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- ;InnoSetupVersion=5.1.2
- [Setup]
- AppName=SMS Zdarma
- AppVerName=SMS Zdarma 1.24
- AppId=SMS Zdarma
- AppPublisher=Expert SoftWorks
- AppPublisherURL=http://www.expertsoft.cz/
- AppSupportURL=http://www.expertsoft.cz/
- AppUpdatesURL=http://www.expertsoft.cz/
- DefaultDirName={pf}\SMS Zdarma
- DefaultGroupName=SMS Zdarma
- OutputBaseFilename=setup
- Compression=lzma
- PrivilegesRequired=none
- AllowNoIcons=yes
- LicenseFile=embedded\License.txt
- WizardImageFile=embedded\WizardImage0.bmp
- WizardSmallImageFile=embedded\WizardSmallImage0.bmp
- [Files]
- Source: "{app}\smszdarma1.exe"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion
- Source: "{app}\smszdarma124.exe"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion
- Source: "{app}\cc3270mt.dll"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion
- Source: "{app}\znaky.dat"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion
- Source: "{app}\o2.crp"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion
- Source: "{app}\smszdarma124.exe.manifest"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion
- Source: "{app}\vodafone.crp"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion
- Source: "{app}\web.htm"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion
- Source: "{app}\sounds\chyba.wav"; DestDir: "{app}\sounds"; Flags: ignoreversion
- Source: "{app}\sounds\fronta.wav"; DestDir: "{app}\sounds"; Flags: ignoreversion
- Source: "{app}\sounds\info.wav"; DestDir: "{app}\sounds"; Flags: ignoreversion
- Source: "{app}\sounds\odeslano.wav"; DestDir: "{app}\sounds"; Flags: ignoreversion
- Source: "{app}\sounds\vseodeslano.wav"; DestDir: "{app}\sounds"; Flags: ignoreversion
- [INI]
- FileName: "{app}\smszdarma1.url"; Section: "InternetShortcut"; Key: "URL"; String: "http://www.expertsoft.cz/";
- [Run]
- Filename: "{app}\smszdarma1.exe"; Description: "{cm:LaunchProgram,SMS Zdarma}"; Flags: postinstall skipifsilent nowait
- [Icons]
- Name: "{group}\SMS Zdarma"; Filename: "{app}\smszdarma1.exe";
- Name: "{group}\{cm:ProgramOnTheWeb,SMS Zdarma}"; Filename: "{app}\smszdarma1.url";
- Name: "{group}\{cm:UninstallProgram,SMS Zdarma}"; Filename: "{uninstallexe}";
- Name: "{userdesktop}\SMS Zdarma"; Filename: "{app}\smszdarma1.exe"; Tasks: desktopicon;
- Name: "{userappdata}\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\SMS Zdarma"; Filename: "{app}\smszdarma1.exe"; Tasks: quicklaunchicon;
- [Tasks]
- Name: "desktopicon"; Description: "{cm:CreateDesktopIcon}"; GroupDescription: "{cm:AdditionalIcons}";
- Name: "quicklaunchicon"; Description: "{cm:CreateQuickLaunchIcon}"; GroupDescription: "{cm:AdditionalIcons}";
- [UninstallDelete]
- Type: files; Name: "{app}\smszdarma1.url";
- [CustomMessages]
- czech.NameAndVersion=%1 verze %2
- czech.AdditionalIcons=Dal
- stupci:
- czech.CreateDesktopIcon=Vytvo
- stupce na &plo
- czech.CreateQuickLaunchIcon=Vytvo
- stupce na panelu &Snadn
- czech.ProgramOnTheWeb=Aplikace %1 na internetu
- czech.UninstallProgram=Odinstalovat aplikaci %1
- czech.LaunchProgram=Spustit aplikaci %1
- czech.AssocFileExtension=Vytvo
- it &asociaci mezi soubory typu %2 a aplikac
- czech.AssocingFileExtension=Vytv
- se asociace mezi soubory typu %2 a aplikac
- %1...
- [Languages]
- ; These files are stubs
- ; To achieve better results after recompilation, use the real language files
- Name: "czech"; MessagesFile: "embedded\czech.isl";