514 Disabling this feature means you will no longer be a participant in %PRODUCT_SHORT% s Secure Community.\n\nOnly active Secure Community participants can benefit by receiving the automatic program updates\ngenerated from information provided by the Secure Community. You can receive automatic updates\nwithout participating in the Secure Community by upgrading to Cyberhawk Pro. Further details are\navailable at www.novatix.com.\n\nIf you choose to continue, Check for Updates will also be turned to Off. Do you wish to proceed?
515 No items in list
516 You must first enable Community Protection before you can check for updates
517 RunServicesOnce registry entry added
518 Data injected into another program
519 Thread injected into another program
520 Startup group entry added
521 Layered Service Provider Stack altered
522 MIME protocol filter altered
523 WinLogon Shell altered
524 WinLogon Notify altered
525 AppInitDlls altered
526 ObjectDelayLoad altered
527 SharedTaskSchedulre altered
528 ShellExecute hook installed
529 URL Search Hook installed
530 Hosts file modified
531 Program copied itself
532 Browser Helper Object installed
533 Explorer Bar installed
534 IE Home Page altered
535 IE Search Page altered
536 Trusted Zones altered
537 SMTP Email Sent
538 Internet connection formed
539 Odd PIF file executed
540 TaskbarWinXP value altered
541 EXE created in Windows or System folder
542 Protected process terminated
543 Account rights removed
544 EXE created at root of C drive
545 EXE open handler modified
546 Screensaver changed
547 Firewall disabled
548 WinRun entry altered
549 Listen for network connection
550 File copied to shared folder location
551 Peer to Peer file location changed
552 IE extension installed
553 IE HomePageLock changed
554 IE settings changed
555 EXE file association changed
556 Control panel applet hidden
557 File protection disabled
558 Run restriction added
559 Registry editing tools disabled
560 Control alt delete disabled
561 Restricted file created
562 CBT Hook installed
563 Buffer overflow detected
564 Executable modified
565 Process hidden
566 File hidden
567 Browser launched
568 Cyberhawk Pro Registration
569 Malware activity
570 Rule Fired
571 Custom Rule Fired
572 File Created
573 File Deleted
574 File Executed
575 File Modified
576 File Renamed
577 Net Connect
578 Net Listen
579 Registry Key Deleted
580 Registry Key Created
581 Registry Value Deleted
582 Registry Value Set
583 Description
584 Details
585 Count
586 Time
587 Unknown
588 You are about to clear all items in the Protection Log. Click "OK" to proceed.
589 An update for %PRODUCT_SHORT% is available.\nWould you like to learn more about this update?
590 You have the latest version of %PRODUCT_SHORT%.\nNo update is necessary.
591 Information Sent to Internet
592 Keystrokes Logged
593 Protected Information Read
594 Browser Controlled
595 Screen Shot Taken
596 Windows Hook Set
597 Rootkit Scan
598 &Close
599 &Pause
600 &Resume
601 The Rootkit Scanner feature is only available in %PRODUCT_SHORT% Pro.\n\nWhile any version of Cyberhawk will always alert you if it detects any hidden processes or rootkits, the Rootkit Scanner digs deeper to search for and uncover hidden files, registry keys or other objects.
602 The Custom Rules feature is only available in %PRODUCT_SHORT% Pro.\n\nCustom Rules provides an advanced interface for creating your own powerful custom-designed rules talored to your specific requirements: exclude trusted processess, always block selected file types, notify when certain key files are accessed, and more. For additional information and detailed examples, please see the Help file.
603 The quarantine feature is only available in Cyberhawk Pro.
604 Started: %s
605 Rootkit scan started
606 Rootkit scan finished
607 Rootkit scan detected a hidden object
608 Object moved to quarantine
609 A quarantined object was permanently deleted
610 A quarantined object was restored
611 You are about to restore a potentially malicious program. Are you sure you wish to proceed?
612 Rootkit Quick Scan
613 Rootkit Full Scan
614 Unable to move object to quarantine
615 File
616 Folder
617 Registry Key
618 Registry Value
619 You are about to permanently delete a potentially malicious program. Are you sure you wish to proceed?
620 Cyberhawk has successfully quarantined the threat, but a reboot is required in order to complete the process. Click Yes to restart now or click No to manually restart later.
621 The registration code entered is not valid. Please check the code to ensure it has been entered correctly. If you need further assistance, please contact Novatix at http://www.novatix.com/support.
622 There was a failure activating your product. Please keep your activation code and try again later. If you need further assistance, please contact Novatix at http://www.novatix.com/support.
623 Unable to restore object from quarantine
624 You did not confirm your Scheduled Scan options. Please\nclick Ok to confirm and run your scheduled rootkit scan\nat the selected time(s). If you do not wish to run any\nscans, please uncheck the "Run a selected scan" box.
625 Scanning for rootkits now...
626 Scanning paused...
627 Scan stopped.
628 Scan complete.
629 Stopped: %s
630 Completed: %s
631 Registration successful! Thank you for registering Cyberhawk Pro.
632 No scan has been run
633 This product is licensed to %OWNER% for use on 1 computer. The subscription will expire on %EXPIRATION%.
634 This product is licensed to %OWNER% for use on up to %MACHINES% computers. The subscription will expire on %EXPIRATION%.
635 This product is licensed to %OWNER% for use on 1 computer. The subscription expired on %EXPIRATION%.
636 This product is licensed to %OWNER% for use on up to %MACHINES% computers. The subscription expired on %EXPIRATION%.
637 This product is licensed for use on 1 computer. The subscription will expire on %EXPIRATION%.
638 This product is licensed for use on up to %MACHINES% computers. The subscription will expire on %EXPIRATION%.
639 This product is licensed for use on 1 computer. The subscription expired on %EXPIRATION%.
640 This product is licensed for use on up to %MACHINES% computers. The subscription expired on %EXPIRATION%.
641 This product is licensed for use on up to %MACHINES% computers. The subscription expired on %EXPIRATION%.
642 Access all features - Click here to register Cyberhawk Pro now
643 <i>Your Windows System Properties indicate that you currently have System Restore turned off. You must first update this setting in Windows before you can use the System Restore option in Cyberhawk. To change your Windows System Restore settings go to the System Restore section of System Tools.</i>
644 <i>This option requires Windows XP or later. Unfortunately your operating system does not support this feature. In order to access the option that sets System Restore Points, please consider upgrading your operating system.</i>
645 <i>Cyberhawk is unable to set System Restore points due to a problem with your System Restore installation. System Restore was unable to start due to a missing SRClient.dll. Please reinstall SRClient.dll to fix this problem. For details please contact: http://support.microsoft.com.</i>
646 You are required to be a participant in %PRODUCT_SHORT%'s Secure Community in order to receive automatic updates.\n\nOnly active Secure Community participants can benefit by receiving the automatic program updates generated\nfrom information provided by the Secure Community. You can receive automatic updates without participating\nin the Secure Community by upgrading to Cyberhawk Pro. Further details are available at www.novatix.com.\n\nIf you choose to continue, Community Protection will also be turned to On. Do you wish to proceed?
647 Malicious Program Launched
648 Suspicious CMD File Launched
649 Active Setup Value Added
650 Program Launched Suspiciously
651 Windows Hook Set
652 Program Launched
653 File Downloaded
654 Executable Modified
655 Information Scanned
656 Program Terminated
657 Browser Launched
658 %LONG_DATE% at %TIME%
659 %PRODUCT_SHORT% cannot connect to the internet to look for updates. Please verify you have an active internet connection.