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Extensible Markup Language  |  2006-09-18  |  6.1 KB  |  206 lines

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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  4.     <language>Dansk (Danish)</language>
  5.     <translator>Mogens Jorgensen</translator>
  6.     <verion>1.52</verion>
  7.   </info>
  8.   <Components>
  9.     <TabSheet_Step_1>
  10.       <Caption>Trin 1 - Tilf├╕j billeder</Caption>
  11.     </TabSheet_Step_1>
  12.     <CheckBox_Preview>
  13.       <Caption>&Preview</Caption>
  14.     </CheckBox_Preview>
  15.     <Btn_Add_Images>
  16.       <Caption>&Tilf├╕j billeder ...</Caption>
  17.     </Btn_Add_Images>
  18.     <Btn_Add_Folder>
  19.       <Caption>Opret mappe ...</Caption>
  20.     </Btn_Add_Folder>
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  22.       <Caption>Fjern valgte</Caption>
  23.     </Btn_Remove_Images>
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  25.       <Caption>Fjern alle</Caption>
  26.     </Btn_Remove_All>
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  28.       <Caption>Billedtitel && kommentar</Caption>
  29.     </Btn_Modify_Selected>
  30.     <Btn_Up>
  31.       <Caption>Flyt op</Caption>
  32.     </Btn_Up>
  33.     <Btn_Down>
  34.       <Caption>Flyt ned</Caption>
  35.     </Btn_Down>
  36.     <TabSheet_Step_2>
  37.       <Caption>Trin 2 - Rediger album</Caption>
  38.     </TabSheet_Step_2>
  39.     <Label_Album_Title>
  40.       <Caption>Album-titel:</Caption>
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  43.       <Caption>Album-kommentar:</Caption>
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  46.       <Caption>Billedst├╕rrelse:</Caption>
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  49.       <Caption>WebAlbum-tema:</Caption>
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  52.       <Caption>Arbejdsmappe:</Caption>
  53.     </Label_Output_Folder>
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  55.       <Caption>Billedforsinkelse (sekunder):</Caption>
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  57.     <CheckBox_BacktoHome>
  58.       <Caption>Tilf├╕j link til hjemmeside</Caption>
  59.     </CheckBox_BacktoHome>
  60.     <Btn_Generate>
  61.       <Caption>&Gener├⌐r WebAlbum</Caption>
  62.     </Btn_Generate>
  63.     <Btn_Select_Folder>
  64.       <Caption>V├ªlg mappe ...</Caption>
  65.     </Btn_Select_Folder>
  66.     <CheckBox_Make_Slides>
  67.       <Caption>Tilf├╕j slideshow</Caption>
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  69.     <TabSheet_Generate>
  70.       <Caption>Gener├⌐r </Caption>
  71.     </TabSheet_Generate>
  72.     <Label_Finished>
  73.       <Caption>Dit WebAlbum er f├ªrdigt!</Caption>
  74.     </Label_Finished>
  75.     <Btn_View_Album>
  76.       <Caption>Se det f├ªrdige WebAlbum</Caption>
  77.     </Btn_View_Album>
  78.     <Btn_Open_folder>
  79.       <Caption>├àbn WebAlbum-mappen</Caption>
  80.     </Btn_Open_folder>
  81.     <Label_Howto_upload>
  82.       <Caption>How to upload my web album to the Web?</Caption>
  83.     </Label_Howto_upload>
  84.     <Btn_Next>
  85.       <Caption>&N├ªste</Caption>
  86.     </Btn_Next>
  87.     <Btn_Back>
  88.       <Caption>Tilbage</Caption>
  89.     </Btn_Back>
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  91.       <Caption>&Filer</Caption>
  92.     </Menu_Files>
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  94.       <Caption>&Nyt projekt</Caption>
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  96.     <Menu_Loadproject>
  97.       <Caption>├àbn projekt ...</Caption>
  98.     </Menu_Loadproject>
  99.     <Menu_Saveproject>
  100.       <Caption>&Gem projekt</Caption>
  101.     </Menu_Saveproject>
  102.     <Menu_SaveAlbumas>
  103.       <Caption>Gem projekt som ...</Caption>
  104.     </Menu_SaveAlbumas>
  105.     <Menu_Exit>
  106.       <Caption>Afslut</Caption>
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  112.       <Caption>Hent flere sprog/Opdat├⌐r sprogpakke</Caption>
  113.     </Menu_Get_Update_Language>
  114.     <Menu_Help>
  115.       <Caption>&Hj├ªlp</Caption>
  116.     </Menu_Help>
  117.     <Menu_Helpdoc>
  118.       <Caption>&Hj├ªlp ... (engelsk)</Caption>
  119.     </Menu_Helpdoc>
  120.     <Menu_Checkforanewversion>
  121.       <Caption>&Tjek for ny version</Caption>
  122.     </Menu_Checkforanewversion>
  123.     <Menu_WebsiteofPhototo>
  124.       <Caption>iWebAlbum &WebSite</Caption>
  125.     </Menu_WebsiteofPhototo>
  126.     <Menu_About>
  127.       <Caption>Om iWebAlbum ...</Caption>
  128.     </Menu_About>
  129.   </Components>
  130.   <ModifyForm>
  131.     <Label_Comments>
  132.       <Caption>Kommentar:</Caption>
  133.     </Label_Comments>
  134.     <Label_Title>
  135.       <Caption>Titel:</Caption>
  136.     </Label_Title>
  137.     <Btn_Previous_Image>
  138.       <Caption>< Forrige</Caption>
  139.     </Btn_Previous_Image>
  140.     <Btn_Next_Image>
  141.       <Caption>N├ªste ></Caption>
  142.     </Btn_Next_Image>
  143.     <Btn_OK>
  144.       <Caption>OK</Caption>
  145.     </Btn_OK>
  146.     <Btn_Cancel>
  147.       <Caption>Fortryd</Caption>
  148.     </Btn_Cancel>
  149.   </ModifyForm>
  150.   <About>
  151.     <Label_Freeware>
  152.       <Caption>iWebAlbum er gratis (Freeware). God forn├╕jelse!</Caption>
  153.     </Label_Freeware>
  154.     <GroupBox_version>
  155.       <Caption>Version:</Caption>
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  158.       <Caption>Info:</Caption>
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  160.     <Btn_OK>
  161.       <Caption>&OK</Caption>
  162.     </Btn_OK>
  163.     <TntGroupBox1>
  164.       <Caption>Sprog:</Caption>
  165.     </TntGroupBox1>
  166.   </About>
  167.   <Strings>
  168.     <s0>Trin 1 af 2 : Tilf├╕j billeder til dit album.</s0>
  169.     <s1>Trin 2 af 2 : Rediger dit fotoalbum.</s1>
  170.     <s2>Arbejder ...</s2>
  171.     <s3>Der er ingen billeder i dette album at generere. </s3>
  172.     <s4>Det aktuelle projekt er ikke gemt. ├ÿnsker du stadig at p├Ñbegynde et nyt projekt?</s4>
  173.     <s5>Det aktuelle projekt er ikke gemt. ├ÿnsker du stadig at ├Ñbne et andet projekt?</s5>
  174.     <s6>Det aktuelle projekt er ikke gemt. ├ÿnsker du stadig at afslutte iWebAlbum?</s6>
  175.     <s7>ID</s7>
  176.     <s8>Titel</s8>
  177.     <s9>Kommentar</s9>
  178.     <s10>St├╕rrelse</s10>
  179.     <s11>Filnavn</s11>
  180.     <s12>Lille (320 x 240)</s12>
  181.     <s13>Medium (640 x 480)</s13>
  182.     <s14>Stor (800 x 600)</s14>
  183.     <s15>Ekstra stor (1024 x 768)</s15>
  184.     <s16>Original st├╕rrelse</s16>
  185.     <s17>V├ªlg en mappe med billedfiler:</s17>
  186.     <s18>Sprog</s18>
  187.     <s19>Vent venligst ...  Genererer minibilleder:</s19>
  188.     <s20>Vent venligst ...  Genererer billeder:</s20>
  189.     <s21>Oversat af</s21>
  190.   </Strings>
  191.   <HTMLStrings>
  192.     <s0>Kommentar</s0>
  193.     <s1>Information</s1>
  194.     <s2>Total</s2>
  195.     <s3>Album</s3>
  196.     <s4>Forrige</s4>
  197.     <s5>Til oversigt</s5>
  198.     <s6>N├ªste</s6>
  199.     <s7>Side</s7>
  200.     <s8>Genereret af</s8>
  201.     <s9>Til hjemmeside</s9>
  202.     <s10>Start slideshow</s10>
  203.     <s11>Stop slideshow</s11>
  204.   </HTMLStrings>
  205. </language>