Disk Read Statistics: |Request: ${G_CACHE_REQ_READ_COUNT} (freq: ${G_CACHE_REQ_READ_RATE}/s), Actual Disk Read: ${G_CACHE_DICK_READ_COUNT} (freq: ${G_CACHE_DICK_READ_RATE}/s), Hit Ratio: ${G_CACHE_READ_HIT}
Disk Write Statistics: |Request: ${G_CACHE_REQ_WRITE_COUNT} (freq: ${G_CACHE_REQ_WRITE_RATE}/s), Actual Disk Write: ${G_CACHE_DICK_WRITE_COUNT} (freq: ${G_CACHE_DICK_WRITE_RATE}/s), Hit Ratio: ${G_CACHE_WRITE_HIT}
<DiskDriverIsFull>Your disk driver [${DISK_DRIVER}] is full. Please clean up your disk space.</DiskDriverIsFull>
<TcpipLimitRemind>BitComet detect that your current setting of Half-Open TCP connection limitation is too small. Click here to patch.</TcpipLimitRemind>
<BufferLength>(${BUFFER_LENGTH} minute is buffered)</BufferLength>
<TaskMoveUp>Mozgatás Fel</TaskMoveUp>
<TaskMoveDown>Mozgatás Le</TaskMoveDown>
<Caption>BitComet Tips</Caption>
Úgy tünik az ön letöltési sebessége, túl lassú a médiafájl előnézetének egyenletes lejátszásához.
Akarja az előnézeti ablakot minimalizálni ? Ön akkor fogja tudni folytatni az előnézet megtekintését, ha a BitComet elegendő adatot fogadott a médiafájlból.
<Caption>Feladat Tulajdonságok...</Caption>
<TorrentNotReady>(Torrentfájl nem lett letöltve)</TorrentNotReady>
<EnableSearchForDownloadSource>Enable search for HTTP/FTP resources when downloading</EnableSearchForDownloadSource>
<EnableSearchForDownloadSourcetTip>Enable search for HTTP/FTP resources when downloading.</EnableSearchForDownloadSourcetTip>
<AllFileAlignToPiece>File align to piece boundary</AllFileAlignToPiece>
<AllFileAlignToPieceTip>Caution! enable this option on little file will use more space.</AllFileAlignToPieceTip>
<AlignByBlockSize>Large file(>1MB) align to piece boundary</AlignByBlockSize>
<AlignByBlockSizeTip>Enable this option to improve the efficiency of downloading selected files and downloading from HTTP/FTP resource.</AlignByBlockSizeTip>
<CalculateED2KLink>Calculate ED2K link for each file</CalculateED2KLink>
<FileNotExist>File not exist.</FileNotExist>
<FolderNotExist>Folder not exist.</FolderNotExist>
<SourceFileNotEmpty>Source file can't be empty!</SourceFileNotEmpty>
<Information>Usage Tip: Once found corresponding ED2K link to this file, you can set it to this file by click "Set" button below. Then BitComet could search ED source of this file and download from them.</Information>
<TaskName>Task Name</TaskName>
<FileName>File Name</FileName>
<FileSize>File Size</FileSize>
<SearchResult>Search Result</SearchResult>
<ListFileName>File Name</ListFileName>
<ListFileID>File ID</ListFileID>
<FileHash>Current File ID</FileHash>
<Apply>Set ED2K Link</Apply>
<PluginError>eDonkey plugin not installed properly!</PluginError>
<KeywordTooMany>11 keywords at most!</KeywordTooMany>
<RunNewTaskWhenDlBelow>Autom. kezdödik a következő, ha a letöltés kisebb mint:</RunNewTaskWhenDlBelow>
<RateNotice>Jegyezze meg: Az ön letöltési arányát, nagymértékben befolyásolja az ön feltöltési aránya. Kérjük a DSL felhasználókat, kicsit alacsonyabbra állitsák a feltöltésüket, mint a feltöltési sávszéleségük, vagy nem fogják tudni elérni majd a legjobb letöltési sebességet.</RateNotice>
<RateNoLimit>Nincs Határ</RateNoLimit>
<GroupListenPort>Figyelt Port</GroupListenPort>
<ListeningMode>Figyelt Port:</ListeningMode>
<NoListeningMode>Nincs figyelő módban, jelentősen lelassítja az ön sebességét</NoListeningMode>
<EnablePersistentSeedingTip>Enable this option to seed finished torrents in background automatically without starting the task.</EnablePersistentSeedingTip>
<PersistentSeedingLimit>Uploading rate limit for all persistent seeding</PersistentSeedingLimit>
<BossKey>Fönöki kulcs beállitasa</BossKey>
<VerifyPassword>Verify login password at program startup</VerifyPassword>
<ChangePassword>Change password</ChangePassword>
<AutoDownload>Auto download torrent files in specified folder</AutoDownload>
<FolderToMonitor>Folder to monitor</FolderToMonitor>
<ServerMode>Server mode, support more connections but can't set precise rate</ServerMode>
<ArpCheatProtect>Protect against ARP cheating attack from LAN</ArpCheatProtect>
<ArpCheatProtectTip>Protect your computer against ARP cheating attack in the local network, attackers can no longer sniff your network traffic</ArpCheatProtectTip>
<Instruction>Windows XP SP2 has Half-Open TCP Connection limitation, which may cause problem for P2P programs. You may adjust the default setting here if you know exactly what you are doing. Please note that a windows system file (tcpip.sys) need to be modified, which may cause problem for your system.</Instruction>
<Help>Detail Help</Help>
<CurrentSystem>Current OS Version:</CurrentSystem>
<Notice>Important Notice: In order to make change to tcpip.sys, Windows System File Protection will be disabled temporarily during the modification. The original file will be renamed to "TCPIP.SYS.ORIGINAL".</Notice>
<OSUnrecognized>OS unrecognized.</OSUnrecognized>
<FileVersionUnrecognized>File Version Unrecognized.</FileVersionUnrecognized>
<EnterCorretNum>The number should be within 10-200.</EnterCorretNum>
<LimitSetSucceed>Modification succeed. It will take effect after the reboot. Do you want to restart Windows now?</LimitSetSucceed>
<SetDefaultDownloadTool>Set Bitcomet as default IE download tool</SetDefaultDownloadTool>
<AutoStopTask>Auto Stop Task</AutoStopTask>
<ConditionAutoStopTask>Auto stop task when satisfying all the following conditions</ConditionAutoStopTask>
<ShareRateGreatThan>Share ratio equal to or more than</ShareRateGreatThan>
<SeedNumberGreatThan>Seed number equal to or more than</SeedNumberGreatThan>
<SeedTimeGreatThan>Time of seeding equal to or more than (min)</SeedTimeGreatThan>
<BTTask>BT Task</BTTask>
<Introduce>eDonkey network support in BitComet is provided by separated plugin. After enabled plugin, BT task will try to download the same file from eDonkey network automatically.</Introduce>
<PreviewOpenErrText>Médiafájl lejátszási hiba! Talán valamelyik szükséges audió/videó kodek nincs telepitve a rendszerén.</PreviewOpenErrText>
BitComet detected that some necessary video codecs are not installed in your system, or they are out of date.
This problem may cause issues during the playback, such as no picture, no sound, no response, or crash.
Note: any problems in the preview window will not affect your downloads.
Do you want to visit the website of our recommended media player for better previewing?
Click "No" if you want to ignore this warning and continue.
We recommend MPCStar to play this video file, it is a free no-adware no-spyware universal video player.
After install MPCStar, you can avoid problems during the playback or preview, such as no picture, no sound,
program no response, or crash.
Do you want to visit the website of our recommended video player for better play/previewing?
Click "No" if you want to ignore this tip and continue.
<PromptAddChannel>Hozzáakarja adni a "${CHANNEL_NAME}" -t a BitComet csatornalistájához?</PromptAddChannel>
<PromptDelChannel>Akarja törölni a "${CHANNEL_NAME}" -t a BitComet csatornalistájáról?</PromptDelChannel>
<PromptNewVersion>Szeretné megismerni az új tulajdonságait a BitComet ${VERSION} verziójának a www.BitComet.com oldal meglátogatásával?</PromptNewVersion>
<PromptBCTPFormatError>BCTP Link formátum hiba!</PromptBCTPFormatError>
<MoveFileQuery>Move downloaded files to the destination directory of the category: {$} ?</MoveFileQuery>
<KillVirusPathEmpty>Path of Anti-virus software has not been set. Do you want to config it now?</KillVirusPathEmpty>
<KillVirusPathError>The configuration of Anti-virus software path is incorrect. Do you want to check it now?</KillVirusPathError>
<FloatingWindowDefaultTip>You can Drag and drop a web link or a .torrent file to this window.And then it would start downloading this resource.</FloatingWindowDefaultTip>
<BcipTooltipUnknown>Your listen port connectivity status is unknown.</BcipTooltipUnknown>
<BcipTooltipLan>Your listen port is unreachable to public domain peers, please check your Firewall and NAT Router configurations.</BcipTooltipLan>
<BcipTooltipWan>Your listen port is reachable to public domain peers, so you can get better download speed.</BcipTooltipWan>
<HttpFileNotExist>You have changed the save location of this task, but the corresponding file does not exist. Are you sure to continue?</HttpFileNotExist>
<FileNotExistForNewPath>You have changed the save location of this task, but the corresponding file does not exist. Are you sure to continue?</FileNotExistForNewPath>
<DoYouUseBcBrowser>Do you want to browse web page in BitComet Resource Explorer to speed up web page loading?</DoYouUseBcBrowser>
<MsgZipErrCorrupt>Because the backup file is corrupt or not a bc_bak file, failed to import!</MsgZipErrCorrupt>
<MsgTorrentDownloadAndShare>Do you want to download this torrent file, and add it to my share list?</MsgTorrentDownloadAndShare>
<MsgTorrentDownload>Do you want to download this torrent file?</MsgTorrentDownload>
<MsgTorrentDownloaded>This torrent file has been downloaded. Do you want to view the task?</MsgTorrentDownloaded>
BitComet is not responding. Do you want to end the program immediately?
This file "${FILENAME}" has not finish download.
Do you still want to open this file?
Start downloading torrent file:
<MsgFinishLaunch>File download finished. Do you want to launch file ${FILE_NAME}?</MsgFinishLaunch>
<DeleteHistory>Delete history record</DeleteHistory>
<ShareAllTorrent>Share all torrents</ShareAllTorrent>
<Unaccountable>Following content is automatically generated from the peers you connected to who share their torrents. The source of this content has no relation with BitComet.</Unaccountable>