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- DC++ Readme
- --------------------------------------------------
- DC++
- Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Jacek Sieka, jacek@creatio.se
- License
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- --------------------------------------------------
- This Readme will give you a quick startup guide and explain some features
- that are NOT obvious :)
- So this is especially for NMDC upgraders.
- Newbies should (also) check out the web site, http://dcplusplus.sourceforge.net
- There you can also find a FAQ (Frequenty Asked Questions) and a forum
- (http://dcplusplus.sf.net/forum).
- Contents
- ----------
- 1 Installation
- 2 Upgrade
- 3 Uninstall
- 4 Available commands (type in main chat or pm)
- 5 What do those Icons mean ??
- 6 Not-so-obvious options
- 7 Other things you might want to know about
- 8 Shortcuts
- 9 Automatic search for alternative download locations
- 10 Further information
- 11 Have fun
- 1 Installation
- -----------------
- Just run the installer and fire it up, then enter the settings to set it up according to your
- preferences (most important is nick, download location and shared folders).
- version without installer available at http://sourceforge.net/projects/dcplusplus
- 2 Upgrade
- ------------
- If u used NMDC: You can import your queue file now !
- If u used older DC++ version:
- Just install in the folder your old version was in.
- Your old settings will still be there as is your queue.
- BEWARE: Old (ver <= 0.163) Notepad notes will get lost, format change in 0.17
- BEWARE: If you upgrade to 0.22, all old queue items that are missing a directory in the
- target file-name will be removed. Don't upgrade if your queue is precious to you, and you didn't have
- anything in the default download directory box in the settings (finish it with version 0.181
- or edit your queue.xml file and add a directory to all targets without...).
- 3 Uninstall
- --------------
- There is an uninstaller as well ...
- If you didn't use the installer: Just delete the folder, there are no .dll's or registry settings :)
- 4 Available commands (type in main chat or pm)
- -------------------------------------------------
- /grant grants a slot to the user of the pm window you type in
- /close close current window
- /help short help message
- /refresh Refreshes list of shared files :)
- /away <message> Specifies a message to auto-respond in PM's while you're AFK
- (there's a default message so you don't need to specify one)
- /back Turn away message off
- /slots <#> Changes number of slots to <#>
- /clear Clears the main chat windows
- /ts Switches timestamps in chat windows on and off
- /showjoins Toggles joins/parts messages for the current hub
- /search <string> Searches for <string>
- /join <hub> Joins <hub>
- /dc++ Gives a comment about DC++ and shows the URL where
- you can get it
- /fav /favorite Adds hub to favourites (also works in pm's from that user)
- 5 What do those Icons mean ??
- --------------------------------
- green = normal Icon
- blue = DC++ user (identified on 1st direct connection to this user)
- with bricks = User is in passive mode
- with key = User is an Operator
- 6 Not-so-obvious options
- ---------------------------
- Settings:
- General:
- Active: The usual connection mode, you can specify your IP
- if detection fails and a port of your choice if you need to.
- This mode will use a random port between 1025 and 32000
- chosen anew on restart if nothing is set in settings.
- Passive: Compatibility connection mode for users behind
- Firewalls they can't change to let DC++
- connections trough.
- Only use this if Active is not working.
- Note: Passive <-> Passive connections aren't possible.
- Downloads:
- Unfinished files temporary directory: You can specify a Directory for your
- partial files here, suggestion si to have it on another
- partition than the "Default download directory" to have
- the files defragmented through moving there :)
- Download slots: Maximum number of Downloads runing at once, suggestion
- is to set it to the same number as your upload slots
- Sharing:
- Upload slots: The number of maximum simultaneous uploads, set to a reasonable
- value; you should have at least 4-5 KB/s uplaod speed per slot.
- Appearance:
- Use system icons: Displays the icons set in Windows for filetypes
- Language File: A XML-file containing most of the text used in DC++.
- You can specify a file to have DC++ in your favourite language.
- There's an example.xml if you want to make your own.
- Language files available at http://DCPlusPlus.sourceforge.net
- Logs and Sound:
- Log Downloads: You can use this feature to see what downloads
- completed while you were AFK :)
- Parameters for the logging (the things in %[xxx]):
- target target filename (for downloads)
- source source filename (for uploads)
- user nick
- hub hub name
- hubip hub ip
- size size of the file
- sizeshort size in b/kB/MB/GB (short version)
- chunksize size downloaded this session (if resuming, otherwise the same as size)
- chunksizeshort ...
- speed speed of download
- time time to download (hh:mm:ss format)
- sfv 1 if the file was sfv/crc32 checked, 0 otherwise
- You can also use all date and time parameters (%Y, %m, ...) of strftime (google for it).
- Advanced:
- Rollback: Size of bytes to rollback when resuming a file to
- ensure it contains no errors.
- If there is an error DC++ deletes <rollback>
- bytes and checks again.
- Write buffer size: Anti-fragmentation feature, DC++ saves every
- <write buffer size> bytes to keep fragmentation low.
- Client version: Since most hubs specify a min client version that
- is much higher than DC++'s real version number you
- can set something here, i suggest adding 1 to version
- number e.g. 1.181
- to be able to enter the hub.
- Automatically search for alternate download locations: Allows DC++ to try
- to find other locations to download your files.
- Useful if you're AFK a lot.
- Install URL handler on startup: Set if you want URLS of type dchub://
- to open in DC++
- Use small send buffer: If uploads slow down your downloads A LOT you may
- try this option, but beware it increases HD usage and
- slows down upload, so it's not suggested.
- Enable SFV checking: Many downloads on DC contain an sfv file to check the integrity of
- a download. DC++ can on-the-fly calculate CRC-32 values for
- a file and compare it agains the sfv file. If the check fails,
- the file is automatically downloaded once more from the same user
- and if that fails, the user is removed as a source. For this to work,
- the .sfv file must be in the same target directory as the download goes.
- 7 Other things you might want to know about
- ----------------------------------------------
- * you can doubleclick on a user name in chat to select him in the user list
- * you can doubleclick on stuff starting with www. http:// of ftp:// to open :)
- * DC++ supports uploading filelists and files <16 kB to other DC++ users
- WITHOUT REQUIRING A SLOT. There's a max of 3 connections in addition to
- normal slots.
- * Files <16 kB and filelists are downloaded first.
- * There is information added to the description field:
- <++ V:x,M:x,H:x/y/z,S:x[,O:x]> where
- V = client version,
- M = mode (a=active, p=passive),
- H: x = number of hubs connected to where you're not a registered user
- y = number of hubs you're registered in
- z = number of hubs you're registered as op
- S = number of slots you have open.
- O = if total upload is below this value DC++ will open another slot
- this part of the tag is only shown when the option for it is enabled
- This is updated every 1-2 minutes if there are changes.
- * There is a limit so that only 15 users and 1 op can be kicked at a time
- from the hub user list
- * Passive user detection, those that are behind a set of bricks are passive.
- (detected when the user searches or tries to connect to you)
- * DC++ user detection, those appear blue.
- * Dupe file removal, files with same name and size are automatically removed
- from your share
- * Search flood detection (If more than 5 searches are received from the same
- user within 7 seconds, DC++ will send out a warning)
- * if a user leaves the hub DC++ will close his slots, if the user is back within 10 minutes
- DC++ will grant him a slot.
- * filelist will be recreated if missing on request
- * optional SFV will remove and requeue file if check failed
- * If DC++ receives "banned" during the login phase, it'll stop automatically reconnecting
- * Files containing "$" aren't added to share 'cause they won't be downloadable alter on.
- This is a protocol limitation ....
- 8 Shortcuts
- --------------
- ALT-s send chat message
- 9 Automatic search for alternative download locations
- --------------------------------------------------------
- An automatic search (the advanced option "Automatically search for
- alternative download locations") will use the search string defined in the
- download queue and it can be changed by the user. Previously (before
- v0.301) the search used the target filename. A good search string is the
- key to find many sources. If the search string is empty there will be no
- search. The search string is also used when manually searching for alternates.
- You can change the search string for many files at once, which is good for
- rar sets. However, a client will return at most 10 results on a search, 5
- if you are passive, and trying to alter the search string for more than
- those numbers will give you a warning.
- The option in advanced settings below auto-search "Automatically add search
- string for alternative download locations" will automatically set the
- target file name as search string when adding files to the download queue.
- Since v0.301 the auto search will also search for items in the download
- queue which have online users. Previously only items with offline users
- were searched and lead people to believe auto search was not working at
- all. This feature comes at a cost though. The delay between searches for
- items with online users is 5 minutes whereas searches for items with no
- online users is done every other minute. No search will be made for an item
- which has a source from whom you are already downloading a different file
- from. A file will be searched for no more than once per hour, so if you
- only have one item in the download queue it will take one hour between
- searches.
- What does "Automatically search for alternative download locations" do when
- no search strings are set? It will automatically match any search results
- coming from manual searches against files in the download queue. So
- basically it saves you the trouble of right-clicking every file you want to
- add as an alternate source.
- Example search string for rar sets:
- Files abc-cd1.r01 to abc-cd1.r09 can have the same search string set to
- "abc-cd1.r0" (passive users will only get 5 files returned so one search
- string per file, like "abc-cd1.r01"). But don't set it to "abc .r0" or
- something similar, this will give you rar files for CD2 as well. If you
- don't have sfv checking enabled (the advanced option "Enable automatic SFV
- checking") you can end up with the right files in the wrong place. This
- search for rar sets is so good that it's even better (at least less time
- consuming) than doing it yourself with manual searches and getting
- filelists and use match queue. It gives you 10 files at once, even if there
- are online users.
- That pretty much covers it.
- Thanks Lundis for the first draft of this feature description and
- suggesting and testing of the enhanced auto search in the first place.
- 10 Further information
- ------------------------
- * Homepage @ http://dcplusplus.sourceforge.net
- * Forum @ http://dcplusplus.sourceforge.net/forum
- * Report bugs @ http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?atid=427632&group_id=40287&func=browse
- * Request features @ http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?atid=427635&group_id=40287&func=browse
- * Download language files @ http://dcplusplus.sourceforge.net/index.php?page=download
- * Get newest version @ http://dcplusplus.sourceforge.net/index.php?page=download
- * Typos and errors in readme go to Fireball@enLightning.de
- 11 Have fun
- -------------
- Go out, share some files, be a happy DC++ user and have fun.