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/ PC World 2007 September / PCWorld_2007-09_cd.bin / v cisle / syncback / SyncBack_Setup_CS.exe / install_script.iss (.txt)
Inno Setup Script  |  2006-10-30  |  4.3 KB  |  94 lines

  1. ;InnoSetupVersion=5.1.7
  2. [Setup]
  3. AppName=SyncBack
  4. AppVerName=SyncBack
  5. AppId=SyncBack
  6. AppPublisher=2BrightSparks
  7. AppPublisherURL=http://www.SyncBack.com
  8. AppSupportURL=http://www.SyncBack.com
  9. AppUpdatesURL=http://www.SyncBack.com
  10. AppMutex=SyncBack
  11. DefaultDirName={pf}\2BrightSparks\SyncBack
  12. DefaultGroupName=2BrightSparks\SyncBack
  13. UninstallDisplayIcon={app}\SyncBack.exe
  14. UninstallDisplayName=SyncBack
  15. OutputBaseFilename=SyncBack_Setup_CS
  16. Compression=lzma
  17. PrivilegesRequired=none
  18. LicenseFile=embedded\License.rtf
  19. InfoBeforeFile=embedded\InfoBefore.rtf
  20. WizardImageFile=embedded\WizardImage0.bmp
  21. WizardSmallImageFile=embedded\WizardSmallImage0.bmp
  22. [Files]
  23. Source: "{app}\SyncBack.exe"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: overwritereadonly ignoreversion 
  24. Source: "{app}\ReadMe.rtf"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: overwritereadonly ignoreversion 
  25. Source: "{app}\License.rtf"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: overwritereadonly ignoreversion 
  26. Source: "{app}\timestamp.vbs"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: overwritereadonly ignoreversion 
  27. Source: "{app}\RotateBackup.vbs"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: overwritereadonly ignoreversion 
  28. Source: "{app}\SyncBack.CHM"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: overwritereadonly ignoreversion 
  29. Source: "{app}\RemoveSourceAfter.vbs"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: overwritereadonly ignoreversion 
  30. Source: "{app}\locale\CS\LC_MESSAGES\default.mo"; DestDir: "{app}\locale\CS\LC_MESSAGES"; Flags: overwritereadonly ignoreversion 
  31. [Registry]
  32. Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Software\MJLSoftware\SyncBack"; Flags: uninsdeletekey 
  33. Root: HKLM; Subkey: "Software\Microsoft\Windows\Help"; ValueName: "Syncback.CHM"; ValueType: String; ValueData: "{app}"; OnlyBelowVersion: 4.9.3001,0.0; Flags: uninsdeletevalue noerror 
  34. Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Software\MJLSoftware"; Flags: uninsdeletekeyifempty 
  35. [INI]
  36. FileName: "{app}\MailingList.url"; Section: "InternetShortcut"; Key: "URL"; String: "http://www.2brightsparks.com/mailinglist.html"; 
  37. FileName: "{app}\Forums.url"; Section: "InternetShortcut"; Key: "URL"; String: "http://www.2brightsparks.com/bb/"; 
  38. FileName: "{app}\SyncBackSE.url"; Section: "InternetShortcut"; Key: "URL"; String: "http://www.syncbackse.com/"; 
  39. [Run]
  40. Filename: "{app}\SyncBack.exe"; Description: "Spustit SyncBack"; Flags: postinstall skipifsilent nowait
  41. Filename: "{app}\SYNCBACK.CHM"; WorkingDir: "{app}"; Description: "
  42. du"; Flags: shellexec postinstall unchecked skipifsilent nowait
  43. Filename: "http://www.2brightsparks.com/mailinglist.html"; Description: "P
  44. ipojit se k Mailing listu"; Flags: shellexec postinstall unchecked skipifsilent nowait
  45. [Icons]
  46. Name: "{group}\SyncBack"; Filename: "{app}\SyncBack.exe"; 
  47. Name: "{group}\Help"; Filename: "{app}\SYNCBACK.CHM"; 
  48. Name: "{group}\Mailing list"; Filename: "{app}\MailingList.url"; 
  49. Name: "{group}\F
  50. ra online"; Filename: "{app}\Forums.url"; 
  51. Name: "{group}\SyncBackSE"; Filename: "{app}\SyncBackSE.url"; 
  52. Name: "{group}\Odinstalovat SyncBack"; Filename: "{uninstallexe}"; 
  53. Name: "{userdesktop}\SyncBack"; Filename: "{app}\SyncBack.exe"; Tasks: desktopicon; 
  54. Name: "{userappdata}\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\SyncBack"; Filename: "{app}\SyncBack.exe"; Tasks: quicklaunchicon; 
  55. [Tasks]
  56. Name: "desktopicon"; Description: "Vytvo
  57. it ikonu na Plo
  58. e"; GroupDescription: "Dal
  59.  ikony:"; 
  60. Name: "quicklaunchicon"; Description: "Vytvo
  61. it ikonu ve Snadn
  62. m spu
  63. "; GroupDescription: "Dal
  64.  ikony:"; 
  65. [UninstallDelete]
  66. Type: files; Name: "{app}\*_excl.txt"; 
  67. Type: files; Name: "{app}\*_excl_dir.txt"; 
  68. Type: files; Name: "{app}\*_Log_Page*.html"; 
  69. Type: files; Name: "{app}\*_Log*.txt"; 
  70. Type: files; Name: "{app}\Debug_*.txt"; 
  71. Type: files; Name: "{app}\MailingList.url"; 
  72. Type: files; Name: "{app}\Forums.url"; 
  73. Type: files; Name: "{app}\SyncBackSE.url"; 
  74. [CustomMessages]
  75. NameAndVersion=%1 verze %2
  76. AdditionalIcons=Dal
  77. stupci:
  78. CreateDesktopIcon=Vytvo
  79. stupce na &plo
  80. CreateQuickLaunchIcon=Vytvo
  81. stupce na panelu &Snadn
  82. ProgramOnTheWeb=Aplikace %1 na internetu
  83. UninstallProgram=Odinstalovat aplikaci %1
  84. LaunchProgram=Spustit aplikaci %1
  85. AssocFileExtension=Vytvo
  86. it &asociaci mezi soubory typu %2 a aplikac
  87. AssocingFileExtension=Vytv
  88.  se asociace mezi soubory typu %2 a aplikac
  89.  %1...
  90. [Languages]
  91. ; These files are stubs
  92. ; To achieve better results after recompilation, use the real language files
  93. Name: "default"; MessagesFile: "embedded\default.isl"; 