32779 Floatbar plugin ver 1.8 for maxthon\n(C)Copyright 2004, FERREO-ROCHE(zyj)\n\nSome tips\n*right click on the floatbar, you can customize it\n\n*You can set the delay before the floatbar show up, 1000 millisecond by default\n\n*Ctrl+Alt+mousemove on the object, you can force floatbar to show up\n\n*you can set hot area to determine where the floatbar will be triggered,\nthe whole object area is valid by default\n\n*Ctrl+MouseWheel, you can zoom pictures by default\n\n*You can set MinPicWidth/Height to determine how big the picture will trigger\nthe floatbar\n\nSave Selected text to the file(Select then force floatbar appear then click "Save As")
32780 Can't find the file in your internet cache!\n\nDo you want to download from the site directly?\nIt could take some time.
32781 Can't download file from internet!
32782 File has existed.Do you want to overwrite it?
32783 Bad Path.The directory could have been deleted!