If you find any problem or quiry on using Computer Inventory, you are welcome to send email (support@theonesoftware.com) to our technical support team, and we will do our best to answer your problems as soon as possible. By clearly state you problem, would you please include the below information in your email :
1. Which TheOne's product?
2. Your registration key and registering email address.
3. What is your MS Windows version? for example, MS Windows XP.
4. What is CPU? for example, Intel PIII 500.
5. How many RAM? for example, 64MB.
6. How many available hard disk spaces? for example, 512MB.
7. Which LAN card is using? for example, Intel(R) Pro/100.
8. How the problem occurs in detail? you can include the system log file (it is stored under C:\Program Files\theone\ComputerInventory\log\) in the email as well.
9. Is the problem repeated?
Besides sending us email, you can find the answer from on-line FAQ web page (http://www.theonesoftware.com/faq.html).