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INI File | 2007-09-26 | 107.9 KB | 2,894 lines
[Password] FRMcaption=Stj≤rnanda lykilor≡ LBLpassword=Slß≡u inn lykilor≡ stj≤rnanda BTNok=═ lagi BTNcancel=Hµtta vi≡ [Change_Pass] FRMcaption=Change Password FRMADDCaption=Bµta vi≡ Stj≤rnanda lykilor≡i LBLaddpass=Slß≡u inn lykilor≡ LBLoldpass=Enter Old Password LBLnewpass=Enter New Password LBLconfirmpass=Confirm Password BTNok=OK BTNcancel=Cancel [Npop3_Admin] FRMcaption=eScan innihalds stj≤rnun MENUadmin=Stj≤rnandi MENUview=Sko≡a MENUhelp=Hjßlp MENUcontentcontrol=P≤sts &innihald skimun MENUcompressioncontrol=P≤sts &vi≡hengja stj≤rnun MENUmailscanmessages=Tilkynningar MENUexit=L&oka MENUviewlogfiles=Sko≡a atbur≡askrß MenuFileRights=Fjarlµgt skrßar a≡gengi Menupopup=&Popup sφa POPBrowserCleanUP=&Vafra hreinsun //MENUviewmailscanlog=Sko≡a MailScan atbur≡askrß ComboItememailScanLog=Sko≡a p≤st skimunar atbur≡askrß MENUviewautoftplog=Sko≡a sjßlfvirku uppfµrslu atbur≡askrß MENUviewdownloadlog=Sko≡a ni≡urhals atbur≡askrß ComboItemPopUpFilter=Sko≡a Popup sφu atbur≡askrß ComboItemWebPageScan=Sko≡a vefsφ≡u skimunar atbur≡askrß ComboItemReportLog=Sko≡a sk²rslu atbur≡askrß ComboItemMWAVLog=Sko≡a sn÷gg skimunar atbur≡askrß ComboItemeServLog=Sko≡a eScan st≤rnunar atbur≡askrß ComboItemeScanRadLog=Sko≡a eScan fjarlµga stj≤rnunar atbur≡askrßr MENUflushlog=Hreinsa atbur≡askrßr MENUmaildebuginformaion=P≤st "Debug" uppl²singar MENUsplashscreenenable=Mynd vi≡ rµsingu virk MENUsplashscreendisable=Mynd vi≡ rµsingu ≤virk MENUsendEICARvirustestmail=Senda EICAR Veiru prufu p≤st MENUmailscanhelp=eScan Innihalds Stj≤rnunar hjßlp MENUlisenceinformation=Leyfis uppl²singar MENUlinks=Tenglar MENUabout=Um MENUContentFilter=&Vefsφ≡u skimun LBLcontfilter=Vefsφ≡u skimun LBLcontent=P≤st innihalds skimun LBLcompression=P≤st vi≡hengja stj≤rnun LBLmessages=&Tilkynningar LBLlicense=Skrßning LBLvirusinfo=Veiru uppl²singar LBLexit=Loka LBLfilerights=&Skrßar rΘttindi LBLpopup=Popup sφa LBLbrowser=Vafra hreinsum HINTtbtnccon=P≤st innihalds skimun HINTtbtncomctrl=P≤st vi≡hengja stj≤rnun HINTtbtnscanmsg=Tilkynningar HINTtbtnliseinfo=Skrßning HINTtbtnvirus=Veiru uppl²singar HINTtbtnEICARvirus=Veiru prufu p≤stur HINTtbtndeduginfo=Senda "Debug" uppl²singar HINTtbtnexit=Loka Stj≤rnun HINTTBTNFilerights=Fjarlµg skrßar rΘttindi HINTTBTNpopup=Popup Sφa HINTTBTNbrowser=Vafra hreinsun MSGLogfileisempty=Atbur≡askrßr eru t≤mar ! MSGDoyouwishtodeletealllogs=Viltu ey≡a ÷llum atbur≡askrßm? MSGLogFileslocked=Atbur≡askrß er lµst! Vinsamlegast reyndu sφ≡ar! MSGNologsfound=Engar Atbur≡askrßr funndust! MSGCannotfindSndEICARexe=Finn ekki SNDEICAR.EXE! MSGNoHelpfilesfound=Engar hjßlpar skrßr funndust! MSGMailAdmAlreadyRunning=P≤st stj≤rnunar hugb·na≡ur ■egar φ gangi! MSGDomainNameNotFound=LΘns nafn fannst ekki! MSGVPOP3DoesNotSeemToBeInstalled=VPOP3 vir≡ist ekki vera uppsett MSGErrorreadingtipsfromtipsfileDoyouwishtodisabletips=Villa vi≡ lesningu heilrµ≡is ·r heilrµ≡isskrß. viltu gera heilrµ≡i ≤virk? MSGErrorOpeningMailscanini=Gat ekki opna≡ Mailscan.ini MSGCannotfindDebuginfexe=Finn ekki DEBUGINF.EXE! MSGCannotfindLinkshtm=Finn ekki Links.htm! MSGplsaskforanewregisteredkey=Vinsamlegast biddu um n²jan leyfislykil frß Netheim ehf. ! MSGevaluationkeyupdated=Prufu leyfi uppfµrt. Prufu tφmabili l²kur %s MSGEvaluationLicenseUpdated=Prufu leyfi uppfµrt! Prufu tφmabili l²kur %s. MSGinvalidlicencekey=Rangur leyfislykill! MSGEvaluationperiodover=Prufu tφmabili loki≡! MSGremainingforRenewal=%s dagar eftir ■ar til leyfi≡ rennur ·t. MSGremainingforendofevaluation=%s dagar eftir ■ar til prufutφmabili l²kur. MSGplsrenewyourlicense=Leyfistφmabili er loki≡. Vinsamlegast endurn²ja≡u leyfi≡. MENUchangepass=Breyta lykilor≡i MENUchangepass1=Br&lo MSGplsupgradeIE=Ef ■· vilt virkja ■ennan valm÷guleika, Vinsamlegast settu upp Internet Explorer ·tgßfu 4 e≡a n²rri. POPImportExport=Flytja inn / Flytja ·t POPeMailContentScanning=P≤st innihalds skimun POPWebpageScanning=Vefsφ≡u skimun POPPopupFilter=Popup sφa POPeMailAttachmentControl=P≤st vi≡hengja stj≤rnun POPPhrasesText=Stikkor≡s texti POPWebsitesAllowed=Vefsφ≡ur leyf≡ar POPPornography=Klßm POPKeywordsAllowed=Leyf≡ stikkor≡ POPGambling=Fjßrhµttuspil POPContentAllowed=Leyft innihald POPWhitelist=Leyft POPBlockAttachmentTypes=St÷≡va vi≡hengis ger≡ir TIP=Tip tbtnViewlog=&Almennar uppl²singar FrmViewLog=Almennar uppl²singar ChbEnableSplash=Virkja "Splash" Skjß GBLog=Sko≡a atbur≡a skrß BtnViewLog=Sko≡a BtnFlush=Hreinsa atbur≡askrß BtnDelete=Ey≡a atbur≡askrß LblImpExp=Flytja inn/Flytja ·t BtnImport=Flytja inn BtnExport=Flytja ·t BtnSave=&Vista BtnRefresh=&Endurn²ja Wish2Delete=Viltu ey≡a v÷ldum atbur≡askrßm ? MENUviewsmtplog=Sko≡a SMTP atbur≡askrß MENUviewmailscanlog=Sko≡a MailScan atbur≡askrß MsgValidStandardKey=%s day(s) remaining for Registration. MsgStandardKeyGracePeriodOver=Your Grace Period is Over. Please Register your License. MsgNoKeyFound=No Key Found. Please Register your License. MsglastdayOfGraceperiod=Today is the last day for Registration. MsglastdayOfEvaluation=Today is the last day for Evaluation. MsglastdayOfContract=Today is the last day for Renewal. HINTTBTNViewLog=General Details [Npop3_Port Configuration] FRMcaption=Uppsetning LBLhttpport=Internet a≡gengi (HTTP gßtt) EdHttpPortHint=HTTP gßtt fyrir Internet a≡gengi LBLsmtpport=┌tsendur p≤stur (SMTP gßtt) LBLpop3port=Innsendur p≤stur (POP3 gßtt) LBLwartosmtp=P≤st (SMTP) ■j≤nn LBLwarsmtpport=P≤st (SMTP) gßtt ChBsmtpport=Skima ·tsendan p≤st ChBpop3port=Skima innsendan p≤st BTNsave=&Vista BTNexit=L&oka MSGinvalidportspecified=R÷ng gßtt skilgreind! MSGDoyouwishtosavechanges=Viltu vista breytingarnar? MSGInvalidipaddressspecified=Rangt vistfang skilgreint! MSGEvaluationLicenseUpdated=Prufuleyfi uppfµrt! LBLauthuser=Au≡kenni notandanafns (Valfrjßlst) LBLauthpass=Au≡kenni lykilor≡ (Valfrjßlst) GBportsetting=Gßttar stillingar fyrir p≤st/vef skimun GBWebportsetting=Gßttar stillingar GBWarningmess=A≡v÷runar skilabo≡a stillingar BTNDefault=Setja ß grunnstillingu [Npop3_Cctrl] FrmAddphrasesCaption=Bµta vi≡ stikkor≡i FrmAddPhraseCap=Breyta a≡ger≡ FrmEditPhraseCaption=Breyta stikkor≡i Btncancel=&Hµtta vi≡ MenuAdd=Bµta vi≡ reglu MenuEdit=Breyta reglu MenuEnable=Virkja reglu MenuDisable=Gera reglu ≤virka Menuwhitelist=Listi yfir leyf≡a hluti MenuBlockList=Listi yfir hluti sem ß a≡ st÷≡va LblMwhitelist=Sjßlfkrafa leyft LblMdisabled=Sjßlfkrafa eytt LblUWhitelist=Leyft af notanda LbluDeleted=Eytt af notanda FRMcaption=P≤st innihalds skimun og "Spam" v÷rn PNLhead=P≤st innihalds skimun og "Spam" v÷rn GBPhraseToCheck=Stikkor≡ sem ß a≡ leita eftir LblPhrase=Stikkor≡: ChBContentChecking=Virkja innihalds skimun GBAction=A≡ger≡ RBQuarantMail=Einangra p≤stinn RBDelMail=Ey≡a p≤stinum RBForwardmail=┴framsenda ß kerfis stj≤rnanda BTNadd=&Bµta vi≡ BTNdelete=&Ey≡a BTNremoveall=Fj&arlµgja allt GBDisclaim="Disclaimer" CBOAddDisclaimer=Bµta "Disclaimer" ß allan ·tsendan p≤st BTNsave=&Vista BTNrefresh=&Endurn²ja BTNexit=L&oka BTNOk=&═lagi MenuBtnFind=Finna GRDCsrno=Serial.Nr. GRDCphrasetext=Stikkor≡s texti GRDCquarant=Einangra GRDCdelete=Ey≡a GRDCforward=┴framsenda HINTchbcontentchecking=Virkja/╙virkja innihalds skimun ß p≤sti HINTedphrase=Stikkor≡ sem ß a≡ skimast eftir φ Mßlefnislφnu og stofni ß p≤sti HINTgrdphrasegrid=Vinsamlegast hµgri smelltu til a≡ bµta vi≡ reglu / Breyta reglu HINTrbquarantmail=Einangra p≤st me≡ m≤≡gandi stikkor≡um fyrir sko≡un HINTrbdelmail=Ey≡a p≤st me≡ m≤≡gandi efni HINTrbforwardmail=┴framsenda p≤st me≡ m≤≡gandi efni ß kerfis stj≤rnanda HINTbtnadd=Bµta stikkor≡i φ lista HINTbtndelete=Ey≡a stikkor≡i ·r lista HINTbtnremoveall=Fjarlµgja ÷ll stikkor≡ ·r lista HINTcboadddisclaimer=Virkja/╙virkja "Disclaimer" MSGPhrasealreadypresent=Stikkor≡ er ■egar til! MSGNothingToAdd=Ekkert til a≡ bµta vi≡! MSGDoyouwishtodeleteallthephrases=Viltu ey≡a ÷llum stikkor≡um? MSGYouwanttodelete=Viltu ey≡a MSGNothingtodelete=Ekkert til a≡ ey≡a! MSGDoyouwishtosavechanges=Viltu vista breytingarnar? MSGfinishedsearching=Leit loki≡! MSGphrasenotfound=Stikkor≡ fannst ekki. MSGColorPhrasesNotFound=▐a≡ eru engin stikkor≡ MSGEmptyEditPhrase=Get ekki n·llstillt stikkor≡. Advcaption=▌tarlegir innihalds valkostir CBorignaltouser=Senda einnig frumeintak til notanda CBchkcontent=Skima einnig innihald ·tsends p≤sts CBchkhtml=Innihalds skima HTML p≤st CBContentCheckDisabledForRepliedOrForwardedMail=Innihalds skimun ≤virk fyrir sv÷ru≡um e≡a ßframsendum p≤sti CBdeleteadv=Einangra augl²singa p≤st CBSpam=HTML p≤stur me≡ "Src=" streng skall merkja ß sem "SPAM" CBWhiteSpam=Mßlefnislφnur me≡ meira en 5 Lφnubilum sem "SPAM" CBChinesSpam=P≤stur me≡ Chinese/Korean tßknum skall merkja sem "SPAM" GBAntiSpamOption="SPAM" Varna valkostir Mailtaggingcaption=P≤st merkingar valkostir RBdonotchange=Ekki breyta p≤sti LBLbothsubbodychanged=Bµ≡i mßlefnislφna og stofn hafa breyst. "[Spam]" merkingu er bµtt vi≡ φ mßlefnislφnu. Tilteki≡ "spam" efni er innfellt φ stofn. RBbodyunchanged="[Spam]" merkingu eng÷ngu bµtt vi≡ φ mßlefnislφnu. Stofn er ≤breyttur. LBLxspambodysubunchanged="X-MailScan-Spam: 1" haus lφnu er bµtt vi≡. Stofn og mßlefnislφna eru ≤breyttar. LBLactualspamcont="X-MailScan-Spam: 1" haus lφnu er bµtt vi≡. Tilteki≡ "spam" efni er innfellt φ stofn. FrmHamMails=View Ham Mails FrmHamMailsHint=View Ham Mails BtnAdvanced=Advanced [Npop3_Comctrl] FRMcaption=P≤st vi≡hengis stj≤rnun PNLhead=P≤st vi≡hengis stj≤rnun GBgeneraladministration=Skimunar stj≤rnandi GBDeleteAttachments=St÷≡va vi≡hengis ger≡ir RBBlockList=Listi yfir ■a≡ sem skall st÷≡va RBallowlist=Listi yfir ■a≡ sem skall leyfa LBLdelAttachtype=Vi≡hengis ger≡ir sem ß a≡ ey≡a: BTNdelattAdd=B&µta vi≡ BTNdelattDelete=Ey&≡a BTNdelattRemoveAll=Fja&lµgja allt LBLportconfig=Gßttar uppsetning HINTeddelAttachment=Ey≡a vi≡hengjum e.g. *.exe, *.com, happy99.exe, etc. HINTlstdelAttachments=Listi yfir vi≡hengi ger≡ir sem ß a≡ ey≡a HINTallowAttachment=Bara a≡ leyfa eftirfarandi vi≡hengi e.g. *.exe, *.com, happy99.exe, etc. HINTlistallowAttachments=Listi yfir ■au vi≡hengi sem ß a≡ leyfa HINTBTNdelattAdd=Bµta vi≡hengi φ lista yfir ■au sem ß a≡ ey≡a HINTBTNdelattDelete=Ey≡a vi≡hengi ger≡ ·r lista yfir ■au sem ß a≡ ey≡a HINTBTNdelattremoveall=Fjarlµgja allar vi≡hengis ger≡ir ·r lista yfir ■au sem ß a≡ ey≡a GBaction=A≡ger≡ CHBfgrndsc=Forgrunns skimun CHBqntinfect=Einangra s²ktar skrßr //CHBstripmacros=Fjarlµgja "Macros" ·r skjali CHBstripmacros=Einangra ≤÷rugg vi≡hengi LBLquarentpath=Einangrunar sl≤≡ : RBdisinfect=S≤tthreinsa RBdelete=Ey≡a GBconfig=Stilla ■j÷ppun/Af■j÷ppun CBoCompAttachment=▐jappa ·tsend vi≡hengi CBozips=B·a til sjßlf rµsandi .zip skrßr CBoUncompAttachment=Af■jappa innsend vi≡hengi CBoUnCompDomain=Af■jappa innsend vi≡hengi (Local Domain) GBExtension=EKKI af■jappa att. ß vi≡hengjum LBLExAttachment=Undanskilja eftirfarandi vi≡hengi: BTNAddattach=Bµta vi≡ BTNDeleteattach=Ey≡a BTNRemoveAllattach=Fj&lµgja allt GBcomOptions=▐j÷ppunar valkostir LBLCGreater=▐jappa eing÷ngu ef ■j÷ppunar % er hµrri en LBLsize=▐jappa vi≡hengi er vi≡hengis stµr≡ er stµrri en (Kb) LBLlevel=Veldu ▐j÷ppunar m÷guleika sem ß a≡ nota BTNsave=&Vista BTNrefresh=&Endurn²ja BTNexit=L&oka CBOcompressionleveltouse=Grunnstillingu,Bestu ■j÷ppun,Besta hra≡a HINTCBoCompAttachment=Virkja/╙virkja ■j÷ppun ß vi≡hengjum φ ·tsendum p≤sti HINTCBoZips=Virkja/╙virkja ger≡ ß sjßlfrµsanlegum .zip skrßm HINTCBoUncompAttachment=Virkja/╙virkja af■j÷ppun ß vi≡hengjum af ÷≡rum LΘnum HINTCBoUnCompDomain=Virkja/╙virkja af■j÷ppun ß vi≡hengjum ß sta≡arp≤sti HINTedAttachment=Skrßar tegund sem ß a≡ undanskilja ·r ■j÷ppun HINTLstAttachments=Skrßar tegundir sem ß a≡ undanskilja ·r ■j÷ppun HINTBtnAddattach=Bµta skrßar tegund φ lista yfir ■µr sem ß a≡ undanskilja HINTBtnDeleteattach=Fjarlµgja skrßar tegund ·r lista yfir ■µr sem ß a≡ undanskilja HINTBtnRemoveAllattach=Fjarlµgja allar skrßar tegundir ·r lista yfir ■µr sem ß a≡ undanskilja HINTedRatio=Einungis ■jappa vi≡hengi sem ■j÷ppunar hlutfall er meira en skilgreint hlutfall (e.g. 50%) HINTedSize=Nota ■j÷ppun er vi≡hengis stµr≡ er meiri en skilgreind stµr≡ HINTCBOCompMethod=Veldu ■j÷ppunar m÷guleika sem ß a≡ nota(Grunnstilling - Besta hra≡a) HINTChBFgrndSc=Virkja/╙virkja Forgrunn skimun HINTchbqntinfect=╓ll s²kt vi≡hengi eru einangru≡ HINTchbstripmacros=S≤tthreinsa vi≡hengi ef ■a≡ er s²kt HINTrbdisinfect=S≤tthreinsa vi≡hengi ef ■a≡ er s²kt HINTrbdelete=Ey≡a vi≡hengi ef ■a≡ er s²kt HINTBtnAddDomainToExclude=Bµta LΘni φ lista yfir ■au sem ß a≡ undanskilja HINTBtnDeleteDomainToExclude=Fjarlµgja LΘn ·r lista yfir ■au sem ß a≡ undanskilja HINTBtnRemoveAllDomainToExclude=Fjarlµgja ÷ll LΘn ·r lista yfir ■au sem ß a≡ undanskilja MSGInvalidpercentagespecified=╙heimil pr≤sentutala skilgreind! MSGInvalidsizespecified=╙heimil stµr≡ skilgreind! MSGNothingtoadd=Ekkert til a≡ bµta vi≡! MSGAttachmenttypeisnotvalid=Vi≡hengis ger≡ er ekki heimil! MSGFiletypeAlreadyExists=Skrßar tegund ■egar til! MSGInvalidDomainnamespecified=╙heimilt LΘn skilgreint! MSGDomainnameAlreadyExists=LΘni≡ er ■egar til! MSGFiletypenotselected=Skrßar tegund ekki valin! MSGDomainnamenotselected=LΘns nafn ekki vali≡! MSGDoyouwishtosaveChanges=Viltu vista breytingarnar? MsgPlscheckthattheAntiVirusinstalled=ATH: Vinsamlegast kanni≡ hvort sem uppsett er ß t÷lvunni sΘ virk og stillt ß a≡ sjßlfkrafa s≤tthreinsa skrßr. Msgattachmenttypealreadyexiste=Vi≡hengis tegund er ■egar til. [Npop3_Msgmailscan] FRMcaption=eScan Tilkynningar og skimunar stj≤rnun PNLhead=eScan Tilkynningar og skimunar stj≤rnun GBCustomizeVirusMessage=Skilabo≡ GBdelmailsfromuser=Ey≡a p≤st frß notanda BTNadddelmailsfromuser=Bµta vi≡ BTNdeldelmailsfromuser=Ey≡a BTNremovedelmailsfromuser=Fjarlµgja ÷ll GBMailNotification=P≤st tilkynning lblwarningmails=A≡v÷runar p≤stur frß notanda : cbshowalert=S²na A≡v÷runar glugga BTNsave=&Vista BTNrefresh=&Endurn²ja BTNexit=L&oka HINTeddelmailsfromuser=Ey≡a p≤st frß notanda, sem dµmi *@mycompany.com HINTlstdelmailsfromuser=Listi yfir p≤st frß notanda sem ß a≡ ey≡a HINTCLBwarningmessage=Virkja/╙virkja allan a≡v÷runar skilabo≡ HINTedwarningmails=Frß: - Sl≤≡ ß skilabo≡ send af eScan MSGEmailIdAlreadyExists=P≤sts au≡kenni ■egar til! MSGNothingToAdd=Ekkert til a≡ bµta vi≡! MSGTypeNotSelected=Tegund ekki skilgreind! MSGInvalidEmailIdSpecified=╙heimilt p≤sts au≡kenni skilgreint! MSGDoyouwishtosaveChanges=Viltu vista breytingarnar? LBLWarningToUser=A≡v÷runar p≤stur til notanda : [Npop3_LicenInfo] FRMcaption=Leyfis uppl²singar eScan LBLlicenfor=Leyfis uppl²singar: LBLversion=Leyfis lykill LBLlicensesize=Leyfis stµr≡ LBLCurLicKey=N·verandi leyfis lykill LBLLicenseStatus=Leyfis sta≡a LBLEnterLicenseKeys=Slß≡u inn leyfis lykil LBLNothing=N/A BTNok=&═lagi BTNCancel=&Hµtta vi≡ BTNapply=&Nota BTNTrial=&Prufa MSGInvalidLicenseKey=Rangur leyfis lykill! MSGLicenseKeyUpdated=Leyfis lykill Uppfµr≡ur. TXTMSGEvaluationPeriodEndsOn=Prufutφmabili lφkur ■ann %s. LicenseEvalStatus=Prufutφmabili lφkur ■ann %s. TXTMSGInvalidLicenseKey=Rangur leyfis lykill! TXTMSGEvaluationPeriodOver=Prufutφmi ß eScan er li≡inn! LicenseOverStatus=Prufutφmi ß eScan er li≡inn! TXTMSGPermanentLicense=Endanlegt leyfi! TXTMSGrenewaldate=Endurn²junar dagsetning er %s TXTMSGrenewaldateForMwav=Gilt til %s TXTMSGInvalidCheckSystemDate=Rangur leyfis lykill, vinsamlegast kanna≡u dag og tφma stillingarnar φ t÷lvunni! TXTMSGContractPeriod=Leyfis tφmabili loki≡! TXTMSGExpired=Leyfi≡ er ·trunni≡! MSGKeyNotInDatabase=Key not present in our database MSGKeySuspended=Key Suspended MSGKeyAlreadyRegistered=Key already registered in another machine MsgAlreadyExists=Key Already exists MSGDoesNotBelongToComputer=License key was already registered elsewhere or the key does not belong to this computer. [Npop3_Opendir] FRMcaption=Opna LBLFileName=Skrßar nafn: LBLDirectory=Veldu m÷ppu: LBLDrive=Veldu drif: BTNok=&═lagi BTNCancel=&Hµtta vi≡ MSGdriveisnotaccessible=Drif er ekki a≡gengilegt! [Npop3_About] FRMcaption=Um eScan innihalds stj≤nun LBLAdministratorforMailScan=Kerfisstj≤ri fyrir //LBLVirusScannerfortheVPOP3MailServer=Veiru skimari fyrir POP3 p≤st ■j≤n. LBLDevelopedbyMicroWorld=Hanna≡ af MicroWorld. LBLWebhttpwwwmsplnet=Web: http://www.mwti.net LBLEMaisalesmsplnet=eMail: sala@netheimur.is LBLcopyright=H÷fundarrΘttur (c) MicroWorld 1999-2006 LBLportions=Portions (c) Kaspersky Labs Ltd. LBLportionsdata=Portions (c) G DATA Software GmBH LBLinformation=Fyrir nßnari uppl²singar var≡andi veirur: LBLwebaddress=http://www.mwti.net lbluptime=Uppitφmi ■j≤ns : BTNok=&═lagi LBLwarning1=A≡v÷run : ▐essi hugb·na≡ur er varinn af h÷fundarrΘttar LBLwarning2=l÷gum og al■j≤≡legum samningum. ╙heimil LBLwarning3=fj÷lf÷ldun, e≡a dreifing ß ■essum hugb·na≡i, e≡a LBLwarning4=hluta ■ess, var≡ar vi≡ l÷g. LBLwarning5=and civil penalties, and will be prosecuted to the LBLwarning6=maximum possible extent under law. [Common] warningcaption=Warning Invalidemailmessage=╙heimilt p≤sts au≡kenni errorcaption=Error informationcaption=Information confirmationcaption=Confirmation ReleaseMsg=Gat ekki sleppt p≤st. RContentAlreadyExists=Innslegi≡ frßteki≡ efni er ■egar til φ lista yfir falin skilabo≡ EmptyText=Slß≡u inn frßteki≡ efni sem ß a≡ bµta φ lista yfir falin skilabo≡ Msgconfirm=Do you wish to save the changes ? BTNyes=Yes BTNno=No BTNok=OK BTNcancel=Cancel BTNhelp=Help BTNabort=Abort BTNretry=Retry BTNignore=Ignore Modified=Modified BTNbrowse=Fletta DoYouLoadDefault=Viltu setja ß Grunnstillingar? BTNBuyNow=Kaupa n·na BTNRenew=Endurn²ja UnlimitCap=╙takmarka≡ UnlimitNFRCap=NFR UsersCap=Notendur BTNAdd=Bµta vi≡ BTNRemove=Fjarlµgja BTNRemoveAll=Fjarlµgja allt BTNMody=Breyta BTNDelete=Ey≡a AllFiles=Allar skrßr TextFiles=Texta skrßr Executables=Rµsanlegar IconFiles="Icon" Skrßr ShellLinks="Shell" Tenglar URLs="URLs" Images=Myndir EnabledeMailWebScanning=Vinsamlegast virkja≡u p≤st/vef skimun φ eScan Uppfµrara til a≡ virkja breytingarnar. rbreleasesingle=Sleppa bara ■essum p≤sti rbreleaseall=Sleppa ÷llum p≤sti frß ■essu p≤st au≡kenni ChBReleaseMail=Sleppa p≤sti MSGSaveChanges=Do you want to save the changes? BTNSave=Save BTNExit=Exit BTNPrint=Print BTNMod=Modification BTNDel=Deletion MSGWishToLoadDefault=Do you wish to load default settings? BTNDefault=Set to Default MSGInvalidMailId=Invalid eMail Id Specified! BTNRegisterNow=Register Now [Scanner Advanced] Frmcaption=Advanced FrmcaptionHint=▌tarlegt Frmcaption1=Fjarlµgur skrßar a≡gengis rΘttur PNLHead=Fjarlµgur skrßar a≡gengis rΘttur TAB1=IE-Veikleikar I TAB2=IE-Veikleikar II TAB3=Skjalasafn TAB4=eScan Skrßar rΘttindi lbldonnotsave=Ekki safnvista vi≡hengi af ger≡ cbarchivemails=Safnvista p≤st BTNarchivemails=Sko≡a safnvista≡an p≤st lblmailadir=P≤st safnvistunar mappa cbarchiveatt=Safnvista vi≡hengi lblattadir=Vi≡hengja safnvistunar mappa CBdfwcls=Ey≡a skrßm me≡ CLSID endingu cbdelhtml=Ey≡a HTML me≡ "Scripts" lblScripttags="Script" merkingar lblscheck="Script" og innihalds skimun ≤virk ß p≤sti frß lblscheckHint="Script" og innihalds skimun ≤virk ß p≤sti frß lblscriptto="Script" og innihalds skimun ≤virk ß p≤sti til lblscripttoHint="Script" og innihalds skimun ≤virk ß p≤sti til btnadd=Bµta vi≡ btndel=Ey≡a btnremoveall=Fjarlµgja ÷ll btnsave=&Vista btnexit=L&oka btnsettodefalut=Setja ß Grunnstillingu lblaction=A≡ger≡ ß p≤sti me≡ fleyrri en eina endingu ß vi≡hengi rbnoaction=Engin a≡ger≡ rbdelete=Ey≡a p≤sti rbforward=┴fram senda ß kerfisstj≤ra cballowmultiple=Leyfa .ZIP vi≡hengi me≡ fleyrri en eina endingu lblmexten=Leyfa vi≡hengi me≡ fleyrri en eina endingu cbquarantine=Einangra st÷≡vu≡ vi≡hengi CBReserv=Ey≡a ÷llum p≤stinum finnist st÷≡va≡ vi≡hengi CBUnscan=Einangra ≤skimu≡ vi≡hengi CBQuarMailUnScan=Einangra p≤st me≡ ≤skimu≡ vi≡hengi cbchkfout=Skim einnig frßtekin vi≡hengi ß ·tsendum p≤sti //cborignaltouser=Ef frßteki≡ efni finnst, Skall einnig senda frumeintak af p≤sti til notanda cborignaltouser=Senda einnig frumeintak af p≤sti til notanda lblrattexclude=Vi≡hengi undanskili≡ (Leyft) lblcforuser=Skimun ß frßteknum vi≡hengjum er undanskilin ß p≤sti frß lbldonnotallowmody=Ekki leyfa fjarlµgum notendum a≡ breyta eftirfarandi skrßm lblmodyallow=Breytingar leyf≡ar ß efrirfarandi skrßm lbldnallowcreate=Ekki leyfa fjarlµgum notendum a≡ b·a til nΘ breyta eftirfarandi skrßm lblcreateallow=Leyft er a≡ b·a til og breyta eftirfarandi skrßm lbldeldisvirus=Ey≡a ÷llum vi≡hengjum φ p≤sti me≡ ≤s≤tthreinsanlega veirur cbdelallemail=Ey≡a ÷llum p≤sti ef ≤s≤tthreinsanlega veirur finnast cbdelallemailv=Ey≡a ÷llum p≤sti ef veira finnst msgalreadyexists=Er ■egar til msgdoyouwanttosave=Viltu vista breytingarnar? Msginvalidentry=╙heimil fµrsla! MsgPleaseexit=Vinsamlegast loka≡u forritinu til a≡ gera breytingarnar virkar. MsgFoldernotfound=Mappa fannst ekki. Msgunabletoloaddriver=Gat ekki hla≡i≡ rekil CHBfilerights=Virkja fjarlµgan skrßar a≡gengirΘtt BTNRefresh=&Endurn²ja rbExdelete=Block Mail lblEXdeldisvirus=Replace Attachments in eMails having non-disinfectable virus cbEXdelallemail=Block entire eMail if found having non-disinfectable virus cbExdelallemailv=Block entire eMail if found having any virus CBEXReserv=Block All Reserved Attachments CBEXUnscan=Replace All unscanned Attachments CBEXQuarMailUnScan=Block emails having unscanned attachment GBDoNotScanMailsFromUser=Delete Mails From User TabScan=Scan Control [Content Advanced] Frmcaption=Advanced btnmore=More cbincome="Disclaimer" fyrir innsendan p≤st lbldonotsend=Ekki senda "disclaimer" ß p≤sti til btnadd=Bµta vi≡ btndelete=Ey≡a btnremoveall=Fjarlµgja ÷ll btnsave=&Vista btnexit=L&oka msgalreadyexists=Er ■egar til msgdoyouwanttosave=Viltu vista breytingarnar? Msginvalidentry=╙heimil fµrsla! LBLspdis=Domain Specific Disclaimer POPenable=Enable POPdisable=Disable POPEditDisclaimer=Edit Disclaimer ListViewItem1=Domain Name ListViewItem2=Disclaimer LBLDiscDisForward=Disclaimer disabled for replied or forwarded mail [ContentFilter] ContentFilterForm=Vefsφ≡u skimun AccessType=Sta≡a AccessTypeItem1=Virkur AccessTypeItem2=╙virkur AccessTypeItem3=St÷≡va sφ≡u a≡gengi ContentMatchingOptions=Innihalds samsv÷runar valkostir SearchOnlySite=Leita φ vefsφ≡u nafni ExactMatch=Nßkvµm samsv÷run SearchTitleDescription=Leita φ l²singu og lykilor≡um CBsearchintitle=Leita φ titli ActiveContentBlocking=Virk innihalds st÷≡vun ACBlockingDescription=St÷≡va ActiveX, Java, Scripts, Cookies BtnACBSettings=Sφa FilterCategoriesTitle=Sφu flokkar... GreenLabel=Leyfa RedLabel=St÷≡va CategoryTitle=Flokkur CategoryName=Flokks nafn CategoryStatus=Sta≡a CategoryType=Tegund BtnAddCategory=&Bµta vi≡ BtnDeleteCategory=&Ey≡a RatingSystemTitle=Gefa einkunn RSACiRatingTitle=Virkja sφun ß RSACi einkunnagj÷f ICRARatingTitle=Virkja sφun ß ICRA einkunnagj÷f SafeSurfRatingTitle=Virkja sφun ß SafeSurf einkunnagj÷f BtnRatingSystem=&Gefa einkunn FilterOptionsTitle=Sφunar valkostir FilterOptionItem1=Bµta sφ≡u sem ekki stenst sφun φ flokk yfir ■a≡ sem skall st÷≡va FilterOptionItem1Hint=Bµta sφ≡u sem ekki stenst sφun φ flokk yfir ■a≡ sem skall st÷≡va FilterOptionItem2=Bµta sφ≡u φ forskilgreindan flokk FilterOptionItem2Hint=Bµta sφ≡u φ forskilgreindan flokk BtnAdd=Bµta vi≡ BtnDel=Ey≡a BtnSave=&Vista BtnActions=▌tarlegt BtnApply=&Vista BtnRestore=&Endurn²ja BtnClose=Loka ExitContentFilter=Loka innihald sφu ShowContentFilter=S²na innihald sφu Allow=Leyfa Block=St÷≡va Custom=SΘrsni≡ Predefined=Fyrir fram skilgreindur CateogryAlreadyExists=Flokkur er ■egar til! GroupsFileMissing=H≤p skrß saknast! Wish2SaveChanges=Viltu vista breytingarnar ? SaveCategory=Vista flokk ? SaveSettings=Vista stillingarnar ? CannotRenameCategory=Get ekki endursk²rt, Skrß gµti hafa veri≡ opnu≡ sΘrstaklega. CannotCreatLogDir=Get ekki b·i≡ til atbur≡arskrßar m÷ppu AreYouSure2Delete=Ertu viss um a≡ ■· viljir ey≡a ? AccessTypeHint=Innihalds sφu a≡gengis tegundir BtnRatingHint=Veldu ÷ryggis einkunnar kerfi GroupsListHint=Forskilgreindir og sΘrsni≡nir innihalds flokkar StatusModifiedMessage=Vinsamlegast endurrµstu vafran hjß ■Θr til a≡ breytingarnar taki gildi... StatusModifiedMessagein95=Vinsamlegast endurrµstu t÷lvuna hjß ■Θr til a≡ breytingarnar taki gildi... CBpagetext=Leita φ sφ≡u texsta CBhtmltag=Leita φ HTML merkingum RBpartialmatch=Samsv÷run a≡ hluta Wordsandpharses=Or≡ / Stikkor≡ Sitenames=Sφ≡u n÷fn BTNAddHint=Bµta vi≡ n²jum flokk BtnDeleteHint=Ey≡a sΘrsni≡num flokk BTNAdd1Hint=Bµta vi≡ n²jum flokk BtnDelHint=Ey≡a sΘrsni≡num flokk WordsListHint=Listi yfir or≡/stikkor≡ bµtt φ flokk SitesListHint=Listi yfir sφ≡u n÷fn bµtt φ flokk BTNsaveHint=Vista breytingar ger≡ar ß ■essum flokk CbFO1Hint=Vefsφ≡a sem er st÷≡vu≡ ver≡ur sett φ vi≡eigandi flokk CbFO2Hint=Vefsφ≡ur sem eru leyf≡ar er settar φ forskilgreindan flokk CBblockpopupHint=Ekki leyfa popup/popunder glugga BTNdefaultHint=Fara tilbaka ß grunnstillingu logbtnHint=Sko≡a atbur≡askrß BtnActionHint=▌tarlegir valkostir BtnApplyHint=Vista stillingarnar BtnRefreshHint=Fara tilbaka ß sφ≡asta vista≡a ßstand BtnCancelHint=Loka vefskimunar stillingar glugganum M1value=Sφ≡an inniheldur b÷nnu≡ or≡ tengd %c M2value=Sφ≡a er φ b÷nnu≡m flokk : %c M3value=Skrß st÷≡vu≡ vegna %r M4value=Innihald umbe≡nar sφ≡u er yfir leyf≡u marki M5value=Myndir voru st÷≡va≡ar ITitle1=eScan - A≡gengi neita≡ ITitle2=eScan IAction=A≡gengi neita≡ ISubtitle1=A≡gengi a≡ sφ≡unni ISubtitle2=hefur veri≡ neita≡ af eftirfarandi ßstµ≡u: IFooter1=▐· fµr≡ ■essi skilabo≡ vegna ■ess a≡ sφ≡an sem a≡ ■· ba≡st um inniheldur, e≡a er skrß≡ innihalda, efni sem hefur veri≡ flokka≡ ≤sµmilegt. Fyrir nßnari uppl²singar, hµgri smelltu ß eScan skjßtßkni≡ hjß klukkunni ß skjßnnum, smelltu ß sko≡a atbur≡askrßr - sko≡a vefskimunar atbur≡askrß. IFooter1x=▐· fµr≡ ■essi skilabo≡ vegna ■ess a≡ sφ≡an sem a≡ ■· ba≡st um inniheldur, e≡a er skrß≡ innihalda, efni sem hefur veri≡ flokka≡ ≤sµmilegt. IFooter2=Hafir ■· frekari spurningar, Vinsamlegast haf≡u samband vi≡ kerfisstj≤rann. IWebsite=http://www.mwti.net FRMcaption1=PopUp Sφa GBnotification=Tilkynning CBblockpoupup=St÷≡va Popup CBspeaker=Pφp φ hßtalara t÷lvu CBsound=Spila hlj≤≡ BTNsound=Hlj≤≡ skrß GBwhitelist=Leyft Btnadd=Bµta vi≡ BTNdele=Ey≡a BTNremove=Fjarlµgja ÷ll BTNbrowse=Fletta LSTlistview1=Sl≤≡ GBlogfile=Saga atbur≡askrßa BTNaddtowhite=Bµta φ leyf≡an lista BTNlogremove=Hreinsa atbur≡askrß LSTlog1=Notandi LSTlog2=Dagur og tφmi LSTlog3=Sφ≡u / URL LSTlog4=┴stµ≡a LSTlog5=Or≡ MSGalreadyexists=▐egar til MSGunabletodelete=Gat ekki eytt Whitaddcaption=Bµta φ leyf≡an lista LBLaddname=Sl≤≡ sem ß a≡ bµta vi≡ BTNok=═lagi BTNcancel=Hµtta vi≡ BTNrefreshlog=Endurn²ja atbur≡askrß LogViolations=Atbur≡a skrß brota POPBrowse=Fletta CBblockpoupupHint=St÷≡va popup frß sko≡u≡um sφ≡um. CBspeakerHint=Pφpa ■egar a≡ popup finnst me≡an vafra≡ er. CBsoundHint=Spila hlj≤≡skrß ■egar a≡ popup finnst me≡an vafra≡ er. BtnplayHint=Spila BTNsoundHint=Veldu hlj≤≡skrß, sem ß a≡ spila ■egar popup finnst. LSTWhiltelistHint=Leyfa popup frß ■essum sφ≡um. BtnaddpopHint=Bµta n²ju "url" φ leyf≡an lista, til a≡ leyfa popup frß ■essari sφ≡u. BTNdelpopHint=Ey≡a v÷ldu "url" · leyf≡um lista. BTNremoveHint=Fjarlµgja ÷ll "url" ·r leyf≡um lista. BTNbrowseHint=Fletta upp v÷ldu "url" φ n²jum glugga. CBlogviolationsHint=Atbur≡a skrß brot ■egar a≡ popup finnst φ sφ≡u. LSTlogHint=Popup atbur≡askrßar fµrslur. BTNaddtowhiteHint=Bµta v÷ldu "url" φ leyf≡an lista. BTNlogremoveHint=Hreinsa allar atbur≡askrßar fµrslum · atbur≡askrß. BTNlogbrowseHint=Fletta upp v÷ldu "url" φ n²jum glugga. btnrefreshlogHint=S²na sφ≡ustu atbur≡askrß. BtnsavepopHint=Vista n·verandi stillingar ß st÷≡vu≡um popup augl²singum. BTNrefreshpopHint=S²na sφ≡ustu stillingar ß st÷≡vu≡um popup augl²singum. BTNexitHint=Loka popup stillinga glugganum. EdwhitelistHint=Bµta ■essari sl≤≡ φ leyf≡an lista. BTNsettodefalut=Setja ß grunnstillingu Btntestpop=Prufa Popup BtntestpopHint=Prufa Popup sφu FRMhotkey="Hot Key" Shiftkey=SHIFT Controlkey=CTRL Disablekey=(╙virkt) DoYouWantAddAllowList=Viltu bµta valdri sφ≡u φ leyf≡an lista? LBLMes=Tφmabundi≡ ≤virkja Popup augl²singar sφu me≡ a≡ halda ni≡ri ActiveHint=Virkja vefsφ≡u skimun InActiveHint=Gera vefsφ≡u skimun ≤virka BlockHint=Hindra vef a≡gengi WhiteListHint=Leyfa leyf≡an lista CBWhiteList=Leyfa leyf≡an lista BTNAdvSet=Setja tφmatakmarkanir BTNAdvSetHint=Virkja/╙virkja tφmatakmarkanir BtnWhitelist=Leyf≡ur listi BtnWhitelistHint=Bµta vi≡ leyf≡um lista FRMWevAdv=▌tarlegar stillingar CBAllowWhite=Leyfa leyf≡an lista TabScheduling=Tφma-ßµttlun TabWhiteList=Leyf≡ur listi CBAllowSchedule=Virkja tφmatakmarkanir Daily=Daglega Weekly=Vikulega Day=Dagur Status=Sta≡a LBLFrom=Frß klukkan LBLTO=Til klukkan Sunday=Sunnudagur Monday=Mßnudagur Tuesday=▐ri≡judagur Wednesday=Mi≡vikudagur Thursday=Fimmtudagur Friday=F÷studagur Saturday=Laugardagur MSGFromDate=Frß dagsetningu µtti ekki a≡ fara frammyfir til dagsetningu. MSGDoYouwanttoSave=Viltu vista breytingarnar? MSGAlreadyPresentInSite=Er ■egar til φ sφ≡u lista. MSGAlreadyPresentInWord=Er ■egar ß skrß φ or≡/stikkor≡s lista. FRMWevAdvSch=Vi≡b≤t / Breyting ß tφma-ßµttlun CBEnableSch=Virkja ■essa tφma-ßµttlun MSGThisTimeScheduleAlreadyFound=▐essi tφma-ßµttlun er ■egar til! EnableActiveCap=Vefsφ≡u skimun virk EnableBlockCap=Vef a≡gengi st÷≡va≡ DisableCap=Tφma-ßµttlun ≤virk SitesOnlyAllowed=Sφ≡u n÷fn og or≡/stikkor≡ eru bara leyf≡. [ContentBlocking] ContentBlockingForm=Innihald st÷≡vun OKBtn=═lagi CancelBtn=Hµtta vi≡ ActiveContentBlockingTitle=Virk innihalds st÷≡vun CookieBlockingTitle=Cookie st÷≡vun ContentTypeTitle=Innihalds ger≡ Images=St÷≡va &myndir Applications=St÷≡va &forrit Audio=St÷≡va Hl&j≤≡ Video=St÷≡va &Video Activex="Active&X" St²ringar Applets="Java A&pplets" Scripts=&"Scripts" ( Java && VB ) CookieSettings=&"Cookie" stillingar CookieTransmission=Cookie &sending CBblockpopup=St÷≡va Popup augl²singar ContentBlocking=Innihald st÷≡vun CBviruschk=Skima eftir veiru CbCMO1Hint=Leita a≡ b÷nnu≡um or≡um φ sφ≡unafni CbhtmltagHint=Leita a≡ b÷nnu≡um or≡um φ HTML merkingu sφ≡unar CBsearchintitleHint=Leita a≡ b÷nnu≡um or≡um/stikkor≡um φ titli sφ≡unar CbpagetextHint=Leita a≡ b÷nnu≡um or≡um/stikkor≡um φ texta sφ≡unar CbCMO3Hint=Leita a≡ b÷nnu≡um or≡um/stikkor≡um φ l²singu sφ≡unar. TrackBar1Hint=Vefsφ≡a er st÷≡vu≡ er fj÷ldi banna≡ra or≡a er jafn e≡a hµrri en ■etta gildi CbRS1Hint=When ticked, filtering is done for websites with RSACi rating CbRS2Hint=When ticked, filtering is done for websites with ICRA rating CbRS3Hint=When ticked, filtering is done for websites with SafeSurf rating BtnRatingHint=Skilgreindu innihalds vi≡mi≡ fyrir hina ²msu flokka CbActivexHint=St÷≡va "ActiveX" frß a≡ rµsast/hla≡ast ni≡ur cbAppletsHint=St÷≡va "Java" frß a≡ rµsast/hla≡ast ni≡ur cbScriptsHint=St÷≡va "Scripts" frß a≡ rµsast/hla≡ast ni≡ur cbviruschkHint=Skima s≤tt forrit gegn veirum CbLogViolationsHint=Atbur≡askrß fµrslu φ brotum.atbur≡askrß alla virka st÷≡va≡a hluti. CbShutdownHint=Forriti≡ mun sl÷kkva ß sΘr eftir 30 sek·ndur cbCkSettingsHint=Ekki leyfa vefsφ≡um a≡ skrifa "cookies" ß t÷lvuna cbCkTransHint=Ekki leyfa vefsφ≡um a≡ lesa "cookies" ß t÷lvunni cbImageHint=Ekki leyfa mynda skrßm a≡ hla≡ast ni≡ur cbApplicationsHint=Ekki leyfa forritum a≡ hla≡ast ni≡ur e≡a rµsast cbAudioHint=Ekki leyfa hlj≤≡ skrßm a≡ hla≡ast ni≡ur cbVideoHint=Ekki leyfa mynd skrßm a≡ hla≡ast ni≡ur CBBlockMsg=St÷≡va skilabo≡ (RFC 822) CBBlockMsgHint=Ekki leyfa skilabo≡ samkvµmt RFC 822. [ContentActions] ActionsForm=▌tarlegt LBLactions=A≡ger≡ir OKBtn=═lagi CancelBtn=Hµtta vi≡ LogBtn=&Sko≡a atbur≡askrß MessageBtn=Breyta &Skilab Email2Admin=&P≤st ß kerfisstj≤ra LogViolations=Atbur≡askrßar brot BlockAccess2Site=&St÷≡va a≡gengi ß sφ≡u CustomMessage=&S²na sΘrsni≡in skilabo≡ Shutdown=Sl÷kkva ß forriti eftir 30 sek. AdminMail=admin@company.com DefaultMessage=▐· ert a≡ ≤ska eftir sφ≡u sem hefur veri≡ \n st÷≡vu≡. Vinsamlegast haf≡u samband vi≡ \n Kerfisstj≤ran, ef ■· telur ■essa sφ≡u ekki eiga a≡ vera st÷≡vu≡ \n\n\ Sφ≡a : %\n Vistfang : %r \n ┴stµ≡a st÷≡vunar : %r\n Or≡: %w\n. CustomMesgCaption=SΘrsni≡in skilabo≡ CustomMesgTitle=Skrifa≡u skilabo≡in hΘr SaveSettings=Vista breytingarnar? Want2SaveSettings=Viltu vista ■µr breytingar sem ■· hefur gert ? LBLholdlevel=B÷nnu≡ or≡ vi≡mi≡s stilling [LogViolations] BtnRefresh=Endurn²ja BtnPrint=Prenta BtnFind=Leita BtnCut=Klippa BtnCopy=Afrita BtnClose=Loka / Hµtta BtnColor=Veldu "Fonts" BtnFontColor=Veldu "font" lit BtnBold=Feitletra≡ BtnItalics=Skßletra≡ BtnUnderline=Undirstrika≡ BtnLeftAlign=Vinstra megin BtnCenter=Fyrir mi≡ju BtnRightAlign=Hµgra megin LogViolationsForm=Sko≡a atbur≡askrßar brot LogHeader1=Notandi LogHeader2=Dagur og tφmi LogHeader3=Sφ≡a / "URL" LogHeader4=┴stµ≡a LogHeader5=Or≡ PrintPreview=Prenta forsko≡un ß atbur≡askrßar brotum SearchStringNotFound=Leitar strengur fannst ekki! ViolationsFileMissing=Brota atbur≡askrßin finnst ekki FileNotFoundMesg=Skrß finnst ekki TBTNclslog=Hreinsa/Ey≡a atbur≡askrß Douwanttodelete=Viltu hreinsa atbur≡askrßnna? Unabletodelete=Gat ekki eytt. DefaultPrinter=▐a≡ er engin grunn prentari [UpdateDialog] BtnLoadNew=Hla≡a n²ja flokka BtnSaveCurrent=Vista n·verandi flokka BtnMergeBoth=Sameina bß≡a flokka UpdateMessage=Sumir flokkar hafa breyst af ÷≡ru ferli. viltu... UpdateDialogForm=Uppfµra innihalds sφu ? [ContentRatings] RSACITab=RSACi ICRATab=ICRA SafeSurfTab=SafeSurf BtnSaveSettings=&Vista stillingar BtnCancel=&Hµtta vi≡ BtnDefSettings=&Setja ß grunnstillingu BtnShowKeys=S²na lykkla ContextTypeTitle=&Setja ß grunnstillingu AllowinContext=Leyfa φ samhengi Context-Artistic=Context - Artistic Context-Educational=Context - Educational Context-Medical=Context - Medical Context-Sports=Context - Sports ContentRatingForm=Innihalds einkanir ICRAHeader=ICRA Rating Contents RSACiHeader=RSACi Rating Contents SafeSurfHeader=SafeSurf Rating Contents BtnSSDefHint=Stilla aftur ß grunnstillingu OKBtnHint=Viltu vista breytingarnar sem ger≡ar voru ß einkunnum CancelBtnHint=Hµtt vi≡ allar breytingar og einkanna gj÷f loki≡ ICRAHint=Merktu vi≡ alla undirflokka sem ß ekki a≡ leyfa GbContext2Hint=Leyfa ■ennan flokk ef hann kemur framm φ skilgreindu samhengi RSACiHint=Veldu stig sem er sam■ykkt fyrir hvern flokk SafeSurfHint=Veldu stig sem er sam■ykkt fyrir hvern flokk RSACiMemo1=The Recreational Software Advisory Council rating service for the Internet. RSACiMemo2=Based on the work of Dr.Donal F. Roberts of Standford University, who has studied the effects of media for nearly 20 years. ICRAMemo1=Internet Content Rating Association ::: Global, cross-cultural rating and filtering system. SafeSurfMemo1=The SafeSurf SS~~ Rating Standard. Designed with input from thousands of parents and Net citizens to empower each family to make informed sions concerning accessibility of online content. [BrowserEraser] MainForm=Vafra hreinsun! FormTitle=Vafra hreinsun! GeneralPage=Allment BrowserPage=Vafrar CachePage="Cache" CookiesPage="Cookies" ActiveXPage="ActiveX" PlugInsPage="PlugIns" HistoryPage="History" FoldersPage=Skrßr && m÷ppur CacheErase=Hreinsa "Cache" HistoryErase=Hreinsa "History" PlugInsErase=Hreinsa "Plugins" ActiveXErase=Hreinsa "ActiveX" CookieErase=Hreinsa "Cookies" FolderErase=Hreinsa skrßr && m÷ppur PopupSearch=&Leita PopupSelectAll=Velja &Allt PopupDelete=&Ey≡a PopupRefresh=&Endurn²ja PopupClear1=Hreinsa "Cache" PopupClear2=Hreinsa "Cookies" PopupPrivacy=&Privacy HeaderName=Nafn HeaderHits=Hits HeaderSize=Stµr≡ HeaderModifiedOn=Breytt ■ann HeaderAccessedOn=Accessed On HeaderExpiresOn=Rennur ·t ■ann HeaderFullPath=Full sl≤≡ HeaderURL="URL" HeaderCreatedOn=Ger≡ ■ann HeaderVersion=┌gßfa HeaderDescription=L²sing HeaderCompName=Nafn fyrirtµkis HeaderComments=Comments FilterLabel=Sφa BtnAdd=Bµta vi≡ m÷ppu BtnSave=&Vista SystemFiles=Kerfis skrßr ReadOnlyFiles=a≡eins lesa HiddenFiles=Faldar skrßr WindowsAutoEraseOptions=Windows sjßlfey≡ingar valkostir SchedulerOptions=Tφma-ßµttlunar valkostir AutoCompleteMemory=Sjßlf ²fyllingar minni (IE) ClearStartMenuRun=Hreinsa sφ≡ast rµst malmynd ClearFindComputer=Hreinsa sφ≡ast funndnu t÷lvu ClearStartMenuSearch=Hreinsa sφ≡ustu leitar valmynd ClearRecentDocs=Hreinsa n²leg skj÷l ClearOpenSaveDialogbox=Opna/vista Dialogbox History ClearIeLocationBar=Hreinsa Location Bar History EmptyRecycleBin=Tµma ruslaf÷tu ClearTemporaryFolder=Hreinsa brß≡abir≡a m÷ppu RunAtStartup=Rµsa vi≡ kerfis rµsingu RunEveryDay=Rµsa ß hverjum degi kl HoursCaption=kl MinutesCaption=Min NoofTimeDeletion=Hversu of mß ey≡a,yfirskrifa skrß RunAtShutdown=Rµsa ■egar sl÷kkt er ß t÷lvu RunAtSystemLogOff=Rµsa ■egar notandi skrßir sig ·t RunAtSystemLock=Rµsa ■egar t÷lvu er lµst SchdHint=▐· getur stillt ■etta t≤l ß a≡ rµsa sig sjßlfkrafa ß vissum tφma. veldu ß hva≡a tφma ■· vilt a≡ sjßlvirk ey≡ing sΘ framkvµmd hΘr a≡ ne≡an. BtnClearNow=Rµsa skimu≡ BtnRefresh=&Endurn²ja BtnExit=Hµtta BtnSelectAll=Merkja allt BtnUnSelectAll=Afmerkja allt BrowserLbl=Vafri uppsettur: Unable2DeleteFile=Gat ekki eytt skrßnni %s, skrßin er φ notkun! FileInUse=Gat ekki eytt skrßnni %s, skrßin er φ notkun! SearchStringNotFound=Leitar strengur fannst ekki! ClearRecycleBinFailed=Hreinsum ß ruslaf÷tu brßst! ClearingRecycleBin=Hreinsa ruslaf÷tuna... ClearingTempFolder=Hreinsa brß≡abir≡a m÷ppu... ClearingAutoCompleteMemory=Hreinsa sjßlf ²fyllandi minni... ClearingLocationBar=Hreinsa Explorer Address lφnu... ClearingOpenSaveDlg=Hreinsa Opna vista Dialogbox s÷gu... ClearingRecentDocs=Hreinsa n²leg skj÷l s÷gu ClearingSearchHistory=Hreinsa leitar s÷gu... ClearingFindComps=Hreinsa Finna/leita t÷lu... ClearingRun=Hreinsa start rµsi s÷gu... Douwishtosave=Viltu vista breytingarnar? BTNaddFolder=Bµta vi≡ m÷ppu BTNaddFiles=Bµta vi≡ skrßm BtnRemoveEntry=&Fjarlµgja fµrslu BtnSaveEntry=&Vista fµrslu BTNaddFolderHint=Bµtir v÷ldum m÷ppum φ ey≡ingu BTNaddFilesHint=Bµtir v÷ldum skrß φ ey≡ingu BtnRemoveEntryHint=Fjarlµgjir valdar fµrslur ·r ey≡ingu BtnSaveEntryHint=Vista breytingar fyrir ey≡ingu LABSelFiles=Veldu skrßr og m÷ppur sem ß a≡ ey≡a... DoUWishToDelete=Ertu viss um a≡ ■· viljir ey≡a v÷ldum skrßm? BtnAdvanced=▌tarlegt StartMenuRunHint=▐arfnast endurrµsingar [Export] FRMCaption=Flytja inn / Flytja ·t RBExport=Flytja ·t RBimport=Flytja inn GBImportType=Innfluttnings tegund RBMerge=Sameina RBOverwrite=Yfirskrifa LBLFileName=Skrßar nafn BTNBrowse=Fletta MSGFileNotfound=Skrß fannst ekki MSGThereisnocontent=▐a≡ er ekker innihald φ MSGInvaidFileFormat=╙heimilt skrßar "Format"! MSGSuccessfullyImported=Flutt inn. MSGThisFileAlreadyExists=▐essi skrß er ■egar til. Skipta henni ·t? MSGSuccessfullyExported=Flutt ·t. MSGThereIsNoEntriesFound=Engar fµrslur funndust. MsgMWSFOpenError=Get ekki opna≡ skrß %s MsgMWSFCreateError=Get ekki b·i≡ til skrß %s [Warnings] AttachmentRemovedWarningToSender=Vi≡hengisfjarlµgingara≡v÷runtilsendanda AttachmentRemovedWarningToRecipient=Vi≡hengisfjarlµgingara≡v÷runtilm≤takanda VirusWarningToSender=Veirua≡v÷runtilsendanda VirusWarningToRecipient=Veirua≡v÷runtilm≤takanda ContentWarningToSender=Innihaldsa≡v÷runtilsendanda ContentWarningToRecipient=Innihaldsa≡v÷runtilm≤takanda [Rpath] FRMcaption=Select Path BTNok=&OK BTNcancel=&Cancel MSGdriveisnotaccessible=drive is not accessible! [Quarant_Main] FRMcaption=Sko≡a einangra≡an p≤st FRMcaptionHint=Sko≡a einangra≡an p≤st MENUfile=Skrß MENUrestore=Endurn²ja MENUstart=Rµsa MENUstop=St÷≡va MENUsep=- MENUexit=Hµtta MENUoptions=Valkostir MENUproperties=Sko≡a MENUdelete=Ey≡a MENUfind=Finna MENUsource=Uppruni skilabo≡ana... MENUaddtowhitelist=Bµta au≡kenni sendanda φ leyf≡an lista MENUreleasemail=Sleppa ■essum p≤sti MENUHideMessageList=Bµta efni φ lista yfir falin skilabo≡ FrmHideMessages=Bµta efni φ lista yfir falin skilabo≡ LabelHide=Fela p≤st me≡ eftirfarandi frßteknu efni BtnAdd=Bµta vi≡ BtnSave=Vista BtnClose=Loka BtnDelete=Ey≡a BtnRemoveAll=Fjarlµgja ÷ll RbHiddenMail=S²na bara falin p≤st RbUnHiddenMail=S²na bara ≤falin p≤st RbAllMails=S²na allan p≤st LBLfolderpath=M÷ppu sl≤≡ : LBLfiletypes=Skrßar tegundir : ChBattach=S²na vi≡hengi ChBopenMailClient=P≤stur opnast me≡ p≤stforriti Col0=Frß Col1=Til Col2=Cc Col3=Mßlefni Col4=M≤tekin Col5=Stµr≡(Bytes) Col6=Vi≡hengi Col7=Skrßar nafn Col8=Frßteki≡ efni HINTrestore=Endurheimta p≤st HINTproperties=Uppruni skilabo≡ana HINTdelete=Ey≡a p≤sti HINTfind=Leita eftir p≤sti HINTfolderpath=Slß≡u inn sl≤≡ ß m÷ppu HINTfiletypes=Slß≡u inn skrßar tegundir HINTsource=sko≡a uppruna skilabo≡ana... BTNok=═lagi BTNcancel=Hµtta vi≡ LBLsender=Au≡kenni sendanda LblShow=▌tar&legt >> LblHide=▌tar&legt << AddToWhitelist=Bµta au≡kenni sendanda φ leyf≡an lista BtnHide=Fela skilabo≡ MENUTrianAsSpam=Train As Spam Col9=URLs MENUTrainAsSpam=Train As Spam [Hide_Message] [Quarant_View] FRMcaption=Sko≡a p≤st [Quarant_SearchMsg] FRMcaption=Finna skilabo≡ Col8=Skilabo≡ LBLrecbefore=M≤tekin fyrir : LBLrecafter=M≤tekin eftir : SearchNow=Leita n·na StopSearch=St÷≡va leit NewSearch=N² leit Btncancel=Hµtta vi≡ Searching=Leita [Quarant_Common] Msgdeletefiles=▐etta mun ey≡a v÷ldum p≤sti. Ey≡a n²na? MsgAddtohidelist=This will add Reserved Content of selected mail(s) to Hide Message list. Add now? Text1=Heildarfj÷ldi Text2=Sµki einangra≡an p≤st... Text3=Engin vi≡hengi Text4=P≤st skrß fannst ekki ß skilgreindum sta≡! Text5=Vi≡hengi... Text6=Reyni a≡ opna vali≡ vi≡hengi, Vinsamlegast bφ≡i≡... Text7=Gat ekki opna≡ ■essa skrß. Text8=Vi≡hengi fannst ekki. Text9=Vi≡hengi opna≡! Text10=Sφv÷ktun ß n²rri leit... Text11=P≤star funndnir. Text12=Engin skilabo≡ sko≡u≡! Text13=Veldu m÷ppu Text14=Ekki einangrunar mappa! Text15=P≤star valdir. Confirm=Confirmation MsgTrainFiles=This will train selected mail(s) for Spam. Train Now? Text16=Retrieving Ham Mails... [BrowserAdvanced] Self=▌tarlegir valkostir BtnClose=Loka BtnExport=Flytja ·t BtnImport=Flytja inn BtnOptions=Valkostir BtnSelectAll1=Merkja allt BtnSelectAll2=Afmerkja allt ChkWord="MS-Word" ChkExcel="MS-Excel" ChkPowerPnt="MS-PowerPoint" ChkAccess="MS-Access" ChkFrontPage="MS-FrontPage" ChkIEFav="Internet Explorer" uppßhald LblCookies="Cookies" ChkClipbrd="Clipboard" g÷gn ChkScanDisk=Skima brß≡abir≡a skrßr drifs ChkStartMenuOrderHistory=Rµsi valmyndar r÷≡unar saga ChkRegStreams=Registry Streams ChkWinMediaPlayList=Windows Media Player Play List ChkWinMediaHistory=Windows Media Player saga ChkAppLog=Forrits atbur≡a skrß GBOffice="MS-Office" GBIExplorer="Internet Explorer" GBWindows="Windows" GBOthers=╓nnur StartMenuOrderHistoryHint=▐arfnast endurrµsingar t÷lvu Cookies=Vista "Cookies" BtnAddSaveList=Bµta φ vistunar lista BtnRemoveSaveList=Fjarlµgja ·r vistunar lista BtnCookiesClose=Loka Label1="Cookies" listi Label2="Cookies" vistunar listi GBCookies="Cookies" [ViewQueue] FRMcaption=Sko≡a bi≡r÷≡ MENUfile=Skrß MENUrestore=Endurn²ja MENUstart=Hefja MENUstop=St÷≡va MENUsep=- MENUexit=Hµtta MENUoptions=Valkostir MENUproperties=Sko≡a MENUdelete=Ey≡a MENUfind=Finna MENUsource=Uppruni skilabo≡ana... LBLfolderpath=Setja m÷ppu sl≤≡ φ bi≡ : LBLfiletypes=Setja skrßar tegundir φ bi≡ : ChBattach=S²na vi≡hengi HINTrestore=Endurheimta p≤st HINTproperties=Uppruni skilabo≡ana HINTdelete=Ey≡a p≤sti HINTfind=Leita a≡ p≤sti HINTfolderpath=Slß≡u inn sl≤≡ ß m÷ppu HINTfiletypes=Slß≡u inn skrßar tegundir HINTsource=Sko≡a Uppruna skilabo≡ana... Msg2=P≤stur ■egar sendur. SendMailCap=Senda p≤st n·na Text16=Retrieving Queue Mails... [General_Details] FrmViewLog=Allmennar uppl²singar ChbEnableSplash=Virkja "Splash" Skjß GBLog=Sko≡a atbur≡askrß BtnViewLog=Sko≡a BtnFlush=Hreinsa atbur≡askrß BtnDelete=Ey≡a atbur≡askrß LblImpExp=Flytja inn/Flytja ·t BtnImport=Flytja inn BtnExport=Flytja ·t BtnSave=&Vista BtnRefresh=&Endurn²ja MenuSelectAll=Merkja allt MenuCopy=Afrita POPImportExport=Flytja inn / Flytja ·t POPeMailContentScanning=P≤st innihalds skimun POPWebpageScanning=Vefsφ≡u skimun POPWebsitesAllowed=Leyf≡ar vefsφ≡ur POPPornography=Klßm POPGambling=Fjßrhµttu spil POPPopupFilter=Popup Sφa POPWhitelist=Listi yfir leyf≡a hluti POPeMailAttachmentControl=P≤st vi≡hengja st≤rn POPBlockAttachmentTypes=St÷≡va vi≡hengis tegundir ComboItememailScanLog=Sko≡a p≤st skimunar atbur≡askrß MENUviewautoftplog=Sko≡a atbur≡askrß yfir sjßlfvirkar uppfµrslur MENUviewdownloadlog=Sko≡a ni≡urhals atbur≡askrß ComboItemPopUpFilter=Sko≡a Popup sφu atbur≡askrß ComboItemWebPageScan=Sko≡a vefsφ≡u skimunar atbur≡askrß ComboItemReportLog=Sko≡a sk²rslu atbur≡askrß MENUviewsmtplog=Sko≡a SMTP atbur≡askrß MENUviewmailscanlog=Sko≡a MailScan atbur≡askrß MSGLogfileisempty=Atbur≡askrßin er t≤m ! MSGDoyouwishtodeletealllogs=Viltu ey≡a ÷llum atbur≡askrßm? MSGLogFileslocked=Atbur≡askrß er lµst! Vinsamlegast reyndu aftur sφ≡ar! MSGNologsfound=Engar atbur≡askrßr funndust! Wish2SaveChanges=Viltu vista breytingarnar ? Wish2Delete=Viltu ey≡a valdri atbur≡askrß ? [Smtp_Configuration] FRMcaption=Domain Configuration LBLAdminEmailId=Admin eMail ID LBLPrimaryLocalDomainName=Primary Internet Domain Name: LBLport=Port: LBLLocalMailServerIPAddress=Local Mail-Server IP Address: LBLmes1=Enter the IP address && TCP Port of the LBLmes2=SMTP server to which mail for this LBLmes3=domain should be sent (after scanning). lblPrimaryDNSServerIP=Primary DNS Server IP: BTNfinish=&Finish BTNabort=&Abort HINTeddomainname=Local Mail Server Domain Name HINTedipaddress=IP Address of the Local Mail Server HINTeddnsaddress=DNS Server IP address MSGDoyouwishtoabortsetup=Do you wish to Abort the Setup? MSGInvalidlocaldomainnamespecified=Invalid local domain name specified! MSGInvalidportspecified=Invalid port specified! MSGEvaluationLicenseUpdated=Evaluation License Updated! [Mdae_Configuration] FRMcaption=Domain Details LBLDomain=Domain Name: LBLAdminEmailId=Admin eMail ID BTNEvaluation=Evaluation MSGErrorInMDaemonINIDomainNameNotFound=Error In Mdeamon.ini Domain Name Not Found! MSGEvaluationLicenseUpdated=Evaluation License Updated! [Vpop_Configuration] FRMcaption=Domain Details LBLDomain=Domain Name: BTNEvaluation=Evaluation MSGDomainNameNotFound=Domain Name Not Found! MSGEvaluationLicenseUpdated=Evaluation License Updated! [pop3_Configuration] FRMcaption=Domain Details FRMcaptionForISP=Public IP Details LBLprimaryDomain=Primary Domain Name: LBLAdminEmailId=Admin eMail ID LBLprimaryDomainForISP=Enter Public IP BTNFinish=Finish BTNAbort=Abort MSGInvalidprimarydomainnamespecified=Invalid primary Domain Name Specified MSGEvaluationLicenseUpdated=Evaluation License Updated! MSGdoyouwishtoabortsetup=Do you wish to Abort the Setup ? MSGInvalidpublicIPspecified=Invalid Ip Address Specified ! [Smtp_Admin] FRMcaption=MailScan Administrator FRMcaptionForVisnetic=VisNetic MailScan Administrator FRMcaptionForAEC=AEC-MailScan Administrator MENUadmin=Admin MENUview=View MENUhelp=Help MENUgateway=&Gateway Administration MENUscanneradministration=Sca&nner Administration MENUcontentcontrol=C&ontent Control MENUcompressioncontrol=Com&pression Control MENUMailScanmessages=MailScan &Messages MENUVisMailScanmessages=VisNetic MailScan &Messages MENUscancctrl=Scan Cont&rol MENUexit=Exi&t MENUviewlogfiles=View Log File MENUviewMailScanlog=Vi&ew MailScan Log MENUviewautoftplog=View &Auto Update Log MENUviewdownloadlog=View &Download Log MENUviewsmtplog=View SMTP Log MENUflushlog=&Flush Logs MENUsplashscreenenable=Splash Screen Enabled MENUsplashscreendisable=Splash Screen Disabled MENUsendEICARvirustestmail=Send EICAR Virus Test Mail MENUMailScanhelp=MailScan Help MENUlisenceinformation=License &Information MENUlinks=Lin&ks MENUchangepass=Change Pass&word MENUabout=A&bout MenuRBLLink=Check RBL HINTtbtngateway=Gateway Configuration HINTtbtnscadmin=Scanner Administration HINTtbtnccon=Content Control HINTtbtncomctrl=Compression Control HINTtbtnscanmsg=MailScan Message HINTVIStbtnscanmsg=VisNetic MailScan Message HINTtbtnliseinfo=License Information HINTtbtnvirus=Virus Information HINTtbtnEICARvirus=Virus Test Mail HINTtbtnscancctrl=Scan Control HINTtbtnexit=Exit Administrator MSGLogfileisempty=Log File is empty! MSGDoyouwishtodeletealllogs=Do you wish to delete all Logs? MSGLogFileslocked=Log Files locked! Please try again later... MSGNologsfound=No logs found! MSGCannotfindSndEICARexe=Cannot find SNDEICAR.EXE! MSGNoHelpfilesfound=No Help files found! MSGMailAdmAlreadyRunning=Mail Administrator Software Already Running! MSGerrorinsmtpini=Error in Smtp.ini! MSGcannotfindsmtpini=Cannot find Smtp.ini! MSGErrorreadingtipsfromtipsfileDoyouwishtodisabletips=Error reading tips from tips file. Do you wish to disable tips? MSGCannotfindLinkshtm=Cannot find Links.htm! MSGevaluationkeyupdated=Evaluation Key updated, Evaluation Period Ends on %s. MSGinvalidLicencekey=Invalid License Key! MSGEvaluationperiodover=Evaluation Period Over!%s MSGremainingforRenewal=day(s) remaining till the end of your Contract Period. MSGremainingforendofevaluation=day(s) remaining till the end of your Evaluation Period. MSGplsrenewyourlicense=Your contract period is over! Please renew your License. %s [Mdae_Admin] FRMcaption=MailScan Administrator MENUadmin=Admin MENUview=View MENUhelp=Help MENUscanneradministration=&Scanner Administration MENUcontentcontrol=C&ontent Control MENUcompressioncontrol=Com&pression Control MENUMailScanmessages=MailSca&n Messages MENUVisMailScanmessages=VisNetic MailScan &Messages MENUscancctrl=Scan &Control MENUexit=E&xit MENUviewlogfiles=View &Log File MENUviewMailScanlog=Vi&ew MailScan Log MENUviewautoftplog=View &Auto Update Log MENUviewdownloadlog=View &Download Log MENUflushlog=&Flush Log Files MENUmaildebuginformaion=Mail Debu&g Information MENUsplashscreenenable=Splash Screen Enabled MENUsplashscreendisable=Splash Screen Disabled MENUsendEICARvirustestmail=Send EICAR Virus Test Mail MENUMailScanhelp=MailScan Help MENUlisenceinformation=License &Information MENUchangepass=Change Pass&word MENUabout=A&bout MenuRBLLink=Check RBL HINTtbtnscadmin=Scanner Administration HINTtbtnccon=Content Control HINTtbtncomctrl=Compression Control HINTtbtnscanmsg=MailScan Messages HINTVIStbtnscanmsg=VisNetic MailScan Message HINTtbtnliseinfo=License Information HINTtbtnEICARvirus=Send EICAR Virus Test mail HINTtbtndebuginfo=Send Debug Information HINTtbtnscancctrl=Scan Control HINTtbtnexit=Exit Administration MSGLogfileisempty=Log File is empty! MSGDoyouwishtodeletealllogs=Do you wish to delete all logs? MSGLogFileslocked=Log Files locked! Please try again later... MSGNologsfound=No logs found! MSGCannotfindSndEICARexe=Cannot find SNDEICAR.EXE! MSGNoHelpfilesfound=No Help files found! MSGMailAdmAlreadyRunning=Mail Administrator Software Already Running!! MSGSetupCannotFindMDAEMONINI=Setup Cannot Find MDAEMON.INI! MSGErrorreadingtipsfromtipsfileDoyouwishtodisabletips=Error reading tips from tips file. Do you wish to disable tips? MSGCannotfindDebuginfexe=Cannot find DEBUGINF.EXE! MSGplsaskforanewregisteredkey=Please ask for a new 30-character Registration Key from Deerfield.com! MSGevaluationkeyupdated=Evaluation Key updated, Evaluation Period ends on %s. MSGinvalidLicencekey=Invalid License Key! MSGEvaluationperiodover=Evaluation Period Over!%s MSGremainingforRenewal=day(s) remaining till the end of your Contract Period. MSGremainingforendofevaluation=day(s) remaining till the end of your Evaluation Period. MSGplsrenewyourlicense=Your contract period is over! Please renew your License.%s menuContentFilter=Web Scanning [Vpop_Admin] FRMcaption=MailScan Administrator MENUadmin=Admin MENUview=View MENUhelp=Help MENUscanneradministration=&Scanner Administration MENUcontentcontrol=C&ontent Control MENUcompressioncontrol=Com&pression Control MENUMailScanmessages=MailSca&n Messages MENUVisMailScanmessages=VisNetic MailScan &Messages MENUscancctrl=Scan &Control MENUexit=E&xit MENUviewlogfiles=View &Log Files MENUviewMailScanlog=Vi&ew MailScan Log MENUviewautoftplog=View &Auto Update Log MENUviewdownloadlog=View &Download Log MENUflushlog=&Flush Logs MENUmaildebuginformaion=Mail Debu&g Information MENUsplashscreenenable=Splash Screen Enabled MENUsplashscreendisable=Splash Screen Disabled MENUsendEICARvirustestmail=Send EICAR Virus Test Mail MENUMailScanhelp=MailScan Help MENUlisenceinformation=License &Information MENUlinks=Lin&ks MENUchangepass=Change Pass&word MENUabout=A&bout HINTtbtnscadmin=Scanner Administration HINTtbtnccon=Content Control HINTtbtncomctrl=Compression Control HINTtbtnscanmsg=MailScan Message HINTVIStbtnscanmsg=VisNetic MailScan Message HINTtbtnliseinfo=License Information HINTtbtnvirus=Virus Info HINTtbtnEICARvirus=Virus Test Mail HINTtbtndeduginfo=Send Debug Information HINTtbtnscancctrl=Scan Control HINTtbtnexit=Exit Administrator MSGLogfileisempty=Log File is empty! MSGDoyouwishtodeletealllogs=Do you wish to delete all logs? MSGLogFileslocked=Log Files locked! Please try again later... MSGNologsfound=No logs found! MSGCannotfindSndEICARexe=Cannot find SNDEICAR.EXE! MSGNoHelpfilesfound=No Help files found! MSGMailAdmAlreadyRunning=Mail Administrator Software Already Running!! MSGDomainNameNotFound=Domain Name Not Found! MSGVPOP3DoesNotSeemToBeInstalled=VPOP3 Does Not Seem To Be Installed MSGErrorreadingtipsfromtipsfileDoyouwishtodisabletips=Error reading tips from tips file. Do you wish to disable tips? MSGErrorOpeningMailScanini=Error Opening MailScan.ini MSGCannotfindDebuginfexe=Cannot find DEBUGINF.EXE! MSGCannotfindLinkshtm=Cannot find Links.htm! MSGplsaskforanewregisteredkey=Please ask for new registered key from Microworld! MSGevaluationkeyupdated=Evaluation Key updated, Evaluation Period ends on %s. MSGinvalidLicencekey=Invalid License Key! MSGEvaluationperiodover=Evaluation Period Over!%s MSGremainingforRenewal=day(s) remaining till the end of your Contract Period. MSGremainingforendofevaluation=day(s) remaining till the end of your Evaluation Period. MSGplsrenewyourlicense=Your contract period is over! Please renew your License.%s [pop3_Admin] FRMcaption=MailScan Administrator FRMcaptionForVisnetic=VisNetic MailScan Administrator FRMcaptionForAEC=AEC-MailScan Administrator MENUadmin=Admin MENUview=View MENUhelp=Help MENUscanneradministration=Scanner Ad&ministration MENUcontentcontrol=C&ontent Control MENUcompressioncontrol=Com&pression Control MENUMailScanmessages=MailSca&n Messages MENUVisMailScanmessages=VisNetic MailScan &Messages MENUscancctrl=Scan Cont&rol MENUexit=Exi&t MENUviewlogfiles=View Log Files MENUviewMailScanlog=Vi&ew MailScan Log MENUviewautoftplog=View &Auto Update Log MENUviewdownloadlog=View &Download Log MENUflushlog=&Flush Logs MENUmaildebuginformaion=Mail Debu&g Information MENUsplashscreenenable=Splash Screen Enabled MENUsplashscreendisable=Splash Screen Disabled MENUsendEICARvirustestmail=Send EICAR Virus Test Mail MENUMailScanhelp=MailScan Help MENUlisenceinformation=License &Information MENUlinks=Lin&ks MENUchangepass=Change Pass&word MENUabout=A&bout MenuRBLLink=Check RBL HINTtbtnscadmin=Scanner Administration HINTtbtnccon=Content Control HINTtbtncomctrl=Compression Control HINTtbtnscanmsg=MailScan Message HINTVIStbtnscanmsg=VisNetic MailScan Message HINTtbtnliseinfo=License Information HINTtbtnvirus=Virus Info HINTtbtnEICARvirus=Virus Test Mail HINTtbtndeduginfo=Send Debug Information HINTtbtnscancctrl=Scan Control HINTtbtnexit=Exit Administrator MSGLogfileisempty=Log File is empty! MSGDoyouwishtodeletealllogs=Do you wish to delete all logs? MSGLogFileslocked=Log Files locked! Please try again later... MSGNologsfound=No logs found! MSGCannotfindSndEICARexe=Cannot find SNDEICAR.EXE! MSGNoHelpfilesfound=No Help files found! MSGMailAdmAlreadyRunning=Mail Administrator Software Already Running! MSGDomainNameNotFound=Domain Name Not Found! MSGVPOP3DoesNotSeemToBeInstalled=VPOP3 Does Not Seem To Be Installed MSGErrorreadingtipsfromtipsfileDoyouwishtodisabletips=Error reading tips from tips file. Do you wish to disable tips? MSGErrorOpeningMailScanini=Error Opening MailScan.ini MSGCannotfindDebuginfexe=Cannot find DEBUGINF.EXE! MSGCannotfindLinkshtm=Cannot find Links.htm! MSGplsaskforanewregisteredkey=Please ask for new registered key from MicroWorld! MSGevaluationkeyupdated=Evaluation Key updated, Evaluation Period ends on %s. MSGinvalidLicensekey=Invalid License Key! MSGEvaluationperiodover=Evaluation Period Over!%s MSGremainingforRenewal=day(s) remaining till the end of your Contract Period. MSGremainingforendofevaluation=day(s) remaining till the end of your Evaluation Period. MSGplsrenewyourlicense=Your contract period is over! Please renew your License.%s [Gateway] FRMcaption=Gateway Configuration PNLhead=Gateway Configuration GBgeneralconfiguration=General Configuration LBLsmtplisenport=Mail SMTP Server to Listen on Port: LBLcheckifsenderdomainisvalid=Check if Sender Domain is Valid Before accepting email LBLlistoflocaldomains=List of Local Domains BTNaddlocaldomain=Add BTNremovelocaldomain=Delete GBInboundMails=Configuration For Inbound Mails: LBLMailsforLocalDomains=Mails for Local Domains LBLforwardtohost=Forward to host (TCP-IP Address) LBLport=Port cboutgoing=Outgoing Enabled cbincoming=Incoming Enabled BTNadddtoipmap=Add BTNdeletedtoipmap=Delete GBOutboundMails=Configuration For Outbound Mails: CBOsmtprelay=Reject unauthorized relaying GBdnsserversetting=DNS Server Setting: LBLdnssersveripaddress=DNS Server IP Address: BTNadddnsname=Add BTNdeletednsname=Delete GBrelaysetting=Relay Setting: LBLallowrelay=Allow Relay ONLY from User/IP: BTNaddrelayipaddress=Add BTNdeleterelayipaddress=Delete BTNsave=&Save BTNrefresh=&Refresh BTNexit=E&xit BTNFlushDNS=Flush DNS GRDsno=SNo. GRDlocaldomain=Local Domain GRDsmtpserveripadd=SMTP-Server IP Address GRDport=Port HINTedsmtport=MS SMTP server binds to this port HINTCbosenderdomain=Verify Sender Domain Using DNS (Spam Control) HINTedlocaldomain=Local Domain Name HINTlstlocaldomainlist=List of Local Domains HINTbtnaddlocaldomain=Add Domain name to Local Domain List HINTbtnremovelocaldomain=Delete Domain Name from Domain Name List HINTedorigdomain=Mails addressed to this domain will be relayed to the IP address HINTeddestdomain=IP address to which mails have to be relayed HINTeddestport=Mail server port (default = 25) HINTGRDdomaingrid=Double click to edit HINTbtnadddtoipmap=Add domain name to relay mapping HINTbtndeletedtoipmap=Delete domain name to relay mapping HINTeddnsname=IP address of DNS server which will be used for query HINTlstdnsnamelist=List of DNS server used for queries HINTBTNadddnsname=Add DNS server IP address HINTBTNdeletednsname=Delete DNS server IP address HINTedrelayfromipaddress=IP address allowed to relay HINTlstrelayipaddresslist=List of IP addresses allowed to relay HINTBTNaddrelayipaddress=Add IP address allowed to relay HINTBTNdeleterelayipaddress=Delete IP address from "Allowed To Relay" list MSGInvaliddomainnamespecified=Invalid domain name specified! MSGCannotaddhosttolocaldomainsetc=Cannot add host to local domains! Mapping for host already exists in inbound mail configuration. Please delete the entries from inbound mail configuration for host MSGLocaldomainalreadyexists=Local domain already exists! MSGPrimaryDomaincannotbedeleted=Primary Domain cannot be deleted! MSGAlltheIPmappingsforthedomain=All the IP mappings for the domain %s will be removed. Do you wish to continue? MSGPleaseselectthedomainyouwishtodelete=Please select the domain you wish to delete! MSGDNSnamealreadyexists=DNS name already exists! MSGInvalidIPaddressspecified=Invalid IP address specified! MSGAtleastoneDNSIPaddressisrequired=Atleast one DNS IP address is required! MSGDNSnamenotselected=DNS name not selected! MSGRelayIPaddressalreadyexist=Relay User/IP address already exist MSGNothingtoAdd=Nothing to Add MSGRelayIPnotselected=Relay IP not selected! MSGInvalidlocaldomainspecified=Invalid local domain specified! MSGInvaliddestinationaddressspecified=Invalid destination address specified! MSGInvalidportspecified=Invalid port specified! MSGAtleastonemappingrequiredforPrimaryDomain=Atleast one mapping required for Primary Domain! MSGAtleastonemappingrequiredforPrimaryDomainForVis=Atleast one Local Domain is required to use VisNetic MailScan for SMTP Servers, therefore you can not delete this Domain. MSGTheselectedmappingwillbedeletedfromMXrecordsimmediately=The selected mapping will be deleted from MX records immediately! Do you wish to delete entry for MSGAtleastoneIPmappingforlocaldomain=Atleast one IP mapping for local domain is required. Do you wish to remove local domain MSGNoDNSIPaddressspecified=No DNS IP address specified! MSGNorelayinformationforlocaldomain=No relay information for local domain MSGInvalidSMTPportspecified=Invalid SMTP port specified! MSGDoyouwishtosavechanges=Do you wish to save the changes? MSGNothingtodelete=Nothing to Delete MSGRestart=Please Restart MailScan Services for changes to take effect. LOGduplicate=Duplicate entries found in MXCACHE.INI for Domain %s. MSGduplicate=Duplicate entries found in MXCACHE.INI, Please check MAILADM.LOG for more details. GRDAuthentication=Authentication GRDusername=User Name GRDpassword=Password CBauthan=Allow Client for Authentication CBforceauth=Enable Force Authentication LBLforceauth=IP of Clients to be Forcibly Authenticated LSTforceauth=Clients in this list will not be allowed to send mails if they do not authenticate PopMakePrimary=Make Primary [Edittoipmap] FRMcaption=Edit Local Domain to IP Mapping lbllocaldomainname=Local Domain Name: lblLocalMailServerIPaddress=Local Mail Server IP address: lblport=Port: lblmes1=Enter the IP address && TCP Port of the SMTP server lblmes2=to which mails for this domain should be sent. btnsave=&Save btncancel=&Cancel MSGInvaliddomainnamespecified=Invalid Domain Name Specified MSGInvalidportspecified=Invalid port specified! [Domainipno] FRMcaption=Local Domain To IP Mapping lbllocaldomainname=Local Domain Name lblLocalMailServerIPaddress=Local Mail-Server IP Address lblport=Port lblmes1=Enter the IP Address and TCP port of the SMTP Server lblmes2=to which mails for this domain should be sent btnadd=&Add btncancel=&Cancel MSGInvaliddomainnamespecified=Invalid Domain Name Specified MSGInvalidportspecified=Invalid port specified! LBLAuthentication=Authentication Required LBLusername=User Name LBLpassword=Password MSGinvalidusername=Invalid User Name! MSGinvalidpassword=Invalid Password! [Genadmin] FRMcaption=Scanner Administration PNLhead=Scanner Administration GBscannerconfig=Scanner Administration LBLinputpath=Message Input Path: LBLprimarydomain=Primary Domain BTNlocaldomain=Local Domain LBLreportfilepath=Report File Path: LBLmaxsize=Max Size (KB) LBLmaxQuarsize=Max Size (MB) CBMaxQuarsizeHint=Maximum size of Quarantine Folder (0- Unlimited) MSGinvalidQuarantinefilesize=Invalid Quarantine File Size GBDeleteAttachments=Block Attachments types RBBlockList=Block List RBallowlist=Allow List LBLdelattachtype=Unsafe Attachments To Delete: BTNdelattadd=A&dd BTNdelattdelete=De&lete BTNdelattremoveall=Remove All GBforwardattachments=Forward Attachments of following Types to Admin LBLforwardattachtype=Attachment types To Forward: BTNforwardattadd=&Add BTNforwardattdelete=Dele&te BTNforwardattremoveall=Rem&ove All GBaction=Action ChBFgrndSc=Foreground Scanning CHBqntinfect=Quarantine Infected Files //CHBstripmacros=Strip Macros From Documents CHBstripmacros=Quarantine Unsafe Attachments RBdisinfect=Disinfect RBdelete=Delete RBEXdelete=Replace LBLquarentpath=Quarantine Path: GBantivirusupdate=Anti-Virus Update CHBenbleauto=Enable Auto Download CHBenbleupdate=Enable Update Notification LBLqueryinterval=Query Interval: LBLmin=Min. BTNupdatenow=&Update Now BTNftpconfig=Update confi&g lbllastupdate=Lastupdate lblnotavailable=Not Available CBsendoriginalmail=Send Original Mail to User Btnafter=After Update BTNsave=&Save BTNrefresh=&Refresh BTNexit=E&xit HINTbtnreport=Select Reports Directory HINTcbomaxsize=Maximum size of Report file (0- Unlimited) HINTeddelAttachment=Delete Attachments e.g. *.exe, *.com, happy99.exe, etc. HINTlstdelAttachments=List of Attachment types to Delete HINTallowAttachment=Only Allow Attachments e.g. *.exe, *.com, happy99.exe, etc. HINTlistallowAttachments=List of Attachment types to be Allowed HINTbtndelattadd=Add Attachment Type To Delete List HINTbtndelattdelete=Delete Attachment Type From Delete List HINTbtndelattremoveall=Remove All Attachment Types From Delete List HINTedforwardattachment=Forward Attachments e.g. *.exe, *.com etc HINTlstforwardattachment=List of Attachment types To Forward HINTbtnforwardattadd=Add Attachment Type To Forward List HINTbtnforwardattdelete=Delete Attachment Type From Forward List HINTbtnforwardattremoveall=Remove All Attachment Types From Forward List HINTChBFgrndSc=Enable/Disable Foreground Scanning HINTchbqntinfect=Every infected Attachment is Quarantined HINTchbstripmacros=Disinfect Attachments if Found Infected HINTrbdisinfect=Disinfect Attachments if Found Infected HINTrbdelete=Delete Attachments if Found Infected HINTEXrbdelete=Block Attachments if Found Infected HINTbtnquarent=Quarantine Directory HINTchbenbleauto=Enable/Disable Automatic Anti-Virus updates HINTchbenbleupdate=Enable/Disable anti-virus update notification to Administrator HINTcboqinterval=Query interval for Anti-Virus update HINTbtnupdatenow=Start Anti-virus Update HINTbtnftpconfig=Configure FTP/HTTP downloader MSGinvalidreportfilesize=Invalid Report File Size MSGinvalidqueryinterval=Invalid Query interval! MSGattachmenttypealreadyexists=Attachment type Already Exists! MSGattachmenttypeisnotvalid=Attachment type is not valid! MSGnothingtoadd=Nothing To Add! MSGtypenotselected=Type Not Selected! MSGdoyouwishtosavechanges=Do You Wish To save the changes? MSGftpdownloadernotfound=FTP downloader not found! MsgPlscheckthattheAntiVirusinstalled=Note: Pls check that the Anti-Virus installed on this Machine is enabled and it is set for auto-disinfection. MSGattachmenttypePresentInBlock=Attachment Type Already Present in Block Attachments! MSGattachmenttypePresentInForward=Attachment Type Already Present in Forward Attachments! [DomainDetails] FRMcaption=Domain Details LBLprimarydomain=Primary Domain LBLlocaldomains=Local Domains BTNadd=Add BTNdelete=Delete BTNMakeprimary=Make Primary LBLsmtpport=SMTP to Listen on Port LBLpop3port=POP3 to Listen on Port LBLwartosmtp=Warning To SMTP Server LBLwarsmtpport=Warning To SMTP Port BTNsave=Save BTNexit=Exit MSGinvaliddomainnamespecified=Invalid Domain Name Specified MSGdomainnamealreadyexists=Domain Name Already Exits MSGinvalidportspecified=Invalid Port Specified MSGDoyouwishtosavechanges=Do You Wish to Save the Changes MSGInvalidipaddressspecified=Invalid IP Address Specified [Eupdate] FRMcaption=Anti Virus Update Tgeneral=General Config GBselectmode=Select Mode RBftp=FTP RBhttp=HTTP CBOftpproxy=Enable Download via Proxy lblhttpproxy=HTTP Proxy Server IP: lblhttpport=Port: lblhttplogin=Login name: lblhttppassword=Password: Tftp=FTP Config GBftpselectdownloadsite=Select Download site LBLftpdownloadsite=FTP Download Site: LBLdownloaddir=Download Directory: LBLftpproxy=FTP Proxy Server IP: LBLFTPmainPort=Port EDFTPMainPortHint=Set Port to 2021, If you are Downloading from eScan Server. MSGinvalidFTPPORTSpecified=Invalid FTP Port Specified! LBLftpport=Port: LBLftplogin=Login Name: LBLftppassword=Password: GBlogontype=Logon Type RBuser=User@siteaddress RBopen=OPEN siteaddress RBpasv=PASV Mode RBsocks=Socks Ver: Thttp=HTTP Config GBhttpselectdownloadsite=Select Download site LBLhttpdownloadsite=HTTP Download Site: BTNsave=&Save BTNexit=E&xit tabuncpath=UNC Config Gbuncconfig=Souce UNC Path lbluncpath=Source UNC Path HINTcboftpproxy=Enable/Disable eScan updates via proxy server HINTedhttpproxyhost=TCP/IP address on which your proxy server listens for HTTP requests HINTedhttpproxyport=Port on which your proxy server listens for HTTP requests HINTedhttpuser=Http proxy user name HINTedhttppassword=Http proxy password HINTcboftpsite=Select an eScan download site from the list of available sites HINTedftpaddress=TCP/IP address on which your proxy server listens for FTP requests HINTedftpproxyport=Port on which your proxy server listens for FTP requests HINTedusername=FTP proxy username HINTedftppassword=FTP proxy password HINTrbuser=Logon type for WinGate, Winproxy etc HINTrbopen=Logon type for Cproxy etc HINTrbpasv=Logon type for Firewalls HINTrbsocks=Logon type for Socks servers (protocol versions 4,4.A and 5 supported) HINTcbohttpserverlist=Select an eScan download site from the list of available sites MSGdoyouwishtosavechanges=Do you wish to save the changes? MSGinvalidftpdownloadsiteselected=Invalid FTP download site selected! MSGinvalidhttpdownloadsiteselected=Invalid HTTP download site selected! MSGinvalidtcpipaddressspecifiedforhttpProxy=Invalid TCP/IP address specified for HTTP Proxy! MSGinvalidportspecifiedforhttpProxy=Invalid port specified for HTTP Proxy! MSGinvalidtcpipaddressspecifiedforftpProxy=Invalid TCP/IP address specified for FTP Proxy! MSGinvalidportspecifiedforftpProxy=Invalid port specified for FTP Proxy! MSGinvalidUserNamespecifiedforftpProxy=Invalid username specified for FTP Proxy! MSGinvalidPasswordspecifiedforftpProxy=Invalid Password specified for FTP Proxy! MSGinvalidSocksversionspecified=Invalid Socks version specified! Please select a valid Socks version. MSGinvaliduncpathSpecified=Invalid UNC Path Specified! MSGInvalidMailId=Invalid eMail Id Specified! HINTEDNotymailid=If this entry is kept blank, notification will be sent to Admin eMail ID. LBLUpdateNoty=Update Notification Mails to User [Cctrl] FRMcaption=Content Control and Spam Killer PNLhead=Content Control and Spam Killer GBPhraseToCheck=Phrase To Check GBEXPhraseToCheck=Check phrases for blocking the mails LblPhrase=Phrase: ChBContentChecking=Enable Content Checking GBAction=Action RBQuarantMail=Quarantine The Mail RBDelMail=Delete The Mail RBForwardmail=Forward Mail To Admin BTNadd=&Add BTNdelete=&Delete BTNremoveall=Re&move All GBDisclaim=Disclaimer CBOAddDisclaimer=Add Disclaimer To Out Bound Mails BTNsave=&Save BTNrefresh=&Refresh BTNexit=E&xit GRDCsrno=Sr.No. GRDCphrasetext=Phrase Text GRDCquarant=Quarant GRDCdelete=Delete GRDCforward=Forward HINTchbcontentchecking=Enable/Disable Content Checking Of E-Mails HINTedphrase=Phrase to be Checked in the Subject and Body of E-Mails HINTgrdphrasegrid=List of Phrases and Actions Associated with them HINTrbquarantmail=Quarantine the E-Mail with Offensive Phrase for further Review HINTrbdelmail=Delete the E-Mails having Offensive Content HINTrbforwardmail=Forward the E-Mail with the Offensive Content to the Administrator HINTbtnadd=Add Phrase to list HINTbtndelete=Delete Phrase from list HINTbtnremoveall=Remove all Phrases from list HINTcboadddisclaimer=Enable/Disable Disclaimer MSGPhrasealreadypresent=Phrase already present! MSGNothingToAdd=Nothing To Add! MSGDoyouwishtodeleteallthephrases=Do you wish to delete all the phrases? MSGYouwanttodelete=You want to delete MSGNothingtodelete=Nothing to delete! MSGDoyouwishtosavechanges=Do you wish to save the changes? MSGfinishedsearching=Finished searching! MSGphrasenotfound=Given phrase was not found. Advcaption=Advanced Content Options CBorignaltouser=Send Original Mail to User Also CBchkcontent=Check Content on Outgoing Mails Also CBchkhtml=Check HTML Mails for Content CBContentCheckDisabledForRepliedOrForwardedMail=Content Check Disabled for Replied or Forwarded Mails CBdeleteadv=Quarantine Advertisement eMails CBEXdeleteadv=Block Advertisement eMails CBSpam=HTML mails with "Src=" string to be tagged as SPAM CBWhiteSpam=Treat Subject with more than 5 whitespaces as SPAM CBChinesSpam=Treat Mails with Chinese/Korean character set as SPAM GBAntiSpamOption=Anti - SPAM options Mailtaggingcaption=Mail Tagging Options RBdonotchange=Do not change email at all LBLbothsubbodychanged=Both subject and body is changed. [Spam] tag is added in Subject. Actual spam content is embedded in Body. RBbodyunchanged=Only [Spam] tag is added in Subject. Body is left unchanged. LBLxspambodysubunchanged="X-MailScan-Spam: 1" header line is added. Body and subject both remains unchanged. LBLactualspamcont="X-MailScan-Spam: 1" header line is added. Actual spam content is embedded in Body. [Comctrl] FRMcaption=Compression Control PNLhead=Compression Control GBconfig=Configure Compression/Decompression CBoCompAttachment=Compress outbound attachments CBozips=Create self extracting zips CBoUncompAttachment=Uncompress inbound attachments CBoUnCompDomain=Uncompress inbound attachments (Local Domain) GBExtension=DO NOT compress attachments of extensions LBLExAttachment=Exclude following attachments: BTNAddattach=Add BTNDeleteattach=Delete BTNRemoveAllattach=Remove All GBcomOptions=Compression Options LBLCGreater=Compress ONLY if compression % greater than LBLsize=Compress if Attachment size is above (Kb) LBLlevel=Select Compression Level to use GBCompressDomain=Compress Mail Attachments For Following Domains LBLCompressDomain=Add Domain To Compress List: BTNadddomaintocompresslist=Add BTNdeletedomaintocompresslist=Delete BTNremovealldomaintocompresslist=Remove All GBNotCompressDomain=Don't Compress Mail Attachments For Following Domains LBLExcludeDomain=Add Domain To Exclude List: BtnaddDomainToExclude=Add BtndeleteDomainToExclude=Delete BtnRemoveAllDomainToExclude=Remove All BTNsave=&Save BTNrefresh=&Refresh BTNexit=E&xit CBOcompressionleveltouse=Default,Best Compression,Best Speed HINTCBoCompAttachment=Enable/Disable Compression of attachments for outbound Mails HINTCBoZips=Enable/Disable creation of self extracting zip files HINTCBoUncompAttachment=Enable/Disable decompression of attachments of mail coming from external domain HINTCBoUnCompDomain=Enable/Disable decompression of attachments of local mails HINTedAttachment=File Type to Exclude from compression HINTLstAttachments=List of File Types to Exclude from compression HINTBtnAddattach=Add File type to exclude list HINTBtnDeleteattach=Remove File type from exclude list HINTBtnRemoveAllattach=Remove all File Types From exclude list HINTedRatio=Compress attachments only if the compression ratio is more than the specified ratio (e.g. 50%) HINTedSize=Use Compression if size of attachment is greater than the specified size HINTCBOCompMethod=Select a level of compression to use (Default- Best Speed) HINTedDomainToCompress=Add Domain name to Domain name list HINTLstCompresDomain=Use Compression for All mails addressed to the Domains in Domain name list HINTBtnAdddomaintocompresslist=Add Domain name to Domain name list HINTBtnDeletedomaintocompresslist=Remove Domain name from Domain name list HINTBtnRemoveAlldomaintocompresslist=Remove All Domain names from Domain name list HINTedDomainToExclude=Add Domain name to Exclude Domain name list HINTLstExcludeDomain=All mails addressed to Domains in Exclude Domain list will be excluded from compression HINTBtnAddDomainToExclude=Add Domain name to Exclude Domain list HINTBtnDeleteDomainToExclude=Remove Domain from Exclude Domain list HINTBtnRemoveAllDomainToExclude=Remove All Domain names from Exclude Domain list MSGInvalidpercentagespecified=Invalid percentage specified! MSGInvalidsizespecified=Invalid size specified! MSGNothingtoadd=Nothing to add! MSGAttachmenttypeisnotvalid=Attachment type is not valid! MSGFiletypeAlreadyExists=File type Already Exists! MSGInvalidDomainnamespecified=Invalid Domain name specified! MSGDomainnameAlreadyExists=Domain name Already Exists! MSGFiletypenotselected=File type not selected! MSGDomainnamenotselected=Domain name not selected! MSGDoyouwishtosaveChanges=Do you wish to save the changes? [MsgMailScan] FRMcaption=MailScan Messages FRMVIScaption=VisNetic MailScan Messages PNLhead=MailScan Messages PNLVIShead=VisNetic MailScan Messages GBCustomizeVirusMessage=Messages GBMailNotification=Mail Notification LblAddAdmin=eMail Addresses to Notify: BTNadd=&Add BTNdelete=Dele&te BTNremoveall=Re&move All lblwarningmails=Warning Mails From User: BTNsave=&Save BTNrefresh=&Refresh BTNexit=E&xit HINTCLBwarningmessage=Enable/Disable of All Warning Messages HINTedEmail=E-Mail ID to send Warning HINTlstEmailId=List Of E-Mail Ids To Which Warning will be send HINTBtnAdd=Add E-mail Id To Warning List HINTBtnDelete=Delete E-Mail Id From Warning List HINTBtnRemoveAll=Remove All E-Mail Ids From Warning List HINTedwarningmails=From: - Address of messages sent by MailScan MSGEmailIdAlreadyExists=eMail Id Already Exists! MSGNothingToAdd=Nothing To Add! MSGTypeNotSelected=Type Not Selected! MSGInvalidEmailIdSpecified=Invalid eMail Id Specified! MSGDoyouwishtosaveChanges=Do you wish to save the changes? MSGFileIsNotPresent=%s File is not Present! LotusSettingHint=Settings [Smtp_LicenInfo] FRMcaption=License information for LBLlicenfor=License Information: LBLversion=License Code LBLlicensesize=License Size LBLLicenseStatus=License Status LBLCurLicKey=Current License Key LBLEnterLicenseKeys=Enter License Keys BTNok=&OK BTNCancel=&Cancel MSGInvalidLicenseKey=Invalid License Key! MSGLicenseKeyUpdated=License Key Updated. TXTMSGEvaluationPeriodEndsOn=Evaluation Period Ends On %s. TXTMSGInvalidLicenseKey=Invalid License Key! TXTMSGEvaluationPeriodOver=Evaluation Period Over! TXTMSGPermanentLicense=Permanent License! TXTMSGrenewaldate=Renewal Date is %s. [Mdae_LicenInfo] FRMcaption=License information for LBLlicenfor=License Information: LBLversion=License Code LBLlicensesize=License Size LBLLicenseStatus=License Status LBLEnterLicenseKeys=Enter License Keys BTNok=&OK BTNCancel=&Cancel MSGInvalidLicenseKey=Invalid License Key! MSGLicenseKeyUpdated=License Key Updated. TXTMSGEvaluationPeriodEndsOn=Evaluation Period Ends On %s. TXTMSGInvalidLicenseKey=Invalid License Key! TXTMSGEvaluationPeriodOver=Evaluation Period Over! TXTMSGrenewaldate=Renewal Date is %s. TXTMsgoutdatedkey=Outdated Key! [Vpop_LicenInfo] FRMcaption=License information for LBLlicenfor=License Information: LBLversion=License Code LBLlicensesize=License Size LBLLicenseStatus=License Status LBLCurLicKey=Current License Key LBLEnterLicenseKeys=Enter License Keys BTNok=&OK BTNCancel=&Cancel MSGInvalidLicenseKey=Invalid License Key! MSGLicenseKeyUpdated=License Key Updated. TXTMSGEvaluationPeriodEndsOn=Evaluation Period Ends On %s. TXTMSGInvalidLicenseKey=Invalid License Key! TXTMSGEvaluationPeriodOver=Evaluation Period Over! TXTMSGPermanentLicense=Permanent License! TXTMSGrenewaldate=Renewal Date is %s. [pop3_LicenInfo] FRMcaption=License information for LBLlicenfor=License Information: LBLversion=License Code LBLlicensesize=License Size LBLLicenseStatus=License Status LBLCurLicKey=Current License Key LBLEnterLicenseKeys=Enter License Keys BTNApply=&Apply BTNTrial=&Trial BTNok=&OK BTNCancel=&Cancel MSGInvalidLicenseKey=Invalid License Key! MSGLicenseKeyUpdated=License Key Updated. TXTMSGEvaluationPeriodEndsOn=Evaluation Period Ends On %s. TXTMSGInvalidLicenseKey=Invalid License Key! TXTMSGEvaluationPeriodOver=Evaluation Period Over! TXTMSGPermanentLicense=Permanent License! TXTMSGrenewaldate=Renewal Date is %s. TXTMSGInvalidCheckSystemDate=Invalid License Key, Please Check your System Date and Time! [Visnetic_LicenInfo] FRMcaption=License information for LBLlicenfor=License Information : LBLversion=License Code LBLlicensesize=License Size LBLLicenseStatus=License Status LBLEnterLicenseKeys=Enter License Keys LBLUsers=Users BTNok=&OK BTNCancel=&Cancel MSGInvalidLicenseKey=Invalid License Key! MSGLicenseKeyUpdated=License Key Updated. TXTMSGEvaluationPeriodEndsOn=Evaluation Period Ends On %s. MSGContractPeriodIsOver=Contract Period is Over TXTMSGEvaluationPeriodOver=Evaluation Period Over! TXTMSGPermanentLicense=Permanent License! TXTMSGrenewaldate=Renewal Date is %s. [Opendir] FRMcaption=Open LBLFileName=File Name: LBLDirectory=Select Directory: LBLDrive=Select Drive: BTNok=&OK BTNCancel=&Cancel MSGdriveisnotaccessible=drive is not accessible! [QuaPath] FRMcaption=Select Path BTNok=&OK BTNcancel=&Cancel MSGdriveisnotaccessible=drive is not accessible! [Smtp_About] FRMcaption=About LblMailScanAdministrator=MailScan Administrator lblVirusScannerforSMTPServers=Virus Scanner for SMTP Servers. lblDevelopedbyMicroWorld=Developed by MicroWorld. LBLwebsite=Web: http://www.mwti.net lblemail=eMail: sales@mwti.net lblcopyright=Copyright (c) MicroWorld 2007 lblportions=Portions (c) Kaspersky Lab Ltd. lblportionsdata=Portions (c) G DATA Software GmBH Lblfurtherinformation=For further information on viruses: Lblhttp=http://www.mwti.net BTNok=&OK LBLwarning1=Warning: This program is protected by copyright laws and LBLwarning2=international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction, or LBLwarning3=distribution of this program, or any part of this program, LBLwarning4=may result in severe criminal and civil penalties and will LBLwarning5=be prosecuted to the maximum possible extent under law. [Mdae_About] FRMcaption=About LBLMailScanadministrator=MailScan Administrator LBLDescription=A Product of Deerfield.com. LBLemail=eMail: sales@deerfield.com LBLhttpMailScan=http://mailscan.deerfield.com LBLinfo=For further information on viruses: LBLhttpwww=http://mailscan.deerfield.com LBLCopyright=Copyright (c) MicroWorld 1999-2006 LBLPortion=Portions (c) Kaspersky Lab Ltd. LBLPortiondata=Portions (c) G DATA Software GmBH LBLwarning1=Warning: This program is protected by copyright laws LBLwarning2=and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction, LBLwarning3=or distribution of this program, or any part of this program, LBLwarning4=may result in severe criminal and civil penalties, and will LBLwarning5=be prosecuted to the maximum possible extent under law. BTNok=&OK [Vpop_About] FRMcaption=About LBLAdministratorforMailScan=Administrator for MailScan LBLVirusScannerfortheVPOP3MailServer=Virus Scanner for the VPOP3 Mail-Server. LBLDevelopedbyMicroWorld=Developed by MicroWorld. LBLWebhttpwwwmsplnet=Web: http://www.mwti.net LBLEMaisalesmsplnet=eMail: sales@mwti.net LBLcopyright=Copyright (c) MicroWorld 1999-2006 LBLportions=Portions (c) Kaspersky Lab Ltd. LBLportionsdata=Portions (c) G DATA Software GmBH LBLinformation=For further information on viruses: LBLwebaddress=http://www.mwti.net BTNok=&OK LBLwarning1=Warning : This program is protected by copyright LBLwarning2=laws and international treaties. Unauthorized LBLwarning3=reproduction, or distribution of this program, or any LBLwarning4=part of this program, may result in severe criminal LBLwarning5=and civil penalties, and will be prosecuted to the LBLwarning6=maximum possible extent under law. [pop3_About] FRMcaption=About LBLAdministratorforMailScan=Administrator for LBLVirusScannerfortheVPOP3MailServer=Virus Scanner for the POP3 Mail-Server. LBLDevelopedbyMicroWorld=Developed by MicroWorld. LBLWebhttpwwwmsplnet=Web: http://www.mwti.net LBLEMaisalesmsplnet=eMail: sales@mwti.net LBLcopyright=Copyright (c) MicroWorld 1999-2006 LBLportions=Portions (c) Kaspersky Lab Ltd. LBLportionsdata=Portions (c) G DATA Software GmBH LBLinformation=For further information on viruses: LBLwebaddress=http://www.mwti.net BTNok=&OK LBLwarning1=Warning : This program is protected by copyright LBLwarning2=laws and international treaties. Unauthorized LBLwarning3=reproduction, or distribution of this program, or any LBLwarning4=part of this program, may result in severe criminal LBLwarning5=and civil penalties, and will be prosecuted to the LBLwarning6=maximum possible extent under law. [scancctrl] FRMcaption=Scan Control PNLhead=Scan Control GBscanmailsonlyfromuser=Scan Mails Only From User BTNaddscanmailsonlyfromuser=Add BTNdelscanmailsonlyfromuser=Delete BTNremovescanmailsonlyfromuser=Remove All GBscanmailsonlytouser=Scan Mails Only To User BTNaddscanmailsonlytouser=Add BTNdelscanmailsonlytouser=Delete BTNremovescanmailsonlytouser=Remove All GBdonotscanmailsfromuser=Do Not Scan Mails From User CBdeletemailfromuser=Delete Mails From following Users BTNadddonotscanmailsfromuser=Add BTNdeldonotscanmailsfromuser=Delete BTNremovedonotscanmailsfromuser=Remove All GBdonotscanmailstouser=Do Not Scan Mails To User BTNadddonotscanmailstouser=Add BTNdeldonotscanmailstouser=Delete BTNremovedonotscanmailstouser=Remove All BTNadvanced=Advanced BTNsave=&Save BTNrefresh=&Refresh BTNexit=E&xit HINTedscanmailsonlyfromuser=Scan Mails Only From User for example *@mycompany.com HINTlstscanmailsonlyfromuser=List for Scan Mails Only From User HINTbtnaddscanmailsonlyfromuser=Add to Scan Mails Only From User List HINTbtndelscanmailsonlyfromuser=Delete from Scan Mails Only From User List HINTbtnremovescanmailsonlyfromuser=Remove all from Scan Mails Only From User List HINTedscanmailsonlytouser=Scan Mails Only to User for example *@mycompany.com HINTlstscanmailsonlytouser=List for Scan Mails Only To User HINTbtnaddscanmailsonlytouser=Add to Scan Mails Only to User List HINTbtndelscanmailsonlytouser=Delete from Scan Mails Only To User List HINTbtnremovescanmailsonlytouser=Remove all from Scan Mails Only To User List HINTcbdeletemailfromuser=Delete Mails From User HINTeddonotscanmailsfromuser=Do Not Scan Mails From User for example *@mycompany.com HINTlstdonotscanmailsfromuser=List for Do Not Scan Mails From User HINTbtnadddonotscanmailsfromuser=Add to Do Not Scan Mails From User List HINTbtndeldonotscanmailsfromuser=Delete from Do Not Scan Mails From User List HINTbtnremovedonotscanmailsfromuser=Remove all from Do Not Scan Mails From User List HINTeddonotscanmailstouser=Do Not Scan Mails to User for example *@mycompany.com HINTlstdonotscanmailstouser=List for Do Not Scan Mails to User HINTbtnadddonotscanmailstouser=Add to Do Not Scan Mails to User List HINTbtndeldonotscanmailstouser=Delete from Do Not Scan Mails to User List HINTbtnremovedonotscanmailstouser=Remove all from Do Not Scan Mails to User List MSGNothingtoAdd=Nothing to Add! MSGTypeNotSelected=Type Not Selected! MSGDoyouwishtosaveChanges=Do you wish to save the changes? MSGEmailIdAlreadyExists=eMail Id Already Exists! MSGInvalidEmailIdSpecified=Invalid eMail Id Specified! [Advanced] FRMcaption=Advanced Options cbviruschk=Virus Checking cbcontentchk=Content Checking cbreservedchk=Reserved Attachments Checking cbdangerouschk=Dangerous Attachments Checking MSGDoyouwishtosavechanges=Do you wish to save the changes? HINTadvancedoptionapplies=Advanced option applies to users defined in all the list-boxes of the Scan Control Window. BTNsave=Save BTNexit=Exit [Substitute Domains] Frmcaption=Advanced Options TABsub=Substitute Domains TABincome=Authentication TABmailfromuser=Mails From User TABmailtouser=Mails To User TABinternet=Internet TABrestriction=Restriction From Users TabRestrictToUser=Restriction To Users TABSettings=Settings TABetrn=ETRN Settings Selectone=Select tabsmtpsetting=SMTP Settings lblmaxinthreads=Maximum Incoming Threads lblsmtplisenport=SMTP Server to Listen on Port : GBIncoming=SMTP Incoming GBOutgoing=SMTP Outgoing TScluster=Cluster Settings CBcluster=Clustering Enabled CBetrnactive=Active CBetrnatstartup=At Startup LBLclusterinput=Cluster Input : LBLclterinipno=IP No. of Cluster PC LBLclterinshare=Share Name LBLclterindir=Directory Name LBLpair=Cluster Pair LBLclusteroutput=Cluster Output : Lblinterval=Interval (Mins) Lbletrndomains=Domains Cbosenderdomain=Check if Sender Domain is valid before accepting eMail lblmaxoutthreads=Maximum Outgoing Threads cbsendehlo=Send EHLO lblretrydelay=Retry Delays In Minutes lblwarningwhen=Warning When Entering Level LBLAvailableDomainList=Available Domain List LBLDomainName=Domain Name LBLReplaceTo=Replace To lblmfud1=Mail From Users/Domain lblsct1=Send Copy To lblmfud2=Mail From Users/Domain lblrt1=Route To lblmtud1=Mail To Users/Domain lblsct2=Send Copy To lblmtud2=Mail To Users/Domain lblrt2=Route To cbenablemailsize=Enable Mail Size Restriction cbloctoint=Local to Internet cbinttoloc=Internet to Local cbloctoloc=Local to Local lblkb=kb gbmmsize=Maximum Message Size LBLmaxsize=Maximum Message Size rbnorestriction=No Restriction rballmails=Applicable for all Mails (Local and Internet) rbinternet=Applicable only for Mails to Internet lblinter=Do not allow the following users to send mails to the Internet lbldonnotrecieve=Do not allow the following users to receive mails from the Internet lbldonnotaccept=Do not accept mails from the following IP/Host/Users lblaccept=Accept mails *ONLY* from the following IP/Host/Users LBLDoNotAcceptMailsForUser=Do not accept mails for the following Host/Users LBLAcceptMailsONLYforUsers=Accept Mails *ONLY* for Following Host/Users cbesd=Enable Substitute Domains cbefmf=Enable Forward Mails From cbefmt=Enable Forward Mails To cbermf=Enable Routing Mails From cbermt=Enable Routing Mails To cbednam=Enable Do not Accept Mails from User cbeam=Enable Accept Mails from User cbednamip=Enable Do not Accept Mails from IP cbeamip=Enable Accept Mails from IP cbednamti=Enable Do not Accept Mails To Internet BTNadd=Add BTNedit=Edit BTNdelete=Delete BTNsave=Save BTNexit=Exit BTNcancel=Cancel BTNclose=Close BTNdelall=Del All BTNremoveall=Remove All CBauthan=Allow Client for Authentication BTNimport=Import LBLuserlist=Available User List LBLuser=User Name LBLpass=Password CBaccauthen=Use this Account as a Authentication Msgdouwantchange=Do you wish to save the changes? Msgalreadyexists=Entry already exists! Msginvalidid=Not a Valid eMail Id! Msgselectaddress=Please select FROM address! Msgalreadyinanother=This entry already exists in MSGinvalidentry=Invalid Entry MSGInvalidipadd=Invalid IP Address! MSGSharenotfound=Shared Directory not found! MSGDefaultsharednotallowed=Default Shares not Allowed! Frmparkcaption=Mail Parking & Delay for Outbound Mails GBmailparking=Mail Parking CBenablemailparking=Enable Mail Parking LBLmailabovesize=Mails above size LBLsendaftertime=Send after time LBLhour=Hour LBLmin=Min. GBmaildelay=Mail Delay CBenablemaildelay=Enable Mail Delay LBLafterdelay=Send outgoing mails after delay BTNok=OK BTNmailpark=Mail Parking checkarecord=Check A-Record checkmxrecord=Check MX-Record checkaandmxrecord=Check both A and MX-Records MSGOnlylevelsareallowed=Only %s level(s) are allowed CBhighpriority=Above options applicable for High-Priority eMails CBproxyaut=Enable Proxy Authentication CBProxyUserVerify=Enable Proxy User Verification LBLproxyuser=Proxy Mailserver User Name LBLproxypass=Proxy Mailserver Password MSGMailserverPasswordfieldshouldnotbeblank=Mailserver Password field should not be blank RBallowconnection=Allow Connections coming in on any interface RBbintoip=Bind To IP CBsendmailline=Send Mail Line By Line LBLshowprogress=Show Progress After Byte LBLBytes=Bytes LBLrcptlimit=RCPT Limit LBLunlimited=( 0 = Unlimited) LBLtarpitcount=Tarpit Count LBLtarbitdelay=Tarpit Delay Lblsecond=Seconds LBLnofoconnection=No. of Connections Per IP LBLExtrachar=Extra Char in eMail ID CBsmtptrafic=Control SMTP Trafic CBrbl=Realtime Blockhole List (RBL) LBLrbl=Suffix to add to the IP address for queries CBdul=Dial_Up Users List (DUL) LBLdul=Suffix to add to the IP address for queries TABsmtpcontrol=SMTP Controls TabSpamcontrol=Spam Control TABacknow=Acknowledgement && Routing by Users GBack=Acknowledgement CBsendack=Send Acknowledgement CBackfornon=Acknowledgement for Non Local User LBLAckuser=Do not send Acknowledgement for the following users GBRoutingbyUser=Routing by User CHKrouting=Enable Routing by User LSVrouting1=eMailid LSVrouting2=IP LSVrouting3=Port FrmSizeMain=Individual size restriction LocalToInternet=Local To Internet InternetToLocal=Internet To Local LocalToLocal=Local To Local ListView1=Sender eMail ID ListView2=Maximum Size Limit (Kb) FrmSizeAdd=Addition / Modification LBLSenderMailID=Sender eMail ID LBLSize=Size SenderAddressLocal=Sender address should be Local Domain SenderAddressForeign=Sender address should be Foreign Domain AlreadyInList=This eMail ID already found in List BTNLocToIntHint=Individual size restriction UnlimitHint=0 means Unlimited LBLRBLDUL=IP addresses of sites that are exempt from Spam Blocker, RBL and Reverse DNS lookups. FrmAdvanced=Advanced LBLRblDulAdvanced=IP addresses of sites that are exempt from Spam Blocker, RBL and Reverse DNS lookups. CBDoReverse=Do reverse DNS on connecting IP CBCheckHelo=Check if HELO / ELHO domain matches connecting IP CBCheckMailFrom=Check if MAIL FROM domain matches connecting IP ExceptionCap=Exception IP List BtnExclude=Exclude GbIpWhitelisting=IP Whitelisting FrmIpwhitelisting=IP Whitelisting [Report] FrmCaption=MailScan Reports LblLastUpdateDate=Last Update Date tabdaily=Daily Analysis Showattfile=Show Attachment GBfilter=Filter lblfromdate=From Date lbltodate=To Date tabmrece=Mails Received from Foreign Domains lblvirusfoundmrece=Viruses Found in Incoming Mails lblsreportmrece=Select Report Date btnreceivedapply=Generate tabmsent=Mails Sent From Local Domains lblvirusfoundmsent=Virus found in Outgoing mails tabredetails=Recipient Details lblredetails=Recipient Details tabmdetails=Mail Details lblmdetails=Mail Details tabattdetails=Att. Details lblattdetails=Attachment Details btnprint=&Print btnrefresh=&Refresh btntoday=&Today btnclose=&Close btnrefreshall=Refresh &All frmform1cap=Please Wait... lblstatus1=Reading File lblstatus2=Creating New Report File... lblstatus3=Creating Reports cmdcancel=Cancel Sno=S.No msgdate=Msg Date totalmails=Total Mails mailssent=Mails Sent mailsentinbytes=Mail Sent in Bytes mailsreceived=Mails Received mailsreceivedinbytes=Mails Received in Bytes infected=Attachment infected OriginatingIP=Originating IP deleted=Deleted cleaned=Cleaned domainname=Domain Name user=User Recipient=Recipient SenderName=Sender Name Size=Size Subject=Subject filename=File Name logfilenotfound=Log file not found FromDateshouldnotexceedsToDate=From Date should not exceed To Date ForeignDomainName=Foreign Domain Name popmreceived=Show Mails Received popmailsent=Show Mails Sent popshowmail=Show Mail Details popuserdetails=Show User Details popshowatt=Show Attachment Details Attachments=Attachments popupshowsend=Show Sender Summary popmaildetails=Show Mail Details popsortbyext=Sort by Extension Thereisnodefaultprinter=There is no default printer ThereIsNoItemSelectedToPrint=There is no item selected to print FrmReport=Report Options CBEnablemail=Enable eMail Reports GBsend=Send Reports On Rbendday=End of the Day Rbstart=Start Up Gbtoreport=Send Report to following eMail Addresses BTNadd=Add BTNdel=Delete BTNremove=Remove All BTNok=OK Invalidemailid=Invalid eMail Id Specified! Emailidalreadyexists=eMail Id Already Exists! BTNoption=Options ExporttoExcel=Export to Excel TABMailConfig=Mail Configuration TABSch=Schedule Monday=Mon Tuesday=Tue Wednesday=Wed Thursday=Thu Friday=Fri Saturday=Sat Sunday=Sun DailyCaption=Daily WeeklyCaption=Weekly MonthlyCaption=Monthly ScanAtCaption=At MSGInvalidWeekDays=Invalid week days specified! MSGInvalidDaySpecified=Invalid day specified! BTNGraph=Graph MenuSystem=System MenuExit=Exit MenuSave=Save MenuPrint=Print MenuGraph=Graph MenuByVirusName=By Virus Name MenuByComputer=By Computer MenuByDate=By Date MenuByAction=By Action CAPFileNotFound=File Already Present, Do you want to overright? CAPLine=Line / Strip CAPBar=Bar / Stacked CAPStacked=Horizontal Bar /Stacked CAPArea=Area / Step CAPPoint=Point XY / Scatter CAPPie=Pie CAPFast=Fast Line MenuZoomIn=Zoom In MenuZoomOut=Zoom Out Menureset=Reset Zoom MenuScrollUp=Scroll Up MenuScrolldown=Scroll Down MenuScrollRight=Scroll Right MenuScrollleft=Scroll Left FRMGraphOpt=Graph Report GBSelect=< Select > RBTotalMail=Total Mails RBInfect=Infected Mails RBMailSent=Mail Sent RBMailReceived=Mail Received RBDeleted=Mail Deleted RBCleaned=Mail Cleaned BtnShow=Show BTNExit=Exit ForCaption=Graphs for FRMGraph=MailScan Graph Reports BtnMake=Next BtnBack=Back BTNNext=Next BtnGo=Go BtnCancel=Cancel LBLSearch=Search LBLContPage=Content per Page LBLCurrPage=Current Page LBLOff=Of Chart1TitleForDay=Mails sent from Local Users Chart2TitleForDay=Mails Received by Local Users Chart3TitleForDay=Mails Received from Foreign Domains Chart1TitleForDomain=Mails sent from Chart2TitleForDomain=Mails Received by SortEmailID=eMail ID SortPercentage=Percentage PnlCreateRFor=Create Report For DayCaption=Date of the week EmailID=eMail ID Domain=Domain PNLDays=Marks days of the week to include the report SundayFul=Sunday MondayFul=Monday TuesdayFul=Tuesday WednesdayFul=Wednesday ThursdayFul=Thursday FridayFul=Friday SaturdayFul=Saturday PNLSelect=Select a report time period RdToday=Today RdYesDay=Yesterday RBThisWeek=This Week RbLastWeek=Last Week RBThisMon=This Month RBLastMon=Last Month RbCust=Custom LBLFrom=From LBLTO=To LBLMailIDForMail=eMail Address PANMailIDForMail=Type email address You want to create report LBLMailIDForDomain=Domain Name PANMailIDForDomain=Type Domain Name You want to create report DoneCap=Done PopSelectAll=Select All PopUnSelectAll=UnSelect All PopZoomIn=Zoom In PopZoomOut=Zoom Out PopZoomReset=Zoom Reset RBselectG=Select Graph RdSort=Sort MsgNoCriteriaDefined=There is no Report for the Criteria Defined. MsgInvalidId=Invalid eMail ID Specified MsgOverRighe=File Already Present, Do you want to overright PageCap=Page MSGStartingDateShouldBeSmallerThanEndingDate=Starting Date should be smaller than Ending Date CmdCancelCap=Cancel [AfterUpdate] Frmcaption=Execute after successful download cbrunafter=Execute this Program, after successful download. lblrunprogram=Program Name lblparam=Parameters lblstartin=Start in cbhidden=Run rbforce=Force process to terminate rbwait=Don't wait for process to complete lblwhile=While this process is executing, suspend all operations for lblsecondes=seconds savechanged=Do you want to save the changes? Filenotfound=File not found. Foldernotfound=Folder not found. [ExcludeIPUser] Self=Exclude List BtnAddEx=Add BtnDelEx=Delete BtnRemEx=Remove All BtnOkEx=Ok BtnCancelEx=Cancel LblExclude=Exclusion List Msg0=Entry Already Exits Msg1=Invalid Entry Msg2=Do you wish to save the Changes? [LocalUser] FrmCaption=Local Users BtnAddEx=Add BtnDelEx=Delete BtnRemEx=Remove All BtnOkEx=Ok BtnCancelEx=Cancel LblExclude=Local Users Msg=eMail address should be in Local Domain [WebMenu] HDRSMTPAdmin=SMTP Administrator HDRScanAdmin=Scanner Admin HDRConCtrl=Content/Spam Control HDRCmprCtrl=Compression Control HDRMailMsgs=MailScan Messages HDRScnCtrl=Scan Control HDRLicense=License Information HDREicar=Logs HDRMailDebug=Mail Debug Information HDRExit=Logout HDRSkins=Skins HDRReports=Reports HDRChangepass=Change Password HDRHelp=Help HDRAdvanced=Advanced OPTDomDet=Domain Details OPTFwdAtt=Forward Attachments OPTBlkAtt=Block Attachments OPTAction=Path Configuration OPTAdvanced=Advanced OPTIEVul=IE Vulnerabilities OPTArchival=Archival OPTViewArch=Archived Mails OPTFRights=File Rights Option OPTDissalow=Disallow List OPTAllow=Allow List OPTAVUpdates=AV Update Configuration OPTHttpUpdates=HTTP Config OPTFtpUpdates=FTP Config OPTUncUpdates=UNC Config OPTAfterDwnld=After Update Settings OPTAddPhr=Add Phrase OPTViewPhrs=View Phrases OPTAdvCon=Advanced OPTDisc=Disclaimer OPTQuar=Quarantined Mails OPTOptions=Compression Options OPTMailAttCmprsn=Attachment Compression OPTMsgs=Messages OPTNotfcns=Notifications OPTScnCtrl=Scan Control OPTAdvScnCtrl=Advanced Options OPTLicense=License OPTEicar=Send an EICAR OPTDebugInfo=Debug Info Editor OPTEndSession=End Session OPTMilitary=Military OPTClassic=Classic Blue OPTPeach=Marigold OPTSunny=Ruby Shine OPTWinterPlum=Winter Plum OPTVerdure=Verdure OPTrep=See Reports OPTmscan=MailScan Log OPTaupdate=Auto Update Log OPTdownload=Download Log OPTFlush=Flush Logs OPTchgpass=Change Password OPTlog=View Logs [WebAdmin] webheaderscanned=Scan Control Policy for Users Whose mails Are scanned webheadernotscanned=Scan Control Policy for Users Whose mails Are not scanned WebAdminFrmComCtrlOpt=Compression Control Options WebAdminHeaderComp=Compression Decompression Options WebAdminComCtrlAtt=Mail Attachment Compression OPTCmprCtrl=Compression Control WebGBscanmails=Scan Mails Only WebGBfromuser=From User WebGBtouser=To User WebGBdonotscan=Do Not Scan Mails Webdeletemail=Delete Mails webHINTbtnadddelete=Add to Delete Mails From User List webHINTbtndeldelete=Delete from Delete Mails From User List webHINTbtnremovedelete=Remove all entries from Delete mails from user list webHINTbtnSave=Save changes to the INI file webHINTbtnRefresh=Load the current settings from the INI file WebLogin=Login UserName=Username Password=Password dispMessage=Message Submit=OK Login=Login CaptionDelete=Delete BTNdeleteselected=Delete BTNdeleteAll=Delete All WtbHead= WBAdminSv=Save WBAdminRef=Refresh WMENUscanneradministration=Scanner Administration WMENUcontentcontrol=Content Control WMENUcompressioncontrol=Compression Control WMENUMailScanmessages=MailScan Messages WMENUVisMailScanmessages=VisNetic MailScan Messages WMENUscancctrl=Scan Control WMENUexit=Exit SaveandClose=Save and Close FileName=File Name: WMENUsendEICARvirustestmail=Send EICAR Virus WMENUlisenceinformation=License Information WMENUmaildebuginformaion=Mail Debug Information WCompConfig=Compression Configuration WDeCompConfig=Decompression Configuration weblinktop=Top weblinkbot=Bottom MSGDoyouwishtodeletealllogs=Do you wish to delete all Logs? webOptAscending=Ascending webOptDescending=Descending BTNYes=Yes BTNNO=No BTNPrint=Print BTNclose=Close BTNSearch=Search BTNFilter=Filter msgrelogin=Click here to re login webmsglogout=You have Logged Out Successfully OPTConText=Containing Text: lblSortPhrases=Sort Phrases : lblSearchPhrases=Search Phrase(s) : MSGHide=Hide MSGclear=All the logs have been deleted msgdirectoryerror=Invalid Directory... Changes not saved msgfilenotfound=File Not Found note=Note: eScan should be installed WebFilesOfType=Files of type WebErrorFileError=*Invalid file name was entered. WebErrorFolderError=*Invalid Directory was entered. WebErrorNoSubDirFile=Error: No such directory / No subdirectories/Files WebDirectoryPageTitle=Exploring directory WebClose=Close WebClicktoSelect=Click on a link to select a folder/file WebDriveInfoPageTitle=Drive Information WebUsedDriveSpace=Used WebFreeDriveSpace=Free WebInvalidSession=Invalid Session WebLoggingOut=Redirecting to main page... WebBrowse=Browse webOPTEnabled=Enabled webOPTDisabled=Disabled WebCreateDir=Create Directory if not present WebeScanDisabled=eScan file rights have been disabled WebWelcome=Welcome WebPrintFriendly=Printer-friendly view WebAlreadyLogged=You are already logged in at <BR> WebInvalidLogin=Invalid password/username WebInvalidRequest=Invalid Request webwelcomeMainMenu=Welcome to MailScan webconfigmsg=Some controls are disabled due to the current download settings WebNote=*This field indicates the username which would be used as the sender of warning mails WebRedir=Re-login lblmailsperpage=Mails per Page: lblshowing=Showing lbloutof= of msginvalidpagenum=Invalid Number Of Pages lblenableArch=Archival Settings lblEnableAttArch=Archival Settings webQuickLinks=Quick Links WebLoggedIn=You are logged in as lblAddPhrase=Add A Phrase lblPhraseAddSuccess=Phrase added successfully webhintContentChecking=Enable/Disable Content Checking lblContentCheckingDisabled=*Content Checking is currently disabled WebGeneralconfiguration=Configuration webSearchLogs=Search Within Logs webviewlogs=View Logs: websearchmails=Search Mails Where webmailscanlog=View MailScan Log webautoupdatelog=View Auto Update Log webdownloadlog=View Download Log webMSGCCtrl=Phrase Not Found ChBopenMailClient=eMail(s) open with MailClient lblALL=ALL WebCustom=Custom WebUserDefined=User Defined WebShowFile=Show File WebStep1=Step 1.Click on Browse to Select a file. WebStep2=Step 2.Click on Show to view the file. lnkChangePath=Change Path webattachreterror=ERROR in retrieving the attachment webviewattach=View Attachment webmsgremlogout=User has timed out. LblRecPage=Records Per Page : LblDisplay=Display LblDate=Date LblArrivalTime=Arrival Time LblMailContent=Mail Content LblMailPath=Mail Path LblMailDate=Mail Date LblMailHeader=Header BarChart=Bar Chart HorChart=Horizontal Chart PieChart=Pie Chart DeleteSelected=Delete Selected Mails(s) ReleaseSelected=Release Selected Mail(s) FRMHamcaption=View Ham Mails WebTitle=WebAdministrator WebProcName=Select the Product from List WebEnter=Enter RptTableNotFound=Report Table Not Found QuarTableNotFound=Quarantine Table Not Found HamTableNotFound=Ham Table Not Found AntiSpamConfiguration=AntiSpam Configuration AutoSpam=Auto Spam Whitelist GeneralHeaderTests=General Header Tests XSpamRulescheck=XSpam Rules check SPFcheck=SPF check VerifySenderid=Verify Sender Mail ID SURBL=SURBL Check NonIntrusiveLearningpattern=Enable Non Intrusive Learning Pattern (NILP) Check AddeMailID=Add eMail ID SelectAll=Select All Delete=Delete eMailID=eMail ID RBLservers=RBL Servers Add=Add [WebAdministrator] WebConfig=WebServer Configuration WebAdminConfig=Web Admin Configuration ServerIp=Server IP Address ServerPort=Port ServerStart=Start Server ServerStop=Stop Server ADSConfiguration=Active Directory Service (ADS) Configuration ADSAuthentication=ADS Authentication Enabled ADSIP=IP Address ADSPort=Port ADSBaseDN=Base DN ADSAccountName=Administrator Account Name ADSPassword=Administrator Password BtnTest=Test BtnOK=OK BtnCancel=Cancel MsgADSIp=Please enter Ip Address of ADS Configuration MsgInvalidADSIP=Invalid Ip Address of ADS Configuration MSGADSPort=Please enter Port of ADS Configuration MSGBaseDn=Please enter Base DN of ADS Configuration MSGADSAccName=Please enter Account name of ADS Configuration MSGAuthFailed=Authentication Failed MSgAuthSucceeded=Authentication Succeeded [RegisterForm] FRMCaption=License Information PnlHeader=Registration Wizard gbLicenseInfo=License Information gbPersonalInfo=Personal Information gbPreview=Preview lbHint=To Continue, click Next btnOk=&OK btnNext=&Next btnBack=&Back btnCancel=&Cancel MsgRegisterBefore=Register before MsgRegistered=Registered MsgGracePeriodOver=Grace Period ends on : TXTMSGInvalidEmailId=Please enter a valid Email Id. MsgNetworkfailure=Unable to connect internet. MSGServerBusy=Registration failed. Server is busy. Please try again later. MsgEnterValidCountry=Please select a Country Name. MsgSelectCountry=Select Your Country MsgInvalidKey=Invalid Key PnlRegHeader=Registration Information RegMethod=Registration Method [PersonalInfo] lblName=Name lblAddress=Address lblCity=City lblState=State lblCountry=Country lblPhoneNo=Phone No lblMobileNo=Hand Phone lblFaxNo=Fax No lblEmailId=Email Id lblZipCode=Zip Code lblRegisterVia=Register Via rbgFax=Fax rbgEmail=Email rbgOnline=Online (Recommended) lbloptional=(Optional) [KeyDetails] lblExpiryDate=Contract Period Ends on : lblRegisteredUsers=Registered Users : lblUnregisteredUsers=Unregistered Users : lvKeyDetailsColumn0=Standard Key (30 char) lvKeyDetailsColumn1=Activation Code (60 char) lvKeyDetailsColumn2=Registration Status lvKeyDetailsColumn3=Contract Period Ends on lvKeyDetailsColumn4=No Of Users lvKeyDetailsColumn5=Version KeyDetailsHint=Please Right click to add Standard Key/Activation Code AddStandardKey=Add Standard Key AddActivationCode=Add Activation Code lblRenewLicense=Renew License LblConnecttoInternet=Connecting to internet [LicenseInfo] lblEmailPreference=Email Preference lblEmailSubscription=Email Subscription lblHowYouAcquiredTheProduct=How you Acquired the Product rbYes=Yes rbNo=No [LicenseKeyForm] FrmCaption=License Information lblEnterLicenseKey=Enter Standard key lblEnterActivationCode=Enter Activation Code btnOk=&OK btnCancel=&Cancel TXTMSGKeyAlreadyExistsInList=Key Already Exists in List ! IhaveActCode=I have Activation Code RegActCode=Register Activation Code BtnRegister=Register lblLicense=License Key lblEnterLicenseKeywithoutEnter=Standard Key [ApplCtrl] FrmCaption=Application Control lblBlockFile=Select Application to Block btnBrowseCap=&Browse lblBlockList=List of Blocked Applications btnAllowCap=&Allow btnBlockCap=&Block HINTTBTNApplCtrl=Application Control MSGAllow=Do you want to Allow the Selected Application(s). MSGAllowAll=Do you want to Allow All Application(s). ColAppName=Application Name ColOrigName=Original File Name ColInterName=Internal Name ColDescrp=Description HintBlockList=Block Applications from Executing. btnSaveCap=&Save btnRefreshCap=&Refresh MnuAllow=Allow MnuAllowAll=AllowAll MnuProcDet=Process Details TBtnApplCtrl=Application Control MSGDoyouwishtosavechanges=Do you wish to save the changes?