- +User Data can Upload and Download
- You can upload and download browser settings, proxy data, magic fill data and web content filter data now.
- More data can be upload and download in future version.
- And you can encrypt your data before upload it for privacy.
- (Reset menu to show this when updated)
- +Add "Most Favorite" from Maxthon 1.x
- +Can manage Groups again in "Favorites Manager" and "Favorites Sidebar"
- +Add "search" & "highlight" to context menu for selected text
- +Add an option to undo closed tab in back/foreground
- +Support Getright in download manager
- [changes]
- * Improved compatibility and performance of Maxthon Guardian
- * Fixed problem that online favorites sometimes cannot be downloaded in new installation
- * Fixed problem that proxy sometimes getting slower and slower
- * Also show the last visited page after update installation
- * Fixed problem setting Maxthon to auto logon with certain Maxthon pages as startup page
- * Will confirm when favorite is added to folder with favorite of the same name
- * Auto login account will alert error when there is no internet connection
- * Fix problem that adding external tools sometimes may not add proper arguments
- * Fix URL error in Maxthon Guardian warning dialog (20122)
- * Auto update will install to the folder of the browser requesting the update
- * Fix problem that "last visited pages" are opened in reverse order
- * Fix problem that Maxthon cannot auto exit when shutdown windows
- * Fix problem that the red selection rectangle may stay after "Block Page Content..." finish
- * Fix problem that check links (favorites) never finish for certain links
- * Show absolute addresses in "Block Page Content..." selection menu
- * Fix problem that maxthon may crash when the last tab is detached
- * Fixed problem that deleted proxy will be continued to be used(19516)
- * Fixed problem of incorrect number of last visited pages and undo tabs
- * Fixed problem of saving captured image in jpg format(43670)
- * Added time delay to auto hide sidebar
- * Fixed crash while editing button image
- 2.0.3 Final
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [Feature]
- + Added Link to Online Favorites Recovery
- + Added Prompt dialog when switching user
- + Groups Menu's show/hide states will not be determined by whether user has Groups Data
- [Bug Fix]
- * Press ESC to Stop Loading Page
- * Last Page can not be closed in v2.0.3-rc
- * Increased the priority of website white list, now it's above global black list
- * Slow Language Menu when have a lots of languages installed
- * Modified Table display in Setup Center
- * Shortcut Key Text duplicate when set Shortcut Keys
- * Feed Discovery mistakes
- * Can not unblock content under Block Page Content mode
- * URL Display error in Up One Level feature
- * Fixed display problem with default Utilities, Added Regedit
- * Improve several dialog's presentation
- 2.0.3 RC
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [Feature]
- + New Security Guardian
- + New Screen Capture
- + Added Clean Feed History and Search History in Clean Browser History
- + Use Enter key to open the Favorites item wich has the focus
- + Close Resume List tab when all links in Resume List are clicked (The "Auto Close" option must be checked)
- + Delete Search History in History page
- + Enter in Address Bar will not open new tab if the url hasn't changed
- + Added site range selection in Block Page Content
- + Click on Links will have no effect while in Block Page Content mode
- + Automatically upload modified Favorites when exit
- + Re-organized Right-click menu on Favorites
- [Bug Fix]
- * Resume List lost when program crash
- * Super Drag&Drop can not download file problem on some websites
- * Several issues that might cause crash
- * Blank images not remove with Ad Hunter
- * Issues that prevent set Maxthon as default browser (including issues on Windows Vista)
- * Referer error with Flashget while multi-thread tab is on
- * Not show start page when opened by external call
- * Improved download method of Favicons
- * File Sniffer won't sniff WMA format
- * Issues that occur with invalid file format settings
- * Issues that affect website filtre range
- * "Dont' remind me for 1 week" won't work in Update Notification dialog
- * Crash when delete blank website item in Content Filter black list. (40503)
- * "Check Links" in Favorites sidebar might cause all links in sidebar disappear (39870)
- * Initialization failure when start Maxthon with invalid URLs (39988)
- * Click Cancel in Screen Capture Options might cause capture page fail (13735)
- * Clean Profile Data flaw in Login dialog (13837)
- * Can not select buttons in Add/Remove Button menu on Single-line Favorites Bar, and Hot Items' name is aa (13940)
- * Press Esc key in Ad Hunter > Edit Filter List dialog causes dialog turns gray (14049)
- * Redirect in current page might cause Address Bar refresh (16748)
- * Strange behavior of the Close button of Check Updates dialog (28422)
- * Resize Check Updates dialog cause strange lines (30438)
- * Maximum Open Tabs number is not correct (18111)
- * Favicons display problem in several circumstance (16858)
- * Display problem after selecting search engine (28408)
- * Delete selected Proxy might cause display error on Proxy status (19516)
- * Edit Content Filter Black List & White list will only save displayed one
- * Repeat "Capture Current Page" might cause file name error (26873)
- * Clean Browser History in Safety Menu can not clean Feed history (26286)
- * Issues when operate Favorites bar with keyboard (6401)
- * Fixed a bug when overwrite Favorites (39023)
- * Super Drag&Drop might cause Open Favorites Items in Background fail when Activate New Tab is checked (13946)
- * Combobox is not resizable in "Lock Toolbar" mode
- * Can not use Ctrl+Arraw to change tabs
- * Resume List not saved at crash
- [2007-07-23]
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- + Anti-Freeze
- + Trusted Website Check
- * Fix several bugs that might cause freeze or crash
- * Fixed "Add to Favorites" command in Right-Click Menu on Page Links will not use Link's URL
- * Improved the speed of internal functions
- * New About Dialog
- * Add Plugins and Filter Pack information in About dialog
- * Fixed Some Options will not take effects after clicking Apply in Setup Center
- + Added Single-Click on Tray Icon to Show/Hide Maxthon Window
- - Split Screen View is temporary removed
- * Fixed Drag&Drop Utilities onto Main Toolbar and display Text Label under Icon cause Crash
- * Fixed Uninstaller will delete all sub-folders under installation folder
- * Better support for Socks4/5 proxies
- * Fixed Switch Tabs too fast might cause crash
- * Drag&Drop the end of Address Box and Search Box can change their sizes
- * Fixed Close Tab in Multi-Thread Tab Mode might cause crash
- RC 4 [2007-07-09]
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Solved several Browser Lockup Problem
- * More consistent Favorites
- * Improved Magic Fill
- * Fixed a bug that cause browser lockup when it called by third party program, such as MSN Messager.
- * Fixed could not select 'set as destop background' command in browser context menu problem.
- * Fixed could not delete individule search history problem.
- * Fixed set sticky name did not work problem
- * Fixed could not select text in address bar problem
- RC 3 [2007-06-18]
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- + Collector Service
- + Restore Favorites from Backup
- + Float Ads Filter
- + CPU Saving Mode
- + Feed Links Checker
- + Added check update on startup option for Feed sidebar
- + Search bar history
- + Added "Arrange by Site" to tab context menu.
- + Added "Fill form", "Save form" to web context menu, when right clicking input box.
- + Collector Service (Users could upload/download collector, Found in the collector)
- + Restore Favorite from a backup (Favorite > More Actions > Restore Favorite)
- * Made it easier to drag HTML plugin on webbar.
- * Go button adds the entered url to the address bar history.
- * AdHunter menu (Tools > AdHunter)
- * Highlight button can display state.
- * Right click AdHunter button on status bar to enable or disable all filters.
- * Hold Ctrl to bypass filtering current page (Disable ad hunter on the current page)
- * Added an option to use IE find in page dialog (Tools > Maxthon setup center > advanced)
- * Added an option to show close button on all tabs on hover (Tools > Maxthon setup center > Tabs bar)
- # Fixed separator problem under multi-column menu mode
- # Fixed images folder always be created problem
- # Fixed "force open link in new tab" only work after page complete problem
- # Fixed Could not Open local file problem (the last character was missing)
- # Fixed a bug that caused browser to crash when auto-run plugins
- # Fixed several RSS related internal bugs
- # Fixed the "auto select" did not work on webbar problem
- RC 2 [2007-05-16]
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- + Added File Sniffer (FLV file etc.), supports most websites
- + Optimized CPU usage in multi-thread mode (must enable Open Tabs in Separated Thread)
- + Added Multi-Search and Highlight to Search Bar
- + Improved Search Bar: Ctrl+Enter - Find in Page, Ctrl+Shift+Enter - Highlight, Shift+Enter - Multi-Search
- + Major changes on Tab Bar: Fully customizable, you can add and remove buttons on Tab Bar now
- - Due to the changes of Tab Bar, Split Screen and Tab Manager features are temporary disabled
- + Added custom Useragent setting in Setup Center (Require restart)
- + Tabs of Collector can be arranged by drag&drop now
- + Some buttons supports right-click action now (Refresh and Stop, etc.)
- + Drag & Drop text and url to Address Bar and Search Bar will work fine now
- + Added "Copy URL" for menu items in Favorites Menu
- + Added "Open in New Tab" in Float Button
- + You can resize the Search Bar by drag it now
- + Right-click Web Toolbar button will show Tab List
- + Sidebar items can not be dragged out unless you hold the Ctrl key
- + In fullscreen mode, a Exit Fullscreen button will be shown on Tab Bar
- + Added Force Open Links in New Tab option in Setup Center
- + Added Hide Buttons in Sidebar title drop-down menu
- + Added Enable All and Disable All command in Auto-Refresh Menu of Tabs
- + Added several utilities in Plugin Bar
- + Added Maximum Favorites Menu Width setting in Setup Center
- * Tab Bar will auto-flip when placed on bottom
- * Improved New Tab button on Tab Bar: Left-click - New Tab, Right-click - Paste and Go
- * Fixed several drawing problems on Tab Bar
- * Sidebar moved below Tab Bar
- * Items in Undo List will show their URLs on status bar
- * Fixed Web Toolbar random move problem
- * Added No Proxy settings in Proxy Manager
- * Optimized performance when opening or closing a large number of tabs
- * Favorites Bar Root Folder settings is also saved on the online Favorites server
- * Fixed a Ad hunter related bug
- * Fixed Last Vist Page List missing bug
- * Fixed a bug which will crash the browser when too many Filter Packs are installed
- * Fixed a problem the right-click menu won't show up
- * Fixed a bug that unexpected space character appears in search keywords
- * Fxied Status Bar tooltip problem
- RC 1 [2007-04-20]
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Fixed a bug that causes opening infinity tabs
- * Fixed a bug that RSS feed won't display on Windows Vista
- + Improved Program Interface Performance
- + Added Float Button
- + Added Feed content Web Page View
- + Added Screenshot button to Web Toolbar
- + Added Clean History button to Web Toolbar
- + Toolbar labels can be placed under icons now (in Customize dialog)
- + Added "Send To> Groups" in Tab right-click menu
- + Added delete single item in Feed History
- + Added option: Ad Hunter> Dont show notification window
- + Added option: Download> Default download folder
- + Added full title in Favorites menu tooltips
- + You can use mouse-wheel while hovering mouse oover Feed sidebar
- + Added delete single address bar item in Clean History dialog
- + Show URL of Undo List items on Status Bar
- * Hide Recycled Bin in Favorites sidebar
- * Refresh button in Feed sidebar changed to Refresh All
- * Re-formatted hover tooltip view for Feed sidebar
- * Use IE Proxy by default installation
- * Dont export Recycled Bin when export favorites in HTML format
- * Add quotes for parameters automatically while adding external utility
- * Fixed Qzone images won't load problem
- * Fixed a bug when passing parameters to external utilities
- * Fixed a bug in RDF format support
- * Improved support for malformed RSS 2.0 feeds
- * Fixed $max_handle in Filter Pack won't work problem
- * Fixed popup filter white list won't save problem
- * Fixed a bug wich will display 2 Screenshor button in Customize dialog
- * Fixed a crash error when importing OPML file
- * Fixed add IP display won't work in Status bar
- * Added URL Filter Result into Filter Log
- * Removed HTTP Header Filter support for better performance
- * Mouse wheel will work when hovering on RSS Feeds
- * Improve Text Filter performance and added several functions ($MAXPATH and $MAXFILECONTENT)
- * Fixed program crash when using IE proxy settings
- * Fixed sometimes Ad Hunter won't work bug
- * Fixed Mid-Click crash the program bug
- * Fixed a bug that prevents disabling and deleting Filter Pack
- * Fixed a bug when overwriting item with Add Favorites dialog
- * Fixed crash problem with several Filter Pack
- * Fixed Feed url won't show up error
- * Fixed several bug that prevent online Favorites won't update
- * Fixed crash error when visit localhost
- * Fixed proxy setting comfilct with ie7pro
- * Fixed a bug when clean all browser history
- * Fixed random order problem in Tab Mananger List
- * Fixed scrollbar display problem while zooming
- * Fixed order error when customized serach engine exceeds 10 in setup center
- * Fixed program crash when adding utility
- * Fixed a bug in Tab Manager which may cause crash
- * Fixed a bug which prevents saving tabs to group when there is no group
- * Fixed scroll text won't display problem with some online chat room
- * Fixed a bug that cause browser window becomes inactive
- * Fixed a bug that the alert/confirm window of last tab cause freeze
- Beta 5 [2007-03-26]
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- + simple collector support drag text
- + float button
- + uninstallation questionnaire
- + support new html button plugin
- + Ctrl+left click to save images and flash (flv not yet supported)
- + multi-row favorites bar ([Favorites] MultiFavBar=1)
- + new plugin.ini attribute for for unique uid
- + RSS support more formats
- * adhunter cannot be disabled
- * shortcut setup problem
- * tab context menu problem
- * auto form fill cause page reloading problem
- * cannot download forum attachment when download manager is specified
- * script error notification not updated after page reload
- * popup window cannot be operated when opened with right click
- * cannot maximized when windows task bar is docked in left or right, and window frame is not shown
- * problem when web page is opened by other applications (partially fixed)
- * beta4 interface and text display problem
- * problem after feed validation failure
- * lost login data when login offline
- * cannot show last visited xml after restart
- * flickering in Vista when maximized and window frame is not shown
- * button not shown when external utilities added to new custom toolbars
- * crash when dragging more than 2 local url shortcuts to the favorites bar
- * tab is opened in foreground if 10 tabs are already opened in background according to setting
- * browser edge not shown completely when maximized after closing the sidebar
- * setup center does not show correct state of customed toolbars
- * desktop refresh problem when maxthon is minimized
- * browser get focus when page is loaded or when file is downloaded by download manager
- * browser becomes unresponsive when pdf is browsed
- * browser does not get focus when m2l file is double clicked
- * ctrl + O shows dialog in behind browser
- * multiple password requests when browser is locked and boss key is pressed multiple times
- * most favorites not ranking properly until after restartíú
- * error when entire browsing history is deletedíú
- * download manager cannot monitor .wmv file
- * cannot save webpage background image
- * some other problems
- Beta 4 SE [2007-02-13]
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- + Added File type setting for Download
- * Polished Classical Interface Style
- * Polished Skin
- * Fixed can not access websites require certification when advanced proxy rule is enabled
- * Fixed set default browser problem under Windows Vista
- * Fixed Favorites can not be saved bug in Beta 4
- * Re-designed Close Browser dialog
- Beta 4 [2007-02-05]
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- + Multi-Column Menu Support (SetupCenter>Advanced)
- + Added History (Record days number can be set at Setup Center>Advanced)
- + Configuration Wizard
- + Added Background Image support for toolbar buttons
- + Tab Sticky Name
- + Restored Advanced Proxy Rule, with Socks4, Socks5 support
- + Added new API commands for plugins
- + Show download bandwidth & local IP address in status bar(Hover)
- + Added Open Favorites Folder on Startup feature
- + Font settings for User Interface
- * Fixed several bugs in Text Filter
- * Fixed several bugs in Magic Fill
- * Fixed a bug when saving skin settings
- * Fixed command error in "Detach Tab"
- * Fixed a bug in Default Page Zoom setting
- * Fixed flicking when using Tab Manager in split window
- * Fixed Simple Collector won't remember last position problem
- * Fixed a crash bug when start with local html file after customizing Web Bar
- * Fixed start page won't open when called by external program
- * Fixed Capture Webpage image file name duplicate problem
- * Fixed Feed Subscription content error
- * Fixed can't open inputed address of Flash file problem
- * Fixed sidebar flicking problem
- * Fixed "Use sever supplied search engine list" can not re-check problem in Setup Center>Search
- * Fixed can't click folder when browsing FTP problem
- * Fixed some special problem with cache verification code image
- * Fixed "Resume Last Visited" will show closed tabs problem
- * Fixed "View Selected Source Code" can not be called on links and images
- * Fixed crash problem with some chat website
- * Fixed deleted item can be deleted again in Recycled Bin of Favorites
- * Fixed search keyword lost when using Address Bar search for the first time
- * Fixed close Maxthon cause an error under Windows Vista problem
- * Fixed English right-click menu under Chinese Windows Vista
- Beta 3 [2007-01-12]
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- + Option to use IE6 or IE7 Style Page Zoom
- + Right Align option to buttons under Customize mode
- + Option to show notification window for Content Filterú¼the notification can be clicked to view filter log
- + Supports Text Filters and Filter Packs again (Maxthon Setup Center - Ad Hunter - Enable Text Filter & Filter Packs)
- + Copy Image Address command in context menu
- + View Selected Source command in context menu
- + Last Visited Pages become HTML based
- * fixed interface font size problem
- * fixed context menu Paste command not working
- * fixed problem in certain web pages
- * fixed script error notification problem
- * fixed languages translation incompleteness
- * fixed WebTools bar customization not saved when multiple tabs are opened
- * fixed up/down mouse gesture not working
- * fixed crash when viewing certain streaming videos
- * fixed super drag and drop not working on certain web pages
- * fixed button positioning problem on status bar customization
- * fixed broken mouse gesture track problem
- * fixed crash when using group
- * fixed crash when deleting filters
- * fixed "&" not show in favorites
- * fixed certain problems of last opened pages
- * fixed certain ad filtering problems
- * fixed certain flash display problems
- * fixed certain other crash problems
- * fixed mouse gesture cannot close browser
- * fixed URL Key not working
- * fixed URL Alias not working
- * fixed tab close button not shown in interface styles
- * fixed mouse gesture track drawing outside browser window
- * fixed WebTools bar flicker when switching tab
- * fixed certain other context menu problems
- Beta 2 [2006-12-23]
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- + improved AdHunter
- - temporarily disabled Advanced Proxy and Filter Packs, will be back in Beta3
- + search keywords automatic highlight works
- + URL Key can open multiple URLs
- + favorites menu and favorites toolbar items can be manually ordered by dragging
- + can drag more buttons and commands to the Web Toolbar
- * solve several maximized display problem
- + added Internal Skin
- + support multiple general form
- * solve occasional mouse track (for mouse gesture) problem
- + can change the width of search by dragging the left edge
- * improve the interface drawing efficiency
- + lower memory usage
- + improve browsing speed
- Beta 1 [2006-11-07]
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Fixed delete a plugin would disable all plugins problem
- + Fast go Back and Forward
- * Fixed Minimize then Restore window go to page top problem
- + Dialog title support to plugin config dialog
- + Single config page
- + Select Java VM Option works.
- * Fixed hold right + click shows browser menu problem
- + Plugin auto start support
- + Added Maxthon Smart Accelerator
- + Mouse Gesture Customization
- * Fixed Security.xml was not loaded
- + New plugin toolbar
- + Vista glass support
- + Check Default Browser on startup
- + Show webite icons
- * Fixed key stroke problem with German keyboard