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Text File | 2007-09-22 | 199.3 KB | 8,468 lines |
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- ShopAtHome.com,1,0,0,105
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- ,1,0,0
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- 18 or older,1,0,0
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- 1nk suppli,1,0,0
- 3.11 Release [cn],1,0,0
- 527 Third Avenue,1,0,0
- a big size,1,0,0
- a bitch,1,0,0
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- A MAJOR PLAY,1,0,0
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- a u c t i o n,1,0,0
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- about this diet,1,0,0
- about to fly up,1,0,0
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- am young fem,1,0,0
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- Apply for that job,1,0,0
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- arranging finance for Co,1,0,0
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- as 1ow as,1,0,0
- as seen in US Weekly,1,0,0
- As Seen On CNN,1,0,0
- as seen on tv,1,0,0
- asian wom,1,0,0
- ask your broke,1,0,0
- ask your broker now,1,0,0
- ask your broker,1,0,0
- asshole,1,0,0
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- at a great price,1,0,0
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- Bang local married women,1,0,0
- Bang married,1,0,0
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- beneficiary to his fund,1,0,0
- beremoved here,1,0,0
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- Beverage Co,1,0,0
- big announce,1,0,0
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- Big pick news,1,0,0
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- Bottle For FREE,1,0,0
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- Call Now To,1,0,0
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- call your broker NOW,1,0,0
- Call your broker,1,0,0
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- chance to make,1,0,0
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- change your life,1,0,0
- Change Your Mailing Pref,1,0,0
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- Charging Bull,1,0,0
- chat with fun people,1,0,0
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- cheap high-quality soft,1,0,0
- cheap logo,1,0,0
- cheap med,1,0,0
- cheap OEM,1,0,0
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- cheap trirp,1,0,0
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- cheapest super,1,0,0
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- cheating wive,1,0,0
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- check it out tod,1,0,0
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- Check this deal,1,0,0
- check us out here,1,0,0
- Check your broker acc,1,0,0
- cheeap,1,0,0
- cheep,1,0,0
- cheerleader,1,0,0
- chick here,1,0,0
- chick you bang,1,0,0
- chick you screw,1,0,0
- chicks,1,0,0
- Chinese missile,1,0,0
- CholesterBlock,1,0,0
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- cialiis,1,0,0
- cialis,1,0,0
- CIATLIS,1,0,0
- cigarette warehouse,1,0,0
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- cilck here,1,0,0
- Cioias,1,0,0
- City Casino,1,0,0
- clack here to check it,1,0,0
- ClAIis,1,0,0
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- father was killed,1,0,0
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- Favorite Soda,1,0,0
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- FDEG,1,0,0
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- fed up with pay,1,0,0
- fedex delivered med,1,0,0
- feel free to pass this along,1,0,0
- Feel love again,1,0,0
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- Feel the incred,1,0,0
- feel the young man,1,0,0
- feel young,1,0,0
- female companionship,1,0,0
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- file that could be harmful,1,0,0
- file your claim,1,0,0
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- finallew,1,0,0
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- financially freedom,1,0,0
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- fit with Free,1,0,0
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- focus on stocks,1,0,0
- fogotten,1,0,0
- following infiltrat,1,0,0
- food broker,1,0,0
- Footwear Dep,1,0,0
- for a quick fix,1,0,0
- for as little as,1,0,0
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- forward to as many,1,0,0
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- found a virus,1,0,0
- found cool site,1,0,0
- Found to be infected,1,0,0
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- Fraud Depart,1,0,0
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- got wrink,1,0,0
- got wrinkle,1,0,0
- got your approv,1,0,0
- gotgameyes,1,0,0
- governed by our Privacy,1,0,0
- government auct,1,0,0
- government grant,1,0,0
- Grab it quick,1,0,0
- GRAB it soon,1,0,0
- grab your chance,1,0,0
- grab your seats,1,0,0
- grand casino,1,0,0
- GRATIS chat,1,0,0
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- Great Download,1,0,0
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- great internet service,1,0,0
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- Great News for,1,0,0
- great pick,1,0,0
- great prognosis,1,0,0
- Great Savings on Norton,1,0,0
- great wealth,1,0,0
- GreatShirt,1,0,0
- greattit,1,0,0
- greet card,1,0,0
- grest free,1,0,0
- grnteed,1,0,0
- ground-breaking thing,1,0,0
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- Guaranted,1,0,0
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- guaranteed date,1,0,0
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- Guaranteed Win,1,0,0
- had to flee the country,1,0,0
- Hadith,1,0,0
- Hair Growth,1,0,0
- Hair Loss,1,0,0
- Hair rest,1,0,0
- half price,1,0,0
- halt future off,1,0,0
- halt receiving more,1,0,0
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- harmless solution,1,0,0
- Harrdcore,1,0,0
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- has quarantined a message,1,0,0
- hasnt been this low,1,0,0
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- hault receiv,1,0,0
- have a check wait,1,0,0
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- have a new gift,1,0,0
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- have recieved,1,0,0
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- healing code,1,0,0
- health aid,1,0,0
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- Heeereeee,1,0,0
- Hello Stock,1,0,0
- help and partner,1,0,0
- help animal,1,0,0
- help as a nurse,1,0,0
- Help Eliminat,1,0,0
- help me collect this deposit,1,0,0
- help me to invest,1,0,0
- help me to receive this money,1,0,0
- Help Poor,1,0,0
- Help with a Mortgage,1,0,0
- help with funding,1,0,0
- Help with Mortgage,1,0,0
- herbal hypertension,1,0,0
- Herbal Prod,1,0,0
- herbal solut,1,0,0
- Here For an Auto Loan,1,0,0
- hey hansom,1,0,0
- HGH Life,1,0,0
- Hi Investor,1,0,0
- hidden cam,1,0,0
- hidden cost,1,0,0
- HIGH card game,1,0,0
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- high-quality drug,1,0,0
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- hit all time low,1,0,0
- hit the gym,1,0,0
- hit the jack,1,0,0
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- Hits Gold,1,0,0
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- Holiday Flower,1,0,0
- holyday,1,0,0
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- home based,1,0,0
- Home Biz,1,0,0
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- home financial need,1,0,0
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- HOT HOT HOT,1,0,0
- hot news,1,0,0
- hot offer,1,0,0
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- Hot Shot Stock,1,0,0
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- hot stock,1,0,0
- hot stuf,1,0,0
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- hotandhdsm,1,0,0
- hottest dish,1,0,0
- hottest girl,1,0,0
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- hottest news,1,0,0
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- how she like,1,0,0
- How to double your,1,0,0
- how to get started,1,0,0
- How To Make Money,1,0,0
- HPGI,1,0,0
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- huge sums of mon,1,0,0
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- Humper,1,0,0
- Hundreds of Brands,1,0,0
- hundreds of lender,1,0,0
- hungama,1,0,0
- hunnie,1,0,0
- Hurry quantities are limited,1,0,0
- Husband Sad,1,0,0
- Hussein alive,1,0,0
- Hussein safe,1,0,0
- hydrocodone,1,0,0
- hypertension cure,1,0,0
- I am gay,1,0,0
- I can entrust the sum,1,0,0
- i dont want to look,1,0,0
- identical replica,1,0,0
- if not I included it below,1,0,0
- if not interested,1,0,0
- if you can be our represent,1,0,0
- If your having trouble getting into shape,1,0,0
- illegal email attach,1,0,0
- illegal website,1,0,0
- illuminating distrib,1,0,0
- imagechicken,1,0,0
- imagehost,1,0,0
- imagethrust,1,0,0
- imitation watch,1,0,0
- immediate bonus,1,0,0
- IMMEDIATE pin mon,1,0,0
- immense gain,1,0,0
- immitation,1,0,0
- importance of Secrecy,1,0,0
- Important communique,1,0,0
- important notif,1,0,0
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- impotence tablet,1,0,0
- impotence treat,1,0,0
- impress your girl,1,0,0
- impress your wom,1,0,0
- impressive logo,1,0,0
- imprint suite,1,0,0
- improve memory,1,0,0
- improve mood,1,0,0
- improve sex,1,0,0
- improve stamina,1,0,0
- improve vision,1,0,0
- improve vital,1,0,0
- improve your cashflow,1,0,0
- improve your game,1,0,0
- improve your hom,1,0,0
- improve your income,1,0,0
- Improve your intimate,1,0,0
- in body fat,1,0,0
- in need of represent,1,0,0
- in receiving the sum,1,0,0
- in search of repres,1,0,0
- in the sack,1,0,0
- in your mailbox by mistake,1,0,0
- incest,1,0,0
- included by mist,1,0,0
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- income for part-time,1,0,0
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- Increase your stamina,1,0,0
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- Incrsease,1,0,0
- independent contractor adv,1,0,0
- independent reward,1,0,0
- India Schoolmate,1,0,0
- indian babe,1,0,0
- Indian Mytho,1,0,0
- indicates that you wish to receive,1,0,0
- inestment news,1,0,0
- inexpensive medic,1,0,0
- inexpensive OEM,1,0,0
- inexpensive soft,1,0,0
- infectat cu virusul,0,1,0
- Infected - File,1,0,0
- infected by a,1,0,0
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- Infected Mail Detect,1,0,0
- Infection detected,0,1,0
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- information in total trust,1,0,0
- information regarding your acc,1,0,0
- Infotech range of news,1,0,0
- INFX,1,0,0
- Inheritance fund,1,0,0
- inkjet cartidge,1,0,0
- inkjet cartridge,1,0,0
- inkjet erection,1,0,0
- inkjet product,1,0,0
- inkjet suppli,1,0,0
- inside info,1,0,0
- inside scoop,1,0,0
- insider info,1,0,0
- insider secrets on investing,1,0,0
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- insider trading,1,0,0
- install a firewall mod,1,0,0
- install updates for worm el,1,0,0
- instant approval,1,0,0
- instant background chec,1,0,0
- Instant dealer quote,1,0,0
- instant drive,1,0,0
- instant financ,1,0,0
- Instant Fund,1,0,0
- instant gains of over,1,0,0
- instant payout,1,0,0
- instant quote,1,0,0
- instant shaker,1,0,0
- Instant shipping world,1,0,0
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- interest rates are at an all time low,1,0,0
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- interested in chat,1,0,0
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- interested in link,1,0,0
- Interested in Migrat,1,0,0
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- interested in our offer,1,0,0
- interested in our product,1,0,0
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- interested in Russian wom,1,0,0
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- interested in this kind of prod,1,0,0
- interested in transacting business,1,0,0
- international driver,1,0,0
- international Lottery,1,0,0
- International Wine,1,0,0
- Internet business training kit,1,0,0
- Internet Income,1,0,0
- internet investigator,1,0,0
- internet multi,1,0,0
- Internet name,1,0,0
- internet scam,1,0,0
- Internet watch,1,0,0
- InterScan VirusWall,1,0,0
- intimacy advice,1,0,0
- intimate dat,1,0,0
- intimate desire,1,0,0
- intimate tool,1,0,0
- introduce ourselves to you,1,0,0
- Introductory email on,1,0,0
- intwm,1,0,0
- intwmailrw,1,0,0
- Inv update,1,0,0
- Invest his financial,1,0,0
- invest in a copy,1,0,0
- Invest In EURO,1,0,0
- Invest In the EURO,1,0,0
- invest on propert,1,0,0
- invest the said fund,1,0,0
- Invest with the best,1,0,0
- investigate any,1,0,0
- investment alert,1,0,0
- investment back in ONE DAY,1,0,0
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- Investment Idea,1,0,0
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- Investment News,1,0,0
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- investment update,1,0,0
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- investor update,1,0,0
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- Investors Helper,1,0,0
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- involving a huge amount,1,0,0
- iPhone Free,1,0,0
- is a legitimate bus,1,0,0
- is a steal,1,0,0
- is an advertis,1,0,0
- is governed by our Privacy Policy,1,0,0
- is infected with,0,1,0
- is your bank account empty,1,0,0
- Islamic bank,1,0,0
- Islamic Fund,1,0,0
- issue very HOT,1,0,0
- it away For FREE,1,0,0
- it will explode,1,0,0
- it will grow,1,0,0
- Italian stock dealer,1,0,0
- its a STEAL,1,0,0
- it's very hot,1,0,0
- JCPenney Gift,1,0,0
- JCPenney Off,1,0,0
- jen ben wedding band,1,0,0
- jewelry,1,0,0
- Job Alert,1,0,0
- Job announce,1,0,0
- job for yourself,1,0,0
- job of your dream,1,0,0
- Job offer for you,1,0,0
- job stink,1,0,0
- Jobs For Free,1,0,0
- join as a consultant,1,0,0
- join for free,1,0,0
- join for nothing,1,0,0
- Join Now for FREE,1,0,0
- join our market news,1,0,0
- join our pharm,1,0,0
- join us and bring a friend,1,0,0
- joining her in bed,1,0,0
- joins after you will be placed,1,0,0
- joke of the day,1,0,0
- Judicial Judgment,1,0,0
- judicious monetary value,1,0,0
- juicy boob,1,0,0
- Juicy Couture,1,0,0
- Jump start your income,1,0,0
- Jumpstart your career,1,0,0
- just click away,1,0,0
- Just grab it,1,0,0
- Justice degree,1,0,0
- Keep her satisfied,1,0,0
- keyequipmentfin,1,0,0
- kicked German Chancellor,1,0,0
- Kill the pain,1,0,0
- kimbrer,1,0,0
- king of the bed,1,0,0
- kinky,1,0,0
- knock out sale,1,0,0
- kurzel:,1,0,0
- l e n d e r,1,0,0
- la palabra Remover,1,0,0
- lack of desire,1,0,0
- Ladies looking for,1,0,0
- Ladies Watch,1,0,0
- laides,1,0,0
- Lakh Email Id,1,0,0
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- laon,1,0,0
- laptop seller,1,0,0
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- large prick,1,0,0
- larger prick,1,0,0
- larger sausag,1,0,0
- larger woody,1,0,0
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- last Chance to Win,1,0,0
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- lasting erection,1,0,0
- later died,1,0,0
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- lawful debt,1,0,0
- leading place for your medic,1,0,0
- learn how to gen,1,0,0
- learn how to increase your quality of life,1,0,0
- learn how to mak,1,0,0
- learn more by pressing here,1,0,0
- learn more go,1,0,0
- Learn My Secret,1,0,0
- leave list,1,0,0
- left his entire Est,1,0,0
- left the sum,1,0,0
- Legal Leads,1,0,0
- LEGAL OEM,1,0,0
- legal rx,1,0,0
- LegalRX,1,0,0
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- lesbian,1,0,0
- less than a buck,1,0,0
- less than retail,1,0,0
- Let enjoy the life together,1,0,0
- let it pass you by,1,0,0
- letter in strict confidence,1,0,0
- letter of business assist,1,0,0
- Letters in one CD,1,0,0
- levitra,1,0,0
- Libido,1,0,0
- Licensed MDs,1,0,0
- licensed medic,1,0,0
- life is good http,1,0,0
- life quote,1,0,0
- life without debt,1,0,0
- lifespan enhancement press here,1,0,0
- LifeStyle Adv,1,0,0
- lifetime fiesta,1,0,0
- liife,1,0,0
- like sex,1,0,0
- like to chat with me,1,0,0
- like to have upto,1,0,0
- like to make upto,1,0,0
- like to receive special notice,1,0,0
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- limited time event,1,0,0
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- loan for as low,1,0,0
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- loan situation,1,0,0
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- Loans for SME,1,0,0
- loans with options,1,0,0
- Local Chic,1,0,0
- local dating,1,0,0
- logan_hite,1,0,0
- logo design for your,1,0,0
- Logo Designed for,1,0,0
- lohan photo,1,0,0
- lolit,1,0,0
- lonely wife need,1,0,0
- lonely wive,1,0,0
- long cox,1,0,0
- Long Laster,1,0,0
- Long Term Target Price,1,0,0
- longer in bed,1,0,0
- longer see this e,1,0,0
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- longz,1,0,0
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- Look for software?,1,0,0
- look great in 200,1,0,0
- look no more,1,0,0
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- Looking for a Career,1,0,0
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- looking for big return,1,0,0
- looking for earnest individualv,1,0,0
- looking for enthusiastic,1,0,0
- looking for friend,1,0,0
- looking for fun,1,0,0
- looking for honest,1,0,0
- looking for man,1,0,0
- Looking for medic,1,0,0
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- looking for new employee,1,0,0
- looking for new partner,1,0,0
- Looking for new software,1,0,0
- looking for pen,1,0,0
- looking for plasma,1,0,0
- looking for sales agent,1,0,0
- Looking for software,1,0,0
- looking for someone to trust,1,0,0
- Looking for that one girl,1,0,0
- looking for the represent,1,0,0
- Looking to ReFi,1,0,0
- loose a great chance,1,0,0
- loose those pd,1,0,0
- Loose weight,1,0,0
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- loqo,1,0,0
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- Lose weight,1,0,0
- lose wieght,1,0,0
- loseweight,1,0,0
- losing a pound,1,0,0
- losing Trades,1,0,0
- losing weight,1,0,0
- loss of hair,1,0,0
- Lotion Sample,1,0,0
- Lottery wish,1,0,0
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- lottery prom,1,0,0
- Lottery Win,1,0,0
- lotto,1,0,0
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- lower your debt,1,0,0
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- lower your monthly mort,1,0,0
- lower your monthly payment,1,0,0
- LOWER your monthly payments,1,0,0
- lower your payment,1,0,0
- lowering your home int,1,0,0
- lowering your month,1,0,0
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- lowest rate,1,0,0
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- LowRateSource,1,0,0
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- luxury gift,1,0,0
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- Maddam,1,0,0
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- Magnificent Watch,1,0,0
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- mail cannot be considered spam,1,0,0
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- Major Profit Potential,1,0,0
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- make a change now,1,0,0
- make a change today,1,0,0
- make a fortune,1,0,0
- make an extra,1,0,0
- make better profit,1,0,0
- Make cash around the CLOCK,1,0,0
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- make lots of cash,1,0,0
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- make seks,1,0,0
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- make that big scor,1,0,0
- Make the holidays special,1,0,0
- make you a fortune,1,0,0
- make you rich,1,0,0
- Make Your Little Guy Huge,1,0,0
- make your pick,1,0,0
- make yourself rich,1,0,0
- make yourself slim,1,0,0
- Makeover your care,1,0,0
- Makeover your career,1,0,0
- Make-up Free,1,0,0
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- Making daily profit,1,0,0
- making money online,1,0,0
- making your boss rich,1,0,0
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- meedz,1,0,0
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- Members Joining,1,0,0
- Membership Exclusive Mail,1,0,0
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- Mens Watch,1,0,0
- Mensagem automßtica,1,0,0
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- mimute,1,0,0
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- Mining Gold Corp,1,0,0
- Ministires,1,0,0
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- miss this rate,1,0,0
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- missing bill,1,0,0
- mkbizz,1,0,0
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- modern pharma,1,0,0
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- Momentous message,1,0,0
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- NEOI,1,0,0
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- never before sold,1,0,0
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- New Car Quot,1,0,0
- new chatroom up,1,0,0
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- PREMEIUM,1,0,0
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- rates at their lowest,1,0,0
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- Replica Classic,1,0,0
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- slimdown,1,0,0
- slut,1,0,0
- Small sausag,1,0,0
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- SmallCap Compan,1,0,0
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- smallcaps can,1,0,0
- smart about your deb,1,0,0
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- smart male,1,0,0
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- Snowhite,1,0,0
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- softestgirls,1,0,0
- Software 4 u,1,0,0
- Software at great price,1,0,0
- Software at major discount,1,0,0
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- Spice girl,1,0,0
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- Spice up your,1,0,0
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- Start enjoying life,1,0,0
- start getting wild,1,0,0
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- Start home Bus,1,0,0
- start living your dream,1,0,0
- start playing,1,0,0
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- start to earn comm,1,0,0
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- Start your career in,1,0,0
- started click here,1,0,0
- stay hard,1,0,0
- stay young,1,0,0
- stck,1,0,0
- Steady Climb for the TOP,1,0,0
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- Stealth Stock,1,0,0
- steps to retire,1,0,0
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- stop snoring now,1,0,0
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- Strips Offer,1,0,0
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- Supreme replic,1,0,0
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- SurveyReward,1,0,0
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- take a moment to look at,1,0,0
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- take advntage now,1,0,0
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- teaching degree,1,0,0
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- textile product for you,1,0,0
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- throuqh,1,0,0
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- thumbnail gallar,1,0,0
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- tired of financial reject,1,0,0
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- tired of the disconnect,1,0,0
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- TlPS,1,0,0
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- To be cleared from our record,1,0,0
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- TRY for NOTH,1,0,0
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- you are totally anonymous,1,0,0
- you can make money,1,0,0
- You have been chosen by,1,0,0
- You have been chosen to win,1,0,0
- you have been specially selected,1,0,0
- you have won,1,0,0
- you increase return,1,0,0
- you must be of legal age,1,0,0
- you opted,1,0,0
- you seen the new,1,0,0
- you want out,1,0,0
- you want to be younger,1,0,0
- you will save money,1,0,0
- you wish to be excluded,1,0,0
- you wish to decline,1,0,0
- youahkdn,1,0,0
- youfng boqy,1,0,0
- Young teenie,1,0,0
- your appetite down,1,0,0
- your appetite,1,0,0
- your brokerage site,1,0,0
- your business from home,1,0,0
- your business on the internet,1,0,0
- your chance to get in,1,0,0
- Your Chance to Win,1,0,0
- Your chick,1,0,0
- your confidential telephone,1,0,0
- your cooperation to invest,1,0,0
- Your cost is zero,1,0,0
- Your credit hist,1,0,0
- your custom greet,1,0,0
- your custom Movi,1,0,0
- your degree today,1,0,0
- your dick,1,0,0
- Your discrete mess,1,0,0
- your drugs from,1,0,0
- your email removed,1,0,0
- your erect,1,0,0
- Your Financial Need,1,0,0
- your first million,1,0,0
- your FREE copy Today,1,0,0
- your free notepad,1,0,0
- your gift card,1,0,0
- your house off,1,0,0
- your humble assist,1,0,0
- your interest rate to a lower,1,0,0
- Your Life Ins,1,0,0
- your Loan require,1,0,0
- your love life,1,0,0
- your medic,1,0,0
- your mojo,1,0,0
- your phall,1,0,0
- your pharm,1,0,0
- your prescr,1,0,0
- your prick,1,0,0
- your private account,1,0,0
- your private life,1,0,0
- your private mess,1,0,0
- your radar,1,0,0
- your Sales Roar,1,0,0
- your sausage,1,0,0
- your site at top,1,0,0
- your store,1,0,0
- your time and interest,1,0,0
- your time to read this,1,0,0
- your tiny size,1,0,0
- your urgent freedback,1,0,0
- your viag,1,0,0
- your winning,1,0,0
- your youth,1,0,0
- yours precious time,1,0,0
- yourself from the mail,1,0,0
- yourself from this service,1,0,0
- yourself short,1,0,0
- youwng boy,1,0,0
- ysfunction,1,0,0
- zCASINOz,1,0,0
- zero balance your credit,1,0,0
- zwcad,1,0,0